The GOP is the laughing stock of the world

I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

China......murdered close to 70 million of it's citizens following socialism...

Russia...murdered close to 25 million citizens following socialism....

France...gave over 70,000 innocent men, women and children to the Germans to be murdered under the German socialists....

Europe, under German Control, murdered over 12 million people following the national socialists..

Britain...brought slavery to the new of the greatest imperialist powers.....

And now they want to give nuclear weapons to the biggest exporter of terrorism and mass murder in the modern world...gee, that is soooooo unlike them to support mass murderers.........

Yeah...and we should care about what they think...why?
China, Russia- tha's COMMUNISM, stupid. Duh.
Nazis- That's RW fascism. Duh.
France - A higher percentage survived than anywhere else.
Iran is fighting ISIS, the leading terrorist. And of course the deal stops their bomb for 10 years, Pub dupe.
Socialism, since about 1935, has been defined as ALWAYS democratic. Start
your education there.
Talk about laughingstocks and horrors. Check your mirror, dumbass chump of greedy idiot billionaires. see sig and learn SOMETHING factual.

No...nazism is also socialism...left wing socialism. The left has to deny that mainly because the crimes of the nazis were revealed to the world while the mass murder of Russia and China were never fully understood by most say the nazis were right wing because they don't want the crime of socialism exposed.

It is a fear of socialists that people may realize that all of the worst mass murderers in human history....were left wing socialists.
Hitler loved corporate aristocrats, stupid, and vice versa. Your only argument is Nazi propaganda. New total BS GOP came up with this crap about 10 years ago, for moron dupes like you only. Don't say this in public. Word to the wise.

You don't know what you are talking about....the truth is the nazis were left wing nazis who hated capitalism as much as the international socialists did......if I had time I would give you some reading material so you could at least have links to the truth. till then look up Friedrich haye on the nazis...he lived when they were coming to power and wrote about their being actual socialists in1933....also look up Ludwig Von Mises...another economist who lived when the socialists were coming to power in germany......the lies of the left in denying their socialist brothers the nazis....can no longer be held....the internet makes it too easy to find the truth.
I have a masters in history, speak 3 languages, and you all have a Masters in New BS Disastrous GOP Propaganda. Idiots. The world's laughingstock and horror. Cheers!
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

China......murdered close to 70 million of it's citizens following socialism...

Russia...murdered close to 25 million citizens following socialism....

France...gave over 70,000 innocent men, women and children to the Germans to be murdered under the German socialists....

Europe, under German Control, murdered over 12 million people following the national socialists..

Britain...brought slavery to the new of the greatest imperialist powers.....

And now they want to give nuclear weapons to the biggest exporter of terrorism and mass murder in the modern world...gee, that is soooooo unlike them to support mass murderers.........

Yeah...and we should care about what they think...why?
China, Russia- tha's COMMUNISM, stupid. Duh.
Nazis- That's RW fascism. Duh.
France - A higher percentage survived than anywhere else.
Iran is fighting ISIS, the leading terrorist. And of course the deal stops their bomb for 10 years, Pub dupe.
Socialism, since about 1935, has been defined as ALWAYS democratic. Start
your education there.
Talk about laughingstocks and horrors. Check your mirror, dumbass chump of greedy idiot billionaires. see sig and learn SOMETHING factual.

No...nazism is also socialism...left wing socialism. The left has to deny that mainly because the crimes of the nazis were revealed to the world while the mass murder of Russia and China were never fully understood by most say the nazis were right wing because they don't want the crime of socialism exposed.

It is a fear of socialists that people may realize that all of the worst mass murderers in human history....were left wing socialists.
Hitler loved corporate aristocrats, stupid, and vice versa. Your only argument is Nazi propaganda. New total BS GOP came up with this crap about 10 years ago, for moron dupes like you only. Don't say this in public. Word to the wise.

You don't know what you are talking about....the truth is the nazis were left wing nazis who hated capitalism as much as the international socialists did......if I had time I would give you some reading material so you could at least have links to the truth.
Like those well known commies Mercedes-Benz, Krupp, Toldt, Messerschmitt, Porsche, etc etc etc. Idiot. Also Boosh, General Motors, The only capitalists who suffered under the Nazis were jewish. My academic concentration, along with French Civilization.
Speaking on behalf of the rest of the world as I do...we observe the GOP with complete astonishment.
It is surely the most ridiculous political organisation in the Western world with absolutely no sense of self-awareness - I mean, FFS, so-called serious presidential contenders are on TV cutting up bits of paper with chainsaws and putting cellphones in blenders to get some attention!
It's easy to point and mock but to think that they could end up in charge of the White-house is frightening.
Koch Brother and his Mini Me...
This is how the world sees the GOP.

Hilarious responses to foxnewsfacts after claim that Birmingham is Muslim-only city Daily Mail Online

The Fox News pundit who claimed that Birmingham is closed to non-Muslims has sparked a comic backlash as web users took to Twitter to mock the outlandish statement.

Online wits used images of Mecca Bingo, the Queen wearing a headscarf and bearded football manager Roy Keane to satirise the bizarre statement made by Steve Emerson on American television.

Others made a series of groan-worthy puns - including jokes about 'Halal Kitty', 'Burqa King' and 'Mosque Bros'.
Halal Kitty.jpg
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

Hey Ted the WORLD thinks we are the Laughing Stock for electing Obummer to office twice, true story...

You can say what you want about W, but the WORLD thinks Obummer is a weak narcissistic moron that the truly stupid elected, again it is a true story...

Actually if you read the figures in this thread, Obama is considered a great move internationally by US.

That is why I said it is the GOP which is laughed at...

I have some water front lots in the $250K range on Lake Austin, 20% down and simple terms...
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

Hey Ted the WORLD thinks we are the Laughing Stock for electing Obummer to office twice, true story...

You can say what you want about W, but the WORLD thinks Obummer is a weak narcissistic moron that the truly stupid elected, again it is a true story...

Actually if you read the figures in this thread, Obama is considered a great move internationally by US.

That is why I said it is the GOP which is laughed at...

I have some water front lots in the $250K range on Lake Austin, 20% down and simple terms...
The GOP thinks that bringing a snowball into the Senate makes a valid point about climate change.
That's why they are the laughing stock of the world.
Everything the New BS GOP does is a joke and horror...great job. Scumbags and morons...
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

Hey Ted the WORLD thinks we are the Laughing Stock for electing Obummer to office twice, true story...

You can say what you want about W, but the WORLD thinks Obummer is a weak narcissistic moron that the truly stupid elected, again it is a true story...

Actually if you read the figures in this thread, Obama is considered a great move internationally by US.

That is why I said it is the GOP which is laughed at...

I have some water front lots in the $250K range on Lake Austin, 20% down and simple terms...
The GOP thinks that bringing a snowball into the Senate makes a valid point about climate change.
That's why they are the laughing stock of the world.

So is that like saying 1% to 2% of the worlds population is Gay so we change everything to accommodate them?
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

Hey Ted the WORLD thinks we are the Laughing Stock for electing Obummer to office twice, true story...

You can say what you want about W, but the WORLD thinks Obummer is a weak narcissistic moron that the truly stupid elected, again it is a true story...

Actually if you read the figures in this thread, Obama is considered a great move internationally by US.

That is why I said it is the GOP which is laughed at...

I have some water front lots in the $250K range on Lake Austin, 20% down and simple terms...
The GOP thinks that bringing a snowball into the Senate makes a valid point about climate change.
That's why they are the laughing stock of the world.

So is that like saying 1% to 2% of the worlds population is Gay so we change everything to accommodate them?
What are you talking about?
The GOP was taken to school about the US Constitution by the Iranian Foreign Minister.
That's why they are a laughing stock of the world.
The leading GOP presidential candidate is Donald Trump.
That's why they are the laughing stock of the world.
A Republican Senator has queried The Pentagon, and a Republican Governor has sent out the State Guard to keep an eye on the United States Army over concerns that military exercises are actually an invasion of Texas.
That's why they are the laughing stock of the world.
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

LMAO Obama is the laughing stock of the world not the GOP.
Obama has brought respect back and the rest of the world acknowledges that
Hey Ted the WORLD thinks we are the Laughing Stock for electing Obummer to office twice, true story...

You can say what you want about W, but the WORLD thinks Obummer is a weak narcissistic moron that the truly stupid elected, again it is a true story...

Actually if you read the figures in this thread, Obama is considered a great move internationally by US.

That is why I said it is the GOP which is laughed at...

I have some water front lots in the $250K range on Lake Austin, 20% down and simple terms...
The GOP thinks that bringing a snowball into the Senate makes a valid point about climate change.
That's why they are the laughing stock of the world.

So is that like saying 1% to 2% of the worlds population is Gay so we change everything to accommodate them?
What are you talking about?

I have the same question...

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