The goal of American leftwing politics is about ensuring that no one working 40 hours a week lives in poverty.

Right, because without precise statistics, supply and demand stops working. DURR
Statistics are what matter. They are how we draw objective conclusions instead of just entertaining what you want to believe. If you can’t manage that, leave the conversation for the adults :dunno:
Statistics are what matter. They are how we draw objective conclusions instead of just entertaining what you want to believe. If you can’t manage that, leave the conversation for the adults :dunno:

So millions of low-skill illegal aliens don't compete for jobs with low-skill Americans?

Why not? Maybe you should ask a nearby adult?
They don't want them open only invited violence
There's no such goings on out here in the hinterlands.

Between the lazy and a shit-ton better paying jobs currently available in my AO requiring no experience (warehousing, retail, and such) they just can't find the help.
Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

If the middle class shrinks enough we'll be Venezuela.
I'm not reading nine pages so I am simply putting my two cents right here. 8 years under Obama and now two more under Biden and the minimum wage hasn't been raised once. Bush was the last one to address the minimum wage.
I'm not reading nine pages so I am simply putting my two cents right here. 8 years under Obama and now two more under Biden and the minimum wage hasn't been raised once. Bush was the last one to address the minimum wage.
O and Joe made many progressive campaign promises, then failed to follow through on any of them. This should tell voters there is little difference between the two parties, but it doesn’t. Both are right wing parties controlled by billionaires, big corporations, and the MIC.
In Capitalism wealth increases for everyone........we have the fattest poor people in the world with the most televisions and cars....and airconditioning.........

That's because many Americans live on fast food garbage.
Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

You don’t push energy policies that increase costs and risk to domestic oil producers if you want people out of poverty.
Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

It is a pipedream.
And anyone with an IQ over 100, and is capable of thinking for themselves, knows this to be true.
That is the dumbest thing you've ever posted.

The USA already has the weakest social safety net in the First World, and the net result is that you also have the highest rates of poverty, the largest wage gap and the largest wealth gap. Republicans believe that you need to keep the masses hungry and desperate to keep them working. Yet they also believe that giving money to rich people gives them incentive to work harder. There is no logic t0.o Republican beliefs.

Norway has the most generous social safety net in the world, universal government funded health care, free university, guaranteed income, cradle to the grave social programs. They a poverty rate of 0.5%, versus the USA at 18%, and an unemployment rate of 5.99 (average in 2021), and a per capita GDP which is $5,000 per year higher than the USA.

I have the freedom to live my best, most productive life BECAUSE I have a measure of economic freedom, not because I no longer have to strive to provide my basic needs. Living in poverty is in living with stress, which destroys your health, and your peace of mind, as well as your productivity.

So are you lying that the poor in America have less than the poor in France, or the poor in Canadastan?

Define "poverty?"

For the USA this is an income of $27,750 (USD) or less.

For Canada this is an income of $13,000 (CND) or less.

Wait - so in order to be in poverty in Canada you have to make HALF of what one does in America? :eek: Yeah, but Canadian dollars are worth more, right?
1 Canadian Dollar = 0.78 US Dollar

But Canada is socialist so the poor get more benefits - Canada has free healthcare!

In fact American poor have "free" (taxpayer paid) healthcare through Medicare, SNAP food assistance, HUD housing assistance. In all, the federal benefits to the poor in America are about 400% greater than Canada.

In your lie above, is that what you meant by "safety net?"

In fact, the US Safety Net is the most generous and comprehensive in the world - period.

    • Medicaid
    • Medicare Part D Low Income Subsidies
    • Children's Health Insurance Program
    • Consolidated Health Centers (CHCs), including Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)
    • Maternal and child health services
    • Title X Family Planning Program
    • Older Americans Act Nutrition Program
    • Head Start
    • Health professions student loans and scholarships
    • Community Services Block Grant
    • Social Services Block Grant (Including Transfers from TANF)
    • Low-income Home Energy Assistance
  • Department of Agriculture
    • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
    • National School Lunch Program
    • Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
    • Child and Adult Care Food Program
    • School Breakfast Program
    • Summer Food Service Program
    • Commodity Supplemental Food Program
    • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
    • Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
    • Special Milk Program for Children
  • Department of Education
    • TRIO Programs
    • Educational stipends for the Native Hawaiian Career and Technical Education Program (NHCTEP)
    • Educational stipends for the Native American Career and Technical Education Program (NHCTEP)
    • D.C. School Choice Incentives
    • Federal Student Aid - Income-Driven Plans
  • Department of Energy
    • Weatherization Assistance Program
  • Department of Homeland Security
    • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Immigration Form Fee Waiver (Form I-912)
    • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds
  • Department of Labor
    • Job Corps
    • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
    • Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
  • Department of Treasury
    • Health Insurance Premium Tax Credits
    • Low-Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITC)
    • Fee waiver for Offer in Compromise
    • Reduced user fee for Installment Agreements
  • Corporation for National and Community Service
    • Foster Grandparent Program
    • Senior Companion Program
  • Federal Communications Commission
    • LifeLine
  • Legal Services Corporation
    • Legal Services}

democrats lie about everything - always.
The unemployment rate is 3.6% among American citizens. Your argument is stupid as fuck.

With 38% of able bodied, working age adults OUT of the workforce - the highest in recorded history.

Pay people not to work, and oddly enough, many of them don't work.
We have the richest, fattest and healthiest poor in the world. Canada does offer assisted death to those who no longer wish to live under the indignity of poverty.

Poverty is relative. It only exists compared to the wealth of others. You are a total dumbshit.

A dumbshit, and a pathological liar. Canada offers less than a quarter of the benefits to the poor that the USA does. and the poor in Canada have HALF the income of those in the USA to be considered poor.

FURTHER the 2.8 million people in poverty in Canada is in a population of 38 million. Compared to the 30 million in poverty in the US (half of whom are not citizens) out of a population of 345 million. The percent of people in poverty even using the bullshit levels of Canada is HIGHER than the USA - 9.4%

When dealing with ChiCom Lady, keep in mind that she lies about everything.

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