THE global warming update. Massive snow fall in Hawaii.

Who is insisting there isn’t any climate change?
It’s you wackos who refuse to acknowledge the scientific fact that the climate on our planet has always been changing.
And it's you deniers insisting human activity emitted greenhouse gases are not the primary driver of current climate change/warming, in the face of all the evidence.
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You're a fucking joke.
Be that as it may, you're ineducable. I know, I tried. For instance, you couldn't understand how ice did not form when surface air temperature at sea level was minus degrees yet the sea was a degree or two above freezing. The simple fact of the sea not being at freezing point could not be comprehended by you. In fact, you couldn't even see how ice could melt in those conditions. Ineducable.
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You're a fucking joke.
Be that as it may, you're ineducable. I know, I tried. For instance, you couldn't understand how ice did not form when surface air temperature at sea level was minus degrees yet the sea was a degree or two above freezing. The simple fact of the sea not being at freezing point could not be comprehended by you. In fact, you couldn't even see how ice could melt in those conditions. Ineducable.

I know you, and all your other socks, never stop telling us, insisting, that you're oh so clever. I posted, repeatedly, the well below freezing temperatures over 4 cardinal points in the Arctic covering 1.4 million square miles in response to the flawed, failed "Arctic warming" hoax your Cult tries to as off as science. It shows that on any given day there's a 30 degree spread or more across the Arctic, all below freezing. That your Cult translates these differences into a warming is a fraud.

You brought the melting ice talking point. I guess that was a last ditch effort to save your "credibility "
I posted, repeatedly, the well below freezing temperatures over 4 cardinal points in the Arctic covering 1.4 million square miles in response to the flawed, failed "Arctic warming" hoax your Cult tries to as off as science. It shows that on any given day there's a 30 degree spread or more across the Arctic, all below freezing.
Yet the ice is melting and you can't understand why. As I said, ineducable.

No wonder they gave up on that terminology and their sheep now yell climate change, the warming claim has proven to be yet another confirmed fucking lie of the globalists.

Scientific progress allows for change. Nothing wrong with it. It's not like a politician completely flip flopping on every issue or in general being completely inconsistent and of low integrity like some we know. Science is based on evidenced theories that build on or challenge one another over time. It's not perfect mostly because people and the real world arent perfect. You should know this if you ever went to school or opened a book.
Anyway, another shot at it, hope springs eternal...

Warming on sunshine

Sunlight penetrating the surface of the oceans is responsible for warming of the surface layers. Once heated, the ocean surface becomes warmer than the atmosphere above, and because of this heat flows from the warm ocean to the cool atmosphere above. This process is represented in the graphic below:


Figure 1 - simplified steps of ocean heating

The 'cool skin' layer

The rate of flow of heat out of the ocean is determined by the temperature gradient in the 'cool skin layer', which resides within the thin viscous surface layer of ocean that is in contact with the atmosphere. It's so named because it is the interface where ocean heat is lost to the atmosphere, and therefore becomes cooler than the water immediately below. Despite being only 0.1 to 1mm thick on average, this skin layer is the major player in the long-term warming of the oceans.

Curious behavior in the cool skin layer

The cool skin behaves quite differently to the water below, because it is the boundary where the ocean and air meet, and therefore turbulence (the transfer of energy/heat via large-scale motion) falls away as it approaches this boundary. No longer free to jiggle around and transfer heat via this large scale motion, water molecules in the layer are forced together and heat is only able to travel through the skin layer by way of conduction. With conduction the steepness of the temperature gradient is critical to the rate of heat transfer.

Greenhouse gas-induced warming of the ocean

Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, trap heat
[IR] in the atmosphere and direct part of this back toward the surface. This heat cannot penetrate into the ocean itself, but it does warm the cool skin layer, and the level of this warming ultimately controls the temperature gradient in the layer.

Increased warming of the cool skin layer (via increased greenhouse gases) lowers its temperature gradient (that is the temperature difference between the top and bottom of the layer), and this reduces the rate at which heat flows out of the ocean to the atmosphere. One way to think about this is to compare the gradient (steepness) of a flowing river - water flows faster the steeper the river becomes, but slows as the steepness decreases.

The same concept applies to the cool skin layer - warm the top of the layer and the gradient across it decreases, therefore reducing heat flowing out of the ocean.
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No wonder they gave up on that terminology and their sheep now yell climate change, the warming claim has proven to be yet another confirmed fucking lie of the globalists.

Scientific progress allows for change. Nothing wrong with it. It's not like a politician completely flip flopping on every issue or in general being completely inconsistent and of low integrity like some we know. Science is based on evidenced theories that build on or challenge one another over time. It's not perfect mostly because people and the real world arent perfect. You should know this if you ever went to school or opened a book.

You are a fucking loser who only believes the bullshit coming out the globalists propaganda. Did you ever take the fucking time for instance to count all of the things that you morons pushed on us from the "inconvenient truth" that were WRONG!?!

Read that again you fucking loser so that you understand what I am saying there. You fuckers pushed that pieces of propaganda shit on us and claimed the same shit about "science." Here we are more than a decade later, and have you counted the things that were completely wrong from that bullshit?

I personally stopped counting at 10.

You pathetic loser hypocritical morons. To prove further how you fucking idiots don't give one damn shit about the environment is how none of you call out that fat fuck for his CARBON FOOTPRINT. Not one fucking word from you losers. Instead you fucking idiots praise the fat fuck making millions off of you idiots.

Also, if you fucking losers actually cares one fuck about the environment, you would have called out leonardo dicaprio for his ginormous footprint. The fact that he was giving a fucking speech to the fucking un is proof enough that it is a sell job? What the fuck does he know.

After giving his fucking speech to you fucking idiots as you touched yourselves to the brilliance of leonardo dicaprio, you said nothing when he promptly rented a 500 foot $300 million dollar yacht from an OIL TYCOON in the ME to go down to Brazil for orgies.


doesn't stop humans from possibly changing the climate on Jupiter either, according to you.

Where do you get these idiot theories?

Why do you think humans can change climate on Jupiter?

You're the only loon proposing that such a thing is possible, so you really ought to explain it. We're all listening.
Just in case this step is not obvious...

Greenhouse Gases: On duty 24/7

The effect of greenhouse gases on ocean heat isn't confined to daylight hours however, they toil away around the clock. The warming of the oceans by sunlight, makes the daytime surface waters more bouyant than the cooler waters below and this leads to stratification - a situation where the warmer water floats atop cooler waters underneath, and is less inclined to mix. At night much of the heat accumulated during the day is lost back to the atmosphere (the overling air still being cooler than the ocean), and this cooling leads to the stratified surface layers sinking and mixing with lower layers. This allows the remaining heat to be transported down deeper into the ocean, causing an increase in ocean heat content over the long-term.
How Increasing Carbon Dioxide Heats The Ocean
Who is insisting there isn’t any climate change?
It’s you wackos who refuse to acknowledge the scientific fact that the climate on our planet has always been changing.
And it's you deniers insisting human activity emitted greenhouse gases are not the primary driver of current climate change/warming, in the face of all the evidence.
In every warming period in history the heat showed up before the CO 2. But you have reversed that. You make up new names and change the narrative. Now its weather is different then Climate. Half of Florida was supposed to be under water by now from your professors.
You are a fucking loser

We understand why you're always such an angry little bitch. All the data says your cult is lying. You know that. You can't discuss the science, so you deflect by tearfully raging at everyone.

Like I keep pointing out, your political/religious cult has been totally wrong on every single thing concerning climate for over 40 years now. That's why the whole planet laughs at you. You're ridiculed because you deserve to be ridiculed.

In contrast, our side has been right about everything. That makes you very butthurt. Our success makes you look like that much more of a cult retard, and you know it.

you would have called out leonardo dicaprio for his ginormous footprint.

Check it out, someone's in love with dicaprio. Why else would anyone be so obsessed with such a nobody?
Who is insisting there isn’t any climate change?
It’s you wackos who refuse to acknowledge the scientific fact that the climate on our planet has always been changing.
And it's you deniers insisting human activity emitted greenhouse gases are not the primary driver of current climate change/warming, in the face of all the evidence.
In every warming period in history the heat showed up before the CO 2. But you have reversed that. You make up new names and change the narrative. Now its weather is different then Climate. Half of Florida was supposed to be under water by now from your professors.
Thank you. It is the heat that causes the c02 to rise. They think it is the other way around.

Meanwhile, lets try to guess what a loser like grainbely does for the environment.

NOTHING, that's what. They think hating white republicans well enough is the same as making significant sacrifices for the environment.
Half of Florida was supposed to be under water by now from your professors.
Yeah? How many climate scientists said that? How come you don't link these pronouncements?
I don't owe you that. Did you pay attention to prognasticators forty years ago or so? Watch your TV 'shows and movies for gosh sake also. They push the progressive socialist agendas in near everything. Why wouldn't you believe it? I remember them saying the beaches will all be gone. Most beaches might gain or lose a little because of continental drift. And barrier islands are there for just the reason we speak of. They really are not supposed to be built on but we do. They protect the mainland.
In every warming period in history the heat showed up before the CO 2.
Perhaps having human activity emitted greenhouse gases has changed that, if it is indeed the case.


Figure 1: CO2 green line derived from ice cores obtained at Law Dome, East Antarctica (CDIAC). CO2 blue line measured at Mauna Loa (NOAA). Global temperature anomaly (GISS)

Figure 1 compares CO2 to global temperatures over the past century. The first thing to clarify is that the relationship between CO2 and global temperature is not linear. As more CO2 is added, the warming effect has a diminishing return. Hence, the relationship between CO2 and temperature is logarithmic, not linear. A more appropriate comparison with CO2 is radiative forcing.

Radiative forcing is loosely described as the change in net energy flux at the top of the Earth's atmosphere. Eg - the change in how much energy the planet is accumulating or losing. The relationship between global temperature anomaly and radiative forcing is linear. Figure 2 compares greenhouse gas forcing (which is predominantly due to CO2 but includes smaller contributions from CH4, N2O and CFC) to global temperature anomaly.


Figure 1: Greenhouse gas forcing (GISS) and global temperature anomaly (GISS).

In truth, Figure 1 and Figure 2 both paint a similar picture. While CO2 is rising from 1940 to 1970, global temperatures show a cooling trend. This is a 30 year period, longer than can be explained by internal variability from ENSO and solar cycles. If CO2 causes warming, why isn't global temperature rising over this period?

The broader picture in this scenario is to recognise that CO2 is not the only factor that influences climate. There are a number of forcings which affect the net energy flux into our climate. Stratospheric aerosols (eg - from volcanic eruptions) reflect sunlight back into space, causing net cooling. When solar activity increases, the net energy flux increases. Figure 3 shows a composite of the various radiative forcings that affect climate.


Figure 2: Separate global climate forcings relative to their 1880 values (image courtesy NASA GISS).

When all the forcings are combined, the net forcing shows good correlation to global temperature. There is still internal variability superimposed on the temperature record due to short term cycles like ENSO. The main discrepancy is a decade centered around 1940. This is thought to be due to a warming bias introduced by US ships measuring engine intake temperature.


Figure 3: Net forcing (Blue - NASA GISS) versus global land ocean temperature anomaly (Red - GISS Temp).

So we see that climate isn't controlled by a single factor - there are a number of influences that can change the planet's radiative balance. However, for the last 35 years, the dominant forcing has been CO2.
The CO2/Temperature correlation over the 20th Century
I don't owe you that.
Well if you insist on getting your climate science from movies and politicians (they, them, they) rather than climate scientists there's not much anyone can do to help you. You'll have to sulk by yourself.

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