The goal of American leftwing politics is about ensuring that no one working 40 hours a week lives in poverty.

Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

No one other than the store manager, not even assistant managers, should work more than 20 hours a week at McDonald's. No one working 40 hours a week is entitled to make a living wage or earn greater than what the government arbitrarily claims to be the poverty level.

Most jobs where people live in what the government claims to be poverty are doing jobs that an unskilled high-school kid should do for money to go to the movies on the weekend.

If you want to make a living wage, or enough to not liver in poverty, then learn valuable skills and make more money.

So now let's talk about what is poverty. Having a big-screen TV and a cell phone is not poverty. Here are some examples of poverty.





There are no poor in the United States; compared to the world's real poor, there are only degrees of rich in the United States

There are no hungry children in the United States. Compared to the world's real hungry, there are only extremely well fed, wealthy, children in the United States.
Working is the operative word.....Many fast food places still can't keep the lobbies open due to lack of help and they are paying $13.00 - $15.00 a hour with all the OT they can stand.

Now I know 28K - 30K is not all that much but those people will also qualify for EBT and such. They will not have any tax burden to speak of either.
I said it before, and very few even on the right agreed, that flipping burgers doesn't pay 9 dollars or 15 dollars or 75 dollars an hour. Flipping burgers pays the shack on the other side of the tracks. You can pay the burger flipper anything you wish but when you do prices will go up and the rent will go up, and all that the burger flipper will make when the dust settles is, once again, the shack on the other side of the tracks.

I've been proven right.
The liberal problem here is that they want to pay people according to THEIR needs instead of the employer's needs and what they can do for their firm.

That kind of economics doesn't work.
Not even according to their needs but, instead, according to their wants.
Let me explain some basic logic to you. Higher paying jobs are greatly outnumbered by lower paying jobs. This is a mathematical certainty. That means that if everyone in poverty tried as best they could to get better paying jobs, millions would inevitably fail because the opportunity simply doesn’t exist. And even if the opportunity was there, who would be left behind to do those service jobs that are vital to the economy?
We have tens of millions of legal immigrant IT workers - note that I said LEGAL - in the United States because of the shortage of trained IT workers.

I am a trained IT worker. No one trained me except myself so don't come back with well we should train IT workers. Poor people who don't want to be poor should train themselves to be trained IT workers. And if IT just isn't your thing, then there are state training programs for other fields, like construction, welding, automotive, air conditioning. I've been waiting over a Fucking Year to get an AC person to come to my lake house and fix the AC. They're so short staffed and over worked that they just won't be bothered with the 30 mile drive from town.

There's no excuse for the primary provider of a family working in fast food. In fact, it should be considered as prima facie proof of neglect.

The opportunity not only exists, but employers are begging for those skills I mentioned. Train yourself, go to a state vo-tech, get some entry level job that should pay 50-60K per year but take it for half as much to get your feet in the door. Inside of three years you'd be prepared for that job at 80K instead of 60K. Make the move for what you've proven your worth.

In other words, even though we don't call it that today, take apprentice wages to build your resume and in a few years you're on the fast track - assuming that you actually prove your worth and don't sit around at work whining about how someone hurt your feelings.
No one other than the store manager, not even assistant managers, should work more than 20 hours a week at McDonald's. No one working 40 hours a week is entitled to make a living wage or earn greater than what the government arbitrarily claims to be the poverty level.

Most jobs where people live in what the government claims to be poverty are doing jobs that an unskilled high-school kid should do for money to go to the movies on the weekend.

If you want to make a living wage, or enough to not liver in poverty, then learn valuable skills and make more money.

So now let's talk about what is poverty. Having a big-screen TV and a cell phone is not poverty. Here are some examples of poverty.





There are no poor in the United States; compared to the world's real poor, there are only degrees of rich in the United States

There are no hungry children in the United States. Compared to the world's real hungry, there are only extremely well fed, wealthy, children in the United States.
Why don’t you idiots ever actually read what’s in a post? No shit the war is a failure. I didn’t suggest otherwise.
Actually, the war on poverty has been a huge success. This is exactly what Johnson envisioned when he started it.
No one other than the store manager, not even assistant managers, should work more than 20 hours a week at McDonald's. No one working 40 hours a week is entitled to make a living wage or earn greater than what the government arbitrarily claims to be the poverty level.

Most jobs where people live in what the government claims to be poverty are doing jobs that an unskilled high-school kid should do for money to go to the movies on the weekend.

If you want to make a living wage, or enough to not liver in poverty, then learn valuable skills and make more money.

So now let's talk about what is poverty. Having a big-screen TV and a cell phone is not poverty. Here are some examples of poverty.





There are no poor in the United States; compared to the world's real poor, there are only degrees of rich in the United States

There are no hungry children in the United States. Compared to the world's real hungry, there are only extremely well fed, wealthy, children in the United States.
I love how you say in one breath that the government is not qualified to define the word poverty but in another you create your own armchair critic definition. Seriously that’s really stupid.

And just because poverty is not third world poverty does not mean it isn’t some measure of poverty. You can’t just decide the extreme end of poverty is the only type. Also let me explain to you something a cell phone or a TV. A TV is a one time purchase. It is not some ongoing expense so your point is stupid. Simply having a cellphone does not somehow mean all your needs are met. Having a phone is a basic necessity so obviously it makes sense to start with it.
Uhh okay but if the opportunity to leave their job behind for a better paying one does not exist, that is a moot point.
Liar. It happens every day.

But I'm not going to hire someone who's flipping burgers today to run my software development shop tomorrow. The burger flipper can actually get there if they choose to put in the time and effort but it's not a one-day transition.
I'm just about to start on page 3 of this thread. I wish I had seen it on Friday but I do have to go through every page because I just love me a poverty thread. I'm really looking forward to what is, so far, 13 more pages of left wing idiocy by the OP and his supporters.
Liar. It happens every day.

But I'm not going to hire someone who's flipping burgers today to run my software development shop tomorrow. The burger flipper can actually get there if they choose to put in the time and effort but it's not a one-day transition.
Hey idiot the opportunity isn’t for ALL these people. Obviously it is for some. How hard is that to understand? If you actually gave this any measure of intelligent thought, you would understand my basic point. If ALL those people tried to get better paying jobs at the same time, MOST of them would fail. That is a mathematical certainty. Also, who would be left behind to do all those service jobs vital to the economy?
I love how you say in one breath that the government is not qualified to define the word poverty but in another you create your own armchair critic definition. Seriously that’s really stupid.

And just because poverty is not third world poverty does not mean it isn’t some measure of poverty. You can’t just decide the extreme end of poverty is the only type. Also let me explain to you something a cell phone or a TV. A TV is a one time purchase. It is not some ongoing expense so your point is stupid. Simply having a cellphone does not somehow mean all your needs are met. Having a phone is a basic necessity so obviously it makes sense to start with it.
I didn't say the government isn't qualified to define poverty; I simply pointed out that there are impoverished people in this world who believed the poorest of Americans are wealthy - and, in comparison, they are.

I assure you that none of those truly impoverished that I showed in pictures have a TV or a cellular phone. Neither, in fact, are basic necessities except in the very wealthiest of nations.

And if you're hungry, sell your phone. If your child is hungry, sell your phone. No truly hungry person has a cell phone or a TV - not anywhere in the world, including in the US.

Someone is probably typing a response as we speak to what I posted, talking about how many Americans are food-insecure because the left like to equate the irresponsible behavior that makes someone insecure to actually being hungry. If you're not sure where your next meal is going to come from, sell your TV and sell your phone. That will feed you for a week at pawn shop prices.
I didn't say the government isn't qualified to define poverty; I simply pointed out that there are impoverished people in this world who believed the poorest of Americans are wealthy - and, in comparison, they are.

I assure you that none of those truly impoverished that I showed in pictures have a TV or a cellular phone. Neither, in fact, are basic necessities except in the very wealthiest of nations.

And if you're hungry, sell your phone. If your child is hungry, sell your phone. No truly hungry person has a cell phone or a TV - not anywhere in the world, including in the US.

Someone is probably typing a response as we speak to what I posted, talking about how many Americans are food-insecure because the left like to equate the irresponsible behavior that makes someone insecure to actually being hungry. If you're not sure where your next meal is going to come from, sell your TV and sell your phone. That will feed you for a week at pawn shop prices.
Your point is ridiculous. You can’t just point to the extreme examples of global poverty and pretend anything better is not poverty. It’s a completely fallacious notion.

Let me explain how dumb this phone thing is to you. Why would they sell their phones if it is vital to them getting jobs?
You don’t understand how nutrition works. Getting fat off of the McDonald’s dollar menu drive thru does not mean your nutritional needs are being met.
A wholly healthy low-fat, low-carb, low-sugar, high-fiber, meal costs far less than lunch or dinner at the dollar menu.

I've posted this in the past, in multiple other welfare threads (have I mentioned that I do love me a welfare thread) but now I'll post it with Biden's inflation and I'm going to even make it better by adding a salad and some ranch dressing and using frozen rather than the canned vegetables in my previous examples

4 oz of boneless,skinless chicken breast: .84
4 oz of lettuce and tomato salad: .50
2 tbsp of low-fat Ranch dressing: .13
3 ounces of mixed frozen vegetables: .21
1 slice buttered (not margarine) bread: .10

Total meal $1.78

So is that a rounded, delicious, healthy, meal? Less than a dollar hamburger and a dollar drink or fries.

Malnourished children in the US is not a shame on anybody, not even on the government, but on the parents. Parents of children who are eating McDonald's dollar menu more than once a week belong in jail.
A wholly healthy low-fat, low-carb, low-sugar, high-fiber, meal costs far less than lunch or dinner at the dollar menu.

I've posted this in the past, in multiple other welfare threads (have I mentioned that I do love me a welfare thread) but now I'll post it with Biden's inflation and I'm going to even make it better by adding a salad and some ranch dressing and using frozen rather than the canned vegetables in my previous examples

4 oz of boneless,skinless chicken breast: .84
4 oz of lettuce and tomato salad: .50
2 tbsp of low-fat Ranch dressing: .13
3 ounces of mixed frozen vegetables: .21
1 slice buttered (not margarine) bread: .10

Total meal $1.78

So is that a rounded, delicious, healthy, meal? Less than a dollar hamburger and a dollar drink or fries.

Malnourished children in the US is not a shame on anybody, not even on the government, but on the parents. Parents of children who are eating McDonald's dollar menu more than once a week belong in jail.

Maybe in 1975.

None of those prices are realistic anymore.

Boneless skinless chicken breast is $7.99 pound, 4 oz will run $2. Lettuce for Iceburg - $1.99 a head, tomatoes $2.99 a pound. Your salad will be $1.25

Cheapest bread is $3.99 a loaf, real butter $5.99 a pound. No idea how to divy that up to a single slice, but way more than a dime.

Your meal will be about $4.50

Still cheap though.
Your point is ridiculous. You can’t just point to the extreme examples of global poverty and pretend anything better is not poverty. It’s a completely fallacious notion.

Let me explain how dumb this phone thing is to you. Why would they sell their phones if it is vital to them getting jobs?

That's like saying that pointing to life isn't showing that they are not dead.

You are absurd.

There is no poverty in America - despite your desire that there would be.
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A wholly healthy low-fat, low-carb, low-sugar, high-fiber, meal costs far less than lunch or dinner at the dollar menu.

I've posted this in the past, in multiple other welfare threads (have I mentioned that I do love me a welfare thread) but now I'll post it with Biden's inflation and I'm going to even make it better by adding a salad and some ranch dressing and using frozen rather than the canned vegetables in my previous examples

4 oz of boneless,skinless chicken breast: .84
4 oz of lettuce and tomato salad: .50
2 tbsp of low-fat Ranch dressing: .13
3 ounces of mixed frozen vegetables: .21
1 slice buttered (not margarine) bread: .10

Total meal $1.78

So is that a rounded, delicious, healthy, meal? Less than a dollar hamburger and a dollar drink or fries.

Malnourished children in the US is not a shame on anybody, not even on the government, but on the parents. Parents of children who are eating McDonald's dollar menu more than once a week belong in jail.
Lol you’re laying out some random food combination as proof of something? Where does this even come from?
Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

Left wing politics is not about ending poverty but is about ensuring continued poverty.

You claim Republicans do nothing for the poor but Republicans have tried since Reagan to undo Carter's Department of Education. The Department of Education has worked along with Democrat politicians nationally and in the states, to make sure that black children, all poor children, really, do not learn the skills that will enable them to participate in the American Dream.

Republicans have fought to ensure that all children, even minority children, especially minority children, have the freedom to choose whatever school, public or private, to which they will send their children. Let the tax dollars follow the child. But the rich, elite, Democrats have fought it at every turn making sure that private school education, or any quality school education, is available only to the wealthy.

The goal of the Democrats is to give black and brown children a fish. The goal of the Republicans is to teach them to fish. The Republicans care more about children than any Democrat did in their lives...

By the way, as long as we're talking about the evil happening to poor children at the hands of the Democrats, let's not forget about the poor children coming up through Mexico to the US southern border, being raped, molested, kidnapped, and otherwise harmed. Rich children, even coming to America from Mexico, India, or elsewhere, don't have to get molested in order to come to America. The ones coming at the invitation of the Democrats, though, expect it as part of the price of entry.

Lol you’re laying out some random food combination as proof of something? Where does this even come from?
Some random food combination? Really? It's a balanced, healthy, meal. You really are a liar, aren't you? For you to call a well planned, balanced, delicious, nutritious, meal plan a random food combination proves that there's not a thing coming out of your mouth, or off of your fingertips, that is in any way honest.

You prove absolutely that you don't care about feeding children or the poor; you're a communist and your only goal is end of capitalism. You despise American capitalism including the wealth that it brings even the poorest in America, including the poorest in the world that cross our open border. You want Americans to look like the truly poor in the images that I and others have posted in thread.

The prices are Seattle Walmart, chosen specifically because it's a very high cost-of-living area.

The last time I posted just how affordable feeding a child is, someone complained about the meals being boring as though the poor should have lobster, caviar, filet mignon, and the other varietal things that the wealthy eat.

The poor aren't entitled to variety or the best foods that the wealthy eat. They're not entitled to eat at all; it's not a right. Bootney is right on this: they can die. If their parents don't want them to die, then work to feed them. If the parents put their children in a position to die, the government should arrest and imprison the parents for child neglect.

Even so, there are a lot of variations on that basic meal that I provided that a person can do for less than 2 dollars a serving.
Lol you are such a moron “uhh well we aren’t Africa therefore everyone is doing fine.”
Everything is definitely not doing fine. Communists like you are intentionally encouraging the ignorant poor to make choices that will ensure that the ignorant poor, and their progeny, remain the ignorant poor for 200 years, just as Johnson promised you would do.

No, things are not doing fine. But the sadder thing is that you won't give up until our poor are as predominant as the poor in Africa and are as poor as are the poor in Africa.

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