The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare

our national debt when obozo took over was 10T, it will be 20T when he leaves
there are more in poverty today than in 08
there are more on food stamps than in 08
the gap between rich and poor is larger than in 08
the mideast is a total mess under obozo
the country is more divided than other due to his failed policies
his stooge reid sat on over 300 bills rather than doing his job

those are not sour grapes, they are facts. Deal with it.

Now you are trying...actually trying to talk specifics
I am proud of you

Obama took over an economy that was in freefall. That there continues to be economic instability is a given

Now as to the inequality in the distribution of wealth.....that has been brewing since we embraced supply side economics

the economy was not in "free fall" what a stupid comment.

your hero said he would fix it, he did nothing but make it worse, that is the reality of the obama terms

there will always be rich and poor, the government cannot change that. But, the american system of free interprise is the best method to give everyone who is willing to work a piece of the pie. government mandated income distribution never works, it only helps those doing the distributing.
Not in free fall?

The stock market had dropped 7000 points
We were losing 750,000 jobs a month
Auto companies were collapsing
Banks were defaulting
GDP had been negative for five quarters
Housing market collapsed

If that is not free fall, what is?
Obama made it worse?

Stock Market is up 11,000 points
Adding 230,000 jobs a month
Auto companies were saved
Banks repaid loans
GDP up 2-3 percent a quarter
Housing market recovering

That is worse to you?

OK, lets review

Obama had nothing to do with the stock market. the rise is almost all due to the low interest rates by the fed
most of those jobs are part time or the result of people taking jobs they are over qualified for

The auto companies would have been just fine if they had gone through bankruptcy, The bailout (using taxpayer money) was to save the UAW, not the auto companies

banks always repay loans, thats why they are called loans.

GDP, one good quarter an 7 years of miserable ones.

The housing market is better, but not because of anything obozo did.

So, yes, it is worse than when he took over.
Ah yes...the old....You didn't do that

Sounds familiar
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

It is hilarious! I am slapping my knee and laughing so hard I start coughing uncontrollably. Especially given the fact that the failed bitch is beating all of the Republicans in the polls. So, genius, what does that make them? And what does that make you, sock puppet?


Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

It is hilarious! I am slapping my knee and laughing so hard I start coughing uncontrollably. Especially given the fact that the failed bitch is beating all of the Republicans in the polls. So, genius, what does that make them? And what does that make you, sock puppet?

Which lies of hers do you believe, her being named after Sir Hillary? What about her under fire in Bosnia? What about the only one cell phone lie? Or was she really broke?

Please which ones do you believe? To be honest, it's hard to see when lies begin and end with her.
Higher. But its irrelevant.

The numbers comparing San Diego cops before before body cams and after all came before Ferguson. Making Fergeson irrelevant to the numbers I'm citing.

Sigh....I was hoping with your talk of 'objectivity' I could present evidence and it might make an impact. Apparently I was wrong.

Arrests haven't gone down. They've gone up. Uses of force have gone

The claim of objectivity still stands.

Then objectively, what is your explanation for the stark reduction in the use of force by police officers by their own reporting when body cams were implemented. We've already eliminated the 'they aren't doing their job because they are afraid' angle. Arrests are up. And the 'false allegation' angle. As these are self reported numbers.

So what do you have left?

Objectively, my explanation works: that much of the use of force by police officers before body cams wasn't necessary.

Its an explanation blessed with the credibility of simplicity (Occam's Razor anyone?), is supported by other evidence (accompanying reduction in complaints of excessive force) and matches the evidence. Nothing you've presented does.

So.....can you offer a better explanation? If no, then why are you rejecting mine? Especially when your last two excuses didn't work.

I was impressed with the data on arrests and feel that the city is not being affected as other metropolitan areas. I looked more at the data provided and other data to complete the observance. Do you feel that the fact that San Diego has a black population of 6.7% has made a difference?

San Diego - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

San Diego is probably not alone. Other cities with the same demographics would be interesting to study.
The demographics of the area didn't change significantly from the year before the use of body cams to the year that body cams were used. Yet use of force changed dramatically between those two years. Body cams are the only significant difference. The black population percentage remained essentially unchanged.

Skylar, you have made a great representation...better than mine. I am inclined to lean toward you opinion.

Thank you. And thank you for being open to reviewing the evidence. My point in presenting it is as evidence that the use of unnecessary force by police is likely far greater than is being reported. And that such likelihood of unnecessary force is worthy of federal 'interference'.

Now, can this be repeated elsewhere whereas the arrest records increase? Can you make these same assumptions where LE are not proactive in their present environment?

We'll find out. Body cams uses are expanding. If we see accompanying dramatic reductions in the use of force by police after implementation but no major change to their arrest numbers.....then I think that stands as strong evidence that illegal and unnecessary violence by police was pretty wide spread.

Better though is that the use of body cams would then help keep that level low and help reduce unnecessary uses of force. And help protect police officers from unjust accusations when the uses of force were justified. The benefits are very much a two way street. Which is why most police unions support them....with one caveat:

That officers be able to review (but be unable to alter in any way) the body cam footage of an incident before writing their reports. That seems completely reasonable as it would result in the most accurate accounting.

I absolutely agree especially with your last statement. There was one police officer who claimed the video cam went down (shut off) three times while he was engaging suspects. The police investigated and found there was no problem with the video cam. He was likely the culprit.

Being a police officer is risky business and we need well qualified and honest people taking those positions. I would agree with most anything that would encourage proper police action, taking out the biased and egocentric cops as long as we support our good officers. Think we can agree on that.

I completely agree. And I'd argue that most cops fit the bill you've described. The vast majority of cops fit one of two types: those who want to protect and serve or those who are just doing a job. Either is fine with me. And bodycams protect them both.

The tiny minority of abusive a-hole who is drawn to the job because of its power I'm not fine with. And the body cams keep these folks in check.

I don't see any downside for cop or public with bodycams. And a huge bump in accountability.

Now, one question: do you think that uploaded bodycam footage should be available to the public? Some municipalities that use them actually create an online archive that anyone can access. Their own cross between COPS the series and youtube.

What do you think? I'm undecided.
Now you are trying...actually trying to talk specifics
I am proud of you

Obama took over an economy that was in freefall. That there continues to be economic instability is a given

Now as to the inequality in the distribution of wealth.....that has been brewing since we embraced supply side economics

the economy was not in "free fall" what a stupid comment.

your hero said he would fix it, he did nothing but make it worse, that is the reality of the obama terms

there will always be rich and poor, the government cannot change that. But, the american system of free interprise is the best method to give everyone who is willing to work a piece of the pie. government mandated income distribution never works, it only helps those doing the distributing.
Not in free fall?

The stock market had dropped 7000 points
We were losing 750,000 jobs a month
Auto companies were collapsing
Banks were defaulting
GDP had been negative for five quarters
Housing market collapsed

If that is not free fall, what is?
Obama made it worse?

Stock Market is up 11,000 points
Adding 230,000 jobs a month
Auto companies were saved
Banks repaid loans
GDP up 2-3 percent a quarter
Housing market recovering

That is worse to you?

OK, lets review

Obama had nothing to do with the stock market. the rise is almost all due to the low interest rates by the fed
most of those jobs are part time or the result of people taking jobs they are over qualified for

The auto companies would have been just fine if they had gone through bankruptcy, The bailout (using taxpayer money) was to save the UAW, not the auto companies

banks always repay loans, thats why they are called loans.

GDP, one good quarter an 7 years of miserable ones.

The housing market is better, but not because of anything obozo did.

So, yes, it is worse than when he took over.
Ah yes...the old....You didn't do that

Sounds familiar

No? then tell us specifically what obozo did to save the economy--------note the word "specifically".

we'll be waiting.
Hillary will find out just how good her percentage points are after the first debate. Hell she can't answer a reporters questions now...what is she going to do when met with actual questions she HAS to answer during a debate? Deep down Hillary is afraid of questions because her answers will be checked and rechecked.

Nope, think HRC is scared and rightly so.

Under any SENSE of Reality... Hillary Clinton would presently be defending herself from Federal Charges ranging from violations of the RICO statutes, to TREASON.

That she is not, is a definitive sign that something well beyond 'corruption' is operating the highest levels of the United States Government.
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories

do you really think an obama appointed AG is going to prosecute a clinton? her time is coming, just wait. The clinton crime family will be brought to justice.
Republicans have been prosecuting Clinton's for over two decades

Haven't succeeded yet
Hillary will find out just how good her percentage points are after the first debate. Hell she can't answer a reporters questions now...what is she going to do when met with actual questions she HAS to answer during a debate? Deep down Hillary is afraid of questions because her answers will be checked and rechecked.

Nope, think HRC is scared and rightly so.

Under any SENSE of Reality... Hillary Clinton would presently be defending herself from Federal Charges ranging from violations of the RICO statutes, to TREASON.

That she is not, is a definitive sign that something well beyond 'corruption' is operating the highest levels of the United States Government.
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories

do you really think an obama appointed AG is going to prosecute a clinton? her time is coming, just wait. The clinton crime family will be brought to justice.
Republicans have been prosecuting Clinton's for over two decades

Haven't succeeded yet

Bubba was impeached for lying under oath.

But you are correct, the clintons are very good at hiding the truth, why else did HRC use a private server and then destroy it? People with nothing to hide don't do shit like that.

Now, even the left wing media is fed up with their lying and corruption. They are going down, its just a matter of time. The media has turned on them, next will be the DNC because they know that she is a loser.

their demise will be enjoyed.
the economy was not in "free fall" what a stupid comment.

your hero said he would fix it, he did nothing but make it worse, that is the reality of the obama terms

there will always be rich and poor, the government cannot change that. But, the american system of free interprise is the best method to give everyone who is willing to work a piece of the pie. government mandated income distribution never works, it only helps those doing the distributing.
Not in free fall?

The stock market had dropped 7000 points
We were losing 750,000 jobs a month
Auto companies were collapsing
Banks were defaulting
GDP had been negative for five quarters
Housing market collapsed

If that is not free fall, what is?
Obama made it worse?

Stock Market is up 11,000 points
Adding 230,000 jobs a month
Auto companies were saved
Banks repaid loans
GDP up 2-3 percent a quarter
Housing market recovering

That is worse to you?

OK, lets review

Obama had nothing to do with the stock market. the rise is almost all due to the low interest rates by the fed
most of those jobs are part time or the result of people taking jobs they are over qualified for

The auto companies would have been just fine if they had gone through bankruptcy, The bailout (using taxpayer money) was to save the UAW, not the auto companies

banks always repay loans, thats why they are called loans.

GDP, one good quarter an 7 years of miserable ones.

The housing market is better, but not because of anything obozo did.

So, yes, it is worse than when he took over.
Ah yes...the old....You didn't do that

Sounds familiar

No? then tell us specifically what obozo did to save the economy--------note the word "specifically".

we'll be waiting.


The market was in a panic. Nobody was investing in the economy and banks were failing.
Obama made it clear the US Government would stand behind the banks
He forced a restructuring of the auto companies and demanded stock in what republicans derided as Obama Motors
While other investors were bailing on the economy, Obama put money back in

With the power of the US Government standing behind the banks and investing in a struggling economy the panic subsided

Both the stock market and job losses reversed within weeks of TARP/ Stimulus

That is how Obama stopped a depression
Hillary will find out just how good her percentage points are after the first debate. Hell she can't answer a reporters questions now...what is she going to do when met with actual questions she HAS to answer during a debate? Deep down Hillary is afraid of questions because her answers will be checked and rechecked.

Nope, think HRC is scared and rightly so.

Under any SENSE of Reality... Hillary Clinton would presently be defending herself from Federal Charges ranging from violations of the RICO statutes, to TREASON.

That she is not, is a definitive sign that something well beyond 'corruption' is operating the highest levels of the United States Government.
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories

do you really think an obama appointed AG is going to prosecute a clinton? her time is coming, just wait. The clinton crime family will be brought to justice.
Republicans have been prosecuting Clinton's for over two decades

Haven't succeeded yet

BTW, still waiting for you to tell us how obozo saved the economy.
Hillary will find out just how good her percentage points are after the first debate. Hell she can't answer a reporters questions now...what is she going to do when met with actual questions she HAS to answer during a debate? Deep down Hillary is afraid of questions because her answers will be checked and rechecked.

Nope, think HRC is scared and rightly so.

Under any SENSE of Reality... Hillary Clinton would presently be defending herself from Federal Charges ranging from violations of the RICO statutes, to TREASON.

That she is not, is a definitive sign that something well beyond 'corruption' is operating the highest levels of the United States Government.
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories

do you really think an obama appointed AG is going to prosecute a clinton? her time is coming, just wait. The clinton crime family will be brought to justice.
Republicans have been prosecuting Clinton's for over two decades

Haven't succeeded yet

Bubba was impeached for lying under oath.

But you are correct, the clintons are very good at hiding the truth, why else did HRC use a private server and then destroy it? People with nothing to hide don't do shit like that.

Now, even the left wing media is fed up with their lying and corruption. They are going down, its just a matter of time. The media has turned on them, next will be the DNC because they know that she is a loser.

their demise will be enjoyed.

Once again you substitute conspiracy theories for actual facts

Courts usually require more, that is why Republicans fail
Not in free fall?

The stock market had dropped 7000 points
We were losing 750,000 jobs a month
Auto companies were collapsing
Banks were defaulting
GDP had been negative for five quarters
Housing market collapsed

If that is not free fall, what is?
Obama made it worse?

Stock Market is up 11,000 points
Adding 230,000 jobs a month
Auto companies were saved
Banks repaid loans
GDP up 2-3 percent a quarter
Housing market recovering

That is worse to you?

OK, lets review

Obama had nothing to do with the stock market. the rise is almost all due to the low interest rates by the fed
most of those jobs are part time or the result of people taking jobs they are over qualified for

The auto companies would have been just fine if they had gone through bankruptcy, The bailout (using taxpayer money) was to save the UAW, not the auto companies

banks always repay loans, thats why they are called loans.

GDP, one good quarter an 7 years of miserable ones.

The housing market is better, but not because of anything obozo did.

So, yes, it is worse than when he took over.
Ah yes...the old....You didn't do that

Sounds familiar

No? then tell us specifically what obozo did to save the economy--------note the word "specifically".

we'll be waiting.


The market was in a panic. Nobody was investing in the economy and banks were failing.
Obama made it clear the US Government would stand behind the banks
He forced a restructuring of the auto companies and demanded stock in what republicans derided as Obama Motors
While other investors were bailing on the economy, Obama put money back in

With the power of the US Government standing behind the banks and investing in a struggling economy the panic subsided

Both the stock market and job losses reversed within weeks of TARP/ Stimulus

That is how Obama stopped a depression

I'll give you one point for that, because you have the talking points memorized. They are all lies but you recited them very weil--------congratulations, idiot.
Hillary will find out just how good her percentage points are after the first debate. Hell she can't answer a reporters questions now...what is she going to do when met with actual questions she HAS to answer during a debate? Deep down Hillary is afraid of questions because her answers will be checked and rechecked.

Nope, think HRC is scared and rightly so.

Under any SENSE of Reality... Hillary Clinton would presently be defending herself from Federal Charges ranging from violations of the RICO statutes, to TREASON.

That she is not, is a definitive sign that something well beyond 'corruption' is operating the highest levels of the United States Government.
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories

do you really think an obama appointed AG is going to prosecute a clinton? her time is coming, just wait. The clinton crime family will be brought to justice.
Republicans have been prosecuting Clinton's for over two decades

Haven't succeeded yet

BTW, still waiting for you to tell us how obozo saved the economy.
Read the post above yours
Under any SENSE of Reality... Hillary Clinton would presently be defending herself from Federal Charges ranging from violations of the RICO statutes, to TREASON.

That she is not, is a definitive sign that something well beyond 'corruption' is operating the highest levels of the United States Government.
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories

do you really think an obama appointed AG is going to prosecute a clinton? her time is coming, just wait. The clinton crime family will be brought to justice.
Republicans have been prosecuting Clinton's for over two decades

Haven't succeeded yet

Bubba was impeached for lying under oath.

But you are correct, the clintons are very good at hiding the truth, why else did HRC use a private server and then destroy it? People with nothing to hide don't do shit like that.

Now, even the left wing media is fed up with their lying and corruption. They are going down, its just a matter of time. The media has turned on them, next will be the DNC because they know that she is a loser.

their demise will be enjoyed.

Once again you substitute conspiracy theories for actual facts

Courts usually require more, that is why Republicans fail

Is the NY times (a very liberal rag) making up things about them? How about CNN? If they are all making stuff up, why aren't the clintons suing for libel? Why aren't they suing the guy who wrote the book detailing all of the corruption in their "Charity" ?
Under any SENSE of Reality... Hillary Clinton would presently be defending herself from Federal Charges ranging from violations of the RICO statutes, to TREASON.

That she is not, is a definitive sign that something well beyond 'corruption' is operating the highest levels of the United States Government.
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories

do you really think an obama appointed AG is going to prosecute a clinton? her time is coming, just wait. The clinton crime family will be brought to justice.
Republicans have been prosecuting Clinton's for over two decades

Haven't succeeded yet

BTW, still waiting for you to tell us how obozo saved the economy.
Read the post above yours

saw it and its :bs1: sorry :boohoo:
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

It is hilarious! I am slapping my knee and laughing so hard I start coughing uncontrollably. Especially given the fact that the failed bitch is beating all of the Republicans in the polls. So, genius, what does that make them? And what does that make you, sock puppet?



Answer the question. OK, I'll let you off on the second question because anyone here can answer that. But what about the first one.
Yo, winger.

Now that O'Malley has declared, do you think he will attack the hildebeast and bring out all the corruption and back room traitorous deals done by HRC and the clinton foundation?
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories

do you really think an obama appointed AG is going to prosecute a clinton? her time is coming, just wait. The clinton crime family will be brought to justice.
Republicans have been prosecuting Clinton's for over two decades

Haven't succeeded yet

BTW, still waiting for you to tell us how obozo saved the economy.
Read the post above yours

saw it and its :bs1: sorry :boohoo:
About what I expected as a response from you

demand proof ( twice)

Then you can't refute a single point
Yo, winger.

Now that O'Malley has declared, do you think he will attack the hildebeast and bring out all the corruption and back room traitorous deals done by HRC and the clinton foundation?

I doubt it

He doesn't watch Foxnews
That she is not being prosecuted is more evidence of your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories

do you really think an obama appointed AG is going to prosecute a clinton? her time is coming, just wait. The clinton crime family will be brought to justice.
Republicans have been prosecuting Clinton's for over two decades

Haven't succeeded yet

Bubba was impeached for lying under oath.

But you are correct, the clintons are very good at hiding the truth, why else did HRC use a private server and then destroy it? People with nothing to hide don't do shit like that.

Now, even the left wing media is fed up with their lying and corruption. They are going down, its just a matter of time. The media has turned on them, next will be the DNC because they know that she is a loser.

their demise will be enjoyed.

Once again you substitute conspiracy theories for actual facts

Courts usually require more, that is why Republicans fail

Is the NY times (a very liberal rag) making up things about them? How about CNN? If they are all making stuff up, why aren't the clintons suing for libel? Why aren't they suing the guy who wrote the book detailing all of the corruption in their "Charity" ?

You're not very bright, are you? You don't understand that the Clintons (and I'm no fan of them) are way too smart to initiate a law suit for slander and give media attention to the guy who wrote the Clinton cash book. They understand the 24 hour news cycle and how it works. I suggest you study up.

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