The GOP post Trump?

The GOP post Trump. . .



That's your premise, not mine.
As long as our politics are controlled by people on both ends who think we're in a "war", we'll continue to decay.
I do wish you folks would find another hobby.

lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
"the administration's naiveté and inexperience in foreign policy"

1). Do you want all to believe that the Left really doesn't want to "Transform" America
2). Apparently you casually ignore the United Nations Agenda21 Doctrine
3). You must think BLM and Antifa are just isolated groups of upset, but otherwise nice people
4). No one is willfully dividing the nation via race baiting and cop blaming....

And you suggest both sides are equally to blame? Provide evidence of the Rights division and transformation. (You can't)
You're either willfully ignorant, naive to the extreme or part of the problem.
Most likely the latter.

People like you would like for everyone to ignore and look the other way while the transformation takes place.
If it's true, you guys are making it easier for them to succeed.

But, stuck in your foxhole as you are, you can't see out.

There isn't much resistance. I'll give you that.
he is not gonna be president forever...are we changed forever? in some respects, yes! but we can change from that change, folks!

I suspect we will change from a Trump type presidency forever. Expect lots of new laws to prevent the stunts Trump has pulled, as soon as he is out of office. He and his behavior will be remembered for a long time, but it won't be in the way
he is not gonna be president forever...are we changed forever? in some respects, yes! but we can change from that change, folks!

I suspect we will change from a Trump type presidency forever. Expect lots of new laws to prevent the stunts Trump has pulled, as soon as he is out of office. He and his behavior will be remembered for a long time, but it won't be in the way

Think so? Think voters want the same old politics that the dems have been pulling with Kavanaugh and "Russia Collusion Hoax" and spying on political opponents, and using the IRS to harass political opponents, and impeaching for a non-crime?

How would you feel about Elon Musk as a GOP candidate for president in 2024? Another self-made billionaire that has the "vision thing". Do you want the Pelosi/Schumer brand of politics, or something better?
One step at a time. You need to beat Trump before wondering what the GOP will look like in 2024
Think 2020 is in the bag? Remember when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning?

You understand this isn't still 2016, don't you? Being able to identify a picture of an elephant won't really give him the boost he was hoping for.

You keep missing the elephant in the room. The alternative to Trump is Joe Biden. Think about that stark choice.

We won't just replace Trump. We will replace him with a qualified president who has integrity and concern for all Americans, and enough sense to rely on qualified advisors. Best of all possibilities.

LOL!! You think Joe Biden will be driving the bus??? Joe has no clue where he is half the time, let alone formulate complex policies and personnel assignments and responsibilities.
Joe Biden never ran as much as a "lemonade stand", he has no management experience. Obama had to rein him in more than once, and that was before he got so senile. Joe was never "sharp" he was usually wrong about most everything. He even copied Bernie's policies instead of coming up with his own. Then he copies Trump's "populist" economic agenda because its popular with voters.

INTEGRITY: Getting Hunter Biden an $83,000 a month job with Burisma, by helping Soros with Ukraine. See the "extortion video".

I see you fell for all that right wing rhetoric. I'm always amazed at all the crazy accusations you come up with.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?

Economy shut down in major liberal cities, states. Race/class tensions fault of liberals.
One step at a time. You need to beat Trump before wondering what the GOP will look like in 2024
Think 2020 is in the bag? Remember when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning?

You understand this isn't still 2016, don't you? Being able to identify a picture of an elephant won't really give him the boost he was hoping for.

You keep missing the elephant in the room. The alternative to Trump is Joe Biden. Think about that stark choice.

We won't just replace Trump. We will replace him with a qualified president who has integrity and concern for all Americans, and enough sense to rely on qualified advisors. Best of all possibilities.

LOL!! You think Joe Biden will be driving the bus??? Joe has no clue where he is half the time, let alone formulate complex policies and personnel assignments and responsibilities.
Joe Biden never ran as much as a "lemonade stand", he has no management experience. Obama had to rein him in more than once, and that was before he got so senile. Joe was never "sharp" he was usually wrong about most everything. He even copied Bernie's policies instead of coming up with his own. Then he copies Trump's "populist" economic agenda because its popular with voters.

INTEGRITY: Getting Hunter Biden an $83,000 a month job with Burisma, by helping Soros with Ukraine. See the "extortion video".

I see you fell for all that right wing rhetoric. I'm always amazed at all the crazy accusations you come up with.

"I prefer truth over facts" LOL!

Every one of my points against democrats are factual.
If you disagree, please provide credible links and we can debate further.
If you can't refute any, thanks for playing.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?
A bunch of old, confused, white men with severe hangovers.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?

Economy shut down in major liberal cities, states. Race/class tensions fault of liberals.
Lol, no.
he is not gonna be president forever...are we changed forever? in some respects, yes! but we can change from that change, folks!

I suspect we will change from a Trump type presidency forever. Expect lots of new laws to prevent the stunts Trump has pulled, as soon as he is out of office. He and his behavior will be remembered for a long time, but it won't be in the way

Think so? Think voters want the same old politics that the dems have been pulling with Kavanaugh and "Russia Collusion Hoax" and spying on political opponents, and using the IRS to harass political opponents, and impeaching for a non-crime?

How would you feel about Elon Musk as a GOP candidate for president in 2024? Another self-made billionaire that has the "vision thing". Do you want the Pelosi/Schumer brand of politics, or something better?

Anything would be better than that fat orange clown, and his ass kissers.
One step at a time. You need to beat Trump before wondering what the GOP will look like in 2024
Think 2020 is in the bag? Remember when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning?

You understand this isn't still 2016, don't you? Being able to identify a picture of an elephant won't really give him the boost he was hoping for.

You keep missing the elephant in the room. The alternative to Trump is Joe Biden. Think about that stark choice.

We won't just replace Trump. We will replace him with a qualified president who has integrity and concern for all Americans, and enough sense to rely on qualified advisors. Best of all possibilities.

LOL!! You think Joe Biden will be driving the bus??? Joe has no clue where he is half the time, let alone formulate complex policies and personnel assignments and responsibilities.
Joe Biden never ran as much as a "lemonade stand", he has no management experience. Obama had to rein him in more than once, and that was before he got so senile. Joe was never "sharp" he was usually wrong about most everything. He even copied Bernie's policies instead of coming up with his own. Then he copies Trump's "populist" economic agenda because its popular with voters.

INTEGRITY: Getting Hunter Biden an $83,000 a month job with Burisma, by helping Soros with Ukraine. See the "extortion video".

I see you fell for all that right wing rhetoric. I'm always amazed at all the crazy accusations you come up with.

"I prefer truth over facts" LOL!

Every one of my points against democrats are factual.
If you disagree, please provide credible links and we can debate further.
If you can't refute any, thanks for playing.

You prefer bullshit. That's why you support that idiot.
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?

Economy shut down in major liberal cities, states. Race/class tensions fault of liberals.
Lol, no.

Sadly, yes.
One step at a time. You need to beat Trump before wondering what the GOP will look like in 2024
Think 2020 is in the bag? Remember when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning?

You understand this isn't still 2016, don't you? Being able to identify a picture of an elephant won't really give him the boost he was hoping for.

You keep missing the elephant in the room. The alternative to Trump is Joe Biden. Think about that stark choice.

We won't just replace Trump. We will replace him with a qualified president who has integrity and concern for all Americans, and enough sense to rely on qualified advisors. Best of all possibilities.

LOL!! You think Joe Biden will be driving the bus??? Joe has no clue where he is half the time, let alone formulate complex policies and personnel assignments and responsibilities.
Joe Biden never ran as much as a "lemonade stand", he has no management experience. Obama had to rein him in more than once, and that was before he got so senile. Joe was never "sharp" he was usually wrong about most everything. He even copied Bernie's policies instead of coming up with his own. Then he copies Trump's "populist" economic agenda because its popular with voters.

INTEGRITY: Getting Hunter Biden an $83,000 a month job with Burisma, by helping Soros with Ukraine. See the "extortion video".

I see you fell for all that right wing rhetoric. I'm always amazed at all the crazy accusations you come up with.

"I prefer truth over facts" LOL!

Every one of my points against democrats are factual.
If you disagree, please provide credible links and we can debate further.
If you can't refute any, thanks for playing.

You prefer bullshit. That's why you support that idiot.

LOL! Can't handle the truth! Keep drinking that Leftist KoolAde.
I fully expect a return to what worked for them early in the 2010's OBSTRUCTION!
They will screw America by obstructing anything and everything they can!
No bills, no laws, no compromises, no talks, no NOTHING!
Then they will point their fingers at Biden and say "He's in charge!"
I fully expect a return to what worked for them early in the 2010's OBSTRUCTION!
They will screw America by obstructing anything and everything they can!
No bills, no laws, no compromises, no talks, no NOTHING!
Then they will point their fingers at Biden and say "He's in charge!"
Gridlock is the only thing that can save the US.
If something passes a divided government it shouldn't be too bad.
One party rule is typically a disaster.
The Bush Family and guys like Romney and George Will and Kasich are ready , willing and able to run the GOP and return it to its tradition of Pathetic losses and impotency the day after the election if President Trump is shown the door.
I can only hope.

A return to sanity by the GOP would increase the chances of a return to sanity by the Democrats.

The tribes have done enough damage. It's time for us to marginalize the lunatics, if it isn't too late.

The main problem that the resurrection of the Bush Family dominated GOP will have is getting liberals to sign on.

The Trump base is used to leadership that is willing to fight back, so they will not be aboard and may well decide to start a new party. The Bushes et al are going to have to find a way to appeal to leftists if they are going to have any success.
I fully expect a return to what worked for them early in the 2010's OBSTRUCTION!
They will screw America by obstructing anything and everything they can!
No bills, no laws, no compromises, no talks, no NOTHING!
Then they will point their fingers at Biden and say "He's in charge!"

That wouldn't be so bad at all. Particularly if they can get a majority in the Senate and stop Biden from making Leftist appointments to the cabinet and judiciary
he is not gonna be president forever...are we changed forever? in some respects, yes! but we can change from that change, folks!
I suspect we will change from a Trump type presidency forever. Expect lots of new laws to prevent the stunts Trump has pulled, as soon as he is out of office. He and his behavior will be remembered for a long time, but it won't be in the way [...]
I think that even if Republicans under Trump get beaten badly it certainly will not be overwhelming, a total repudiation of right populist demagogy. The extreme nationalist right will still be around. I don’t think there are enough principled Conservative Republican politicians to reclaim the party and repudiate its lunatic populist wing. The Democrats under DNC leadership will not be able to solve the problems they are likely to face. The Democrats will adopt harder nationalist stances despite Bernie Sanders and his base. Economic decline of the black and white working class, insecurity among the middle class, protectionism, conflict with China will consume the next 4 years. Whoever wins will inherit a mess. I don’t expect fundamental changes. New leaders like Nikki Haley may keep Republicans alive in 2024. It is really hard to say.
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That's your premise, not mine.
As long as our politics are controlled by people on both ends who think we're in a "war", we'll continue to decay.
I do wish you folks would find another hobby.

lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
"the administration's naiveté and inexperience in foreign policy"

1). Do you want all to believe that the Left really doesn't want to "Transform" America
2). Apparently you casually ignore the United Nations Agenda21 Doctrine
3). You must think BLM and Antifa are just isolated groups of upset, but otherwise nice people
4). No one is willfully dividing the nation via race baiting and cop blaming....

And you suggest both sides are equally to blame? Provide evidence of the Rights division and transformation. (You can't)
You're either willfully ignorant, naive to the extreme or part of the problem.
Most likely the latter.

People like you would like for everyone to ignore and look the other way while the transformation takes place.
You guys are generally uniformed.

1. You don’t define transform so who can debate that shit?
2. You take a well meaning agenda to protect the only planet we live on and turn it into a black helicopter opt with your tin foil hat.
3. BLM is a movement that righties disregard because you really do believe black lives don’t matter.
4. Ok. What’s your point?
Premise: There is a pretty decent chance Trump won’t recover from this poll deficit in time for the election. The economy is tanking, coronavirus isn’t under control, and race/class tensions are pretty high.

Question: What does the post-Trump GOP look like and stand for? There has been a fracture in its support. Small governing, deficit spending, and free trade have been sacrificed during this administration. The die hard supporters are only linked by culture complaints and immigration concern. Is that enough to build a governing coalition?

There won't be a GOP if Trump loses in November...the democrats will use the power of government to purge republicans at all level of society....the democrat party is composed of monsters.

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