The GOP Congressional Overreach will Soon Begin

The only thing they can actually do is refuse to fund the government and drive it into default, anything else requires the cooperation of the president and they will not send him a single thing that he would sign.
They haven't even been sworn in yet...

Republicans are terribly predictable in their strategic errors.

I would say that, if they carry on the planned strategy, they will have proven to voters that they are incapable of governing by 2016. Refusing to consider a minimum wage increase, while at the same time seeking tax breaks for the Super Rich is not going to sit well with the average voter.

Rather than reach across the aisle and try to work with Obama for two years, it sound like they will be sending up extreme bills that have no chance of being approved. The members of the GOP that will need to be reelected in Blue states may be revolting, rather than losing their seats in 2016.

Message to the GOP: "Prove that you can Govern and then MAYBE you can win the White House."
is there a liberidiot anywhere nearby who has the brain capacity above that of a cockroach ?
increasing the min.wage will only cause higher prices in any industry, just look at the unions, every fucking time they asked /demanded higher pay for workers, what happened.., prices of goods went up, that is why we have an ordinary family automobile costing $20,000.00, a loaf of bread $5.00..., and you dumbasses still want a ten+ dollar min wage ??

:fu: people, you absolutely disgust me, that is why i DESPISE LIBERSCUM !!

I would say that, if they carry on the planned strategy, they will have proven to voters that they are incapable of governing by 2016. Refusing to consider a minimum wage increase, while at the same time seeking tax breaks for the Super Rich is not going to sit well with the average voter.
Wages differ all over the country, only a dope thinks a national minimum wage is a good idea. We've seen the results of your type of political hyperventilating and you learned nothing. Libs=stuck on stupid.
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The only thing they can actually do is refuse to fund the government and drive it into default, anything else requires the cooperation of the president and they will not send him a single thing that he would sign.

I smell a shutdown already!
I would say that, if they carry on the planned strategy, they will have proven to voters that they are incapable of governing by 2016. Refusing to consider a minimum wage increase, while at the same time seeking tax breaks for the Super Rich is not going to sit well with the average voter.
Wages differ all over the country, only a dope thinks a national minimum wage is a good idea. We've seen the results of your type of political hyperventilating and you learned nothing. Libs=stuck on stupid.
So 7.25 is too high huh? We should allow states to pay 2.00/hour so long as republicans are in power?
The only thing they can actually do is refuse to fund the government and drive it into default, anything else requires the cooperation of the president and they will not send him a single thing that he would sign.

I smell a shutdown already!
They didn't learn from what exactly? The MASSIVE gains they have made over the last several years. I don't think you and most democrats truly appreciate exactly how far the republicans have managed to go. With your attentions fixed squarely on a single position (the white house) the republicans have managed to make massive gains across virtually all legislative bodies in the entire nation. Now they control the senate and the house. What were they supposed to 'learn' from this? To become democrats?

What you smell is your hope on fire.

You are hoping that the right makes an ass of themselves. How about we actually see what they do rather than make assumptions before they even take office. They are going to have a conservative starting point - that is a given. You don't really expect them to start putting Obama's preferred policies in place before they even get to the negotiating table do you? That would be asinine particularly after the sweeping win.

Will there be reasonable compromise? I don't know but I certainly am not thinking we are going to see it before they even take office. That would simply be silly.
Man oh man, the elections haven't even been a week and they are already being accused of, overreaching. Believe the NYslimes at your own peril

Jim you are a good little tool for the Democrat party


Poll: Americans Want Republicans to Set The Agenda, Not Obama
Matt Vespa|Nov 11, 2014

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As Katie notedlast week, President Obama gave little indication that he’s going to alter course regarding his agenda that sunk his party in the 2014 midterms.
"To everyone who voted I want you to know I hear you, to the two thirds of Americans chose not to participate, I hear you too,” said Obama in a less than subtle dig at Republicans by telling the they have no mandate.
As Dan wroteearlier this week, there was low voter turnout during this cycle–and it’s being used by liberals to diminish the impact of this Republican wave; a wave that led to Democrats losing the Senate, failing to retake the House, and losing governorships in deep blue states.
Right now, the GOP has not controlled this many state legislatures since 1920. Nearly 50 percentof the population lives in states where the GOP controls the state legislature and the executive.
So, how do folks feel about this new Red America? According to Gallup, 53 percent want the GOP Congress to have more influence than Obama:

Following the midterm election that some have termed a Republican wave, the majority of Americans want the Republicans in Congress -- rather than President Barack Obama -- to have more influence over the direction the country takes in the coming year. This is a switch from early 2012 when a slim plurality, 46%, wanted Obama to prevail in steering the nation.
Republicans' 17-percentage-point edge over Obama on this measure exceeds what they earned after the 2010 midterm, when Americans favored Republicans by an eight-point margin (49% to 41%). It also eclipses the nine-point advantage Republicans had over Bill Clinton following the 1994 midterm in which Republicans captured the majority of both houses.

The midterm election provided a clear signal as to which party voters want to control Congress. That message is echoed in the results of the latest Gallup poll showing Americans expressly asking for the Republicans -- rather than Obama -- to guide the direction the country takes in the next year. But, after four years of partisan gridlock, most Americans are not optimistic that the election's outcome will improve things.
ALL of it here:
Poll Americans Want Republicans to Set The Agenda Not Obama - Matt Vespa

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