The goal of American leftwing politics is about ensuring that no one working 40 hours a week lives in poverty.

I dont get liberals at the heck does it help the poor when you are trying to make everyone poor>>>?????

What would possibly make you think the Marxists want to HELP the poor?

Marxists like Billy dream of a world where EVERYTHING is owned by the rulers - including the people. The rulers then will throw tiny scraps to their slaves and watch them fight over them.

Communism is central dictatorship. No different than any other central dictatorship in history - Egypt, Rome, Babylon, European Monarchies, Nazism - all just variations of the theme - central control.
But you just said they don't take jobs?

Were you lying then, or are you lying now?
I didn’t say they didn’t take any jobs. I’m saying the unemployment rate is low enough that it does not matter. Their employment only accounts for 5% of the civilian work force. Most of that is in farming that legal citizens don’t want.
Let me explain some basic logic to you. Higher paying jobs are greatly outnumbered by lower paying jobs. This is a mathematical certainty. That means that if everyone in poverty tried as best they could to get better paying jobs, millions would inevitably fail because the opportunity simply doesn’t exist. And even if the opportunity was there, who would be left behind to do those service jobs that are vital to the economy?
Unfortunately everyone does not maximize their talent

So the idea that everyone is equally deserving does not hold water
I didn’t say they didn’t take any jobs. I’m saying the unemployment rate is low enough that it does not matter. Their employment only accounts for 5% of the civilian work force. Most of that is in farming that legal citizens don’t want.
And you think 5% does not have a downward effect on the entire economy?

Again, why do legal citizens not want those jobs?

The answer is right there in your face and you won't bite on it.
Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

The party of high inflation, high taxes, high crime and high homelessness is what the Democratic Party is about. They don’t give a damn about the poor as they keep proving with laws designed to hurt the poor.
I didn’t say they didn’t take any jobs. I’m saying the unemployment rate is low enough that it does not matter. Their employment only accounts for 5% of the civilian work force. Most of that is in farming that legal citizens don’t want.
Who are the legal citizens who refuse to work?

There are more than enough Americans on welfare who could do that work
Here, Billy. Let me show you using illegals and ag jobs.

10 aggriculture jobs pay $10 per hour each

No Americans takes those jobs

Ag employers increase the wage to $15 per hour to attract more help.

Suddenly Americans want those jobs.

Dems and establishment types import illegals willing to take less.

Ag employers drop wages back to $10 for illegals and never hire Americans again

Now those Americans are getting other unskilled jobs

Now all the wages for OTHER jobs go down because more Americans are seeking fewer jobs.

(do I need to explain why wages go down when when more job seekers are seeking fewer jobs?)

Remove the illegal workforce, and employers are forced to hire Americans. That means they are going to have to pay them more to get them to do the job.

That opens up more opportunities for all other unskilled labor. Meaning, employers have to pay more to keep those employees.

Basic economics. You do not understand it.
Since poverty is relative we really can't do much about the concept. We can help the poor become self sufficient by eliminating most forms of welfare and mass deportations of the invaders.

Welfare is a good thing to some. Some people do have an unfortunate series of events that puts them in a bad place. But most on welfare take advantage of it and abuse it.

Welfare should be limited. After say 5 months welfare is cut by 50% and every month after it's reduced by 10% until it ends. After that you can't apply for welfare again for 3 years. Only one person per household can be on welfare at a time. You have to be a citizen to get it, if you came from another country and became a us citizen you can't apply for welfare until you have lived here as a us citizen for 5 years.

People deserve help from time to time. But most poverty stricken people are in poverty because they have no ambition, a lot of people you need to stop helping them and force them to take care of themselves.

Bill Cosby (rapings aside) was a good guy. He grew up in a ghetto but he decided he wanted to get smarter and work hard. So did Oprah. I'm not saying every ghetto person can be a millionaire but man the bus runs everyday, you can apply yourself and do well if you want to. Where I work we are a food production facility and line mechanics make 40 bucks an hour starting pay and none of them have college degrees and almost all of them started out just working on the line, but they put some time in, learned, showed a desire to do more and ended up being leads, going to maintenance and so on. Anyone can have a menial job and turn it into more but you have to work hard, show a desire to learn, do a good job and most importantly show up to work everyday.
Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class...
Just stop right there....if that were true then why are they backing, and instituting policies that directly attack the poor and middle income earners in this country....?

Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

It's very interesting that all of those who find the facts above to be funny; I've put all of them on Ignore. Proof that they are too dumb, too partisan and mostly supportive of trump.

The goal of American leftwing politics is about that no one working 40 hours a week lives in poverty power.​

There. Fixed the thread headline for the author of the OP.
Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. ....

Yeah, I stopped reading here. You need to get to the point far faster. And btw, I don't buy any of your shit. Communism is where you people are headed, if you get your way.
Now all the wages for OTHER jobs go down because more Americans are seeking fewer jobs.

(do I need to explain why wages go down when when more job seekers are seeking fewer jobs?)

You do. And it won't do any good. I've seen libtards pretend to forget how linear time works.

Hey, remember when Bill Clinton pretended to be too retarded to know the meaning of the word, "is" was?

Libtards are utterly soulless.
Welfare is a good thing to some. Some people do have an unfortunate series of events that puts them in a bad place. But most on welfare take advantage of it and abuse it.

Welfare should be limited. After say 5 months welfare is cut by 50% and every month after it's reduced by 10% until it ends. After that you can't apply for welfare again for 3 years. Only one person per household can be on welfare at a time. You have to be a citizen to get it, if you came from another country and became a us citizen you can't apply for welfare until you have lived here as a us citizen for 5 years.

People deserve help from time to time. But most poverty stricken people are in poverty because they have no ambition, a lot of people you need to stop helping them and force them to take care of themselves.

Bill Cosby (rapings aside) was a good guy. He grew up in a ghetto but he decided he wanted to get smarter and work hard. So did Oprah. I'm not saying every ghetto person can be a millionaire but man the bus runs everyday, you can apply yourself and do well if you want to. Where I work we are a food production facility and line mechanics make 40 bucks an hour starting pay and none of them have college degrees and almost all of them started out just working on the line, but they put some time in, learned, showed a desire to do more and ended up being leads, going to maintenance and so on. Anyone can have a menial job and turn it into more but you have to work hard, show a desire to learn, do a good job and most importantly show up to work everyday.
It's unfortunate that this thread is posted on the Politics Forum. Maybe the powers that be would provide a forum for Systemic Racism, do to the OP is written by a racist.

Racism is a product of ignorance and hate that is developed in their primary years. BTW Bill Clinton signed the bill to repeal Welfare, per se, and let each state decide how to accommodate those who live in poverty.

If the forum can be moved to one which is already established, I would recommend the author and the thread be moved onto the Rubber Room.
Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

Democrats don't want anyone living in poverty, not even those who can work but refuse to. In fact, Democrats discourage people from working in any way that they can. And, many people chose to work just part time and live in poverty. Democrats don't want that either. There are also many workers who don't actually need to earn a "living wage" and that is what minimum wage is for. Democrats want everyone to earn a "living wage", whether they need a living wage or not.

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