THE global warming update. Massive snow fall in Hawaii.

Did you pay attention to prognasticators forty years ago or so?
From politicians and media? Nah, I was lab teching around that period. But if you lacked curiosity enough to check things out for yourself I don't know why you're complaining now.


Figure 1. The number of papers classified as predicting, implying, or providing supporting evidence for future global cooling, warming, and neutral categories. During the period from 1965 through 1979, the PCF08 literature survey found 7 cooling, 20 neutral, and 44 warming papers. (Peterson 2008)

The 1970s Global Cooling Zombie Myth and the Tricks Some People Use to Keep it Alive, Part I
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Half of Florida was supposed to be under water by now from your professors.
Yeah? How many climate scientists said that? How come you don't link these pronouncements?
I don't owe you that. Did you pay attention to prognasticators forty years ago or so? Watch your TV 'shows and movies for gosh sake also. They push the progressive socialist agendas in near everything. Why wouldn't you believe it? I remember them saying the beaches will all be gone. Most beaches might gain or lose a little because of continental drift. And barrier islands are there for just the reason we speak of. They really are not supposed to be built on but we do. They protect the mainland.
Remember when the new island formed in 2017 off of North Carolina?

New Island Pops Up Off the Coast of North Carolina

Lol, new islands are forming.
Did you pay attention to prognasticators forty years ago or so?
From politicians and media? Nah, I was lab teching around that period. But if you lacked curiosity enough to check things out for yourself I don't know why you're complaining now.


Figure 1. The number of papers classified as predicting, implying, or providing supporting evidence for future global cooling, warming, and neutral categories. During the period from 1965 through 1979, the PCF08 literature survey found 7 cooling, 20 neutral, and 44 warming papers. (Peterson 2008)

The 1970s Global Cooling Zombie Myth and the Tricks Some People Use to Keep it Alive, Part I

How much did you enjoy playing Whac-a-mole earlier in your life?

No wonder they gave up on that terminology and their sheep now yell climate change, the warming claim has proven to be yet another confirmed fucking lie of the globalists.

Scientific progress allows for change. Nothing wrong with it. It's not like a politician completely flip flopping on every issue or in general being completely inconsistent and of low integrity like some we know. Science is based on evidenced theories that build on or challenge one another over time. It's not perfect mostly because people and the real world arent perfect. You should know this if you ever went to school or opened a book.

You are a fucking loser who only believes the bullshit coming out the globalists propaganda. Did you ever take the fucking time for instance to count all of the things that you morons pushed on us from the "inconvenient truth" that were WRONG!?!

Read that again you fucking loser so that you understand what I am saying there. You fuckers pushed that pieces of propaganda shit on us and claimed the same shit about "science." Here we are more than a decade later, and have you counted the things that were completely wrong from that bullshit?

I personally stopped counting at 10.

You pathetic loser hypocritical morons. To prove further how you fucking idiots don't give one damn shit about the environment is how none of you call out that fat fuck for his CARBON FOOTPRINT. Not one fucking word from you losers. Instead you fucking idiots praise the fat fuck making millions off of you idiots.

Also, if you fucking losers actually cares one fuck about the environment, you would have called out leonardo dicaprio for his ginormous footprint. The fact that he was giving a fucking speech to the fucking un is proof enough that it is a sell job? What the fuck does he know.

After giving his fucking speech to you fucking idiots as you touched yourselves to the brilliance of leonardo dicaprio, you said nothing when he promptly rented a 500 foot $300 million dollar yacht from an OIL TYCOON in the ME to go down to Brazil for orgies.



Wow. Take your meds and squeeze one out you actual lunatic.

A lot of the science from the inconvenient truth still holds up. Again, you should know if you got an education and can think critically. The earth is a system of geological, chemical, and biological processes. You cant flip it all on its head and expect things to not get fked. Humans are quickly changing the make up of the chemical and biological processes and it is having effects that we know are happening but cant perfectly understand or project well. Sea levels rising and warming, glaciers melting, habitat destruction, extinctions, new chemicals swirling in our water ways and bodies, weather trends changing, etc.

The adage that the earth and life will survive is true. But humans are just one facet somewhat dependent on the way things are now. We would be stupid to not study and be aware of these changes we are making and their effects. We would be more stupid to allow runaway changes to occur that are known to be problematic. Fossil fuels for instance are more ways than dumping co2 into the atmosphere. The faster we can get off them and onto safer lower impact and more efficient alternatives, the better. That being said, policy changes to curb dependence on fossil fuels are coming from the right place.

Here's a simple exercise for you if you still mistakenly think it's all bullshit. Look up a dozen experienced chemists, doesnt matter if they are partisan or not. Go to them and ask them one by one what happens when you take a massive quantity of volatile chemical compounds or elements and transport it from a somewhat secure location (underground) to an unsecure location (above ground) that is filled with complex and often delicate structures that are disrupted by the introduction of said volatile chemical. Ask them what happens. Then ask yourself why one would recklessly expedite this process without care.

No wonder they gave up on that terminology and their sheep now yell climate change, the warming claim has proven to be yet another confirmed fucking lie of the globalists.

Scientific progress allows for change. Nothing wrong with it. It's not like a politician completely flip flopping on every issue or in general being completely inconsistent and of low integrity like some we know. Science is based on evidenced theories that build on or challenge one another over time. It's not perfect mostly because people and the real world arent perfect. You should know this if you ever went to school or opened a book.

You are a fucking loser who only believes the bullshit coming out the globalists propaganda. Did you ever take the fucking time for instance to count all of the things that you morons pushed on us from the "inconvenient truth" that were WRONG!?!

Read that again you fucking loser so that you understand what I am saying there. You fuckers pushed that pieces of propaganda shit on us and claimed the same shit about "science." Here we are more than a decade later, and have you counted the things that were completely wrong from that bullshit?

I personally stopped counting at 10.

You pathetic loser hypocritical morons. To prove further how you fucking idiots don't give one damn shit about the environment is how none of you call out that fat fuck for his CARBON FOOTPRINT. Not one fucking word from you losers. Instead you fucking idiots praise the fat fuck making millions off of you idiots.

Also, if you fucking losers actually cares one fuck about the environment, you would have called out leonardo dicaprio for his ginormous footprint. The fact that he was giving a fucking speech to the fucking un is proof enough that it is a sell job? What the fuck does he know.

After giving his fucking speech to you fucking idiots as you touched yourselves to the brilliance of leonardo dicaprio, you said nothing when he promptly rented a 500 foot $300 million dollar yacht from an OIL TYCOON in the ME to go down to Brazil for orgies.



Wow. Take your meds and squeeze one out you actual lunatic.

A lot of the science from the inconvenient truth still holds up. Again, you should know if you got an education and can think critically. The earth is a system of geological, chemical, and biological processes. You cant flip it all on its head and expect things to not get fked. Humans are quickly changing the make up of the chemical and biological processes and it is having effects that we know are happening but cant perfectly understand or project well. Sea levels rising and warming, glaciers melting, habitat destruction, extinctions, new chemicals swirling in our water ways and bodies, weather trends changing, etc.

The adage that the earth and life will survive is true. But humans are just one facet somewhat dependent on the way things are now. We would be stupid to not study and be aware of these changes we are making and their effects. We would be more stupid to allow runaway changes to occur that are known to be problematic. Fossil fuels for instance are more ways than dumping co2 into the atmosphere. The faster we can get off them and onto safer lower impact and more efficient alternatives, the better. That being said, policy changes to curb dependence on fossil fuels are coming from the right place.

Here's a simple exercise for you if you still mistakenly think it's all bullshit. Look up a dozen experienced chemists, doesnt matter if they are partisan or not. Go to them and ask them one by one what happens when you take a massive quantity of volatile chemical compounds or elements and transport it from a somewhat secure location (underground) to an unsecure location (above ground) that is filled with complex and often delicate structures that are disrupted by the introduction of said volatile chemical. Ask them what happens. Then ask yourself why one would recklessly expedite this process without care.

Yet, 31,487 scientists say no to the global warming alarm.

I know, I know all of them were just wrong.

Got it.

We also know from the hacked emails about the data manipulation.

All just swept away and ignored by the likes of you.
There has been climate change since the earth was formed
And who, exactly, taught you that? A 2 or 3 word answer will suffice.

YOU FAIL!!!!!!!!!!
Haha, that's what I thought. Ya Sissy.

Real brilliant ya dumb shit. That’s all you got after your fail? Lol!
Settle down idiot.

Again I ask: who taught you that the climate has always changed since earth was formed? A simple question for a simple person. Now answer it.
If the AGW models were accurate, they would have predicted that Global Warming would freeze our asses off.
If the AGW models were accurate, they would have predicted that Global Warming would freeze our asses off.
As it turns out, the models do predict that winters will be cold,and polar vortices will occuur. So,time to move the goalposts again,denier...
You morons still haven't explained the mechanism that causes "global warming" to result in massive cooling.

Still waiting for some empirical science on that one. So far all you have trotted out are these fanciful computer models that basically produce what the programmer wants them to.

That ain't science. That's science fiction.

There is not massive cooling dumb fuck.

Sent from my iPhone using

What was that olfraud sock puppet? You're exposing yourself!

I am sorry, was it confuding for you, let me make it bigger...

there is no massive cooling, dumb fuck.

Never said there was, olfraud, i said that the warming trend of the 1970's through the early 2000's had appeared to be ending. Is that so difficult for you to understand? I acknowledge that it is pretty basic, but it seems the basics elude you...

Well, yes actually yo did say there was...this is your quote...You morons still haven't explained the mechanism that causes "global warming" to result in massive cooling.

No, I didn't. I was pointing out to you you YOUR claim, moron. You have claimed that the massive cooling that has led to the massive snow falls is a direct result of global warming. So now, DUMBFUCK, show us the physics that support your claim.
There is not massive cooling dumb fuck.

Sent from my iPhone using

What was that olfraud sock puppet? You're exposing yourself!

I am sorry, was it confuding for you, let me make it bigger...

there is no massive cooling, dumb fuck.

Never said there was, olfraud, i said that the warming trend of the 1970's through the early 2000's had appeared to be ending. Is that so difficult for you to understand? I acknowledge that it is pretty basic, but it seems the basics elude you...

Well, yes actually yo did say there was...this is your quote...You morons still haven't explained the mechanism that causes "global warming" to result in massive cooling.

No, I didn't. I was pointing out to you you YOUR claim, moron. You have claimed that the massive cooling that has led to the massive snow falls is a dirrect result of global warming. So now, DUMBFUCK, show us the physics that support your claim.

I never said a word damn thing about massive cooling, why must you lie all the damn time? Is that all you have left, lies?

how pathetic.
If the AGW models were accurate, they would have predicted that Global Warming would freeze our asses off.
As it turns out, the models do predict that winters will be cold,and polar vortices will occuur. So,time to move the goalposts again,denier...

No, they don't predict such things accurately, bub. There was no warning of this incredibly cold winter.

In RealityLand, solar activity has slowed. Solar and Volcanic activity are the two real causes of global climate change. And we're in for a long cold spell.

Global Temps 2500BC-2040AD.jpeg
There has been climate change since the earth was formed
And who, exactly, taught you that? A 2 or 3 word answer will suffice.

YOU FAIL!!!!!!!!!!
Haha, that's what I thought. Ya Sissy.

Real brilliant ya dumb shit. That’s all you got after your fail? Lol!
Settle down idiot.

Again I ask: who taught you that the climate has always changed since earth was formed? A simple question for a simple person. Now answer it.

Cryin already, asshole? Our public education system and through many hours of reading. Sorry you missed out, no wonder you are crying.
If the AGW models were accurate, they would have predicted that Global Warming would freeze our asses off.
As it turns out, the models do predict that winters will be cold,and polar vortices will occuur. So,time to move the goalposts again,denier...

Our winter forecast was warmer than normal. They were way of this year, we have a couple feet of snow that will be here at least through the first part of March.
Liberal playbook:

1. Ignore the facts that hurt your position.

2. Always blame others for your failures.

3. When you feel you are losing a debate and cannot find an answer, just yell racism and run away.
You morons still haven't explained the mechanism that causes "global warming" to result in massive cooling.
Why would anyone have to explain that? Global warming is -- get this -- "global".

And how do you generate "COOLING" from warning. Give us the physics on how that works. Mmmmmmkay?

Change the angle of the warming rays of the sun and that part of the globe cools?

Happens every year.

Or were you talking about the physics of weather patterns.

Now I would like to see any evidence or correlation between the weather pattern that resulted in this snow, to the small amount of warming attributed to our burning fossil fuels. If there is any evidence.

How does global warming cause global cooling. It's a simple question to a ridiculous claim. Show me the physics of how that works.

Do you mean why have some places experienced colder that normal temperatures when climate science is saying the entire world has warmed a few degrees over the last 150 years? Or did you want an answer to that ridiculous question?
I'd like to see who claimed global warming caused global cooling.
Just wait for the liberal rage when the Polar Shift hints of a change.
They will be screaming in the streets.
3. When you feel you are losing a debate and cannot find an answer, just yell racism and run away.

Are you sure you can spare that race card?

I suppose so. You've got thousands of them ready to toss, and you need some way to cover your tear-streaked retreat.

If you stop pushing the idiot propaganda of your Stalinist political cult, we'll stop pointing it out. Deal?
There was no warning of this incredibly cold winter.

That's because this hasn't been an incredibly cold winter. Who told you such a stupid thing, and why did you believe it?

Back in reality, December 2019 was way warmer than usual. January 2019 was a little warmer than usual. "Incredibly cold" is crazy talk.


In RealityLand, solar activity has slowed. Solar and Volcanic activity are the two real causes of global climate change. And we're in for a long cold spell.

Given that you posted a faked temperature chart, you're clearly not a resident of Reality Land.

Your cult has been predicting the oncoming ice age for over 40 years running now. Your HolyIceAge never arrives, but that never matters to your devout Ice Age Cult. Each time icy armageddon fails to materialize, you just push the date back a little more, like every other doomsday cult.
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You have claimed that the massive cooling

Nobody except you has claimed massive cooling. You're just lying.

that has led to the massive snow falls

Dumbass, cooling doesn't lead to bigger snowfalls.

More moisture leads to bigger snowfalls. And in a warming world, there's more moisture in the atmosphere.

This is basic stuff, and you fail at it. You suck hard at the science, and you shouldn't be annoying the grownups.

The sad thing? Denier votes count the same as votes from normal people.
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