THE global warming update. Massive snow fall in Hawaii.

No wonder they gave up on that terminology and their sheep now yell climate change, the warming claim has proven to be yet another confirmed fucking lie of the globalists.

Here's a partial a list of the stupidity displayed there:

1. Inability to differentiate precipitation from temperature.
2. Inability to differentiate weather from climate.
3. Thinking a cold day anywhere disproves global warming.
3. Invoking butthurt political conspiracy theories to explain why all the data contradicts his cult religious beliefs.

So, what we have is another boring kook right wing extremist cult bleater. It's very rare to find a global warming denier who isn't such an imbecile.

Owl, your conspiracy cult has been predicting global cooling for 40 years running now. For over 40 years now, you've all been as wrong as it's possible to be. Given your cult's perfect record of total failure, why shouldn't everyone keep laughing at you?

In contrast, we on the rational side have been right about everything, as we've been correctly predicting warming for those past 40 years. We have credibility because we've earned it. If you want the same credibility, you have to stop face-planting into a cow patty every time you speak. Simply whimpering about how you're being oppressed will not earn you credibility.
And how do you generate "COOLING" from warning. Give us the physics on how that works. Mmmmmmkay?

Don't ask us to explain your insanity. It's your idiot claim, so you need to explain it. The normal people don't speak your native tongue of 'butthurt retard', hence we have no idea of what you're jabbering about.
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There has been climate change since the earth was formed and will continue until long after you die.


Your argument is "Climate has changed naturally in the past, so humans can't change climate."

That's like saying "Forest fires occurred naturally in the past, so humans can't cause forest fires".

Both statements are equally stupid. The fact that climate has changed naturally does not stop humans from being able to change climate.
So? Your argument is "Climate has changed naturally in the past, so humans can't change climate."
That's like saying "Forest fires occurred naturally in the past, so humans can't cause forest fires".
Both statements are equally stupid. The fact that climate has changed naturally does not stop humans from being able to change climate.
doesn't stop humans from possibly changing the climate on Jupiter either, according to you.
There has been climate change since the earth was formed and will continue until long after you die.


Your argument is "Climate has changed naturally in the past, so humans can't change climate."

That's like saying "Forest fires occurred naturally in the past, so humans can't cause forest fires".

Both statements are equally stupid. The fact that climate has changed naturally does not stop humans from being able to change climate.

You sure pull a lot of BS out of my post. You left wing nuts are all paranoid.
Does the climate not change naturally?
Fer shure. That's how unnatural change can be determined. I thought Ivy Leaguers would be all over that.


Comparisons of simulated and reconstructed Northern Hemisphere temperature changes. Simulations are shown by colored lines, thick lines showing the mean of multiple model simulations (using, e.g., models such as ECHAM and CSIRO) and thin lines showing the 90% confidence range of this mean. Red lines show models forced by stronger solar variability and blue lines show models forced by weaker solar variability. Reconstructed temperatures are shown by grey shading. All data are expressed as anomalies from their 1500–1850 mean and smoothed with a 30-year filter. Graphic from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report (link is external).
Looking at the relative contributions of these forcings to climate change over the past 1,000 years, scientists have concluded from model simulations that:
  1. Solar and volcanic forcings have been responsible for some of the variations in Northern Hemisphere temperature over the past 1,000 years.
  2. Neither solar nor volcanic forcing can explain the dramatic warming of the 20th century. Changes in these forcings during the 20th century would actually have resulted in a small cooling since 1960.
  3. Only by adding the human-caused increase in greenhouse gas concentrations are the models able to explain the unprecedented warmth we are currently experiencing.
Climate Model Simulations of the Last 1,000 Years | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Which is a laughable assertion. Explain the Medieval Warming Period, and the Roman Warming Period, and then explain how they were different than the current warming trend that now appears to be drawing to a close.
Ah, Westwall. No surprise he can't follow the thick red line. Oh well.
I say let the scientist who study this issues have their say

They study these issues in depth and can talk ring around even the smoothest politician

Those who are not scientist should let the experts talk

They will sort it out because they understand the issues and what is at stake

They look at the future

whereas most people just worry about what just happen
How does global warming cause global cooling. It's a simple question to a ridiculous claim. Show me the physics of how that works.
Well see, the oceans are warmer which causes them to expell more heat via evaporation, and from this we get a small declination of temperature but it adds up globally into a Siberian-Polar vortex that comes down and slams 20 feet of snow on Chicago, which is the only good thing about it.

Yes, I just made all that shit up.

Its late and I couldnt help myself.
Quite clear that there is a change in the climate taking place. Those who insist there isn’t are idiots.
Who is insisting there isn’t any climate change?
It’s you wackos who refuse to acknowledge the scientific fact that the climate on our planet has always been changing.
Pay attention to current events, Sock Boy. There's far more lab work on black holes than on your unicorn farts are melting the ice caps psuedo science
Oh. What lab has a black hole in it to experiment on, thereby proving its existence?

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