The Golden Truth

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The Golden Truth

It is interesting that the United States' is going to take 7 years to deliver 300 tons of gold back to Germany. Seven years. I find it even more interesting that not many people have scrutinized this situation. After all, it took Venezuela only about 4 months to get 200 tons of its gold repatriated from London and Switzerland. Hugo Chavez may be remembered by many as a crackpot, but I have a feeling the world will soon understand why one of his last moves before he died may have been his most brilliant. After all, Venezuela now has possession of its foreign-stored gold - Germany does not.

Something else that has been extraordinarily overlooked, or intentionally ignored by the media, is the fact that about 80% of the recent price hit in gold/silver has occurred during Comex trading hours, after the physical buying markets in the east (China, Russia, India, et al) have gone to sleep or home for the weekend. Please note: the Comex is a paper trading market. The Comex may have enough metal to settle about 5% of the entire open interest of gold and silver, if the entities long the paper contracts decided to stand for delivery. Typically less than 1% stand for delivery each delivery month.

So when you hear accounts that 100's of tons of "gold" were dumped on the Comex market last Monday, please understand and know that this was "gold" as represented by a paper Comex gold futures contract. On the Comex gold grows on trees - everywhere else in the world that wants to own gold, physical gold has to be delivered.

Even more significantly are the reports from around the world of precious metals counterparties failing to deliver physical metal. It started a couple weeks ago - and not coincidentally right before the price hit started - when big Dutch bank ABN/AMRO notified its clients who had invested in a "gold bullion" account that the bank would no longer make physical delivery of the gold that was supposed to be in the account and that all accounts would be settled in cash.

This morning we woke up to an interview with Jim Sinclair, who reported that "a person that I know with significant deposits in one of the primary Swiss banks, in allocated gold, wanted to take out his gold and was just refused on the basis of directives from the central bank. They told him the amount was in excess of 200,000 Swiss francs and the central bank had instructed them not to do it because it has to do with anti-terrorism and anti-money laundering precautions.". Sorry, that excuse does not hold water.

In the aftermath of last week's paper price smash, demand for gold in the markets in the world that REQUIRE physical delivery has gone parabolic. The real problem is that physical delivery on the Comex is not required. There's a force majeur clause in Comex contracts that states contracts can be settled in cash if necessary.

The crux of the problem for the Too Big To Fail/Prosecute Banks is that amount of paper gold outstanding in the world - including OTC derivatives - is somewhere between 50 and 100 times amount of actual physical gold/silver that can be delivered. If enough counterparties stand for delivery, the global physical bullion market will freeze up - prices will go beyond parabolic.

This brings me back to the issue of why the U.S. will require seven years - at least - to return 300 of the 1800 tons of German gold being held - allegedly - in the basement of the NY Fed. 300 tons. Supposedly 100's of tons were sold on Monday. GLD has liquidated several hundred tons since January. And yet, the U.S. can't produce Germany's gold on demand.

I'll leave off with a comment from a recent interview with Kyle Bass - manager of the Texas State Teachers retirement fund - who recently took physical delivery of roughly 19 tons of gold bullion being held on behalf of the pension fund:

Open interest in gold futures and options traded on the Comex typically exceeds supplies held in its warehouses. If the holders of just 5 percent of those contracts opted to take delivery of the metal, there wouldn’t be enough to cover the demand. If you own a paper contract where they can only deliver you 10 cents on the dollar or less, you should probably convert it to physical,” said Bass.

The average U.S. investor is starting to understand the difference between buying gold/silver for physical delivery and owning a paper surrogate like GLD or SLV. That would explain why the recent price take down stimulated an unprecedented amount of demand and shortages for U.S. mint 1 oz silver eagles and other silver products. It also means that the end game for paper derivative gold and silver has started and the price take down on the Comex we just witnessed is one giant bluff by bullion banks who have nothing in their hand but crappy paper cards.

Written by Mr. A. Any comments?

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The paper gold market is being manipulated. That is as plain as the nose on your face. And while the price of paper gold plummeted due to that manipulation, the demand for physical gold is as strong, if not stronger, than ever. That just screams a whole lot of illegal shit is going on.

There is definitely something rotten in Denmark, and everyone knows it.

Buy hey, let's demand less regulation of bankers! Let's turn a blind eye to this blazingly obvious criminal activity! And then when everything goes to shit again, we'll blame the darkies...again...somehow.

The US has "leased" its gold to JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and the other houses of Wall Street. That "leased" gold was subsequently sold by those houses. So how the ever loving FUCK is that gold being "leased"?

The federal government gave its gold to Wall Street, and Wall Street sold it. But that gold is still on the government's books.

It's all paper.

Time for an audit. There has not been one since the 1950s.
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the old how much gold is in fort knox thing huh?

There are serious people in the financial world who have been warning for some time about the criminal activity going on. And would you say Germany recalling its gold is a crackpot move? These are some of the most financially savvy people in the world.

There is definitely something wrong in the commodities market. It is common knowledge.

ETA: The recent COMEX fiasco has woken up a lot of people.
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Comex Gold Inventories Collapse By Largest Amount Ever On Record
The FOMC minutes from the last meeting were due for release during last week. But a funny thing happened. They got released EARLIER than expected. It was all a big mistake and the FED let the SEC and the CFTC know right away that the error had occurred. And lo and behold even with all its transparency there happened to be some language we didn’t get updated on until the FOMC minutes were released. The notes say that several members have been discussing cutting back on the stimulus. That was strike one. It got the gold market thinking that stimulus cuts might be coming.

Strike one

Surprise number two

Then a bombshell was released from news sources. It was reported that Cyprus would have to sell 400 million Euro’s of gold as part of the bailout package of raising money for their failed banking system. Gold prices came down to 1550 on the news and the day passed by. Even though Cyprus bankers tell us the next day that they didn't discuss selling any gold, market jitters seemed to remain and Friday was just around the corner. This was strike two.

Now we need a strike three and you’re out. Gold is a nervous market to begin with as a lot of people have already lost a lot of money in the last six months.
With Gold at 1550, all that is needed for the market to drop is to get one more push where all the stops are (just below the 2 year low of 1525).

The selling began in the Friday sessions overseas. By time we got to the New York COMEX gold open, the price was down to 1542. Now all the players are there and the volume and liquidity is there to create the final blow to the market.

And then the attack began. Wave after wave of selling until gold got to 1525. Then they break down the price below the two year low and all the stops that have been accumulating there start getting tripped up and the selling accelerates as it begins to feed on itself. The physical market for gold sees this as a gift and gets ready to make their move and buy up the gold.

Now comes the part that is pure genius or a total coincidental thing that just so happens to be a gift to those who are short the market and those who would be responsible to deliver gold should the inventory deplete.


The screens all freeze.

What does that mean?

No one can get to the physical market to buy at these low prices but at the same time, they can’t sell or protect their position either. The system is frozen. Yes, just like at Bit-coin. The system locks up. And of course the results are going to be the same, just on a lower percentage level.

What can the physical holders do?

Meanwhile the futures market continues to drop.

So what happens? The physical market holders begin to panic. How can they protect themselves as they can’t sell either?

What would I do if I were in that situation?

There is only one solution, especially during a panic. Short and ask questions later.

Therefore it is my speculation that based on 350,000 contracts sold on Friday and the massive drop, some of those contracts was the physical market having no choice but to enter into the futures markets and in order to hedge their physical position holdings, sell contracts or short the market. It’s either that or wait until Monday and be subject to potentially heavy losses should margin calls go out over the weekend. With no time to think and survival instinct kicking in, the physical holders most likely did what they could to protect themselves. They went in and shorted the futures market.

From there the market goes into a free fall as the physical market can’t buy at these low prices because the computer system is down; they can only sell futures to hedge their long physical holdings and so they do what they have to and begin selling futures.

Now it gets worse. As the price drops even more, underfunded players are getting wiped out and now they begin to liquidate. The market goes into a total collapse as all the stops below 1500 get tripped up and the market tanks to 1490.

The market finally closes in New York and returns to the 1500 area.

But it’s not over. There's another situation going on. The weekend is arriving and players begin wondering about margin calls? How are holders going to get money to their brokers over the weekend for the Monday trade session?
But there is not enough liquidity as the COMEX has closed and only the aftermarket GLOBEX is there to execute trades.

But guess what folks?

The banks and brokers are open all weekend and as long as it takes to go through all the accounts and issue all the MARGIN calls.

If they get the margin calls out by Saturday, the customers have 24 hours to get more money to their brokers. If the money is not received by Sunday night or Monday morning, the positions will have to be liquidated, just when the market is at its lowest liquidity and the longs have had all weekend to think about it and the media has had time to tell everyone that the bull market in gold is over.

Not only that but the shorts know exactly what is about to transpire.

I hope you got the picture on how the control boyz forced a major sell off. I speculate the panic over low gold inventory had someone hatch a plan to save their accounts and a lot that is at stake.

They started with leaked information with explosive potential changes in USA policy, and then they published information that Europe/Cyprus would have to sell 400 million Euro's of physical gold. Finally once the sell off began the physical gold market platform in London locks up and no one has buy or sell access in the physical spot market.

As the market players begin to work this out in their mind there is only one thing left to do. Try and exit and get out in the Globex market. So the selling begins again. The market hits below 1500 and then 1490 get broken. The market sells as much as it can up until the very last minute of trade at 5PM New York time. Even then it’s not over. For some reason the volume and the price keeps moving. Was there special consideration going on for those connected who wanted out? I don't know. But at 5:07 PM Eastern standard time the market closes at 352,248 contracts and a price of 1476.10 down a whopping 5.67% -88.80 dollars.

Did the control boys lock down the physical market platform or was it pure coincidence? Either way they have total plausible deniability. HOW?

The computer system went down. It couldn’t handle the traffic and it shut down or a glitch happened in the server. It can be any one of many reasons.

This exact same thing happened during the last take down of gold in late December 2011.

VOILA. The perfect excuse and the perfect scenario.

The physical markets couldn’t buy at those low prices.
Let me repeat that. The physical markets couldn’t buy. They could only sell futures to hedge their physical gold positions.

Of course this will all be reported on the news and in the financials right?


Gold Trends.Net, LLC. - The Free Daily Blog
The paper gold market is being manipulated. That is as plain as the nose on your face. And while the price of paper gold plummeted due to that manipulation, the demand for physical gold is as strong, if not stronger, than ever. That just screams a whole lot of illegal shit is going on.

There is definitely something rotten in Denmark, and everyone knows it.

Buy hey, let's demand less regulation of bankers! Let's turn a blind eye to this blazingly obvious criminal activity! And then when everything goes to shit again, we'll blame the darkies...again...somehow.

The US has "leased" its gold to JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and the other houses of Wall Street. That "leased" gold was subsequently sold by those houses. So how the ever loving FUCK is that gold being "leased"?

The federal government gave its gold to Wall Street, and Wall Street sold it. But that gold is still on the government's books.

It's all paper.

Time for an audit. There has not been one since the 1950s.

comment from A:

Last week, Arizona lawmakers passed a bill that makes precious metals legal tender. Arizona is the second state after Utah to allow gold coins created by the U.S. Mint and private mints to be used as currency. More than a dozen states have legislature underway to pass similar measures.

The move was launched by people who fear the Federal Reserve is not tackling the federal deficit and is thus debasing and devaluing the dollar. Some even fear, that if the Fed continues on the existing path it could lead to hyperinflation.

Miles Lester, who represents a group called Arizona Constitutional Advocates, said during a recent public hearing on legal-tender legislation that "the dollar is on its way out. It's not a matter of if; it's a matter of when."

Using gold and silver as currency would protect people from inflation, currency debasement, predatory banks and an increasingly volatile and vulnerable financial system.

Utah has had the law on the books for the past 2 years and is working on a system for using the precious metals as currency.

The debate on whether gold and silver should be used as an alternative currency will continue and deepen as people realize how fiat currencies are set to be devalued in the coming months – potentially sharply.

A 10-15% allocation to physical bullion in your possession or in allocated accounts remains crucial to all wishing to protect their wealth from wealth confiscation. Whether that be by inflation or by pension, brokerage account or deposit confiscation – all of which have been seen in recent months and will be seen again.
That sudden surge of sham sell orders you saw on the Comex deal is a tried and true scam. It's been done over and over and over, and the regulators have had their hands held by whistleblowers telling them exactly how the scan works, and yet no one does anything. So the assholes keep pulling the same stunt again and again across multiple commodities, ripping off the retards managing your institutional investments. Your 401k, your insurance company, your bank, your public employee retirement fund, your college endowment are being ripped off. And these guys sit back and pop champagne bottles every time they steal from you.

These assholes are fucking with the very DNA of our economic system.

But let's blame the darkies for all these economic problems! Let's put it on food stamps and Obamaphones!
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the old how much gold is in fort knox thing huh?

There are serious people in the financial world who have been warning for some time about the criminal activity going on. And would you say Germany recalling its gold is a crackpot move? These are some of the most financially savvy people in the world.

There is definitely something wrong in the commodities market. It is common knowledge.

ETA: The recent COMEX fiasco has woken up a lot of people.

Obviously not everyone.
The paper gold market is being manipulated. That is as plain as the nose on your face. And while the price of paper gold plummeted due to that manipulation, the demand for physical gold is as strong, if not stronger, than ever. That just screams a whole lot of illegal shit is going on.

There is definitely something rotten in Denmark, and everyone knows it.

Buy hey, let's demand less regulation of bankers! Let's turn a blind eye to this blazingly obvious criminal activity! And then when everything goes to shit again, we'll blame the darkies...again...somehow.

The US has "leased" its gold to JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and the other houses of Wall Street. That "leased" gold was subsequently sold by those houses. So how the ever loving FUCK is that gold being "leased"?

The federal government gave its gold to Wall Street, and Wall Street sold it. But that gold is still on the government's books.

It's all paper.

Time for an audit. There has not been one since the 1950s.

yep, the rich are about to get even richer. take one guess who will be buying gold at depressed prices

That is an article which says some people think the federal government should sell its gold, and has nothing to do with the criminal activity going on, nor the fact the US gold has not been audited in nearly 60 years.

I am going to run through this in a simple step-by-step process. Central banks don’t directly take their bullion to the market and lease it out. They use a vehicle called a bullion bank (BB).

Although bullion banks are numerous, some of the more well known are Barclays, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America, UBS, and Citibank.

The central banks loan gold to the BBs at a rate of approximately 1%. The BBs take it to the LBM and sell it on the open market. The BBs take the cash from selling the bullion and in turn buy Treasuries.

So if the story were to end here, the bullion banks would just walk away with a net 4% return. But it doesn’t end, because they only have the leased gold for a certain length of time. They eventually have to give the gold back to the central banks, but now they are at risk of price swings in a very volatile market.

The answer to their problem is to go long the futures market. Essentially, they buy futures contracts to hedge their risk. In other words, they secure gold for delivery at a specific price, on a specific date in the future. Once they buy their futures contracts, it doesn’t matter what the price action of gold is.

In a perfect scenario, after the gold lease rate and price risk hedging, the bullion bank will walk with a modest 1–2% gain. The central banks will receive a return on their gold, keep the price of gold suppressed in order to keep real inflation suppressed, and get a boost in the demand for Treasuries. It’s a win-win situation for both the bullion and central banks.

The short selling scam depends heavily on this scheme.
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The Politics Forum should be used for the purpose of succinctly stating one's opinion and backing it up with relevant facts. Merely posting long columns written by others is a waste of everyone's time. At a minimum, this post should be placed in the Economy Forum.
Feeling threatened by something you cannot explain, Woodie? I hardly find your complaint a valid one. Join the discussion or don't join it. That is the beauty of message boards. You don't have to participate.

It is indeed a political discussion because since 2010 - 11 our own Gov has been actively involved in purposely destabilizing the dollar - that is an act of treason - and a political discussion. Not an economic one. Thanks and you have a nice day. Ya hear? - Jeri
Feeling threatened by something you cannot explain, Woodie? I hardly find your complaint a valid one. Join the discussion or don't join it. That is the beauty of message boards. You don't have to participate.

It is indeed a political discussion because since 2010 - 11 our own Gov has been actively involved in purposely destabilizing the dollar - that is an act of treason - and a political discussion. Not an economic one. Thanks and you have a nice day. Ya hear? - Jeri

Thanks for the succinct response! What do you mean by destabilizing the dollar, and for what purpose? (serious questions)
This is what I mean:

Isn't this a blatant treasonist act to destabilize our currency? Since 2010 the white house and the media have been cutting out any recognition of the absence of gold in the treasury. They are ignoring that Islam is the only religion that bombs innocent crowds. We are diluting the currency at the same rate that we are admitting islamist to the USA both of which are a burden this entitlement nation. Now we find out that the recent bombers likely cut the throats of three jews and that there have been jewish slayings from the midwest to the northeast. When we have cultural and economic instability at the same time as devaluation history shows that the collapse is ugly.

Another question back to you, Woodie. Do you understand the political underpinnings of what is happening here? This is our own government commiting treason. Please comment. I'd like to hear it.
the government is printing money hand over foot. the dollar becomes more and more worthless. as a result of these actions the dollar will lose its prominence in the world market. that means, we in the USA are fucked. fucked with inflation. cheap imports will no longer be cheap either.
The Obama administration has brought about the cultural, economic devastation as well as risk to future survival of America as we know it -----> to the point of no return. Just remember when it all implodes it happened on Obama's watch. Can't blame this one on George Bush Jr.
The dollar is being destablized by the massive monetizing of debt and purchase of MBS by the Fed. The purpose is to devalue the dollar to make it easier to pay off the $16 trillion shit sandwich built up by generations of Americans whose credo is, "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it".

The Fed has created an extinction event bond bubble that is going to make the 2008 crash look like a picnic.

Now as to gold, I am not one of those "End the Fed" whackjobs like other people who shall go unnamed. ;)

However, I have a certain level of understanding how the financial trading markets work, and I am familiar with the various schemes used to rip off the rubes who manage all your retirement money and the money handled by your public officials. The recent COMEX scam is just one of many that are being perpetrated on a regular basis.

The scheme is very simple. Phantom sells orders are posted on the trading exchange. These phantom sell orders must be of sufficient size to make the price of a commodity move downward. This spooks the money manager rubes (who I shall call "the herd") into believing someone somewhere knows something they do not.

The herd then begins selling that commodity to cut the losses of their long positions. This then forces the price of the commodity still lower, prompting more panic selling.

Much of the purchasing of commodities is done on margin. And if the value of the commodity drops, that can prompt margin calls. So when the bottom starts falling out, those who have a long position feel compelled to sell to cover the inevitable margin calls.

During a panic, no one stops to breathe and analyze what is actually going on, or to discover what the motive or impetus behind the initial giant sell order was.

When the panic peaks, the same people who posted the phantom sell orders then move in and scoop up the commodity at the new low panic price and make a killing. But even worse, they sell short positions to the herd during the panic. When the panic passes, and the price of the commodity rises back to equilibrium, the herd takes a double whammy since it shorted the commodity during the panic.

And your 401k just took an ass whipping.

When this con was pulled on the COMEX, the conspirators also managed to lock up the ability to sell one's long positions! The herd could not sell their physical gold to cut their losses. So the herd had no recourse but to enter the futures exchange and starting buying short positions. This is about as evil as it gets.

Whoever was on the selling end of the short positions made a killing. And it is there where you will find the criminals.

Regulators have been walked through this scam in real time, and yet no one is ever prosecuted.
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