THE global warming update. Massive snow fall in Hawaii.

No wonder they gave up on that terminology and their sheep now yell climate change, the warming claim has proven to be yet another confirmed fucking lie of the globalists.

I'm guessing you have zero college.
Don't know the difference between one event and a trend.
Try researching 100 yr history graphs
Do I have to search for you?
If the AGW models were accurate, they would have predicted that Global Warming would freeze our asses off.
As it turns out, the models do predict that winters will be cold,and polar vortices will occuur. So,time to move the goalposts again,denier...

Global Warming, changed to Climate Change, morphed to Global Climate Disruption......seems it is you clowns who are constantly moving the goal posts....cupcake...

No wonder they gave up on that terminology and their sheep now yell climate change, the warming claim has proven to be yet another confirmed fucking lie of the globalists.

I'm guessing you have zero college.
Don't know the difference between one event and a trend.
Try researching 100 yr history graphs
Do I have to search for you?

Seems you don't either. The facts are that we are living in one of the calmest periods in recorded history. Were you not a political whore you would actually look at the historical record. The problem is the historical record proves your hysteria to be a false narrative, thus it must be ignored at all cost.
Global Warming, changed to Climate Change,
No it didn't. Climate change includes acidification of the oceans, droughts, changes in wind patterns, etcetc. AND global warming. Nobody who says something as idiotic and ignorant as you just said should ever open their mouth about this topic. Ever.
The facts are that we are living in one of the calmest periods in recorded history

Well, that's a shameless, stupid lie that you just pulled out of your ass. God damn dude, you are so completely full of shit.

Oh, you poor ignorant fool. Look up the Great Flood of 1862 when the entire Central Valley of California was a lake. I dare you to look up pretty much ANY year throughout the 1860's and compare the scale of the storms then vs now.
Global Warming, changed to Climate Change,
No it didn't. Climate change includes acidification of the oceans, droughts, changes in wind patterns, etcetc. AND global warming. Nobody who says something as idiotic and ignorant as you just said should ever open their mouth about this topic. Ever.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Talk about lying!
Global Warming, changed to Climate Change,
No it didn't. Climate change includes acidification of the oceans, droughts, changes in wind patterns, etcetc. AND global warming. Nobody who says something as idiotic and ignorant as you just said should ever open their mouth about this topic. Ever.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Talk about lying!
And yet all you can do is sit there and pull your taffy...couldn't for the life of you explain why any of it is wrong, though.
There was no warning of this incredibly cold winter.

That's because this hasn't been an incredibly cold winter. Who told you such a stupid thing, and why did you believe it?

Back in reality, December 2019 was way warmer than usual. January 2019 was a little warmer than usual. "Incredibly cold" is crazy talk.


In RealityLand, solar activity has slowed. Solar and Volcanic activity are the two real causes of global climate change. And we're in for a long cold spell.

Given that you posted a faked temperature chart, you're clearly not a resident of Reality Land.

Your cult has been predicting the oncoming ice age for over 40 years running now. Your HolyIceAge never arrives, but that never matters to your devout Ice Age Cult. Each time icy armageddon fails to materialize, you just push the date back a little more, like every other doomsday cult.

The AGW is the Cult, bub. At this point, the statistics to support the Warmist Agenda have been so manipulated and abused, that they are not believable. Data is thrown out which doesn't support the "theory" (i.e., hide the decline). So, you'll have to excuse my utter disbelief of anything you post on the subject.
No, they don't predict such things accurately, bub.
That's a shameless lie. You're wrong, and you are making shit up.

It's the truth. You just reject it as it goes against your Faith Based Climate Change Doctrine.
No, i reject is as Hilariously dumb bullshit that you just made up, and which was thoroughly debunked by another poster im this thread shortly thereafter. Of course, you will just throw your little hissy for a few days, then repeat the lie.

Also: the next time the urge grabs you to say something stupid like that again (like, calling a robust scientific theory accepted by the overwhelming majority of the global scitenific community across every field of science "your theory" or "your belief"), pause and think about how stupid you are going to sound.
No, they don't predict such things accurately, bub.
That's a shameless lie. You're wrong, and you are making shit up.

It's the truth. You just reject it as it goes against your Faith Based Climate Change Doctrine.
No, i reject is as Hilariously dumb bullshit that you just made up, and which was thoroughly debunked by another poster im this thread shortly thereafter. Of course, you will just throw your little hissy for a few days, then repeat the lie.

Also: the next time the urge grabs you to say something stupid like that again (like, calling a robust scientific theory accepted by the overwhelming majority of the global scitenific community across every field of science "your theory" or "your belief"), pause and think about how stupid you are going to sound.

You are sorely misguided and misinformed. But you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
No, they don't predict such things accurately, bub.
That's a shameless lie. You're wrong, and you are making shit up.

It's the truth. You just reject it as it goes against your Faith Based Climate Change Doctrine.
No, i reject is as Hilariously dumb bullshit that you just made up, and which was thoroughly debunked by another poster im this thread shortly thereafter. Of course, you will just throw your little hissy for a few days, then repeat the lie.

Also: the next time the urge grabs you to say something stupid like that again (like, calling a robust scientific theory accepted by the overwhelming majority of the global scitenific community across every field of science "your theory" or "your belief"), pause and think about how stupid you are going to sound.

You are sorely misguided and misinformed. But you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
Hah...riiiight....I'm misguided and misinformed...but you, an uneducated slob with zero education or experience in any of these fields, has outsmarted the scientific community. Seems legit.
No, they don't predict such things accurately, bub.
That's a shameless lie. You're wrong, and you are making shit up.

It's the truth. You just reject it as it goes against your Faith Based Climate Change Doctrine.
No, i reject is as Hilariously dumb bullshit that you just made up, and which was thoroughly debunked by another poster im this thread shortly thereafter. Of course, you will just throw your little hissy for a few days, then repeat the lie.

Also: the next time the urge grabs you to say something stupid like that again (like, calling a robust scientific theory accepted by the overwhelming majority of the global scitenific community across every field of science "your theory" or "your belief"), pause and think about how stupid you are going to sound.

You are sorely misguided and misinformed. But you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
Hah...riiiight....I'm misguided and misinformed...but you, an uneducated slob with zero education or experience in any of these fields, has outsmarted the scientific community. Seems legit.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
That's a shameless lie. You're wrong, and you are making shit up.

It's the truth. You just reject it as it goes against your Faith Based Climate Change Doctrine.
No, i reject is as Hilariously dumb bullshit that you just made up, and which was thoroughly debunked by another poster im this thread shortly thereafter. Of course, you will just throw your little hissy for a few days, then repeat the lie.

Also: the next time the urge grabs you to say something stupid like that again (like, calling a robust scientific theory accepted by the overwhelming majority of the global scitenific community across every field of science "your theory" or "your belief"), pause and think about how stupid you are going to sound.

You are sorely misguided and misinformed. But you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
Hah...riiiight....I'm misguided and misinformed...but you, an uneducated slob with zero education or experience in any of these fields, has outsmarted the scientific community. Seems legit.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
Oh, so you're not an uneducated slob with no experience or education in any of these fields?

Haha, yes you are.
It's the truth. You just reject it as it goes against your Faith Based Climate Change Doctrine.
No, i reject is as Hilariously dumb bullshit that you just made up, and which was thoroughly debunked by another poster im this thread shortly thereafter. Of course, you will just throw your little hissy for a few days, then repeat the lie.

Also: the next time the urge grabs you to say something stupid like that again (like, calling a robust scientific theory accepted by the overwhelming majority of the global scitenific community across every field of science "your theory" or "your belief"), pause and think about how stupid you are going to sound.

You are sorely misguided and misinformed. But you do get 10 Points For Consistency!
Hah...riiiight....I'm misguided and misinformed...but you, an uneducated slob with zero education or experience in any of these fields, has outsmarted the scientific community. Seems legit.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
Oh, so you're not an uneducated slob with no experience or education in any of these fields?

Haha, yes you are.

Are you stalking me? Cuz it sure FEELZ that way.

You're a member of a cult who is freaked out by any heresy which challenges your Faith Based nonsense.

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