The GOP has an Incredible Lying Problem, and they don't seem to even care

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
Over the past 30 years the GOP lies have gotten bigger, more bold, and much more frequent. Culminating with the BIG LIE, of election fraud that never happened, and never even had any evidence of ever happening. The failed AZ audit proves this, and trumpers rioted at the Capitol based on these lies, attacking cops in a display of complete disgrace and shame.

Because of all this lying Trumpers and the GOP have a massive credibility problem. Nothing they say is true or backed by facts. Trumpers will tell any lie they want to defend and promote Trump, the GOP, the repeated failure of the GOP, and excuse the repeated success and outperformance by the democrats.

Currently the GOP is the most un-credible it has ever been in its entire history, Trump supporters don't even seem to care about their lack of credibility at all.

I think a big reason for all the lies and lack of credibility comes from their fake news conservative media spewing lies on a multi-daily basis. These people think it is ok to tell any lie they want, and they believe all these lies. Trumpers need the lies because it is too hard for them to accept the truth, like the truth that Trump lost the election.

Q ANON, Marjorie Greene, Pizza-gate, Alex Jones and his disgraceful Sandy Hook denial, Bush and all his lies, Trump and all his lies, the Big Lie of election fraud that never happened, and so many more lies.

When are Trumpers going to care about facts, truths, and credibility??
When are you pathetic jokes going to admit Trump lost the election?

LOL!! You want to see some of Xiden's LIES? Democrats are NOT truth tellers either.
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LOL!! You want to see some of Xiden's LIES? Democrats are NOT truth tellers either.
Biden lies are small not on the massive scale and scope of the GOP lies. Most of those things listed aren't even lies. Trump called the white supremacist "very fine people" that happened, that is a truth. Another lie you retards tell and believe. You are proving my point perfectly, you will believe any lie you are told by conservative media, like a total SHEEP.
Like Trumps big lie of election fraud that never happened.

Can you even admit that Trump lost the election??? Doubtful, like a pathetic weak baby.
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LOL!! You want to see some of Xiden's LIES? Democrats are NOT truth tellers either.
You can't use links from known RWNJ liars to list President Joe's supposed lies.

They have no credibility.
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You can't use links from known RWNJ liars to list President Joe's supposed lies.

They have no credibility.
Basically he proved my entire point.

These trash tell so many lies that they tell lies about things Biden said that are actually true.

Trump called the white supremacist "very fine people" that happened, that is a truth. Trash Trumpers even lie when they try to list things Biden said that are true...

Trash trumpers will just tell any lie that pops in their head in order to defend Trump and Trump's lies. This trash still can't even admit Trump lost the election.

Trumpers and the GOP have lost all credibility and they have no way of getting it back.
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Over the past 30 years the GOP lies have gotten bigger, more bold, and much more frequent. Culminating with the BIG LIE, of election fraud that never happened, and never even had any evidence of ever happening. The failed AZ audit proves this, and trumpers rioted at the Capitol based on these lies, attacking cops in a display of complete disgrace and shame.

Because of all this lying Trumpers and the GOP have a massive credibility problem. Nothing they say is true or backed by facts. Trumpers will tell any lie they want to defend and promote Trump, the GOP, the repeated failure of the GOP, and excuse the repeated success and outperformance by the democrats.

Currently the GOP is the most un-credible it has ever been in its entire history, Trump supporters don't even seem to care about their lack of credibility at all.
Over the past 30 years the DNP lies have gotten bigger, more bold, and much more frequent. Culminating with the BIG LIE, of [ take your pick of many ] that never happened, and never even had any evidence of ever happening. The failed AZ audit proves this, and Bidumb/BLM rioted everywhere based on these lies, attacking cops in a display of complete disgrace and shame.

Because of all this lying Bidumbites and the DNP have a massive credibility problem. Nothing they say is true or backed by facts. Bidumbites will tell any lie they want to defend and promote Bidumb, the DNP, the repeated failure of the DNP, and excuse the repeated success and outperformance by the Republicans

Currently the DNP is the most un-credible it has ever been in its entire history, Bidumb supporters don't even seem to care about their lack of credibility at all.
Basically he proved my entire point.

These trash tell so many lies that they tell lies about things Biden said that are actually true.

Trump called the white supremacist "very fine people" that happened, that is a truth. Trash Trumpers even lie when they try to list things Biden said that are true...

Trash trumpers will just tell any lie that pops in their head in order to defend Trump and Trump's lies.

Trumpers and the GOP have lost all credibility and they have no way of getting it back.
......the left and Bidumb are the liars...Bidumb is the Liar in Chief--recently = remember the terrorist he killed??? it was really innocent CHILDREN
you look like a fool
......the left and Bidumb are the liars...Bidumb is the Liar in Chief--recently = remember the terrorist he killed??? it was really innocent CHILDREN
you look like a fool
Can you even admit Trump lost the election??
You lying trash.

You people are pathetic and weak.
I think it's more trump scanning Facebook and Twitter to see what his supporters want to hear.

Then trump repeats back to his supporters what his supporters want to hear.

And trump's supporters think trump came up with their ideas on his own and they love him for it.

These ideas need not be true.
Biden lies are small not on the massive scale and scope of the GOP lies. Most of those things listed aren't even lies. Trump called the white supremacist "very fine people" that happened, that is a truth. Another lie you retards tell and believe. You are proving my point perfectly, you will believe any lie you are told by conservative media, like a total SHEEP.
Like Trumps big lie of election fraud that never happened.

Can you even admit that Trump lost the election??? Doubtful, like a pathetic weak baby.
Right there you LIED by OMISSION!
"Trump called the white supremacist "very fine people"
Trump never said white supremacist "very fine people"!
But again you are proving that people like you just ignore reality!
Here is exactly what Trump said word by word!
"There were very fine people on both sides, (This is what the majority of MSM reported as Trump's comment) "& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

So why didn't idiots like you and the BIASED MSM that according to a Google results:
for :"there were good people on both sides" and a Google Results: 19,030,000,000...
That's 19.03 BILLION results!!!
But the part that I'm repeating several times that the MSM and evidently many people still don't know..I did a Google search on:
& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

Results: 339,000 or 0.001781430% of the 19.03 BILLION, that's 56,135 times the number of times you would hear Trump denouncing Neo-nazis and white supremacist when he said:
"& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists"
And you are perpetuating that MYTH ! Once again truly an embarrassment of your lack of research and more so your belief of the smaller and smaller credibility of the MSM!
Biden lies are small not on the massive scale and scope of the GOP lies. Most of those things listed aren't even lies. Trump called the white supremacist "very fine people" that happened, that is a truth. Another lie you retards tell and believe. You are proving my point perfectly, you will believe any lie you are told by conservative media, like a total SHEEP.
Like Trumps big lie of election fraud that never happened.
Can you even admit that Trump lost the election??? Doubtful, like a pathetic weak baby.
1. Xiden's lies are massive. His catastrophe in AFG was totally his fault, Milley confirmed that they told him to keep at least 2,500 advisors there, Xiden didn't and lied about it, and it was a whopper.
2. Liar. Trump said that there were "very fine people" on both sides of the Robert E Lee statue debate.

3. Agreed Trump fucked up not gracefully conceding the 2020 election. But, we'll see 9/24 if the AZ audit proves voter fraud, or proves a legitimate election. Trump only lost the election by 43,000 votes in GA, WI, and AZ, and his personality is not good at losing.
4. You keep looking at Trump and he is in FL, relaxing. Your moron in the WH makes one catastrophe after another, and all you focus on is Trump???? TDS?? Look at how stupid Xiden is and how he is totally fucking up the US, one disaster after another...
5. Everything Xiden touches turns to shit, here's a partial list:
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT
The French pulled their ambassador
He pissed of the Canadians by killing the KeystoneX pipeline
He sold us out to Putin by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $millions the Moscow Mayor's wife sent the Bidens
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
The southern border is another catastrophe after Trump had it SOLVED
Runaway inflation will just get worse if the dems pass their "infrastructure" bills, that will be Solyndra on steroids.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs.
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football???
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe.
Right there you LIED by OMISSION!
"Trump called the white supremacist "very fine people"
Trump never said white supremacist "very fine people"!
But again you are proving that people like you just ignore reality!
Here is exactly what Trump said word by word!
"There were very fine people on both sides, (This is what the majority of MSM reported as Trump's comment) "& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

So why didn't idiots like you and the BIASED MSM that according to a Google results:
for :"there were good people on both sides" and a Google Results: 19,030,000,000...
That's 19.03 BILLION results!!!
But the part that I'm repeating several times that the MSM and evidently many people still don't know..I did a Google search on:
& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

Results: 339,000 or 0.001781430% of the 19.03 BILLION, that's 56,135 times the number of times you would hear Trump denouncing Neo-nazis and white supremacist when he said:
"& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists"
And you are perpetuating that MYTH ! Once again truly an embarrassment of your lack of research and more so your belief of the smaller and smaller credibility of the MSM!
HUH what ??? You are misleading everyone.

Trump said there were very fine people on both sides. he said that. Just because he laters condemns Neo Nazis, AFTER HE GETS BUSTED FOR SAYING THEY ARE GOOD PEOPLE, is meaningless because he already called them "very fine people"

His condemnation was made later after he got crushed politically by his racist remark, its a meaningless condemnation. Its like a guy that commits all these crimes, gets caught, then says "I condemn those acts" and you let him out of jail... Pathetic.

Go "read the transcript" He never condemned the Nazis only after he got in big trouble did he make an attempt at condemning the Nazi's hateful action in Charlottesville, You are Lying like all Trumpers do.

Nazis carrying torches, shouting "Jews will not replace us", and driving cars into crowds killing people, are "very fine people" according to Trump's own words.

You are lying and misleading. Typical trash Trumper. THIS IS THE WHOLE ISSUE RIGHT HERE. You are lying. You are a liar, you are spreading lies and fabricating excuses for Trump's racist remarks. Trump said "they were very fine people" and only condemned them at a latter time after he got criticized by the entire world.

The GOP is the party of total lies and liars, on display right here you lying POS.
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Biden lies are small not on the massive scale and scope of the GOP lies. Most of those things listed aren't even lies. Trump called the white supremacist "very fine people" that happened, that is a truth. Another lie you retards tell and believe. You are proving my point perfectly, you will believe any lie you are told by conservative media, like a total SHEEP.
Like Trumps big lie of election fraud that never happened.

Can you even admit that Trump lost the election??? Doubtful, like a pathetic weak baby.
The entire Democratic Party is now a massive lie.

They claim to be American when they are no longer that.

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