The GOP: Unmasked and Undone


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Steven Weber: The GOP: Unmasked and Undone

The Republicans have tipped their hand -- spilled it all over the floor, actually -- and demonstrated beyond doubt that they are solely dedicated to crippling any idea that Americans should have hope, that Americans should be nothing less than afraid and that history and facts are merely vague, noisy complexities, not of any real use to anyone and ultimately up for grabs.

And it is now clear that anything that comes from the Right Wing purporting to be factual analyses of social and political issues is invariably propaganda, much of it a cunning mixture of outright lies with some factual details and factoids woven into the mix to give it an air of credibility. Witness Mitt's incessant lie-stream and Fox's round-the-clock trumpeting of divisive memes, pouring into the media culture like so much bilge water.

But make no mistake: the years that comprise the Obama administration will be described as The War Years, not only for the inherited wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but as much for the war being waged on our own turf, emanating from within the think tanks and daily memos distributed by the far-reaching Right Wing machine.

The war on government being waged is fundamentally a war on Democracy. It's a war that is being waged strategically and continually and is now being fought in the open, as the GOP contenders having hogged the airwaves and congressional halls for so long that there is no way for the Right Wing to utilize its prime strategy of causing knee-jerk responses to hot-button issues -- everyone and everything's been given far too much airtime.

And even the dedicated ditto-heads and loyal Rep-bots who follow their orders without question are starting to see the holes in the repeated arguments, smell the proverbial rat; the geniuses and demagogues who profess to wage this war on behalf of their patriotic and steadfast audience are being spotted for the turncoat corporate shills they actually are, and are even seeing their reviled Obama as anything but the Socialist oppressor pig the brazen propagandists have painted him as being since he was duly elected.

The ship is sinking.

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