The GOP would sell their Soul and First Born Child for this scandal.

This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Both parties are dirty and the witnesses look suspect. Don't look for angels or heroes, there aren't any.
Care to explain why they locked the call recording in the ultra secret hiding spot? And why did they withhold the aid until 2 days after the whistleblower's complaint was made??

Notta good look
No, but the call was locked due to its nature I read, and the timing was dependent on other factors-sorry, no smoking gun here.

Nice try bud, swing and miss.

Hey i got some magic beans for sale only $10k. "I read" that if you plant them in the ground you can grow a magic vine that will lead to treasure!

Care to explain to us what in that transcript, would warrant the call being ultra top secret?

Your explanations need some work.
Not secret-it was protocol if any complaints were lodged-which they were. And why the magic beans crack-either you have a weak argument and that is your cover up, or you are looking for trouble.Which is it???
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done. Neat introductory. What's he done?

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this. You mean like Obama/Biden delaying Ukrainian aid until the prosecutor investigating Biden's son was fired?

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals. LOL

2 Major problems for Trumpy: I can't wait.

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious. You should run for POTUS. You'll be the first to provide U.S. dollars without conditions.

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box. Because they're smart and understand leftists mislead on everything. You don't open the door to material during a witch-hunt. You're speculating, all while suggesting this is a major problem for Trump.

TRUMP 2020, you can count on it.

So you have no valid explanation as to why the aid, which was supposed to be released in Feb, was released in September, 2 days after the whistleblowers complaint? And why they put a supposed "perfect call" with no classified or top secret info on it on the top secret server??

After all the Right's fake failed scandals, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, uranium one (and like 50 others) you would give your soul and child to have Obama or HRC caught up in a real Quid pro Quo scandal like this.

You can't fucking read huh? How come leftists project so often? Because you people don't think, you're too emotional, and above all intellectually dishonest.

I've never heard of your pizzagate, and Uranium one sure as fuck wasn't a "failed scandal" as you describe. Compare all to "Russian Collusion".
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Is there an actual tape of Trump's Ukraine call? I don't think there is.
There is a real transcript recording whatever of the call that the WH put on it's secret server when this scandal broke. This "top secret" server is reserved for classified material or top secret material. There is nothing in the "transcript" to indicate that there was anything top secret in this call. It is highly unusual to put something like this on that server, unless you are trying to hide it from investigators.
White House admits Trump's Ukraine phone call record was moved to secret server
Well there is a "transcript" at least of sorts, and yes it was
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done. Neat introductory. What's he done?

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this. You mean like Obama/Biden delaying Ukrainian aid until the prosecutor investigating Biden's son was fired?

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals. LOL

2 Major problems for Trumpy: I can't wait.

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious. You should run for POTUS. You'll be the first to provide U.S. dollars without conditions.

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box. Because they're smart and understand leftists mislead on everything. You don't open the door to material during a witch-hunt. You're speculating, all while suggesting this is a major problem for Trump.

TRUMP 2020, you can count on it.

So you have no valid explanation as to why the aid, which was supposed to be released in Feb, was released in September, 2 days after the whistleblowers complaint? And why they put a supposed "perfect call" with no classified or top secret info on it on the top secret server??

After all the Right's fake failed scandals, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, uranium one (and like 50 others) you would give your soul and child to have Obama or HRC caught up in a real Quid pro Quo scandal like this.

Seth is still a cold case..
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Is there an actual tape of Trump's Ukraine call? I don't think there is.
There is a real transcript recording whatever of the call that the WH put on it's secret server when this scandal broke. This "top secret" server is reserved for classified material or top secret material. There is nothing in the "transcript" to indicate that there was anything top secret in this call. It is highly unusual to put something like this on that server, unless you are trying to hide it from investigators.
White House admits Trump's Ukraine phone call record was moved to secret server
There is some sort of transcript that the WH legal staff admits it had placed in the "top secret" server. For reasons that at least seem to be to hide it. Whether there's a tape record of what Trump said … I'm not sure. Lt. Col. Vindman said, and the WH confirmed, that what the WH called a transcript and released omits statements by Trump.
Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.


HRC was proven to have committed literally THOUSANDS of criminal counts of violations of the FOIA, Federal Records Act, and Obstruction - according to statements made by the FBI publicly - by attempting to delete thousands of official subpoenaed govt documents HRC never submitted for archival as required by the FOIA and FRA....not to mention violations of rules, regs, and laws pertaining to the storage, handling, and destruction of classified information and devices.

Obama US AG Eric Holder was caught committing Perjury under oath before Congress while attempting to keep Fast & Furious hidden; despite Obama's protection of Holder from Indictment, Holder was still Bi-Partisanly Censured by Congress for his crimes, making him the 1st US AG / Presidential administration Cabinet Member in US History to be Censured.

Obama NSA Director Clapper was caught TWICE committing Perjury. He was protected from indictment the 1st time by Democrats quickly re-calling him to re-testify so he could 'Amend' his testimony. Obama's DOJ stalled the 2nd time until the statute of limitations ran out.

Obama's Director of the CIA was caught committing Perjury before Congress for lying about ILLEGALLY SPYING on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, & USSC JUSTICES. He escaped indictment by an (illegal) deal between the Dems and GOP which forced Brennan to appear before Congress, admit to illegal spying and Perjury, and promise not to do it again. (Bwuhahahahaha...and now we know he and the FBI illegally spied on Trump after this....)

Democrats are about to get BLOWN UP by the coming FISA Court report and result of Durham's criminal investigation...after the US IG has already recommended the Obama administration's former FBI Director, former FBI Deputy Director, & former FBI Counter-Intel Agent for indictment of their crimes of leaking classified and their part in the proven failed Obama coup.

Obama's administration set a new presidential administration record for CRIMINAL NON-COMPLIANCE with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

During his administration Obama was found in Contempt of Court TWICE for non-compliance with / violating Federal Judges' orders, was found to have violated he Constitution at least 3 times, exposed as having illegally spied on Americans / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC Justices / Political Opponents / a newly elected President, and illegally weaponized the IRS, using it against Americans who legally opposed his re-election.
-- Former IRS Director John Koskinen was caught committing Perjury before Congress when testifying about this - they played back the video tape of his 1st appearance and his perjurous earlier answer - Holder protected him from indictment.

Your suggestion that the GOP, let alone HISTORY, need any further evidence of criminal activity by Obama and his administration is ;laughable.

This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Both parties are dirty and the witnesses look suspect. Don't look for angels or heroes, there aren't any.
Care to explain why they locked the call recording in the ultra secret hiding spot? And why did they withhold the aid until 2 days after the whistleblower's complaint was made??

Notta good look
No, but the call was locked due to its nature I read, and the timing was dependent on other factors-sorry, no smoking gun here.

Nice try bud, swing and miss.

Hey i got some magic beans for sale only $10k. "I read" that if you plant them in the ground you can grow a magic vine that will lead to treasure!

Care to explain to us what in that transcript, would warrant the call being ultra top secret?

Your explanations need some work.
Not secret-it was protocol if any complaints were lodged-which they were. And why the magic beans crack-either you have a weak argument and that is your cover up, or you are looking for trouble.Which is it???
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (me falling out of my chair)

Yea protocol- YOU JUST FABRICATED THIS AND MADE IT UP. This is fake news. Provide a link for this... You can not, liar.

Hey bud here's a link for ya!!!!!!!

Vindman read out loud notes he took of the president’s call. Eisenberg then suggested that the National Security Council move records of the call to a separate, highly classified computer system, Vindman told lawmakers.

The White House lawyer later directed the transcript’s removal to a system known as NICE, for NSC Intelligence Collaboration Environment, which is normally reserved for code-word-level intelligence programs and top-
secret sources and methods, according to an administration official.

Former Trump national security officials said it was unheard of to store presidential calls with foreign leaders on the NICE system but that Eisenberg had moved at least one other transcript of a Trump phone call there.

Hmmmm unprecedented to store a simple presidential call...

You seem to be the type that believes any stupid thing that sounds pleasant to you... Holla if you want those beans, like I said they lead to treasure and riches its a good deal for only $10k...
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Is there an actual tape of Trump's Ukraine call? I don't think there is.
There is a real transcript recording whatever of the call that the WH put on it's secret server when this scandal broke. This "top secret" server is reserved for classified material or top secret material. There is nothing in the "transcript" to indicate that there was anything top secret in this call. It is highly unusual to put something like this on that server, unless you are trying to hide it from investigators.
White House admits Trump's Ukraine phone call record was moved to secret server
There is some sort of transcript that the WH legal staff admits it had placed in the "top secret" server. For reasons that at least seem to be to hide it. Whether there's a tape record of what Trump said … I'm not sure. Lt. Col. Vindman said, and the WH confirmed, that what the WH called a transcript and released omits statements by Trump.

Yea maybe there isn't an actual recording, but there is an official transcript that is hidden on this secret NICE server, in which people have said it would be " unheard of" to do that.
That is suspect. You don't think?
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done. Neat introductory. What's he done?

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this. You mean like Obama/Biden delaying Ukrainian aid until the prosecutor investigating Biden's son was fired?

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals. LOL

2 Major problems for Trumpy: I can't wait.

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious. You should run for POTUS. You'll be the first to provide U.S. dollars without conditions.

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box. Because they're smart and understand leftists mislead on everything. You don't open the door to material during a witch-hunt. You're speculating, all while suggesting this is a major problem for Trump.

TRUMP 2020, you can count on it.

So you have no valid explanation as to why the aid, which was supposed to be released in Feb, was released in September, 2 days after the whistleblowers complaint? And why they put a supposed "perfect call" with no classified or top secret info on it on the top secret server??

After all the Right's fake failed scandals, Seth Rich, Pizzagate, uranium one (and like 50 others) you would give your soul and child to have Obama or HRC caught up in a real Quid pro Quo scandal like this.

You can't fucking read huh? How come leftists project so often? Because you people don't think, you're too emotional, and above all intellectually dishonest.

I've never heard of your pizzagate, and Uranium one sure as fuck wasn't a "failed scandal" as you describe. Compare all to "Russian Collusion".
Wait you were serious about that "provide conditions thing" that's your excuse?

Swing and miss, they withheld it for 7 months only to release it as the scandal was breaking? AHAHA!!

Vindman read out loud notes he took of the president’s call. Eisenberg then suggested that the National Security Council move records of the call to a separate, highly classified computer system, Vindman told lawmakers.

The White House lawyer later directed the transcript’s removal to a system known as NICE, for NSC Intelligence Collaboration Environment, which is normally reserved for code-word-level intelligence programs and top-
secret sources and methods, according to an administration official.

Former Trump national security officials said it was unheard of to store presidential calls with foreign leaders on the NICE system but that Eisenberg had moved at least one other transcript of a Trump phone call there.
Last edited:
During the Mueller investigation, Trump refused to be put under oath and questioned in person. He only allowed written questions which he answered at his leisure.

Now Trump is whining that the whistleblower wants the exact same thing.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™
Seems you’re having a little trouble figuring out the difference between accuser and accused in our legal system. The plaintiff must present their case. The defendant is under no obligation to cooperate in any way.
There's a criminal trial going on? Seems like he's not the one having a little trouble figuring out what's going on.
How does that change anything? You can call it whatever you want but his response should always be to fuck off. You have a crime? Bring it.
Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.


HRC was proven to have committed literally THOUSANDS of criminal counts of violations of the FOIA, Federal Records Act, and Obstruction - according to statements made by the FBI publicly - by attempting to delete thousands of official subpoenaed govt documents HRC never submitted for archival as required by the FOIA and FRA....not to mention violations of rules, regs, and laws pertaining to the storage, handling, and destruction of classified information and devices.

Obama US AG Eric Holder was caught committing Perjury under oath before Congress while attempting to keep Fast & Furious hidden; despite Obama's protection of Holder from Indictment, Holder was still Bi-Partisanly Censured by Congress for his crimes, making him the 1st US AG / Presidential administration Cabinet Member in US History to be Censured.

Obama NSA Director Clapper was caught TWICE committing Perjury. He was protected from indictment the 1st time by Democrats quickly re-calling him to re-testify so he could 'Amend' his testimony. Obama's DOJ stalled the 2nd time until the statute of limitations ran out.

Obama's Director of the CIA was caught committing Perjury before Congress for lying about ILLEGALLY SPYING on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, & USSC JUSTICES. He escaped indictment by an (illegal) deal between the Dems and GOP which forced Brennan to appear before Congress, admit to illegal spying and Perjury, and promise not to do it again. (Bwuhahahahaha...and now we know he and the FBI illegally spied on Trump after this....)

Democrats are about to get BLOWN UP by the coming FISA Court report and result of Durham's criminal investigation...after the US IG has already recommended the Obama administration's former FBI Director, former FBI Deputy Director, & former FBI Counter-Intel Agent for indictment of their crimes of leaking classified and their part in the proven failed Obama coup.

Obama's administration set a new presidential administration record for CRIMINAL NON-COMPLIANCE with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

During his administration Obama was found in Contempt of Court TWICE for non-compliance with / violating Federal Judges' orders, was found to have violated he Constitution at least 3 times, exposed as having illegally spied on Americans / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC Justices / Political Opponents / a newly elected President, and illegally weaponized the IRS, using it against Americans who legally opposed his re-election.
-- Former IRS Director John Koskinen was caught committing Perjury before Congress when testifying about this - they played back the video tape of his 1st appearance and his perjurous earlier answer - Holder protected him from indictment.

Your suggestion that the GOP, let alone HISTORY, need any further evidence of criminal activity by Obama and his administration is ;laughable.

1) HRC was proven to have committed literally THOUSANDS of criminal counts of violations of the FOIA, Federal Records Act, and Obstruction - according to statements made by the FBI publicly - by attempting to delete thousands of official subpoenaed govt documents HRC never submitted for archival as required by the FOIA and FRA....not to mention violations of rules, regs, and laws pertaining to the storage, handling, and destruction of classified information and devices.
Can you provide a real deal link for this please (not from a fake news source)

2) There is nothing there that would get Obama impeached.

The Right is desperate for a real scandal against Obama and HRC, and have tried everything possible. And now, just like that, a real deal trump impeachment scandal falls right into everyone's lap... out of nowhere.
Can you provide a real deal link for this please (not from a fake news source)

FBI releases documents from Hillary Clinton email investigation

'The FBI made public Friday afternoon dozens of pages of its investigation into whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton improperly handled classified information with her use of a private email server during her time in President Obama’s cabinet.'

In testimony to Congress, Clinton claimed she used 1 (ONE) classified device.
-- "The investigation documents also note that there were up to 13 different devices from which Hillary Clinton accessed her email, eight of which were used by her while she was secretary of state. But the FBI was unable to examine the devices since her lawyers at Williams & Connolly were “unable to locate any of these devices,” according to the FBI release. One aide, Justin Cooper, told the FBI that he “did recall two instances where he destroyed Clinton’s old mobile devices by breaking them in half or hitting them with a hammer,” according to the documents. "
*** Perjury, illegal handling and destruction of classified devices / info

"The Democratic nominee specifically denied that the use of a private server was due to a desire to avoid FOIA requests or violate the Federal Records Act. Still, the FBI records showed aides did, in fact, purposely delete content from their accounts."

How about from James Comey himself under oath?

Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified.
COMEY: “That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed”

On her claim that she used one device, Comey also said, “She used multiple devices.”

And on her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, he said, “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing
Both parties are dirty and the witnesses look suspect. Don't look for angels or heroes, there aren't any.
Care to explain why they locked the call recording in the ultra secret hiding spot? And why did they withhold the aid until 2 days after the whistleblower's complaint was made??

Notta good look
No, but the call was locked due to its nature I read, and the timing was dependent on other factors-sorry, no smoking gun here.

Nice try bud, swing and miss.

Hey i got some magic beans for sale only $10k. "I read" that if you plant them in the ground you can grow a magic vine that will lead to treasure!

Care to explain to us what in that transcript, would warrant the call being ultra top secret?

Your explanations need some work.
Not secret-it was protocol if any complaints were lodged-which they were. And why the magic beans crack-either you have a weak argument and that is your cover up, or you are looking for trouble.Which is it???
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (me falling out of my chair)

Yea protocol- YOU JUST FABRICATED THIS AND MADE IT UP. This is fake news. Provide a link for this... You can not, liar.

Hey bud here's a link for ya!!!!!!!

Vindman read out loud notes he took of the president’s call. Eisenberg then suggested that the National Security Council move records of the call to a separate, highly classified computer system, Vindman told lawmakers.

The White House lawyer later directed the transcript’s removal to a system known as NICE, for NSC Intelligence Collaboration Environment, which is normally reserved for code-word-level intelligence programs and top-
secret sources and methods, according to an administration official.

Former Trump national security officials said it was unheard of to store presidential calls with foreign leaders on the NICE system but that Eisenberg had moved at least one other transcript of a Trump phone call there.

Hmmmm unprecedented to store a simple presidential call...

You seem to be the type that believes any stupid thing that sounds pleasant to you... Holla if you want those beans, like I said they lead to treasure and riches its a good deal for only $10k...
If you fall out of your chair, they have medicine for that. And you never answered on the weak argument and cowered away from confrontation, so you are dead to me. You are officially BANNED!
During the Mueller investigation, Trump refused to be put under oath and questioned in person. He only allowed written questions which he answered

Trump is the POTUS so much for your apples to oranges comparison. :eusa_boohoo: This ^^^ stupid narrative is all over the drive by news today.
Can you provide a real deal link for this please (not from a fake news source)

FBI releases documents from Hillary Clinton email investigation

'The FBI made public Friday afternoon dozens of pages of its investigation into whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton improperly handled classified information with her use of a private email server during her time in President Obama’s cabinet.'

In testimony to Congress, Clinton claimed she used 1 (ONE) classified device.
-- "The investigation documents also note that there were up to 13 different devices from which Hillary Clinton accessed her email, eight of which were used by her while she was secretary of state. But the FBI was unable to examine the devices since her lawyers at Williams & Connolly were “unable to locate any of these devices,” according to the FBI release. One aide, Justin Cooper, told the FBI that he “did recall two instances where he destroyed Clinton’s old mobile devices by breaking them in half or hitting them with a hammer,” according to the documents. "
*** Perjury, illegal handling and destruction of classified devices / info

"The Democratic nominee specifically denied that the use of a private server was due to a desire to avoid FOIA requests or violate the Federal Records Act. Still, the FBI records showed aides did, in fact, purposely delete content from their accounts."

How about from James Comey himself under oath?

Clinton had claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified.
COMEY: “That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed”

On her claim that she used one device, Comey also said, “She used multiple devices.”

And on her claim that she turned over all work-related emails, he said, “No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing
Wait wait wait, all you have is a restatement of the email scandal.

Too bad that scandal has been investigated 4 times, and the 4th investigation just finished. Every single investigation determined the same thing:

"In looking back into our investigations into the mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts," Comey said. "All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of information exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."

Inspector General:

"We found no evidence that the conclusions by the prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations; rather, we determined that they were based on the prosecutors' assessment of the facts, the law, and past Department practice."

So to try and bring up the debunked email thing... big deal you got nothing. Any of the so called "classified" emails were lowly classified and harmless. Big deal, and all 4 investigations concluded the same thing... Not criminal charges... sorry bud, nice try though.
Vindman read out loud notes he took of the president’s call. Eisenberg then suggested that the National Security Council move records of the call to a separate, highly classified computer system, Vindman told lawmakers.

So if Vindman had written down 'Obama is a c@ck sucker, & Biden is a flaming homosexual', this - according to you - would be 100% factual?!


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