The GOP Continues Their War On The Poor & Elderly, Passes Bill To Gut Food Assistance

so when clinton did the same you complained too right?


they are only cutting obama's increases from clinton era levels
so when clinton did the same you complained too right?


they are only cutting obama's increases from clinton era levels

Clinton was last in office 13 yrs ago. What do you think has happened to the price of food since then?
Why did this thread get a "thumbs down"? I thought Republicans would be "thrilled" at this news.
What happened to democrats screaming that the elderly had investments and pensions that were starving children? What happened to democrats complaining that the health care for elderly cost too much and the old should just die.

How about we just cut off all benefits to illegals and their children? Then we have plenty left for the elderly.
What happened to democrats screaming that the elderly had investments and pensions that were starving children? What happened to democrats complaining that the health care for elderly cost too much and the old should just die.

How about we just cut off all benefits to illegals and their children? Then we have plenty left for the elderly.

So you are thrilled about this?
Anybody who thinks food stamps is about nutrition is a fool. People use food stamps to save money to pay for stuff like high energy costs kept high to punish Americans for their decadence. Most people of a particular generation still smoke and the administration has seen fit to force them to pay about 500 times what they paid when they got hooked on smoking. They won't quit so they use food stamps to save money so they can smoke more. Lower taxes, a rational energy policy and less federal regulations as well as the repealing of Obamacare would result in more jobs and better pay and less food stamps but that ain't what the government wants. Food stamps are a political football that the left can kick around and the ignorant minions are more than willing to be outraged if the corrupt system was trimmed.
so when clinton did the same you complained too right?


they are only cutting obama's increases from clinton era levels

Clinton was last in office 13 yrs ago. What do you think has happened to the price of food since then?

wait...i thought the economy was doing better....:lol:

you dems can't keep your stories straight...we don't need to remain at such high levels...clinton cut it and the economy still did well, we should do so now
so when clinton did the same you complained too right?


they are only cutting obama's increases from clinton era levels

Clinton was last in office 13 yrs ago. What do you think has happened to the price of food since then?

wait...i thought the economy was doing better....:lol:

you dems can't keep your stories straight...we don't need to remain at such high levels...clinton cut it and the economy still did well, we should do so now

Stop trolling the thread. Are you jumping with glee over these recent GOP attacks on the poor and elderly?
Why aren't people more interested in finding a way to get people jobs and off food stamps?
so when clinton did the same you complained too right?


they are only cutting obama's increases from clinton era levels

Clinton was last in office 13 yrs ago. What do you think has happened to the price of food since then?

wait...i thought the economy was doing better....:lol:

you dems can't keep your stories straight...we don't need to remain at such high levels...clinton cut it and the economy still did well, we should do so now

you forgot that it was their idol Clinton - he has a magic D next to his last name :lol:
Here we go again with the right wingers declaring war on those that are most at need, but won't touch a penny to get their corporate cronies to pay their fair share,..

So under Obama the food stamp program explodes, primarily because Obama weakened the eligibility requirements so virtually everyone in America now qualifies except maybe for folks like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.

But this is really about "helping people in need." Yeah, right, people are fucking starving in America. We're the fattest, most obese people on planet Earth, but we have to "help the little people in need."

Complete fucking horseshit. 48 million people in America do not fucking need food stamps. Enough with the bullshit.
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Here's how the propaganda works: Everybody is aware that the administration is so screwed up that Obama didn't even know that he was delivering a campaign speech when they were dragging bodies out of the Navy Yard. It's so screwed up that the Russians are writing anti-American op-eds in the NY Times. The best defense these poor stupid left wingers have is Media Matters and the other left wing propaganda clones who pretend outrage about routine bills. Climate science doesn't seem to work so the left wing picks up the food stamp football and runs with it for a while. It beats addressing real important issues.
If they waged the war in Iraq the with the vigor that they go after women, the elderly and the poor, the Iraq War may not have been the flop and failure that is was.
so when clinton did the same you complained too right?


they are only cutting obama's increases from clinton era levels

Clinton was last in office 13 yrs ago. What do you think has happened to the price of food since then?

wait...i thought the economy was doing better....:lol:

you dems can't keep your stories straight...we don't need to remain at such high levels...clinton cut it and the economy still did well, we should do so now

The economy IS doing better, you twit. Are we still losing 250k jobs per month? Besides, the price of food then compared to now is not indicative of the state of the present economy. The price of goods rises every year. Unfortunately, salaries have not kept pace. But that has nothing to do with Obama's polices. Get a new're no good at this one.
Why aren't people more interested in finding a way to get people jobs and off food stamps?

Ask the GOP. They haven't lifted a finger to help the jobless.[/QUOTE
Thanks for the typical talking points response now the Democrats have done what to help the jobless? Keep in mind if you factor in those discouraged workers who have stopped looking and those who can only find part time work as unemployed which we don't the unemployment rate would still be 10% or higher.
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Only a lying assed liberal would call a less than 5% reduction gutting a program. I really don't know how you can get up in the morning with a screwed up mind like yours.

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