The GOP would sell their Soul and First Born Child for this scandal.

Care to explain why they locked the call recording in the ultra secret hiding spot? And why did they withhold the aid until 2 days after the whistleblower's complaint was made??

Notta good look
No, but the call was locked due to its nature I read, and the timing was dependent on other factors-sorry, no smoking gun here.

Nice try bud, swing and miss.

Hey i got some magic beans for sale only $10k. "I read" that if you plant them in the ground you can grow a magic vine that will lead to treasure!

Care to explain to us what in that transcript, would warrant the call being ultra top secret?

Your explanations need some work.
Not secret-it was protocol if any complaints were lodged-which they were. And why the magic beans crack-either you have a weak argument and that is your cover up, or you are looking for trouble.Which is it???
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (me falling out of my chair)

Yea protocol- YOU JUST FABRICATED THIS AND MADE IT UP. This is fake news. Provide a link for this... You can not, liar.

Hey bud here's a link for ya!!!!!!!

Vindman read out loud notes he took of the president’s call. Eisenberg then suggested that the National Security Council move records of the call to a separate, highly classified computer system, Vindman told lawmakers.

The White House lawyer later directed the transcript’s removal to a system known as NICE, for NSC Intelligence Collaboration Environment, which is normally reserved for code-word-level intelligence programs and top-
secret sources and methods, according to an administration official.

Former Trump national security officials said it was unheard of to store presidential calls with foreign leaders on the NICE system but that Eisenberg had moved at least one other transcript of a Trump phone call there.

Hmmmm unprecedented to store a simple presidential call...

You seem to be the type that believes any stupid thing that sounds pleasant to you... Holla if you want those beans, like I said they lead to treasure and riches its a good deal for only $10k...
If you fall out of your chair, they have medicine for that. And you never answered on the weak argument and cowered away from confrontation, so you are dead to me. You are officially BANNED!
Nice try, you got smoked and have no link to back up your fake news.
You have provided no explanation for why they withheld aid and no explanation as to why they hid the official transcript.

Provide a link or forever be known as fake news, liar.
Sell their soul for a freaking phone call? People died during the Obama administration.
More people died during the Bush administration.
Bush never ate freaking pizza while embassy defenders ran out of ammo and Bush never shipped illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels. Bush wasn't guilty of accessory to murder like Obama was when one of the weapons was used to murder an American Border Patrol Officer. Obama obstructed the Fast/Furious investigation just like he dodged the Benghazi investigation.
Wait wait wait, all you have is a restatement of the email scandal.
'Wait, wait, wait....'

For what? You to pull more denial and lies out of your ass?

I provided you with Comey's direct quotes from his testimony to Congress under oath, and snowflakes like you suddenly claim nothing Comey said can be THIS instance?!


Vindman read out loud notes he took of the president’s call. Eisenberg then suggested that the National Security Council move records of the call to a separate, highly classified computer system, Vindman told lawmakers.
So if Vindman had written down 'Obama is a c@ck sucker, & Biden is a flaming homosexual', this - according to you - would be 100% factual?!


But he didn't write that... As a war hero with real credibility, he wrote down the transcript of the call.

If your only argument is that Vindman is lying... it's a weak one.

Please explain this:
1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.

Release the official transcript that is hidden away.
But he didn't write that... As a war hero with real credibility, he wrote down the transcript of the call.
D-Schiff authored his own fictitious account of Trump's phone call and attempted to present it as 'evidence' during a live televised House Intel Committee hearing on Impeachment.......

Wait wait wait, all you have is a restatement of the email scandal.
'Wait, wait, wait....'

For what? You to pull more denial and lies out of your ass?

I provided you with Comey's direct quotes from his testimony to Congress under oath, and snowflakes like you suddenly claim nothing Comey said can be THIS instance?!


So what, 4 investigations concluded HRC not guilty and she wasn't charged. The email thing has been officially debunked in every way possible. You just can't accept the reality. And now a real deal scandal with Trump impeachment... This is your worst nightmare.
But he didn't write that... As a war hero with real credibility, he wrote down the transcript of the call.
D-Schiff authored his own fictitious account of Trump's phone call and attempted to present it as 'evidence' during a live televised House Intel Committee hearing on Impeachment.......

Please explain this:
1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.

Release the official transcript that is hidden away.
During the Mueller investigation, Trump refused to be put under oath and questioned in person. He only allowed written questions which he answered at his leisure.

Now Trump is whining that the whistleblower wants the exact same thing.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

There's a difference between not allowing yourself to be questioned when you're the defendant, and not allowing a defendant to question their accusers. Kinda blows my mind that I have to point that out.
Trump can ask any question he wants
Sell their soul for a freaking phone call? People died during the Obama administration.
More people died during the Bush administration.
Bush never ate freaking pizza while embassy defenders ran out of ammo and Bush never shipped illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels. Bush wasn't guilty of accessory to murder like Obama was when one of the weapons was used to murder an American Border Patrol Officer. Obama obstructed the Fast/Furious investigation just like he dodged the Benghazi investigation.
No Bush lied to go to war, then got his ass handed to him in that war and thousands of US soldiers died because Bush totally mismanaged the war and fucked it up. Your argument is pretty thin.

“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV. “Obama may have gotten (U.S. soldiers) out wrong, but going in is,to me, the biggest single mistake made in the history of our country.”
So what, 4 investigations concluded HRC not guilty and she wasn't charged.
Former FBI Agent Page testified under oath that Obama's Deputy US AG made it clear to her and Deputy FBI Director McCabe that Obama and the DOJ had NO DESIRE to conduct / pursue a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton.

Only a brain-dead snowflake with their head up Hillary's and Obama's ass would hear Comey's testimony in front of Congress in which he made it clear that Hillary had 1) Lied to Congress, 2) had broken laws regarding storage / handling / destroying classified, 3) had criminally destroyed subpoenaed official govt documents, etc...and STILL claim Hillary broke no laws.

The fact that you are calling Comey a liar when testifying before Congress but telling the truth otherwise is hilarious.

The fact that Comey declared Hillary broke laws then attempted to successfully convinced morons like you that ignorance of the law is a legal justification / defense for breaking the law is SAD.

The fact that you can be told by Obama's former Director of the FBI himself that Hillary lied to Congress, illegally destroyed classified devices, and illegally attempted to delete subpoenaed documents and you still claim HRC broke no laws is pathetic.

As I pointed out, Obama's US AG Holder was caught committing Perjury - even though Obama protected him from Indictment Holder was still Censured by a bi[partisan Congress for his crimes, making him the 1st US AG /presidential Cabinet member in US History to be Censured.

When you own the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI it isn't very hard to keep any of your criminal agency directors / cabinet members from being indicted.
No Bush lied to go to war, then got his ass handed to him in that war....
Thanks for that 'snowflake re-write' of history. :p

The same Intel Community whose praises you and other snowflakes now sign for committing treason / sedition by engaging in the on-going coup attempt of this President is the exact same one you cursed, called traitors, and worse for reporting Hussein had WMD.

DEMOCRATS - to include BOTH Clintons, Harry Reid, Schumer, Kennedy, Kerry, and others - not only voted to give Bush the authorization to go to war but also made arguments for why the US had to go in and why Hussein had to be removed from power.

'got his ass handed to him'?!
- News flash, snowflake, the decision to go to war was a mistake, but the war was a victory.

It was also a LEGAL war - Congress - to include DEMOCRATS - voted to give the President the authority to take the country to war in opposed to Barry's pimping out the military to Al Qaeda in Libya or his illegal invasion of Syria.
During the Mueller investigation, Trump refused to be put under oath and questioned in person. He only allowed written questions which he answered at his leisure.

Now Trump is whining that the whistleblower wants the exact same thing.

It's Okay If Trump Does It!™

There's a difference between not allowing yourself to be questioned when you're the defendant, and not allowing a defendant to question their accusers. Kinda blows my mind that I have to point that out.
Trump can ask any question he wants
So could Mueller's team, via the same method made available to Trump now. That much is equal. Trump's status in the Mueller investigation and the whistleblower's status in the current investigation still are not.
Obama Clinton blah blah blah.

Trump tried to force an illegal quid pro quo. He didn't succeed, and got caught. The Trumpstettes need to see their champion as the victim of the elite, which is their self-view. The man is keeping them down.

All things end in Russia, but no doubt the career civil servants at State see Trump as an enemy of America. But really, they are not much of a hinderance to Trump. Trump really didn't do anything to Biden beyond what Biden did to himself, but Trump cannot be allowed to use the power of his office to illegally dig up dirt on his opponents. That's ALL this is about. Trump being told "no, you may not do that, young man."

The irony here is that before Comey, it was actually HOOVER who prevented that, and after Hoover died, the FBI outed Nixon's treachery. Now we have Bill Cohn/Barr. Trump complains of some treachery against him, but Mueller gave him a pass. There may be some people in the DOJ who pushed too hard, but Flynn and Manafort were dirty with Russia. Russia at least helped Trump unofficially in the election. But to Trump everything is his personal enemy. And he's done the impeachment thing to himself. And he cannot stand it.
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Both parties are dirty and the witnesses look suspect. Don't look for angels or heroes, there aren't any.
Care to explain why they locked the call recording in the ultra secret hiding spot? And why did they withhold the aid until 2 days after the whistleblower's complaint was made??

Notta good look
That has already been explained 100 times. It became standard procedure after all the leeks from deep state douchebags.
So what, 4 investigations concluded HRC not guilty and she wasn't charged.
Former FBI Agent Page testified under oath that Obama's Deputy US AG made it clear to her and Deputy FBI Director McCabe that Obama and the DOJ had NO DESIRE to conduct / pursue a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton.

Only a brain-dead snowflake with their head up Hillary's and Obama's ass would hear Comey's testimony in front of Congress in which he made it clear that Hillary had 1) Lied to Congress, 2) had broken laws regarding storage / handling / destroying classified, 3) had criminally destroyed subpoenaed official govt documents, etc...and STILL claim Hillary broke no laws.

The fact that you are calling Comey a liar when testifying before Congress but telling the truth otherwise is hilarious.

The fact that Comey declared Hillary broke laws then attempted to successfully convinced morons like you that ignorance of the law is a legal justification / defense for breaking the law is SAD.

The fact that you can be told by Obama's former Director of the FBI himself that Hillary lied to Congress, illegally destroyed classified devices, and illegally attempted to delete subpoenaed documents and you still claim HRC broke no laws is pathetic.

As I pointed out, Obama's US AG Holder was caught committing Perjury - even though Obama protected him from Indictment Holder was still Censured by a bi[partisan Congress for his crimes, making him the 1st US AG /presidential Cabinet member in US History to be Censured.

When you own the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI it isn't very hard to keep any of your criminal agency directors / cabinet members from being indicted.
Wow you still can't accept the facts and truth... Pretty sad and pathetic.

Why did the independent non partisan IG investigation, that all you people thought was going to expose HRC conclude:
"We found no evidence that the conclusions by the prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations; rather, we determined that they were based on the prosecutors' assessment of the facts, the law, and past Department practice."

That's pretty solid. It doesn't get any better than that. The trump DOJ just finished their investigation and concluded the same thing, no charges for HRC... It's over the fake email scandal has been totally debunked by Trump's DOJ and by the independent IG. Accept reality and accept the facts...

Now we have a real deal impeachment scandal right in front of us!
No Bush lied to go to war, then got his ass handed to him in that war....
Thanks for that 'snowflake re-write' of history. :p

The same Intel Community whose praises you and other snowflakes now sign for committing treason / sedition by engaging in the on-going coup attempt of this President is the exact same one you cursed, called traitors, and worse for reporting Hussein had WMD.

DEMOCRATS - to include BOTH Clintons, Harry Reid, Schumer, Kennedy, Kerry, and others - not only voted to give Bush the authorization to go to war but also made arguments for why the US had to go in and why Hussein had to be removed from power.

'got his ass handed to him'?!
- News flash, snowflake, the decision to go to war was a mistake, but the war was a victory.

It was also a LEGAL war - Congress - to include DEMOCRATS - voted to give the President the authority to take the country to war in opposed to Barry's pimping out the military to Al Qaeda in Libya or his illegal invasion of Syria.
Wow, you have a hard time letting things go...

If you think that the war in Iraq was a victory for Bush or the US, then you don't know anything about war, military history, history, or even simple logic. Bush lost due to incredibly poor planning and total mismanagement. The US had way too many casualties, way too much cost, and way too much collateral damage all around. Papa Bush invaded and won, easily. Baby Bush was a miserable failure... see the distinction between victory and defeat...
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Both parties are dirty and the witnesses look suspect. Don't look for angels or heroes, there aren't any.
Care to explain why they locked the call recording in the ultra secret hiding spot? And why did they withhold the aid until 2 days after the whistleblower's complaint was made??

Notta good look
That has already been explained 100 times. It became standard procedure after all the leeks from deep state douchebags.
You mean you tried to lie about it 100 times:

The White House lawyer later directed the transcript’s removal to a system known as NICE, for NSC Intelligence Collaboration Environment, which is normally reserved for code-word-level intelligence programs and top-
secret sources and methods, according to an administration official.

Former Trump national security officials said it was unheard of to store presidential calls with foreign leaders on the NICE system but that Eisenberg had moved at least one other transcript of a Trump phone call there.

They were hiding it, and if you can't admit that then that's on you and you look stupid.
This is a weak scandal. Clearly it is a Quid pro Quo and bad, but not that bad, especially with everything Trump has done.

Irregardless this would be the absolute dream for the Right and their scandal mongering, they would sell their soul, first born child, and well pretty much anything to catch HRC or Obama or whoever in a real deal scandal like this.

I just think it is so ironic that the party of scandal mongering and fake scandals, and pizzagate, and Seth Rich, and uranium One, is now all jammed up in this stupid scandal. Trump is such a moron for doing this he is so sloppy, all over another one of their fake scandals.

2 Major problems for Trumpy:

1) Congress approves the aid for Ukraine in February, it was supposed to be delivered that moment. In September, many months later Trump releases the aid 2 days after the Whistleblower's first complaint. That doesn't add up.
The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

2) After the supposed perfect call was made why was the recording locked up in the ultra secret hiding spot reserved for real top secret material? Why is this military hero testifying that he remembers the call differently and stated to the people fabricating the transcript that they are leaving out important information? This doesn't add up. If the call was fine it wouldn't be hidden in the top secret box.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Release the call.
Both parties are dirty and the witnesses look suspect. Don't look for angels or heroes, there aren't any.
Care to explain why they locked the call recording in the ultra secret hiding spot? And why did they withhold the aid until 2 days after the whistleblower's complaint was made??

Notta good look
That has already been explained 100 times. It became standard procedure after all the leeks from deep state douchebags.
You mean you tried to lie about it 100 times:

The White House lawyer later directed the transcript’s removal to a system known as NICE, for NSC Intelligence Collaboration Environment, which is normally reserved for code-word-level intelligence programs and top-
secret sources and methods, according to an administration official.

Former Trump national security officials said it was unheard of to store presidential calls with foreign leaders on the NICE system but that Eisenberg had moved at least one other transcript of a Trump phone call there.

They were hiding it, and if you can't admit that then that's on you and you look stupid.
You failed to disprove my point. You morons will latch onto anything, no matter how dubious, if it appears to support your narrative. All conversations between the President and foreign leaders are privileged. Trump hasn't committed any crime by keeping them secret. You appear to be claiming that they should all become public information. That only confirms the fact that you're an imbecile.

Since Trump released the transcript, how is he covering anything up? Do you numskulls ever think about the stuff you post?
If you think that the war in Iraq was a victory for Bush or the US, then you don't know anything about war, military history, history, or even simple logic. many DECADES did you / have you served in the military, snowflake? I am working on my 4th - 30 years in the military and still serving as a civilian.

As I said, going into Iraq was a mistake. The military's objective was to defeat Iraq's military and remove Saddam Hussein from power - mission accomplished. The military's job is NOT 'nation building', 'diplomacy', politics, etc....we 'kill people and break their shit', destroying the will to fight, being sent in to accomplish a national objective when ever other form of diplomacy / foreign policy fails. Any such sue of the military by politicians is a mis-use of the military and gets soldiers killed.
If you think that the war in Iraq was a victory for Bush or the US, then you don't know anything about war, military history, history, or even simple logic. many DECADES did you / have you served in the military, snowflake? I am working on my 4th - 30 years in the military and still serving as a civilian.

As I said, going into Iraq was a mistake. The military's objective was to defeat Iraq's military and remove Saddam Hussein from power - mission accomplished. The military's job is NOT 'nation building', 'diplomacy', politics, etc....we 'kill people and break their shit', destroying the will to fight, being sent in to accomplish a national objective when ever other form of diplomacy / foreign policy fails. Any such sue of the military by politicians is a mis-use of the military and gets soldiers killed.
That's all fine and good. And Bush still got his ass handed to him in that war and if you really know about the military like you claim you'd easily be able to see that, and you'd easily be able to determine the distinction between the success of the first Gulf War and the total shit show failure of the 2nd.
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