The GOP has reached the point of no return on Climate Change

left-wing nutjobs call record welfare and food stamps in obama's SIXTH year "forward progress"

you libs are just laughable clowns

You've never heard me call the Obama administration "forward progress."
So you'll have to try to distract from the embarrassing topic in some other direction. Sorry.

well at least you admitted you're on the Left; and gave up the laughable pretense of being in the middle. now change your screen name

I'm on the left on some issues, on the right on some issues, and in the middle on some issues. Just like the vast majority of Americans.

(Maybe you ought to read my signature line - it'll help you out quite a bit)
You've never heard me call the Obama administration "forward progress."
So you'll have to try to distract from the embarrassing topic in some other direction. Sorry.

well at least you admitted you're on the Left; and gave up the laughable pretense of being in the middle. now change your screen name

I'm on the left on some issues, on the right on some issues, and in the middle on some issues. Just like the vast majority of Americans.

(Maybe you ought to read my signature line - it'll help you out quite a bit)

that isnt evident in your posts lefty
The biggest denier of all is PLANET EARTH. It hasn't warmed in 16 years.....despite record levels of CO2....:rofl:

If I were to give to you that there is no such thing as global warming would you at least admit that we are destroying this planet?

No. I don't think we are destroying the planet. The planet is going to survive even if we aren't around to enjoy it.

Well hallelujah. An honest individual. We're all toast and, oh well.
The biggest denier of all is PLANET EARTH. It hasn't warmed in 16 years.....despite record levels of CO2....:rofl:

If I were to give to you that there is no such thing as global warming would you at least admit that we are destroying this planet?

That's a very broad brush - what specifically are you talking about? Give some examples of how "we are destroying this planet".
The deniers will continue, even beyond the point that the ocean begins to creep into the lobbies of Miami hotels.

Florida is 'Ground Zero' for sea level rise

I am sure that by the time the level rises to the point that ocean fronts are abandoned and entire buildings are lost to the sea, the GOP will come up with another reason this is happening. They have always had a certain ability to twist lies to their advantage.
The deniers will continue, even beyond the point that the ocean begins to creep into the lobbies of Miami hotels.

Florida is 'Ground Zero' for sea level rise

I am sure that by the time the level rises to the point that ocean fronts are abandoned and entire buildings are lost to the sea, the GOP will come up with another reason this is happening. They have always had a certain ability to twist lies to their advantage.

good one j-tard; but how much have the seas risen already?
well at least you admitted you're on the Left; and gave up the laughable pretense of being in the middle. now change your screen name

I'm on the left on some issues, on the right on some issues, and in the middle on some issues. Just like the vast majority of Americans.

(Maybe you ought to read my signature line - it'll help you out quite a bit)

that isnt evident in your posts lefty

There's something very obvious in your posts and as long as folks of your ilk disagree with me, I must be doing something right.

Thank you.
Yes there is no valid scientific evidence proving that CO2 or any other of those so called man made pollutants is driving climate change. Although when you see that man only contributes about 1% top those numbers then anyone with a small amount of independent thought can see that climate change happens and it is NOT caused by humans.

There are some on this board that believes that the dinosaurs were killed off by AGW.

Then again I notice that the AGW cult seems to be concentrated in the far left, so it should be no surprise why they believe in the AGW religion without question.
The biggest denier of all is PLANET EARTH. It hasn't warmed in 16 years.....despite record levels of CO2....:rofl:

If I were to give to you that there is no such thing as global warming would you at least admit that we are destroying this planet?

That's a very broad brush - what specifically are you talking about? Give some examples of how "we are destroying this planet".

Translation: No

I just don't see how the GOP can continue to deny the obvious. But I guess the Koch brother's money can change a lot of minds....until Rubio has to boat to his home in Florida.

There are actually several very good reasons for making the planet practically uninhabitable for all but the very wealthy. For the very wealthy that is.

Do you honestly think that is the goal?

I think that's nuts. The very wealthy have nothing to gain by killing off all their customers/cash cows.

They have a lot to gain by perpetuating disbelief in order to keep their status quo of raping the planet for all she's worth .... but not out of killing off everyone else.

The people who are always wailing about over-population are all bed wetting liberals.

It takes a completely insane sociopath to appreciate the idea of wiping out billions of people, which is suggested by people like Yuko Ono who calls things like the Georgia Guidestones " a stirring call to rational thinking". Why anyone would trust people with a liberal perspective towards "human resources" defies logic.
The biggest denier of all is PLANET EARTH. It hasn't warmed in 16 years.....despite record levels of CO2....:rofl:

If I were to give to you that there is no such thing as global warming would you at least admit that we are destroying this planet?

I would admit that folks that truly care about the OTHER issues of human impacts shouldn't be focused on the Global Warming issue. It's hard to get a hearing on the list of stuff that needs to be done when both the POLITICAL leadership and the ENVIRO leadership are INVENTING new doomsday scenarios to scare people and gain control..

A dose of honesty would get far more traction on the problems. CO2 is a minority player in climate change. Calling it "carbon" and painting it black as pollution -- is demeaning to the REAL POLLUTION problems that should be on the table..
If I were to give to you that there is no such thing as global warming would you at least admit that we are destroying this planet?

That's a very broad brush - what specifically are you talking about? Give some examples of how "we are destroying this planet".

Translation: No


I am asking for a concrete example of how "we are destroying this planet". Provide one or shut your pie hole.

I am asking for a concrete example of how "we are destroying this planet". Provide one or shut your pie hole.

He asked you a question...Answer it how you understand it. Asking for examples wont change your perception of it

It's too vague a question. ...give an example or shut the fuck up.

Are we destroying the planet is too vague?

Planet. Destroy.

You're right, who can figure that out?
I see the far left can not make rational arguments or even coherent ones.
The biggest denier of all is PLANET EARTH. It hasn't warmed in 16 years.....despite record levels of CO2....:rofl:

If I were to give to you that there is no such thing as global warming would you at least admit that we are destroying this planet?

I would admit that folks that truly care about the OTHER issues of human impacts shouldn't be focused on the Global Warming issue. It's hard to get a hearing on the list of stuff that needs to be done when both the POLITICAL leadership and the ENVIRO leadership are INVENTING new doomsday scenarios to scare people and gain control..

A dose of honesty would get far more traction on the problems. CO2 is a minority player in climate change. Calling it "carbon" and painting it black as pollution -- is demeaning to the REAL POLLUTION problems that should be on the table..

Two points in way of reply. 1) Republicans could care less if some people die. Issues that would save or prevent deaths are used for purely political reasons. Also if you can't afford kids, don't have them. That is a lot of people in the poor areas of this country. 2) Action and regulation is being blocked on every front by Republicans. Which will also increase the rates of mortality.

Doomsday and conspiracy have negative contexts, understandably so, but the facts are what they are. While a planet dies its inhabitants will also die, some faster than others.
These mindless bed wetters live in the country that has developed the cleanest manufacturing facilities in the world, at great costs to ourselves and for no other reason than to pacify these mindless bed wetters.

It has worked so well they've had to invent bullshit problems like GW to continue their drive at destroying all of our industry. That's what it's all about, or they would demand something be done about the ecological disaster areas that have developed in the third world.
There are actually several very good reasons for making the planet practically uninhabitable for all but the very wealthy. For the very wealthy that is.

Do you honestly think that is the goal?

I think that's nuts. The very wealthy have nothing to gain by killing off all their customers/cash cows.

They have a lot to gain by perpetuating disbelief in order to keep their status quo of raping the planet for all she's worth .... but not out of killing off everyone else.

The people who are always wailing about over-population are all bed wetting liberals.

It takes a completely insane sociopath to appreciate the idea of wiping out billions of people, which is suggested by people like Yuko Ono who calls things like the Georgia Guidestones " a stirring call to rational thinking". Why anyone would trust people with a liberal perspective towards "human resources" defies logic.

So you have heard of that concept, have you? I only learned of it about a week ago. I don't buy into it at all but apparently some do. With proper management this planet can substation three times as many people. Without proper management and the capacity one person can be one person too many.

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