The GOP post Trump?

That's your premise, not mine.
As long as our politics are controlled by people on both ends who think we're in a "war", we'll continue to decay.
I do wish you folks would find another hobby.

lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
"the administration's naiveté and inexperience in foreign policy"

1). Do you want all to believe that the Left really doesn't want to "Transform" America
2). Apparently you casually ignore the United Nations Agenda21 Doctrine
3). You must think BLM and Antifa are just isolated groups of upset, but otherwise nice people
4). No one is willfully dividing the nation via race baiting and cop blaming....

And you suggest both sides are equally to blame? Provide evidence of the Rights division and transformation. (You can't)
You're either willfully ignorant, naive to the extreme or part of the problem.
Most likely the latter.

People like you would like for everyone to ignore and look the other way while the transformation takes place.
You guys are generally uniformed.

1. You don’t define transform so who can debate that shit?
2. You take a well meaning agenda to protect the only planet we live on and turn it into a black helicopter opt with your tin foil hat.
3. BLM is a movement that righties disregard because you really do believe black lives don’t matter.
4. Ok. What’s your point?
The interesting thing here is that when you say "Black Lives Matter" to a Trumpster, they immediately launch off into screaming COMMUNISM and MARXISM. So they appear to just be thinking (such as it is) about BLM the organization. That's how they're programmed.

Say "Black Lives Matter" to anyone else, and they immediately think of people and the philosophy and sociological impact of the phrase itself. The group is secondary at best.

As far as I'm concerned, let the Trumpsters keep going. Their arrogant ignorance is probably helpful.
As far as I'm concerned, let the Trumpsters keep going. Their arrogant ignorance is probably helpful.

You really are naive, or wicked.

BLM and Antifa are not representing black people as people on the ground in Portland etc clearly reveal.
These groups are mostly run by white, Marxist instigators. Like yourself.

The proof is out there. You are either really naive, or in support of marxism / Socialism etc

You call them ignorant, and yet they (not you) are correct in this case.
As far as I'm concerned, let the Trumpsters keep going. Their arrogant ignorance is probably helpful.

You really are naive, or wicked.

BLM and Antifa are not representing black people as people on the ground in Portland etc clearly reveal.
These groups are mostly run by white, Marxist instigators. Like yourself.

The proof is out there. You are either really naive, or in support of marxism / Socialism etc
You just did EXACTLY what I was talking about. EXACTLY.

How in the world do you not realize that?

Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?

There won't be a GOP if Trump loses in November...the democrats will use the power of government to purge republicans at all level of society....the democrat party is composed of monsters.
Not just my opinion that there isn’t anyone in the last 104 years that purged as many republicans as Trump. I know you guys like to joke about Blexit but what we are seeing in the numbers is an Collegexit and a Chickexit from the pubs. White college educated men and broad groups of women are fleeing the party.
Seems the left should focus on what the post Obama Democratic Party is going to be instead the GOP. All those primary candidates and what did you end with 77 year old white guy who has been in politics 47 years of his life who basically got the nomination because the rest of the field was so weak.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?
If they go back to the same old shit of Ryan,McConell,McCain,and Romney then the GOP is dead. This is now a populists workers party and that's the way forward.
The Bush Family and guys like Romney and George Will and Kasich are ready , willing and able to run the GOP and return it to its tradition of Pathetic losses and impotency the day after the election if President Trump is shown the door.
I can only hope.

A return to sanity by the GOP would increase the chances of a return to sanity by the Democrats.

The tribes have done enough damage. It's time for us to marginalize the lunatics, if it isn't too late.

How, pray tell, will a GOP content with losing return the Democrats to "sanity" at all?
That's your premise, not mine.

As long as our politics are controlled by people on both ends who think we're in a "war", we'll continue to decay.

I do wish you folks would find another hobby.
imo that's one reason Moscow Mitch has to go. It's probably likely that Trump loses. Nothing he's doing is making it better for him. And now it's oddly schizophrenic. He's to the right of G. Wallace in Portland, and he's suddenly trying to sound reasonable and concerned about stemming the rise in the virus, but really he looks old fat and confused.

But even assuming Trump loses, and younger people like Rubio and maybe Haley get a shot … good luck at getting a compromise now. Even if Biden wins, the progressives are gonna run train.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?
If they go back to the same old shit of Ryan,McConell,McCain,and Romney then the GOP is dead. This is now a populists workers party and that's the way forward.
The populists havn't got a dime between them. Koch and Wall St own the party, and that's not changing. Trump just signed their tax cut bills and gave them pro-corp, anti-populist judges. you got FUCKED
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?
If they go back to the same old shit of Ryan,McConell,McCain,and Romney then the GOP is dead. This is now a populists workers party and that's the way forward.
The populists havn't got a dime between them. Koch and Wall St own the party, and that's not changing. Trump just signed their tax cut bills and gave them pro-corp, anti-populist judges. you got FUCKED
The populists are the PEOPLE who elected Trump, we are tired of being screwed over by trade deals and shipping our jobs overseas and letting illegals pour in.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?
If they go back to the same old shit of Ryan,McConell,McCain,and Romney then the GOP is dead. This is now a populists workers party and that's the way forward.
The populists havn't got a dime between them. Koch and Wall St own the party, and that's not changing. Trump just signed their tax cut bills and gave them pro-corp, anti-populist judges. you got FUCKED
The populists are the PEOPLE who elected Trump, we are tired of being screwed over by trade deals and shipping our jobs overseas and letting illegals pour in.
Having said that... tariffs don’t work which is why the democrats have softened on that line. Pubs just picked up that torch 3 years ago in another odd reversal of dogma.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?
If they go back to the same old shit of Ryan,McConell,McCain,and Romney then the GOP is dead. This is now a populists workers party and that's the way forward.
The populists havn't got a dime between them. Koch and Wall St own the party, and that's not changing. Trump just signed their tax cut bills and gave them pro-corp, anti-populist judges. you got FUCKED
The populists are the PEOPLE who elected Trump, we are tired of being screwed over by trade deals and shipping our jobs overseas and letting illegals pour in.
You got fucked and don't even know it. TeaParty part deaux You got anti-abortion, part of a Wall and higher Wal-Mart prices. And the jobs didn't come back.

That's why Bannon is not part of the admin.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?
If they go back to the same old shit of Ryan,McConell,McCain,and Romney then the GOP is dead. This is now a populists workers party and that's the way forward.
The populists havn't got a dime between them. Koch and Wall St own the party, and that's not changing. Trump just signed their tax cut bills and gave them pro-corp, anti-populist judges. you got FUCKED
I agree with Preacher here. Hoodwinking the under paid and under educated into aligning with rich people for their upper end tax cuts has been a brilliant move keeping the dying party alive. Wall Street will push any narrative for the profitable outcome.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?
If they go back to the same old shit of Ryan,McConell,McCain,and Romney then the GOP is dead. This is now a populists workers party and that's the way forward.
The populists havn't got a dime between them. Koch and Wall St own the party, and that's not changing. Trump just signed their tax cut bills and gave them pro-corp, anti-populist judges. you got FUCKED
I agree with Preacher here. Hoodwinking the under paid and under educated into aligning with rich people for their upper end tax cuts has been a brilliant move keeping the dying party alive. Wall Street will push any narrative for the profitable outcome.
I don't think Preacher shares your view. But yes, Trump ran on Bannon's idea of populism, but he's given Wall St everything they wanted so long as he could raise tariffs, limit immigration and build part of his wall. And anti-abortion.

Wages did briefly rise when unemployment got to under 3%.

It may be that the Trump base sees no value in higher education and income gains high enough to pay more taxes. And who really needs insurance when you can just go on Medicaid if you get cancer or a heart attack.
I disagree, The first plank of Sleepy Joe's agenda will be to rig the election system to assure continued Democrat Socialist domination. Granting millions of Illegals citizenship and the vote, reducing the age of suffrage to 16, admitting Washington DC and Puerto Rico as states are all things on the front burner.

Okay, other than reducing the voting age to 16, I don't see anything wrong with any of those things.

DC and PR SHOULD be states. A path to citizenship for immigrants SHOULD be something we should do. Even Republicans agreed that was fair and reasonable before the crazies took over.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?
It looks just like the pre-Trump GOP.

Trump is merely a symptom of the disease that the GOP has become.

Indeed, the origins of the malignancy that is today’s GOP can be found during the Reagan years.

And make no mistake: the anti-Trump Republican organizations such as the Lincoln Project support the Trump agenda if not Trump himself.

They support Trump’s anti-immigration nativism, Trump’s reckless, irresponsible deregulation of business, Trump’s contempt for privacy rights, contempt for the rights of gay and transgender Americans, and contempt for the voting rights of minorities.

None of this will change once Trump is gone; anti-Trump Republicans have a problem only with Trump the messenger, not his message.

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