The GOP post Trump?

The Bush Family and guys like Romney and George Will and Kasich are ready , willing and able to run the GOP and return it to its tradition of Pathetic losses and impotency the day after the election if President Trump is shown the door.
I can only hope.

A return to sanity by the GOP would increase the chances of a return to sanity by the Democrats.

The tribes have done enough damage. It's time for us to marginalize the lunatics, if it isn't too late.

How, pray tell, will a GOP content with losing return the Democrats to "sanity" at all?
That's your premise, not mine.

As long as our politics are controlled by people on both ends who think we're in a "war", we'll continue to decay.

I do wish you folks would find another hobby.

The alternative you are presenting is to have politics controlled just by people on one end. The Bushes and Romneys really don't have any plans to win. I remember their pathetic 2012 and 2008 campaigns.

I suspect that if President Trump were to lose, a new conservative party would be founded to face down both the Democrats and Establishment Republicans.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?

The real problem is not just with Trump. The problem is with where the GOP has gone.

The GOP recovered from it's post Hoover Exile by conceding the Democrats were right on international issues and the New Deal. Ike essentially conceded the point, FDR was right. Barry Goldwater tried to reverse that and lost 44 states.

In short, the economic policies of the GOP are rat poison to the Middle Class, and the Middle class on some level realizes that.

The GOP has carried itself for the last 50 years by playing on racial, religious and sexual fears of working class whites, to get them to vote against their own economic interests. It started with Tricky Dick and his Southern Strategy, continued with Reagan's welfare queens and Bush's Willy Horton ad, and finished up with Trump screaming about birth certificates and Mexican Rapists.

After Trump, the GOP is going to have a hell of a hangover.

Now, the other part of the problem is that the GOP never really lives up to the more laudible parts of its platform. I can see the argument for smaller government, but government never gets smaller when Republicans are in charge, it often gets larger. They are only against deficits when Democrats run them up.

As a reality, no matter how well President Biden does fixing what Trump has screwed up, he's still going to take a spanking in the 2022 midterms, because they almost always do. The GOP does well when the voters forget how badly they screwed things up the last time.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?
The fate of the post-Trump GOP may be one of the most interesting political storylines of our lifetime.

I think it will look drastically different, though, depending on what happens in November. If Trump gets kicked out and there's a blue wave, the party is going to be in ashes and will have much more work to do.
No matter what happens in 2020, the red areas will stay red.

View attachment 366666

No matter who wins in 2020, the 2022 mid-terms means that the party in power loses some, so the "balance" of power should stay close.
You do realize that grass fields don’t vote? Right? I agree their is a section of America that won’t vote for progressive policies but that doesn’t mean they will rally behind a narrow platform that isn’t steered by a governing principle.
No matter what happens in 2020, the red areas will stay red.

You mean the places where no one actually lives?

Those places. Um. Yeah. So what?

Now, if the Democrats were smart, they'd let the Republicans slash all those government subsidies to the Farm Belt, and see how much those Red State types love small government when it's THEIR welfare being slashed.
OP, this is a deceitful premise, S the GOP is the same as it's always been. In fact, Trump is their wet dream. He's given them everything they wanted, except the part of hiding, or attempting to hide the bigotry, hypocrisy and greed behind their policies.

AKA they won't change.
As a reality, no matter how well President Biden does fixing what Trump has screwed up, he's still going to take a spanking in the 2022 midterms, because they almost always do. The GOP does well when the voters forget how badly they screwed things up the last time.

I disagree, The first plank of Sleepy Joe's agenda will be to rig the election system to assure continued Democrat Socialist domination. Granting millions of Illegals citizenship and the vote, reducing the age of suffrage to 16, admitting Washington DC and Puerto Rico as states are all things on the front burner.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?
The fate of the post-Trump GOP may be one of the most interesting political storylines of our lifetime.

I think it will look drastically different, though, depending on what happens in November. If Trump gets kicked out and there's a blue wave, the party is going to be in ashes and will have much more work to do.
No matter what happens in 2020, the red areas will stay red.

View attachment 366666

No matter who wins in 2020, the 2022 mid-terms means that the party in power loses some, so the "balance" of power should stay close.
You do realize that grass fields don’t vote? Right? I agree their is a section of America that won’t vote for progressive policies but that doesn’t mean they will rally behind a narrow platform that isn’t steered by a governing principle.
LOL!! You didn't know that there are more voters in fly over country than packed into those tiny (27%) urban plantations?
Just because the MSM caters to the urban population doesn't mean that no one lives outside that blue coastal archipelago. Actually most people describe where they live as "suburban" which includes "smalltown" USA.
About 52 percent of people in the United States describe their neighborhood as suburban, while about 27 percent describe their neighborhood as urban, and 21 percent as rural.

So 52% suburban/small town, plus 21% rural means 73% non-urban. 73% of the US population is not "grass fields".
One step at a time. You need to beat Trump before wondering what the GOP will look like in 2024
Think 2020 is in the bag? Remember when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning?

You understand this isn't still 2016, don't you? Being able to identify a picture of an elephant won't really give him the boost he was hoping for.
No matter what happens in 2020, the red areas will stay red.

You mean the places where no one actually lives?

Those places. Um. Yeah. So what?

Now, if the Democrats were smart, they'd let the Republicans slash all those government subsidies to the Farm Belt, and see how much those Red State types love small government when it's THEIR welfare being slashed.
Please see post #29, its for gator, but applies to you as well.
Trump is trying to take on China, and the fucking democrats are on China's side?!
Democrats are globalists, they can claim populist, but voters know bullshit when they see it.
One step at a time. You need to beat Trump before wondering what the GOP will look like in 2024
Think 2020 is in the bag? Remember when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning?

You understand this isn't still 2016, don't you? Being able to identify a picture of an elephant won't really give him the boost he was hoping for.

You keep missing the elephant in the room. The alternative to Trump is Joe Biden. Think about that stark choice.
That's your premise, not mine.
As long as our politics are controlled by people on both ends who think we're in a "war", we'll continue to decay.
I do wish you folks would find another hobby.

lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
"the administration's naiveté and inexperience in foreign policy"

1). Do you want all to believe that the Left really doesn't want to "Transform" America
2). Apparently you casually ignore the United Nations Agenda21 Doctrine
3). You must think BLM and Antifa are just isolated groups of upset, but otherwise nice people
4). No one is willfully dividing the nation via race baiting and cop blaming....

And you suggest both sides are equally to blame? Provide evidence of the Rights division and transformation. (You can't)
You're either willfully ignorant, naive to the extreme or part of the problem.
Most likely the latter.

People like you would like for everyone to ignore and look the other way while the transformation takes place.
One step at a time. You need to beat Trump before wondering what the GOP will look like in 2024
Think 2020 is in the bag? Remember when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning?

You understand this isn't still 2016, don't you? Being able to identify a picture of an elephant won't really give him the boost he was hoping for.

You keep missing the elephant in the room. The alternative to Trump is Joe Biden. Think about that stark choice.

We won't just replace Trump. We will replace him with a qualified president who has integrity and concern for all Americans, and enough sense to rely on qualified advisors. Best of all possibilities.
he is not gonna be president forever...are we changed forever? in some respects, yes! but we can change from that change, folks!
One step at a time. You need to beat Trump before wondering what the GOP will look like in 2024
Think 2020 is in the bag? Remember when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning?

You understand this isn't still 2016, don't you? Being able to identify a picture of an elephant won't really give him the boost he was hoping for.

You keep missing the elephant in the room. The alternative to Trump is Joe Biden. Think about that stark choice.

We won't just replace Trump. We will replace him with a qualified president who has integrity and concern for all Americans, and enough sense to rely on qualified advisors. Best of all possibilities.

LOL!! You think Joe Biden will be driving the bus??? Joe has no clue where he is half the time, let alone formulate complex policies and personnel assignments and responsibilities.
Joe Biden never ran as much as a "lemonade stand", he has no management experience. Obama had to rein him in more than once, and that was before he got so senile. Joe was never "sharp" he was usually wrong about most everything. He even copied Bernie's policies instead of coming up with his own. Then he copies Trump's "populist" economic agenda because its popular with voters.

INTEGRITY: Getting Hunter Biden an $83,000 a month job with Burisma, by helping Soros with Ukraine. See the "extortion video".
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That's your premise, not mine.
As long as our politics are controlled by people on both ends who think we're in a "war", we'll continue to decay.
I do wish you folks would find another hobby.

lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
"the administration's naiveté and inexperience in foreign policy"

1). Do you want all to believe that the Left really doesn't want to "Transform" America
2). Apparently you casually ignore the United Nations Agenda21 Doctrine
3). You must think BLM and Antifa are just isolated groups of upset, but otherwise nice people
4). No one is willfully dividing the nation via race baiting and cop blaming....

And you suggest both sides are equally to blame? Provide evidence of the Rights division and transformation. (You can't)
You're either willfully ignorant, naive to the extreme or part of the problem.
Most likely the latter.

People like you would like for everyone to ignore and look the other way while the transformation takes place.
If it's true, you guys are making it easier for them to succeed.

But, stuck in your foxhole as you are, you can't see out.
The problem having a duopoly is that voters suffer from short term memory. The swing voters who support Democrats now, may be just as quick to support the GOP if not enough is accomplished.

Congress is a deliberate system by design. The electorate is impulsive and fickle.
In 2024 you will be hard pressed to find anyone who will admit that they voted for Trump.

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