The goal of American leftwing politics is about ensuring that no one working 40 hours a week lives in poverty.

Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

Here is a novel thought for the left to consider. How about the poor heal thyself instead of relying on the far left government to solve their self-imposed problems with free stuff and special privileges or legislation. There is no reason for any individual who GRADUATES from high school knowing how to speak proper English, read and write proper English, add a column of numbers, dress appropriately and be willing to work at a job or 2 jobs diligently, to fail so miserably.
LOL leftists always whine about the poor then tell you to shut up when you complain about 6 dollar a gallon gas and $10 LB bacon :lol:
What we are witnessing here in slow motion are the final death throes of our capitalistic, free-market economic system.
If left to run its full course a capitalistic economic system is always going to crash and burn eventually. A capitalistic economy like ours depends upon continual and perpetual growth for survival.
Nature teaches us that this is impossible. Nothing can grow forever. Everything has a (life) cycle consisting of a birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, maturity, old age and decline, and finally death.
At present our capitalistic economy is teetering on the brink of these last two stages.
It is going to take a while for the ultimate and final end to come. The denial factor is strong and for as long as practically possible we'll have to exhaust ever "fix" available and limp our broken economy along covered in band-aids.
But eventually the time will have to come where we finally admit this is unworkable.
Capitalism is dead in the U.S.A.
It is time to go back to the drawing board and recalibrate and rebuild a new economic system from the ground up based more in Democratic Socialist ideas.
In the end it will be Bernie Sanders who was right....even though he will probably be long gone.

It's like the late, great Abbey Abbey once said....
"Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell."
It's very interesting that all of those who find the facts above to be funny; I've put all of them on Ignore. Proof that they are too dumb, too partisan and mostly supportive of trump.

The Forbes 400 paid an average income tax rate of 8.2 percent from 2010 to 2018

The study, by economists Greg Leiserson of the Council of Economic Advisers and Danny Yagan of the Office of Management and Budget, used annual “Forbes 400” lists and public data to estimate the incomes and federal income taxes paid by members of that elite group. The main reason the top 400 pay such a low tax rate is that a very large share of their income is in the form of unrealized capital gains—appreciation in the value of their assets, mostly stocks and other business interests.

This "fact" is hilarious.

Unrealized capital gains aren't income. Including them in income and then whining that they
aren't taxed as income is dishonest. And bad math.

The Forbes 400 paid an average income tax rate of 8.2 percent from 2010 to 2018

The study, by economists Greg Leiserson of the Council of Economic Advisers and Danny Yagan of the Office of Management and Budget, used annual “Forbes 400” lists and public data to estimate the incomes and federal income taxes paid by members of that elite group. The main reason the top 400 pay such a low tax rate is that a very large share of their income is in the form of unrealized capital gains—appreciation in the value of their assets, mostly stocks and other business interests.

This "fact" is hilarious.

Unrealized capital gains aren't income. Including them in income and then whining that they
aren't taxed as income is dishonest. And bad math.

Anyone may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes.

— Judge Learned Hand Gregory v. Helvering 69 F.2d 809, 810 (2d Cir. 1934), aff'd, 293 U.S. 465, 55 S.Ct. 266, 79 L.Ed. 596 (1935).
Unfortunately everyone does not maximize their talent

So the idea that everyone is equally deserving does not hold water
A person doesn’t necessarily deserve a well paid job but what they do deserve is a job that isnt keeping them in poverty.
A person doesn’t necessarily deserve a well paid job but what they do deserve is a job that isnt keeping them in poverty.
It would be nice. But according to your understanding of the word, please relate how anyone is “deserving” of such a job? Might it not instead be the case that such a person needs to get a second job? Or to learn new skills? Or to work longer hours? Or to be more productive so that he earns more because he’s worth more.
BS!!!! What they do deserve is the right to work hard for a living, like the rest of us. If they don't and won't, then they deserve their life of squaller.
Who says they don’t work hard? Working hard unfortunately doesn’t guarantee you won’t live in poverty. If they show up everyday for 40 hours a week and do their job properly, they deserve to not live in poverty. I’m not saying they automatically deserve a good paying job. They simply deserve a job that doesn’t keep them in poverty. There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re just pretending otherwise lol
It would be nice. But according to your understanding of the word, please relate how anyone is “deserving” of such a job? Might it not instead be the case that such a person needs to get a second job? Or to learn new skills? Or to work longer hours? Or to be more productive so that he earns more because he’s worth more.
If they are working 40 hours a week it’s stupid to suggest they need to get a second job. If they are working 40 hours a week, they also don’t have time to learn new skills. And yeah, obviously they should be productive in any job they have and do it to the best of their ability. That’s a given. Unfortunately that doesn’t necessarily translate to getting a better paying job. Not everyone has that opportunity regardless of how hard they try.
Hmmm…something is real fishy with your theory….Don’t Democrats beg desperate thirdworlders to invade America and don’t they work for shit wages and don’t those shit wages hold wages down all across the wage spectruum?
Why are american companies hiring non citizens when american workers of today work so incredibly hard?
Right let’s just be defeatist pussies and not even try. I would rather be a child than a defeatist pussy like you.

It's an impossible goal because there will always be people who subscribe to being the lowest common denominator no matter what you do for them. As I said, stop being such a naive child.
It's an impossible goal because there will always be people who subscribe to being the lowest common denominator no matter what you do for them. As I said, stop being such a naive child.
Yes some people are like that, but that doesn’t mean as a society we should not attempt this goal. If a person does not have the adequate work ethic for having a job, then I would agree they don’t deserve this adequate income. Plenty of people however would put in the effort. They are people in mind for this goal. I mean if they don’t want to try at all, then yeah, give the job to someone else. Your stupidity however is assuming that anyone in poverty is simply lazy and that isn’t the case. You don’t understand that poverty is a complex issue and the causes are nuanced. Not everyone has the opportunity for a better paying job regardless of how productive they are. It’s a matter of simple mathematics that lower paying jobs outnumber higher paying jobs.

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