The goal of American leftwing politics is about ensuring that no one working 40 hours a week lives in poverty.

Bitches like you. You ain't never done a meaningful thing that contributes to society ary a day in your life, you piece of shit. If you have, name what it was and when.
I get that it makes you feel manly and less insecure to assume I am some degenerate bum and you are this tough manly man or whatever but you are deluding yourself. The unemployment rate is 3.6%. Sorry to break it to you but you aren’t special simply because you have a job. You’re like most people lol. I myself have a middle class job. You can say I’m bullshitting if you want but it wouldn’t change what the actual unemployment rate is lol.
I get that it makes you feel manly and less insecure to assume I am some degenerate bum and you are this tough manly man or whatever but you are deluding yourself. The unemployment rate is 3.6%. Sorry to break it to you but you aren’t special simply because you have a job. You’re like most people lol. I myself have a middle class job. You can say I’m bullshitting if you want but it wouldn’t change what the actual unemployment rate is lol.
How does your job contribute to society, hmm?
How does your job contribute to society, hmm?
My job doesn’t contribute a whole lot to “society” besides me paying taxes. It contributes to my company’s bottom line. I mean most jobs are like that right? The function of the actual job does not better society. It just serves an internal goal. That also applies to many of those making 6 figures. They make a lot of money because they serve the bottom line but “society” does not benefit from their work.
God bless the people who actually do contribute to society. Non profits for instance. For a few years in the past I took care of the developmentally disabled in group homes. I was also in AmeriCorps for a few years. That contributed to society. So even if my position doesn’t currently contribute to society, I certainly did in the past.

What have YOU done?
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Yeah teenagers I guess lol. Also let’s set the record straight on “burger flippers” who can actually do the job. Do you honestly think that a restaurant like McDonald’s has a position where there is a guy who does nothing but flip burgers all day? No. That position does not exist. The people preparing the food at restaurants are preparing many different types of food. They are handling multiple orders at once. This requires constant productivity that involves several different steps to make sure the order is accurate. More Importantly, those people are also taking orders depending on what day it is. No one just stands at a fucking restaurant and flips burgers and does nothing else. It’s such a stupid, brainless generalization.
I used to work at a McDonald's, and they do have people who do nothing but flip burgers all day.

Once again, you only prove how stupid you are.
My job doesn’t contribute a whole lot to “society” besides me paying taxes. It contributes to my company’s bottom line. I mean most jobs are like that right? The function of the actual job does not better society. It just serves an internal goal. That also applies to many of those making 6 figures. They make a lot of money because they serve the bottom line but “society” does not benefit from their work.
God bless the people who actually do contribute to society. Non profits for instance. For a few years in the past I took care of the developmentally disabled in group homes. I was also in AmeriCorps for a few years. That contributed to society. So even if my position doesn’t currently contribute to society, I certainly did in the past.

What have YOU done?
The company wouldn't make a profit unless it produced a good or service that people want, so, once again, you are just plain wrong.
"Serving the bottom line" means serving the public, unlike government where you can be totally useless and even harm the public and still get paid.
Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

What a joke. You globalists have robbed the lower class.

I used to work at a McDonald's, and they do have people who do nothing but flip burgers all day.

Once again, you only prove how stupid you are.
Lol that is such bullshit. You’re a liar and you know it. Talk about a terrible labor design by McDonald’s. They pay a guy to just stand there, flip burgers, and someone else takes the patty away from them? That’s just stupid lol. McDonald’s is not going to pay anyone to do that.
The company wouldn't make a profit unless it produced a good or service that people want, so, once again, you are just plain wrong.
"Serving the bottom line" means serving the public, unlike government where you can be totally useless and even harm the public and still get paid.
Lol you’re just straight up in denial if your profession should make you feel good for helping to sell a product. That’s just stupid. There are so many ways to help people that actually need it directly. I mean a doctor is a great example. I know you don’t give a shit about that, but don’t pretend you’re a good person because you work for a company that sells hamburgers or neck massagers or anything along those lines. Like seriously, shut the fuck up lol
Lol I do wonder if you actually read this graph carefully. It seems like you see this steep line decline and without looking at the values of the vertical axis, you assume It’s some major drop. From 1990-2022 the labor participation rate has dropped about 10%. Is this significant? Sure. It’s significant enough I’ll admit. However, you should probably educate yourself on who is actually included in the labor participation rate. You might want to attribute the labor participation rate to a bunch of lazy bums and the bums just get more frequent as time goes on. That’s of course an emotional conclusion devoid of any nuance and factual information. You know who is primarily part of the labor non participation rate in reality? It’s teenagers, college students, the homeless, the disabled, and the retired. That is primarily who comprises this percentage. Are there lazy people in this percentage? Yes but they really only make up a small part of it. Now when you factor in recessions and the pandemic, the number is inevitably going to go down.

Let me sum it up for you: the labor participation rate has decreased 10 percent in 32 years. Significant? Sure I’ll give you that. It’s of course worth educating yourself on who these people are. If most of them are teenagers over 16, college students, the disabled, and the retired, what point are you trying to make about the subject? Attributing it all to lazy people is simply wrong. You simply just choose to believe that.

Labor participation rate declines in proportion to the importation of illegal aliens. Coincidence? Hardly.

Labor participation rate doesn't include the disabled or retired - stop being dishonest. If the youth are becoming lazy, is that because socialized schools are failing to teach the values of hard work?

But we know that much of it has to do with the fact that democrat have made it very comfortable to not work. Live like a king on a government check, never do a thing.

During the 1970's when I was in high school, everyone wanted a job. The kids with jobs were the ones with cars who could go out do fun things. But now kids would rather watch Chinese Communist Tik Tok and play video games.

The fascists Marxists have attacked every facet of American society. Destroying the work force is just one part of the war to destroy America.
So if those 4 who left the workforce are surviving ok then all the power to them. Thelose people leaving work haven't hurt one lousy thing.

10 strong, healthy young men in a long boat, 4 refuse to row, you stupidly claim "they haven't hurt one lousy thing."

It's very difficult to take you Marxists seriously.
Lol that is such bullshit. You’re a liar and you know it. Talk about a terrible labor design by McDonald’s. They pay a guy to just stand there, flip burgers, and someone else takes the patty away from them? That’s just stupid lol. McDonald’s is not going to pay anyone to do that.
Yeah, that's pretty much how it works, dumbass.
Lol that is such bullshit. You’re a liar and you know it. Talk about a terrible labor design by McDonald’s. They pay a guy to just stand there, flip burgers, and someone else takes the patty away from them? That’s just stupid lol. McDonald’s is not going to pay anyone to do that.

What do you think "grill" position does? :eek:

Have you EVER held a job in your life?
Lol you’re just straight up in denial if your profession should make you feel good for helping to sell a product. That’s just stupid. There are so many ways to help people that actually need it directly. I mean a doctor is a great example. I know you don’t give a shit about that, but don’t pretend you’re a good person because you work for a company that sells hamburgers or neck massagers or anything along those lines. Like seriously, shut the fuck up lol
What products do people buy that they don't want? You must believe the vast majority of Americans are stupid. What is this product that you produced that no one wanted?
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Lol you’re just straight up in denial if your profession should make you feel good for helping to sell a product. That’s just stupid. There are so many ways to help people that actually need it directly. I mean a doctor is a great example. I know you don’t give a shit about that, but don’t pretend you’re a good person because you work for a company that sells hamburgers or neck massagers or anything along those lines. Like seriously, shut the fuck up lol
And Billy runs away from supporting his claims.
Lol you’re just straight up in denial if your profession should make you feel good for helping to sell a product. That’s just stupid. There are so many ways to help people that actually need it directly. I mean a doctor is a great example. I know you don’t give a shit about that, but don’t pretend you’re a good person because you work for a company that sells hamburgers or neck massagers or anything along those lines. Like seriously, shut the fuck up lol
Why isn't a person who sells hamburgers a good person? People want hamburgers, and providing them with hamburgers is doing something beneficial for society. An person who does an honext days work is perfrming something beneficial for society. Only leftwing duchebags like you have the attitude that some jobs are good and other jobs are worthless. The most worthless jobs of all are the ones in government that employ liberals.
Why isn't a person who sells hamburgers a good person? People want hamburgers, and providing them with hamburgers is doing something beneficial for society. An person who does an honext days work is perfrming something beneficial for society. Only leftwing duchebags like you have the attitude that some jobs are good and other jobs are worthless. The most worthless jobs of all are the ones in government that employ liberals.
Lol this is such a snowflake mentality. No sorry dude you aren’t some hero because you work at a company that sells hamburgers
What do you think "grill" position does? :eek:

Have you EVER held a job in your life?
God you really aren’t getting this basic logic. A worker does not just stand there and flip burgers all day everyday. They are trained in every facet of the job and wear a different hat on a certain day. These positions are frequently rotated among the employees.
Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

then why have dems simply made people poorer since taking office?
Lol this is such a snowflake mentality. No sorry dude you aren’t some hero because you work at a company that sells hamburgers
On the other hand, your are a douchebag for looking down your nose at people who do an honest day's work.

What an arrogant pretentious asshole.

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