The goal of American leftwing politics is about ensuring that no one working 40 hours a week lives in poverty.

God you really aren’t getting this basic logic. A worker does not just stand there and flip burgers all day everyday. They are trained in every facet of the job and wear a different hat on a certain day. These positions are frequently rotated among the employees.
You are just wrong, dumbass. You're trying to tell me how McDonald's is run when I worked there.
God you really aren’t getting this basic logic. A worker does not just stand there and flip burgers all day everyday. They are trained in every facet of the job and wear a different hat on a certain day. These positions are frequently rotated among the employees.

Uh no. The manager is, but not the line workers.

You've never held a job in your life, have you?
On the other hand, your are a douchebag for looking down your nose at people who do an honest day's work.

What an arrogant pretentious asshole.
Who says I look down on them? That’s stupid. I just don’t think they are hero’s. What’s complicated about that? Lol good god.
Who says I look down on them? That’s stupid. I just don’t think they are hero’s. What’s complicated about that? Lol good god.
Since no one claimed they were heros. your denial means you look down your nose at them. You obviously believe some jobs are more ethically admirable, so what are they? Politician? Hardly. Lawyer? They are despicable.
Since no one claimed they were heros. your denial means you look down your nose at them. You obviously believe some jobs are more ethically admirable, so what are they? Politician? Hardly. Lawyer? They are despicable.
I already said this before. A doctor or nurse would be an admirable profession. Psychotherapist. Social workers. There’s plenty of examples.
But flipping hamburgers is not admirable?
It’s not a bad thing, but no it’s not admirable. I’m sure that’s how they feel as well lol.
You keep saying I have disdain for them when it is you calling them “burger flippers”. How do you think they would feel about your glib oversimplification?
What we are witnessing here in slow motion are the final death throes of our capitalistic, free-market economic system.
If left to run its full course a capitalistic economic system is always going to crash and burn eventually. A capitalistic economy like ours depends upon continual and perpetual growth for survival.
Nature teaches us that this is impossible. Nothing can grow forever. Everything has a (life) cycle consisting of a birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, maturity, old age and decline, and finally death.
At present our capitalistic economy is teetering on the brink of these last two stages.
It is going to take a while for the ultimate and final end to come. The denial factor is strong and for as long as practically possible we'll have to exhaust ever "fix" available and limp our broken economy along covered in band-aids.
But eventually the time will have to come where we finally admit this is unworkable.
Capitalism is dead in the U.S.A.
It is time to go back to the drawing board and recalibrate and rebuild a new economic system from the ground up based more in Democratic Socialist ideas.
In the end it will be Bernie Sanders who was right....even though he will probably be long gone.

It's like the late, great Abbey Abbey once said....
"Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell."
We are not even close to a capitalist society.
Capitalism died because of the duopoly and the way we let any dumbfuck vote.
Now we are stuck being ruled by the elite.
we are too big and have too many losers to be socialist. it would never work.
You have to be a fucking moron to think otherwise.
It’s not a bad thing, but no it’s not admirable. I’m sure that’s how they feel as well lol.
You keep saying I have disdain for them when it is you calling them “burger flippers”. How do you think they would feel about your glib oversimplification?

It's a fuck load more admirable than sitting home collecting a government check.

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