The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare


Never sounds like very strong language. Question: suppose someone offered to make a bet with you conditional on Hillary winning the nomination where you paid $30 if Hillary ends up as President and you got paid $10 if she isn't elected, would you take it?

Only a fool would ever bet on politics.

Really? And why is that? If that's because politics is hard to predict then you shouldn't make claims like "never" involving elections. Don't make statements which portray a degree of certainty you don't actually have.

How soon the sheep forget 2000 to 2006 when tom delay "convicted" Dennis hastert "indicted" and bush the war criminal bankrupted this nation and you want to try it again? That's all they had to do to get back power was obstruct from 2006 to now and you want to reward them more? Ha!

This ain't a midterm where sheep dont show up. You guys only win midterms. We need hillarys veto pen on boehner and Mitch McConnell and we can't have another right wing on the supreme court.

I know the Moon Bats like to play this grade school game of "Tommy also did it" but neither Hastert or DeLay are running for President this year but The Hildabeast is and she has been caught red handed busing her position in government to get filthy rich.

Her blatant corruption and incompetency is unbelievable.

If the American people are as stupid as Gruber said they are then there may be a chance she could pull it off. If that is the case then this country is really fucked.
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Really? And why is that? If that's because politics is hard to predict then you shouldn't make claims like "never" involving elections. Don't make statements which portray a degree of certainty you don't actually have.

This is an internet discussion forum. All of us voice our opinions and predictions. Just because my opinion is different than the Moon bats doesn't mean it is any less valid. I did put in a few qualifications like how many of Gruber's "stupid Americans" will turn out to vote.

Really? And why is that? If that's because politics is hard to predict then you shouldn't make claims like "never" involving elections. Don't make statements which portray a degree of certainty you don't actually have.

This is an internet discussion forum. All of us voice our opinions and predictions. Just because my opinion is different than the Moon bats doesn't mean it is any less valid. I did put in a few qualifications like how many of Gruber's "stupid Americans" will turn out to vote.

Of course it is an internet discussion, but that doesn't mean you should put forth opinions you don't really believe. This by the way has nothing to do with your specific politics, it is just as bad as when people on the left do this. They confuse "I want this candidate to win/lose" with "I like/dislike this candidate" to the point where they engage in cheerleading for their candidate's imminent win or loss. This is not productive. And they don't really believe it often as one can see that people are rarely willing to put their money with their mouth is.

Of course it is an internet discussion, but that doesn't mean you should put forth opinions you don't really believe. This by the way has nothing to do with your specific politics, it is just as bad as when people on the left do this. They confuse "I want this candidate to win/lose" with "I like/dislike this candidate" to the point where they engage in cheerleading for their candidate's imminent win or loss. This is not productive. And they don't really believe it often as one can see that people are rarely willing to put their money with their mouth is.

One thing about an internet discussion forum. If you don't like someone's opinion then you don't have to read their post.

Of course it is an internet discussion, but that doesn't mean you should put forth opinions you don't really believe. This by the way has nothing to do with your specific politics, it is just as bad as when people on the left do this. They confuse "I want this candidate to win/lose" with "I like/dislike this candidate" to the point where they engage in cheerleading for their candidate's imminent win or loss. This is not productive. And they don't really believe it often as one can see that people are rarely willing to put their money with their mouth is.

One thing about an internet discussion forum. If you don't like someone's opinion then you don't have to read their post.

Sure. But I hope you won't begrudge me an attempt to improve the signal to noise ratio by helping determine what people actually believe and when they are just cheerleading/BSing.

The stable of 'potential' winners. :0)

Other than Carly, is there one that HASN'T won?
Senate seat, governors chair, etc?
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

Data suggests that the Republicans have a substantially better chance than you seem to be estimating. Note for example that if you look at the actual national poll numbers you'll see that one major poll has put Clinton a point behind Jeb in a general election, and others have put her only a hair ahead of Rubio in multiple swing-state polls. But it sounds like from this comment and others you've made that you assign a very high probability to the Democrats winning the Presidency. What chance do you assign to the Democrats winning the Presidency?

I appreciate your sane response .. although I disagree with it. First, it isn't just my estimation of the boxed position that republicans have put themselves in. The ever-shrinking republican base is no secret to anyone who has been paying attention. I'm sure republicans don't want to admit or talk about it, but them not talking about it changes nothing. It is essentially an all-white party in a land of rapidly changing demographics that does not favor the right.


.. and given that approximately 42% of the white vote goes to democrats .. it doesn't take rocket science to see the box that republicans have not only put themselves in .. but continue to dig the hole even deeper.

If you want to talk about the facts .. I'm good with that.

This shows a general trend that's a serious problem for the Republicans. It doesn't show a specific problem in any specific election. (I assign a 55% chance that the Democrats will win this election.) But this does show that the hole is getting worse. If there's not some sort of substantial change in trends it is very hard to see how the Republicans would have any chance at winning 2020 or 2024.

I agree with that brother.

Sure. But I hope you won't begrudge me an attempt to improve the signal to noise ratio by helping determine what people actually believe and when they are just cheerleading/BSing.

I presented a case that the Moon Bats are in trouble. If you disagree or don't accept my points then fine. Clinton and the Democrats have a lot of baggage to overcome.

The stable of 'potential' winners. :0)

Other than Carly, is there one that HASN'T won?
Senate seat, governors chair, etc?
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.

and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.

Sure. But I hope you won't begrudge me an attempt to improve the signal to noise ratio by helping determine what people actually believe and when they are just cheerleading/BSing.

I presented a case that the Moon Bats are in trouble. If you disagree or don't accept my points then fine. Clinton and the Democrats have a lot of baggage to overcome.

Why should others listen to your claims when you clearly don't believe them yourself?

Sure. But I hope you won't begrudge me an attempt to improve the signal to noise ratio by helping determine what people actually believe and when they are just cheerleading/BSing.

I presented a case that the Moon Bats are in trouble. If you disagree or don't accept my points then fine. Clinton and the Democrats have a lot of baggage to overcome.

Why should others listen to your claims when you clearly don't believe them yourself?

I believe that Clinton is corrupt and incompetent and she is going to have a hellva of a time convincing a majority of Americans that she can be a good president.

I believe that Obama's dismal economic and foreign policy record is going to be a big burden for anybody running as a Democrat.

I believe that the cost increase due to Obamacare that is coming down the pike is going to piss off a lot of Americans before the election next year.

Could any of us be wrong in our prediction?. Of course. None of us have a crystal ball.

Are my observations valid for the political climate today? Absolutely!

Do the Moon Bats want to believe that they can win? Yea, but it is not based upon anything other than their convoluted idea that Moon Bat policies are good for this country and anybody that doesn't understand that is obviously an idiot.

The stable of 'potential' winners. :0)

Other than Carly, is there one that HASN'T won?
Senate seat, governors chair, etc?
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.

and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.
:0) Just about everybody on the planet is a 'potential' winner .. and having won 'somewhere' at 'sometime' is FAR from the same thing as winning the presidency.

The virtually all-white party doesn't believe it needs other Americans to win and the south believes it's still fighting the Civil War. :0)

A convergence of complete idiocy.

Righties whine about Hillary Clinton because they already know what's going to happen. There isn't one republican candidate with a ghost of a chance to win the WH in 2016 .. AND, that's only going to get worse as the country continues to evolve.

The stable of 'potential' winners. :0)

Other than Carly, is there one that HASN'T won?
Senate seat, governors chair, etc?
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.

and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.
:0) Just about everybody on the planet is a 'potential' winner .. and having won 'somewhere' at 'sometime' is FAR from the same thing as winning the presidency.

The virtually all-white party doesn't believe it needs other Americans to win and the south believes it's still fighting the Civil War. :0)

A convergence of complete idiocy.

Righties whine about Hillary Clinton because they already know what's going to happen. There isn't one republican candidate with a ghost of a chance to win the WH in 2016 .. AND, that's only going to get worse as the country continues to evolve.

and the majority of the republican candidates have won equal, if not more, than Hillary.
We don't have one candidate, and I don't support her.

So why are you trying to hold Hillary Clinton you won't hold the GOP candidates to?

So who is your dem candidate?

Every candidate should be fully vetted by the media and his/her opposition regardless of party. If this had been done on obama, he would never have been elected.

question for you, why was obama given a pass on the vetting process by the media?

Seems Obama was fully vetted

What relevant questions about him were not answered?

What relevance is it given that NONE of these RWnuts were going to vote Democrat anyway, no matter what the resume, no matter what the qualifications, no matter what the experience.

Just like you will not vote for one of the 15-20 pubs running.

Despite some of them being more qualified than Hillary by actually having GOVERNING experience.

Why would I vote for someone that wants to take the country in the wrong direction.?

you did it twice already.

The stable of 'potential' winners. :0)

Other than Carly, is there one that HASN'T won?
Senate seat, governors chair, etc?
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.

and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.
:0) Just about everybody on the planet is a 'potential' winner .. and having won 'somewhere' at 'sometime' is FAR from the same thing as winning the presidency.

The virtually all-white party doesn't believe it needs other Americans to win and the south believes it's still fighting the Civil War. :0)

A convergence of complete idiocy.

Righties whine about Hillary Clinton because they already know what's going to happen. There isn't one republican candidate with a ghost of a chance to win the WH in 2016 .. AND, that's only going to get worse as the country continues to evolve.

are Alan West, Ben Carson, and Mia Love old white guys? But look what you dems have. An old white woman, a very old white man, and a white ex-governor. Where is the diversity dems? its in the GOP field. Fear not, that field will reduce its numbers quite quickly and we will settle on a very strong ticket. HRC has no chance, she is very likely to lose the dem primary.
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

Data suggests that the Republicans have a substantially better chance than you seem to be estimating. Note for example that if you look at the actual national poll numbers you'll see that one major poll has put Clinton a point behind Jeb in a general election, and others have put her only a hair ahead of Rubio in multiple swing-state polls. But it sounds like from this comment and others you've made that you assign a very high probability to the Democrats winning the Presidency. What chance do you assign to the Democrats winning the Presidency?

I appreciate your sane response .. although I disagree with it. First, it isn't just my estimation of the boxed position that republicans have put themselves in. The ever-shrinking republican base is no secret to anyone who has been paying attention. I'm sure republicans don't want to admit or talk about it, but them not talking about it changes nothing. It is essentially an all-white party in a land of rapidly changing demographics that does not favor the right.


.. and given that approximately 42% of the white vote goes to democrats .. it doesn't take rocket science to see the box that republicans have not only put themselves in .. but continue to dig the hole even deeper.

If you want to talk about the facts .. I'm good with that.

This shows a general trend that's a serious problem for the Republicans. It doesn't show a specific problem in any specific election. (I assign a 55% chance that the Democrats will win this election.) But this does show that the hole is getting worse. If there's not some sort of substantial change in trends it is very hard to see how the Republicans would have any chance at winning 2020 or 2024.

I agree with that brother.

your assumption that all minorities will vote dem is based on ignorance, not reality. The minorities that you so covet are mostly fed up with being lied to by dems and treated like slaves.

But you are free to believe whatever bullshit makes you feel good. The truth is the obama, clinton, reid, and pelosi have destroyed the party of Kennedy and Truman for the next 20 or 30 years.

You libs had your chance and you blew it on the black guy.

:0) Just about everybody on the planet is a 'potential' winner .. and having won 'somewhere' at 'sometime' is FAR from the same thing as winning the presidency.

The virtually all-white party doesn't believe it needs other Americans to win and the south believes it's still fighting the Civil War. :0)

A convergence of complete idiocy.

Righties whine about Hillary Clinton because they already know what's going to happen. There isn't one republican candidate with a ghost of a chance to win the WH in 2016 .. AND, that's only going to get worse as the country continues to evolve.

Blacks vote for Democrats for the same reason all the other despicable members of the Democrat coalition votes - greed.

Blacks vote their welfare check and Obamaphone, not what is good for the country. Well at least 97% of them do.

I don't think we will ever get all of that 97% to get their head out of their asses but we can hope that a few more of them will come to realize in 2016 that the Democrats are terrible at running the government.

Maybe a few more of them will see that under Obama poverty has increased, the welfare rolls have skyrocketed and family income has decreased.

The ones that are not getting the Obamacare subsidies are going to find out their premiums for health care insurance is going to sky rocket next year and if they had any sense they would understand that Obama is the reason.

It is OK that they made a mistake in 2008 and 2012. That damage has already been done and there is not much that can be done about it now. However, lets just hope that all 97% of voting Blacks are not going to be 100% of the stupid Americans Gruber told us about.

Blacks need to stop considering themselves to being victims and start taking responsibility for their own well being, like other Americans. Blacks need to get off that Democrat welfare plantation and start looking after their own best interest.
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Damn that clown car holds a lot....Lindsey and Pataki just climbed in too. That clown car will probably end up holding half the cons in the House and Senate.
We all know

How soon the sheep forget 2000 to 2006 when tom delay "convicted" Dennis hastert "indicted" and bush the war criminal bankrupted this nation and you want to try it again? That's all they had to do to get back power was obstruct from 2006 to now and you want to reward them more? Ha!

This ain't a midterm where sheep dont show up. You guys only win midterms. We need hillarys veto pen on boehner and Mitch McConnell and we can't have another right wing on the supreme court.

I know the Moon Bats like to play this grade school game of "Tommy also did it" but neither Hastert or DeLay are running for President this year but The Hildabeast is and she has been caught red handed busing her position in government to get filthy rich.

Her blatant corruption and incompetency is unbelievable.

If the American people are as stupid as Gruber said they are then there may be a chance she could pull it off. If that is the case then this country is really fucked.
Our right wing spin. Laughable.

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