The godfather of global warming


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
It all goes back to the mainstream media I guess. Investigative reporters could have debunked the crazy theory promoted by a failed politician who thought he could make a killing by selling fake "carbon credits" and punish the Country that failed to elect him president. Al Gore had no background in science. He was the pampered offspring of a segregationist bigot. He served in Vietnam in the typewriter corps but couldn't take even a year in harms way and petitioned the Chaplain for an early release from duty. His tour in government was relatively benign except when he was caught red handed breaking the law by soliciting political contributions from a phone bank in the White House. After government service he allegedly lived in a compound that used as much electrical energy as a small town but that didn't matter to the mainstream media. The Nobel Prize people wanted to bestow their modern sainthood on a defeated democrat politician but they couldn't award the science prize to Gore or risk humiliation so they awarded the "peace prize" for the first time in history to a former U.S. Vice President citing some forgotten accomplishment. Wouldn't you know the V.P. of the pervert in chief would turn out to be a sexual abuser himself. Citizen Gore was arrested for sexual abuse but the charges became obscure and the victim disappeared.
Too bad it was Exxon. I voted for Gore and he won the pop vote, but if not for Fl recount he would of won. Funny how the recount went , Romney and his sons and well Bush's brother was gov of the state. Lots of questions need to be answered but history under the bridge.
It all goes back to the mainstream media I guess. Investigative reporters could have debunked the crazy theory promoted by a failed politician who thought he could make a killing by selling fake "carbon credits" and punish the Country that failed to elect him president. Al Gore had no background in science. He was the pampered offspring of a segregationist bigot. He served in Vietnam in the typewriter corps but couldn't take even a year in harms way and petitioned the Chaplain for an early release from duty. His tour in government was relatively benign except when he was caught red handed breaking the law by soliciting political contributions from a phone bank in the White House. After government service he allegedly lived in a compound that used as much electrical energy as a small town but that didn't matter to the mainstream media. The Nobel Prize people wanted to bestow their modern sainthood on a defeated democrat politician but they couldn't award the science prize to Gore or risk humiliation so they awarded the "peace prize" for the first time in history to a former U.S. Vice President citing some forgotten accomplishment. Wouldn't you know the V.P. of the pervert in chief would turn out to be a sexual abuser himself. Citizen Gore was arrested for sexual abuse but the charges became obscure and the victim disappeared.

He's an obese twinkle-toed prick, mouthing ridiculous platitudes he himself ignores. His single accomplishment in life is learning to apply Barnum's Axiom.
Gore lost all credibility with me when his "An Inconvenient Truth" predicted that by 2016 Earth's icecaps would be melted. Well, 2016 has come and gone and the icecaps still exist. Global warmers are no different from any other end-of-the-world nutcases; every doomsday prediction they make has been wrong. While Gore certainly isn't the vilest political figure I've seen (compared to Clintons & Obamas), I'm no fan of him.

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