The GOP must save America; Until then, I'm ashamed to be a patriot


Dec 16, 2013
I've never been much for online forums, but, I cant hold it in anymore without venting. If this country goes much longer with Democrats in control, we're doomed. Unlike Michelle, this is the first time I'm ashamed of my country.

Government must be slashed at all levels. Every department, every level. Period. There is nothing the government does- nothing, that I and my fellow citizens cannot do better. Enough is enough.

Taxes must be slashed. The job makers and creators pay the bills. Enable that. Not handouts.

Rand Paul will get my vote, or Ted Cruz. Either one.

But cut government and taxes. Period.
Yes, we must return to the days when the GOP was doubling the national debt, torturing prisoners, spying on tens of millions of American citizens, locking up American citizens without a writ of habaes corpus, creating a massive new police state Cabinet department, creating a trillion dollar health entitlement program (Medicare Part D), starting three wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror), and running the economy off a cliff.

Remember when Obama promised "change"? HA-HA-HA!

NOTHING changed. Let the real meaning of that sink in.

The GOP is paying lip service to principles it ejected a long time ago. All they really want is power back so they can be the ones spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse and using the Constitution as shit paper.
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What was it that had altered in the faces of the pigs? Clover's old dim eyes
flitted from one face to another. Some of them had five chins, some had four,
some had three. But what was it that seemed to be melting and changing?
Then, the applause having come to an end, the company took up their cards
and continued the game that had been interrupted, and the animals crept silently

But they had not gone twenty yards when they stopped short. An uproar of
voices was coming from the farmhouse. They rushed back and looked through
the window again. Yes, a violent quarrel was in progress. There were shoutings,
bangings on the table, sharp suspicious glances, furious denials. The source of
the trouble appeared to be that Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington had each played
an ace of spades simultaneously.

Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question,
now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked
from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already
it was impossible to say which was which.

The ending to Animal Farm by George Orwell.
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Don't look to Establishment parties to fix what ails America. They may tinker around but I don't expect a whole lot from either party in the way of changing the way business is done in Washington ESPECIALLY Republicans
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There is amazing consensus in this thread that both parties have sold us out. This is good news. Maybe we're all starting to learn. :)
No, Democrats have sold us out. The GOP will cut spending, cut government, and protect us.

Im talking about all government. We don't need 99% of what we have in government. Look at volunteer fire departments. They don't take tax money. Most government could work the same way. In a free market, free people will eventually take up to volunteer for the crucial roles in government.

If we want it bad enough, we'll volunteer to do it, and not pay TAX money for it.

There shouldn't be contracts in the military. Make it truly voluntary. We all have a right to bear arms. If we NEED to fight a war, we'll all come together and volunteer for it. If we decide a road needs to be built, we'll all do our part, or, if we don't, we must not have wanted it that bad anyway.

To force others to pay for things that they don't want done in society is wrong.
No, Democrats have sold us out. The GOP will cut spending, cut government, and protect us.

Im talking about all government. We don't need 99% of what we have in government. Look at volunteer fire departments. They don't take tax money. Most government could work the same way. In a free market, free people will eventually take up to volunteer for the crucial roles in government.

If we want it bad enough, we'll volunteer to do it, and not pay TAX money for it.

There shouldn't be contracts in the military. Make it truly voluntary. We all have a right to bear arms. If we NEED to fight a war, we'll all come together and volunteer for it. If we decide a road needs to be built, we'll all do our part, or, if we don't, we must not have wanted it that bad anyway.

To force others to pay for things that they don't want done in society is wrong.

When was the last time the GOP actually cut spending? And that means they actually spent less one year than they did in the last.
ummm..... hate to break it to you but they sold their souls to defense contractors looong ago there guy. Someone had to break the news to you. That means, if there isn't a war, one will be created to increase demand for more bombs. (see vietraq) Do you even know what % of the discretionary budget is defense & defense-related?

No, Democrats have sold us out. The GOP will cut spending, cut government, and protect us.

Im talking about all government. We don't need 99% of what we have in government. Look at volunteer fire departments. They don't take tax money. Most government could work the same way. In a free market, free people will eventually take up to volunteer for the crucial roles in government.

If we want it bad enough, we'll volunteer to do it, and not pay TAX money for it.

There shouldn't be contracts in the military. Make it truly voluntary. We all have a right to bear arms. If we NEED to fight a war, we'll all come together and volunteer for it. If we decide a road needs to be built, we'll all do our part, or, if we don't, we must not have wanted it that bad anyway.

To force others to pay for things that they don't want done in society is wrong.
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No, Democrats have sold us out. The GOP will cut spending, cut government, and protect us.

Im talking about all government. We don't need 99% of what we have in government. Look at volunteer fire departments. They don't take tax money. Most government could work the same way. In a free market, free people will eventually take up to volunteer for the crucial roles in government.

If we want it bad enough, we'll volunteer to do it, and not pay TAX money for it.

There shouldn't be contracts in the military. Make it truly voluntary. We all have a right to bear arms. If we NEED to fight a war, we'll all come together and volunteer for it. If we decide a road needs to be built, we'll all do our part, or, if we don't, we must not have wanted it that bad anyway.

To force others to pay for things that they don't want done in society is wrong.

When was the last time the GOP actually cut spending? And that means they actually spent less one year than they did in the last.

All the time, and not just in Washington. Republicans all over America at smaller governments have been cutting waste and cutting unnecessary government.

99% of government should be abolished and replaced by private sector, who can do it all better. Its my tax money, and no one should be entitled to it.
No, Democrats have sold us out. The GOP will cut spending, cut government, and protect us.

Im talking about all government. We don't need 99% of what we have in government. Look at volunteer fire departments. They don't take tax money. Most government could work the same way. In a free market, free people will eventually take up to volunteer for the crucial roles in government.

If we want it bad enough, we'll volunteer to do it, and not pay TAX money for it.

There shouldn't be contracts in the military. Make it truly voluntary. We all have a right to bear arms. If we NEED to fight a war, we'll all come together and volunteer for it. If we decide a road needs to be built, we'll all do our part, or, if we don't, we must not have wanted it that bad anyway.

To force others to pay for things that they don't want done in society is wrong.


DoItMyself is a lefty.
Oh good, another angry conservative, if voting changed anything they would ban it. No one, and I mean no one running for national office is to be trusted or counted on not to screw you. Try not to take broad national trends personally, it just makes you a boring angry grouch.
No, Democrats have sold us out. The GOP will cut spending, cut government, and protect us.

Im talking about all government. We don't need 99% of what we have in government. Look at volunteer fire departments. They don't take tax money. Most government could work the same way. In a free market, free people will eventually take up to volunteer for the crucial roles in government.

If we want it bad enough, we'll volunteer to do it, and not pay TAX money for it.

There shouldn't be contracts in the military. Make it truly voluntary. We all have a right to bear arms. If we NEED to fight a war, we'll all come together and volunteer for it. If we decide a road needs to be built, we'll all do our part, or, if we don't, we must not have wanted it that bad anyway.

To force others to pay for things that they don't want done in society is wrong.

When was the last time the GOP actually cut spending? And that means they actually spent less one year than they did in the last.

Total federal spending in 2012 was $3.611 Trillion, and in 2013 was $3.455 trillion. Can you say 'sequestor?"
Yes, we must return to the days when the GOP was doubling the national debt, torturing prisoners, spying on tens of millions of American citizens, locking up American citizens without a writ of habaes corpus, creating a massive new police state Cabinet department, creating a trillion dollar health entitlement program (Medicare Part D), starting three wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror), and running the economy off a cliff.

Remember when Obama promised "change"? HA-HA-HA!

NOTHING changed. Let the real meaning of that sink in.

The GOP is paying lip service to principles it ejected a long time ago. All they really want is power back so they can be the ones spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse and using the Constitution as shit paper.
Politicians do not spend like drunken sailors.
1) Politicians are not spending their own money, drunken sailors are.
2) Drunken sailors stop spending money when they run out of it, politicians don't.
No, Democrats have sold us out. The GOP will cut spending, cut government, and protect us.

Im talking about all government. We don't need 99% of what we have in government. Look at volunteer fire departments. They don't take tax money. Most government could work the same way. In a free market, free people will eventually take up to volunteer for the crucial roles in government.

If we want it bad enough, we'll volunteer to do it, and not pay TAX money for it.

There shouldn't be contracts in the military. Make it truly voluntary. We all have a right to bear arms. If we NEED to fight a war, we'll all come together and volunteer for it. If we decide a road needs to be built, we'll all do our part, or, if we don't, we must not have wanted it that bad anyway.

To force others to pay for things that they don't want done in society is wrong.

Let us know when the Rs actually cut spending and lower taxes.
yes, we must return to the days when the gop was doubling the national debt, torturing prisoners, spying on tens of millions of american citizens, locking up american citizens without a writ of habaes corpus, creating a massive new police state cabinet department, creating a trillion dollar health entitlement program (medicare part d), starting three wars (iraq, afghanistan, terror), and running the economy off a cliff.

Remember when obama promised "change"? Ha-ha-ha!

Nothing changed. Let the real meaning of that sink in.

The gop is paying lip service to principles it ejected a long time ago. All they really want is power back so they can be the ones spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse and using the constitution as shit paper.
politicians do not spend like drunken sailors.
1) politicians are not spending their own money, drunken sailors are.
2) drunken sailors stop spending money when they run out of it, politicians don't.
No, Democrats have sold us out. The GOP will cut spending, cut government, and protect us.

Im talking about all government. We don't need 99% of what we have in government. Look at volunteer fire departments. They don't take tax money. Most government could work the same way. In a free market, free people will eventually take up to volunteer for the crucial roles in government.

If we want it bad enough, we'll volunteer to do it, and not pay TAX money for it.

There shouldn't be contracts in the military. Make it truly voluntary. We all have a right to bear arms. If we NEED to fight a war, we'll all come together and volunteer for it. If we decide a road needs to be built, we'll all do our part, or, if we don't, we must not have wanted it that bad anyway.

To force others to pay for things that they don't want done in society is wrong.

When was the last time the GOP actually cut spending? And that means they actually spent less one year than they did in the last.

All the time, and not just in Washington. Republicans all over America at smaller governments have been cutting waste and cutting unnecessary government.

99% of government should be abolished and replaced by private sector, who can do it all better. Its my tax money, and no one should be entitled to it.

Name the last time it was done at the federal level.
No, Democrats have sold us out. The GOP will cut spending, cut government, and protect us.

Im talking about all government. We don't need 99% of what we have in government. Look at volunteer fire departments. They don't take tax money. Most government could work the same way. In a free market, free people will eventually take up to volunteer for the crucial roles in government.

If we want it bad enough, we'll volunteer to do it, and not pay TAX money for it.

There shouldn't be contracts in the military. Make it truly voluntary. We all have a right to bear arms. If we NEED to fight a war, we'll all come together and volunteer for it. If we decide a road needs to be built, we'll all do our part, or, if we don't, we must not have wanted it that bad anyway.

To force others to pay for things that they don't want done in society is wrong.

When was the last time the GOP actually cut spending? And that means they actually spent less one year than they did in the last.

Total federal spending in 2012 was $3.611 Trillion, and in 2013 was $3.455 trillion. Can you say 'sequestor?"

According to who?
When was the last time the GOP actually cut spending? And that means they actually spent less one year than they did in the last.

All the time, and not just in Washington. Republicans all over America at smaller governments have been cutting waste and cutting unnecessary government.

99% of government should be abolished and replaced by private sector, who can do it all better. Its my tax money, and no one should be entitled to it.

Name the last time it was done at the federal level.

The Republicans sequester cut a lot of military waste for one, and theres a lot more. Did you know we the taxpayer pay for their off base houses and apartments? Im ok with paying for it overseas, but my job doesn't give me a free apartment, so my taxes shouldn't pay for someone elses.

Also too many non-combat jobs. They can contract out food, dentists, doctors, recreation. Only a very small number for war zones only, the rest should be private sector, or just go to the ones the rest of us go to.

Same goes for all federal employees. No more of the sweetheart deal.

No person working for the taxpayer should get a better deal than THE TAXPAYER!!! Show me ONE business where the employee gets a better deal than the EMPLOYER?

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