The goal of American leftwing politics is about ensuring that no one working 40 hours a week lives in poverty.

LOL.....The land whales don't want to cook.

I worked the local food bank on two occasions handing out professionally processed deer meat donated by hunters for the hungry a few of years back.

The land whales and their equally obese kids came in and tore through the limited supply of sweets, chips, and processed food in minutes and turned up their noses at the deer meat.

The only takers were a couple of oldsters that came in.....Of course I loaded them up.

I also noticed that they were the ones that were availing themselves of the produce available and one old lady said she was really looking forward to some deer stew and had picked-up potatoes, carrots, and onions.
Did you get a name or address? I want an invitation to dinner at that lady's house!
Actually that is a prime responsibility of government.
Of a communist government, you mean. The primary purpose of government is to protect my rights to my life, liberty, and property - including the fruits of my labor. Taking the fruits of my labor from me and purposefully redirecting them to those who do not work for it or earn it is the the biggest failure of government in the history of the United States.
Left wing politics is not about ending poverty but is about ensuring continued poverty.

You claim Republicans do nothing for the poor but Republicans have tried since Reagan to undo Carter's Department of Education. The Department of Education has worked along with Democrat politicians nationally and in the states, to make sure that black children, all poor children, really, do not learn the skills that will enable them to participate in the American Dream.

Republicans have fought to ensure that all children, even minority children, especially minority children, have the freedom to choose whatever school, public or private, to which they will send their children. Let the tax dollars follow the child. But the rich, elite, Democrats have fought it at every turn making sure that private school education, or any quality school education, is available only to the wealthy.

The goal of the Democrats is to give black and brown children a fish. The goal of the Republicans is to teach them to fish. The Republicans care more about children than any Democrat did in their lives...

By the way, as long as we're talking about the evil happening to poor children at the hands of the Democrats, let's not forget about the poor children coming up through Mexico to the US southern border, being raped, molested, kidnapped, and otherwise harmed. Rich children, even coming to America from Mexico, India, or elsewhere, don't have to get molested in order to come to America. The ones coming at the invitation of the Democrats, though, expect it as part of the price of entry.

Lol you’re so incredibly lame. You edited your post earlier. You and I both know what it said. You talked about chicken being 79 cents lol

Also something like French bread doesn’t have any actual nutritional value. How convenient you left out the cost of fruits and vegatables. You know the food that a human needs every day? Like more than the cheap ass salad combo you said? Oh and btw, kids need three meals a day. Not one lol
He posts how he has risen out of poverty claiming the "war on poverty" worked.

You claim poverty has increased - a complete and total lie.

Henry the VIII would be envious of the life American poor live.
I rose out of poverty, too, but not because the war on poverty worked but because I worked. No government program of any kind, any shape, or any form, helped me. I did it.

I'm the model. I've shared the model many times but only two people, of all those with whom I've shared, ever followed the model to get out of poverty. You have to work hard and being poor is much easier than being not poor; that's why so few follow the model.
Living in poverty is in living with stress, which destroys your health, and your peace of mind, as well as your productivity.
Living in hunger is a great motivator to increase one's job skills. What we need is a hungrier poor class.

I know a guy who lives near me who has spent his entire adult life on welfare. He thinks about getting a job every now and then but if he gets a job all his benefits cut off. He literally loses money by going to work. We need to reverse that; no welfare period. Then working will be worth it and my neighbor will get off of his fat ass by lunch time.
If you can’t provide actual statistics on what jobs are being completed and by whom, you’re just talking out of your ass.
Because illegal aliens and those who hire them are so good at reporting their illegal activities to the government so statistics can be gathered.
Lol you’re so incredibly lame. You edited your post earlier. You and I both know what it said. You talked about chicken being 79 cents lol

Also something like French bread doesn’t have any actual nutritional value. How convenient you left out the cost of fruits and vegatables. You know the food that a human needs every day? Like more than the cheap ass salad combo you said? Oh and btw, kids need three meals a day. Not one lol
You're a liar. Posts tell when they're edited. Show me the edit. Show me what it said before. I never said chicken was 79 cents. Get a mod to pull history; I give them permission. You really are lying now.

And I didn't say a word about French bread but I wasn't counting on bread for nutritional value anyway. Carbs help keep your hunger away until the next meal so I included bread for carbs. Tomato is a fruit, fruitcake. Lettuce, tomato = vegetable and fruit. Then I added the suggested serving size from the frozen mixed vegetables - Carrots, corn, green beans, peas. So this meal has green, red, orange, and yellow vegetables. That's a great mix.

The meal was $1.78. Add a banana and it's still under $2.00. Take out the salad and throw in a peach, still under $2.00.

Now you're not even pretending to tell the truth with blatant lies about editing. I'll edit this post right after I post it and prove you're a blatant, knowing, liar.

edit to prove the OP is a liar.

Edit 2: interesting. I thought the forum showed a last edited date. Did it used to and now doesn't? Anyway, show a screenshot, or a notification/alert date/time, other than the date/time of the message. Get a mod to help you and prove any edit.

And then, who gives a fuck anyway. The chicken is .84. Had I originally said .79, that's 5 cents difference in the meal - 1.73 instead of 1.78. It's a difference that is no difference other than the blatent lie, knowing that you're lying, about it being edited.
You're a liar. Posts tell when they're edited. Show me the edit. Show me what it said before. I never said chicken was 79 cents. Get a mod to pull history; I give them permission. You really are lying now.

And I didn't say a word about French bread but I wasn't counting on bread for nutritional value anyway. Carbs help keep your hunger away until the next meal so I included bread for carbs. Tomato is a fruit, fruitcake. Lettuce, tomato = vegetable and fruit. Then I added the suggested serving size from the frozen mixed vegetables - Carrots, corn, green beans, peas. So this meal has green, red, orange, and yellow vegetables. That's a great mix.

The meal was $1.78. Add a banana and it's still under $2.00. Take out the salad and throw in a peach, still under $2.00.

Now you're not even pretending to tell the truth with blatant lies about editing. I'll edit this post right after I post it and prove you're a blatant, knowing, liar.

edit to prove the OP is a liar.

Edit 2: interesting. I thought the forum showed a last edited date. Did it used to and now doesn't? Anyway, show a screenshot, or a notification/alert date/time, other than the date/time of the message. Get a mod to help you and prove any edit.

And then, who gives a fuck anyway. The chicken is .84. Had I originally said .79, that's 5 cents difference in the meal - 1.73 instead of 1.78. It's a difference that is no difference other than the blatent lie, knowing that you're lying, about it being edited.
Lol you keep talking about 2 dollar shit but you’re pulling shit out of your ass. If you want an actual meal to eat that has adequate protein, vegetables and fruit, it’s going to cost more than $2. I think you know that’s true but you’re a childish idiot.

I mistakenly thought the post was edited. Happy? You’ll take any victory you can get huh? I mean you really milked that for all it was worth lol. You made like 3 paragraphs on it. Yikes.
Maybe in 1975.

None of those prices are realistic anymore.

Boneless skinless chicken breast is $7.99 pound, 4 oz will run $2. Lettuce for Iceburg - $1.99 a head, tomatoes $2.99 a pound. Your salad will be $1.25

Cheapest bread is $3.99 a loaf, real butter $5.99 a pound. No idea how to divy that up to a single slice, but way more than a dime.

Your meal will be about $4.50

Still cheap though.
You're wrong and I am completely right, of course.






Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

You're right, and what is even more ironic is that many on the right claim to be Christians. They claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ, and yet are completely indifferent to the needs of the poor, requiring the poor to only rely on private charities for assistance. These right-wingers have a god, but it's not the God of the Bible, it's a god called "Mammon"/Money.

You also need a fridge and a kitchen to eat all of that food. When I was homeless twenty-five years ago, I only bought groceries in winter, because I would hang the food from a tree, but unfortunately sometimes I would come back to camp, and my food was gone. Hiding it in the snow didn't make things much better. I do agree with you, that the poor, assuming they have an income, can still eat, but you need to have housing, with a kitchen.
Lol you keep talking about 2 dollar shit but you’re pulling shit out of your ass. If you want an actual meal to eat that has adequate protein, vegetables and fruit, it’s going to cost more than $2. I think you know that’s true but you’re a childish idiot.

I mistakenly thought the post was edited. Happy? You’ll take any victory you can get huh? I mean you really milked that for all it was worth lol. You made like 3 paragraphs on it. Yikes.
Find any non-vegan dietician in the world who would suggest that what I posted is not among the most healthy planned meals in the history of healthy meals.

And, no, you didn't mistakenly think I had posted 79 cents and edited it to 84 cents. How is that even possible? You lied.

And, for the other person who doubted my post, I posted the screenshots from Walmart's Renton, WA Supercenter, taken in the last 15 minutes.

Here's the maximum SNAP benefit. The ads on the page kept me from getting the bottom section in the screenshot but you get the picture: extremely easy to feed a family on SNAP. No one need go hungry in the US and if a child is hungry then the parent belongs in prison because they were given the resources to feed their child.

Screenshot from 2022-08-01 22-00-13.png
Find any non-vegan dietician in the world who would suggest that what I posted is not among the most healthy planned meals in the history of healthy meals.

And, no, you didn't mistakenly think I had posted 79 cents and edited it to 84 cents. How is that even possible? You lied.

And, for the other person who doubted my post, I posted the screenshots from Walmart's Renton, WA Supercenter, taken in the last 15 minutes.

Here's the maximum SNAP benefit. The ads on the page kept me from getting the bottom section in the screenshot but you get the picture: extremely easy to feed a family on SNAP. No one need go hungry in the US and if a child is hungry then the parent belongs in prison because they were given the resources to feed their child.

View attachment 677132

Snap, cash assistance, and Medicaid should be available to everyone who is poor or living under the poverty line. Many people who have full-time jobs, still have to apply for government assistance. In Florida, where I'm originally from, it's difficult to qualify for assistance, especially for Medicaid. Being poor isn't enough, you have to have a disability. That's due to Republican, right-wing policies. Republicans kick out the poor from their districts and those poor people end up in places where they can survive, usually in democratic states or cities, that offer social services to the poor. Then the Republicans point at the Democrat-led cities and say "look at all of those slums and homeless folks". Yeah, it's because all of those poor people are kicked out of your city or state and end up in democrat-led cities and states, where they can get help. There would be a more even distribution of poverty or homeless people if Republican states and cities actually offered social services. They just kick people out through their draconian laws.
Last edited:
I mistakenly thought the post was edited. Happy? You’ll take any victory you can get huh? I mean you really milked that for all it was worth lol. You made like 3 paragraphs on it. Yikes.
You know what's funny? Left or right, there are probably fewer than five posters on this entire site that have ever said, or are even capable of simply saying, "My mistake. I was wrong."

Here's what you said when you were accusing me of lying:

Lol you’re so incredibly lame. You edited your post earlier. You and I both know what it said. You talked about chicken being 79 cents lol
Now, let's try it again and see if you're capable of admitting your error like a man.
Those aliens take the jobs no one else wants. Duh.
No they don't. When I was young, every construction worker I knew, and I knew a LOT of them, was white. Now almost none are. It's not that white people don't want to do construction work, it's that they get paid and fed for not working and illegal aliens work very cheap.

I can tell you this, hungry white people will clean toilets in the hotels.
Republicans think leftwing politics in the US is about communism but this is of course ridiculous. Has any democrat in office proposed this or any other solution involving ending capitalism itself? Nope. Not even close. Eliminating the wealthy class is also not on the table. All American lefties want to do is reduce poverty, strengthen the middle class, and making sure that the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes EFFECTIVELY. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is what a class actually pays in taxes. The OFFICIAL tax rate is what they are expected to pay but because of deductions and loopholes, they do not pay that tax rate. Why this concept escapes republicans is beyond my understanding.

Without a doubt both parties have failed to do much of anything when it comes to alleviating poverty, but here’s the difference with democrats: they actually make attempts at the issue. They at least TRY to pass policies that meet this goal such as raising the minimum wage or child tax credits. Hell at least they passed the child tax credit to begin with even if it expired.

What do republicans do for the poor? Absolutely nothing. No attempt. Nada. That goes for the middle class as well. They don’t do jack shit. Doesn’t all of this bother Republican voters? The middle class shrunk and the poor became more poor under Bush and Trump but for some reason that does not bother them.

Of course it is worth mentioning that, historically on average, economic metrics like GDP and job growth are better under democrats than republicans.

Why do they punish them

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