The GOP would sell their Soul and First Born Child for this scandal.

This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Both parties are dirty and the witnesses look suspect. Don't look for angels or heroes, there aren't any.
Care to explain why they locked the call recording in the ultra secret hiding spot? And why did they withhold the aid until 2 days after the whistleblower's complaint was made??

Notta good look
That has already been explained 100 times. It became standard procedure after all the leeks from deep state douchebags.
You mean you tried to lie about it 100 times:

The White House lawyer later directed the transcript’s removal to a system known as NICE, for NSC Intelligence Collaboration Environment, which is normally reserved for code-word-level intelligence programs and top-
secret sources and methods, according to an administration official.

Former Trump national security officials said it was unheard of to store presidential calls with foreign leaders on the NICE system but that Eisenberg had moved at least one other transcript of a Trump phone call there.

They were hiding it, and if you can't admit that then that's on you and you look stupid.
You failed to disprove my point. You morons will latch onto anything, no matter how dubious, if it appears to support your narrative. All conversations between the President and foreign leaders are privileged. Trump hasn't committed any crime by keeping them secret. You appear to be claiming that they should all become public information. That only confirms the fact that you're an imbecile.

Since Trump released the transcript, how is he covering anything up? Do you numskulls ever think about the stuff you post?
Ahhh my facts disproved your point.

Former Trump national security officials said it was unheard of to store presidential calls with foreign leaders on the NICE system but that Eisenberg had moved at least one other transcript of a Trump phone call there.

It is unheard of to put simple phone calls between leaders on the NICE server. That server is reserved for top secret info... You seem to want to ignore this fact, and you have nothing that can refute this.

BTW Trump didn't release the official transcript AND a war hero with credibility has said that the version Trump released was not fully accurate.

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