The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare

diversity in the gop? that's like looking for a particular marsh mellow in a marsh mellow factory!

Let's look at that.

Rubio - Hispanic
Cruz - Hispanic
Carson - Black
Jindal - Indian
Fiorina - Female

Sanders - old white guy
O'Malley - old white guy
Hillary - old white guy

Tell us again which party is a bag of stale marshmallows?
I vote democratic BC the GOP only h

:0) Just about everybody on the planet is a 'potential' winner .. and having won 'somewhere' at 'sometime' is FAR from the same thing as winning the presidency.

The virtually all-white party doesn't believe it needs other Americans to win and the south believes it's still fighting the Civil War. :0)

A convergence of complete idiocy.

Righties whine about Hillary Clinton because they already know what's going to happen. There isn't one republican candidate with a ghost of a chance to win the WH in 2016 .. AND, that's only going to get worse as the country continues to evolve.

Blacks vote for Democrats for the same reason all the other despicable members of the Democrat coalition votes - greed.

Blacks vote their welfare check and Obamaphone, not what is good for the country. Well at least 97% of them do.

I don't think we will ever get all of that 97% to get their head out of their asses but we can hope that a few more of them will come to realize in 2016 that the Democrats are terrible at running the government.

Maybe a few more of them will see that under Obama poverty has increased, the welfare rolls have skyrocketed and family income has decreased.

The ones that are not getting the Obamacare subsidies are going to find out their premiums for health care insurance is going to sky rocket next year and if they had any sense they would understand that Obama is the reason.

It is OK that they made a mistake in 2008 and 2012. That damage has already been done and there is not much that can be done about it now. However, lets just hope that all 97% of voting Blacks are not going to be 100% of the stupid Americans Gruber told us about.

Blacks need to stop considering themselves to being victims and start taking responsibility for their own well being, like other Americans. Blacks need to get off that Democrat welfare plantation and start looking after their own best interest.
I vote democratic cause the GOP only help the rich. They went ten years cutting taxes for the rich now they say they have to raise ours. See rick Snyder road solution. Shift the tax on us you dumb shit.
diversity in the gop? that's like looking for a particular marsh mellow in a marsh mellow factory!

Let's look at that.

Rubio - Hispanic
Cruz - Hispanic
Carson - Black
Jindal - Indian
Fiorina - Female

Sanders - old white guy
O'Malley - old white guy
Hillary - old white guy

Tell us again which party is a bag of stale marshmallows?
GOP are bag of dicks. Just like bush. Want another recession? Vote GOP.
diversity in the gop? that's like looking for a particular marsh mellow in a marsh mellow factory!

Let's look at that.

Rubio - Hispanic
Cruz - Hispanic
Carson - Black
Jindal - Indian
Fiorina - Female

Sanders - old white guy
O'Malley - old white guy
Hillary - old white guy

Tell us again which party is a bag of stale marshmallows?
GOP are bag of dicks. Just like bush. Want another recession? Vote GOP.

Well aren't you just a racist and sexist cry baby?
Damn that clown car holds a lot....Lindsey and Pataki just climbed in too. That clown car will probably end up holding half the cons in the House and Senate.

Good thing there aren't many candidate on the dem side. Short bus has a limited amount of seats.
diversity in the gop? that's like looking for a particular marsh mellow in a marsh mellow factory!

Let's look at that.

Rubio - Hispanic
Cruz - Hispanic
Carson - Black
Jindal - Indian
Fiorina - Female

Sanders - old white guy
O'Malley - old white guy
Hillary - old white guy

Tell us again which party is a bag of stale marshmallows?
GOP are bag of dicks. Just like bush. Want another recession? Vote GOP.

Well aren't you just a racist and sexist cry baby?
how's that fact sexist or racist ?
they are a bag of dicks plus one vag!
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

Data suggests that the Republicans have a substantially better chance than you seem to be estimating. Note for example that if you look at the actual national poll numbers you'll see that one major poll has put Clinton a point behind Jeb in a general election, and others have put her only a hair ahead of Rubio in multiple swing-state polls. But it sounds like from this comment and others you've made that you assign a very high probability to the Democrats winning the Presidency. What chance do you assign to the Democrats winning the Presidency?
I can see how a 1% chance is better than noNe AT ALL.

I vote democratic cause the GOP only help the rich. They went ten years cutting taxes for the rich now they say they have to raise ours. See rick Snyder road solution. Shift the tax on us you dumb shit.

With family income declining, poverty rates increasing, negative economic growth, more people on the government dole than working and your children $18 trillion in debt your Boy Obama hasn't exactly helped you, has he? If you think he has then you are very confused.

Obama sure helped the rich because he bailed out Wall Street and corporations and anybody else that contributed to his campaign. If you were a Solyndra executive that did some campaign bundling for Obama you really made out well, didn't you?

You need to stop being greedy and envious and less concerned with what other people make and be more concerned with electing somebody that will grow the economy so that everybody does better.

The "rich" already pays the lion's share of the trillion a year collected in income tax. When is enough going to be enough for you greedy people? You want it it to be two trillion? Five trillion? You need more Obamaphones or something? What is the matter with you?

We already spend over 40% of the GNP for the combined cost of government and our economy sucks. Just look at the U-6 employment rate and the growth last quarter. Left economics is always destructive.

You don't grow the economy by taking money away people that earn it and giving to those shitheads that didn't earn it. That may satisfy your greed but it bad economics. It takes capital investments out of the economy and that is bad for economic growth.

Democrats are a coalition of all the greedy despicable elements of America. Blacks that vote their race and welfare checks , union pukes, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, Feminazis, confused college kids and their wacko commie professors, queers, illegals, welfare queens and socialists. They are a collection of the scum of America and their greed is what drives their voting record.
Just SAW GRAHAM'S declaration speech if he represents diversity ..then the word has no meaning
Just SAW GRAHAM'S declaration speech if he represents diversity ..then the word has no meaning

Graham is a RINO. He is always leading the charge to compromise with the filthy ass Democrats and give Obama what he wants.

He is Democrat Light. The Moon Bats should love him but because they are partisan pigs they are not smart enough to know that.
Says the guy from the party who agree on every position for the same reasons. Diversity of thought is far more valuable than diversity of skin color

Laughing...oh, obviously. As demonstrated by Warren's opposition to Obama on the trade deal. Because they agree on every issue. I don't think 'every' means what you think it means

Yeah, it does. It took 6 1/2 years of the Obama administration for you to find a disagreement, and that one isn't one that affects any election or anything else. Wow, you showed my point.

Have you had a chance to ask Joe Lieberman about "Republican" purity tests? LOL
Just SAW GRAHAM'S declaration speech if he represents diversity ..then the word has no meaning

Graham is a RINO. He is always leading the charge to compromise with the filthy ass Democrats and give Obama what he wants.

He is Democrat Light. The Moon Bats should love him but because they are partisan pigs they are not smart enough to know that.
from that rant I can only conclude you must be one of these guys:
Just SAW GRAHAM'S declaration speech if he represents diversity ..then the word has no meaning

Graham is a RINO. He is always leading the charge to compromise with the filthy ass Democrats and give Obama what he wants.

He is Democrat Light. The Moon Bats should love him but because they are partisan pigs they are not smart enough to know that.
from that rant I can only conclude you must be one of these guys:

Are you one of these?

Just SAW GRAHAM'S declaration speech if he represents diversity ..then the word has no meaning

Graham is a RINO. He is always leading the charge to compromise with the filthy ass Democrats and give Obama what he wants.

He is Democrat Light. The Moon Bats should love him but because they are partisan pigs they are not smart enough to know that.
from that rant I can only conclude you must be one of these guys:

Are you one of these?

neither one.
but I'm sure you support this:
I vote democratic BC the GOP only h

:0) Just about everybody on the planet is a 'potential' winner .. and having won 'somewhere' at 'sometime' is FAR from the same thing as winning the presidency.

The virtually all-white party doesn't believe it needs other Americans to win and the south believes it's still fighting the Civil War. :0)

A convergence of complete idiocy.

Righties whine about Hillary Clinton because they already know what's going to happen. There isn't one republican candidate with a ghost of a chance to win the WH in 2016 .. AND, that's only going to get worse as the country continues to evolve.

Blacks vote for Democrats for the same reason all the other despicable members of the Democrat coalition votes - greed.

Blacks vote their welfare check and Obamaphone, not what is good for the country. Well at least 97% of them do.

I don't think we will ever get all of that 97% to get their head out of their asses but we can hope that a few more of them will come to realize in 2016 that the Democrats are terrible at running the government.

Maybe a few more of them will see that under Obama poverty has increased, the welfare rolls have skyrocketed and family income has decreased.

The ones that are not getting the Obamacare subsidies are going to find out their premiums for health care insurance is going to sky rocket next year and if they had any sense they would understand that Obama is the reason.

It is OK that they made a mistake in 2008 and 2012. That damage has already been done and there is not much that can be done about it now. However, lets just hope that all 97% of voting Blacks are not going to be 100% of the stupid Americans Gruber told us about.

Blacks need to stop considering themselves to being victims and start taking responsibility for their own well being, like other Americans. Blacks need to get off that Democrat welfare plantation and start looking after their own best interest.
I vote democratic cause the GOP only help the rich. They went ten years cutting taxes for the rich now they say they have to raise ours. See rick Snyder road solution. Shift the tax on us you dumb shit.

total horseshit.

The stable of 'potential' winners. :0)

Other than Carly, is there one that HASN'T won?
Senate seat, governors chair, etc?
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.

and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.
Yep, they are all potential winners.

Constituent: I wouldn't vote for you if you were the last person in the world.
Candidate X: So you're saying I have a chance?

The stable of 'potential' winners. :0)

Other than Carly, is there one that HASN'T won?
Senate seat, governors chair, etc?
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.

and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.
Yep, they are all potential winners.

Constituent: I wouldn't vote for you if you were the last person in the world.
Candidate X: So you're saying I have a chance?

a majority of americans do not think HRC is trustworthy. She is candidate X in your silly what-if.

The stable of 'potential' winners. :0)

Other than Carly, is there one that HASN'T won?
Senate seat, governors chair, etc?
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.

and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.
Yep, they are all potential winners.

Constituent: I wouldn't vote for you if you were the last person in the world.
Candidate X: So you're saying I have a chance?

a majority of americans do not think HRC is trustworthy. She is candidate X in your silly what-if.

Hmmmm....they do not think she is trustworthy but they overwhelmingly prefer her to the best the GOP has to offer

What does that tell you?

The stable of 'potential' winners. :0)

Other than Carly, is there one that HASN'T won?
Senate seat, governors chair, etc?
You make my point. The Republican Party has been reduced to a regional party. Ben Carson hasn't won anywhere either .. but where have the others won .. where have almost all republican president wannabe 'winners' come from? Answer: the same regions .. basically the south .. AND, here is the further rub on that. The south is rapidly changing demographics and many southern states .. strongholds of republicanism .. will soon become minority-majority states .. and minorities don't think like republicans, nor will they ever.

and they are STILL potential winners, and most have won at some time in the past.

at least as much as Hillary has ever won, some definitely more.
Yep, they are all potential winners.

Constituent: I wouldn't vote for you if you were the last person in the world.
Candidate X: So you're saying I have a chance?

a majority of americans do not think HRC is trustworthy. She is candidate X in your silly what-if.
Hey, I'm with you there. I sure as hell don't want her. I just don't want anyone in the repug clown car either. Rand Paul is the only one who doesn't make me gag, and that's only because of his non interventionist and anti NSA stances.

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