The GOP's Charles Manson Defense

Show us Real Deal credible evidence of Biden guilt. There is none.

But there is mountains of real, credible, and corroborated guilt of Trump.

Trump is a criminal president
Show us Real Deal credible evidence of Biden guilt. There is none.

But there is mountains of real, credible, and corroborated guilt of Trump.

Trump is a criminal president
Lol. You’re obviously blind exactly like a fanatical Trumper.

It’s the way of the uniparty.
Lol. You’re obviously blind exactly like a fanatical Trumper.

It’s the way of the uniparty.
yea nice try.
Get back to me when you have real and credible evidence against Biden, which you do not have.

You people just made this shit up, just like the fake election fraud lies.

Republicans are the party of total liars, and this is just one more example of that
yea nice try.
Get back to me when you have real and credible evidence against Biden, which you do not have.

You people just made this shit up, just like the fake election fraud lies.

Republicans are the party of total liars, and this is just one more example of that
The evidence is everywhere. Have you bothered to follow the actions of his crackhead son?

Now you’ll state Joe doesn’t know anything about his son’s actions, as you’ve been instructed by the establishment you unknowingly and slavishly support.
The evidence is everywhere. Have you bothered to follow the actions of his crackhead son?

Now you’ll state Joe doesn’t know anything about his son’s actions, as you’ve been instructed by the establishment you unknowingly and slavishly support.
Its all bull shit to distract from Trump's serious crimes with real and credible evidence.
There is no real evidence of any wrong doing.

You want to believe so badly that you are highly susceptible to manipulation.

I am still waiting for real and credible evidence, which there is none.
Its all bull shit to distract from Trump's serious crimes with real and credible evidence.
There is no real evidence of any wrong doing.

You want to believe so badly that you are highly susceptible to manipulation.

I am still waiting for real and credible evidence, which there is none.
Oh please. C’Mon man! Don’t be like a crazed Trumper.
Frankly, Jack Smith fucked up when he brought these charges. He just opened up the ability for the Trump lawyers to start subpoenaing witnesses that proves election fraud.

You mean like the two year investigation into the election officials in Georgia? The investigation conducted by Republicans that cleared the key players in the insane conspiracy theory? Those witnesses?
Oh please. C’Mon man! Don’t be like a crazed Trumper.
I follow facts and evidence

I am still waiting for credible evidence against Joe Biden. The Devon Archer testimony was a huge fail and showed how weak the case against Biden is.
I follow facts and evidence

I am still waiting for credible evidence against Joe Biden. The Devon Archer testimony was a huge fail and showed how weak the case against Biden is.
There is a shit load of evidence against dumb Joe. You’ll have to find different sources of information to find it. MSNBC won’t tell you. Lol.
You mean like the two year investigation into the election officials in Georgia? The investigation conducted by Republicans that cleared the key players in the insane conspiracy theory? Those witnesses?
Which investigation is this?

Quit making shit up.
You need a doctor.....

You need proof of anything you say, and so far there hasn’t been a shred. Your witnesses have all fizzled.

Trump investigated Hunter Biden for five years and all you got was a two misdemeanour tax charges. Even the judge in the case questioned the costs of the resources used to investigate and prosecute this case.

Why don’t Republicans criticize Joe Biden on his policies and the results of the things that he’s doing for the nation, instead of making up all these ridiculous lies about him being in the pay of China?

Republican spent 30 years and $100 million of taxpayer money investigating the Clintons and not one criminal charges against anyone in their administration for anything they claimed.

And yet you still refer to them as the “Clinton crime family”. No, you’re trying to pull the same shit with the Bidens but you don’t have 30 years of calling Joe Biden a criminal. You have no evidence and no witnesses. While that didn’t stop you from smearing the Clintons, it seems to be a stumbling block for going after the Bidens.

Don’t you have some Chinese propaganda to promote somewhere Doc?
Back in the 90's convicted felon Charles Manson was interviewed by Newsweek magazine from his jail cell. The bulk of his talk to the reporter was his contention that "Corporations were polluting the environment, and so, were responsible for the deaths of many thousands of people." Because of this, his crimes were relatively minor in comparison, so he shouldn't have to spend the rest of his life in prison - - That didn't work. Charles Manson died in prison on November 19, 2017.

The same type of defense is being presented by Trump supporters everyday. "Joe and Hunter Biden are guilty of crimes, therefore Donald Trump's misdeeds should be ignored - - That won't work either. The Bidens may indeed be guilty, but this does not automatically make Donald J Trump innocent!

Trump supporters: Do yourselves a favor and stop using the Charles Manson defense of Donald Trump. Guilty people have been using it for centuries and it doesn't work.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :dunno:
You need proof of anything you say, and so far there hasn’t been a shred. Your witnesses have all fizzled.

Trump investigated Hunter Biden for five years and all you got was a two misdemeanour tax charges. Even the judge in the case questioned the costs of the resources used to investigate and prosecute this case.

Why don’t Republicans criticize Joe Biden on his policies and the results of the things that he’s doing for the nation, instead of making up all these ridiculous lies about him being in the pay of China?

Republican spent 30 years and $100 million of taxpayer money investigating the Clintons and not one criminal charges against anyone in their administration for anything they claimed.

And yet you still refer to them as the “Clinton crime family”. No, you’re trying to pull the same shit with the Bidens but you don’t have 30 years of calling Joe Biden a criminal. You have no evidence and no witnesses. While that didn’t stop you from smearing the Clintons, it seems to be a stumbling block for going after the Bidens.

Don’t you have some Chinese propaganda to promote somewhere Doc?
A crackhead son with no discernible skills making millions doing nothing, is proof enough for those of us not stuck in the uniparty matrix.

Sorry. First try link was broken.

I guess they didn’t cover it on Gateway Pundit.

Dude, they tailored any audits to not look for election fraud.
They refused to allow anyone who wasn't in on the steal to look wherever they wanted.
They told them where they could look and how deeply they could look.
They weren't about to let them find anything.
Every time they did an investigation they were directed by the election committee responsible.
These fucking demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies have to dream up bullshit fantasies to cover for the Biden Crime family.
Good grief.
Dude, they tailored any audits to not look for election fraud.
They refused to allow anyone who wasn't in on the steal to look wherever they wanted.
They told them where they could look and how deeply they could look.
They weren't about to let them find anything.
Every time they did an investigation they were directed by the election committee responsible.

Dude. This was run by the Republicans in the Secretary of States office. It had the GBI and FBI involved.

Every insane claim you believers made was examined.

I posted the report. Georgia was not stolen.
Dude. This was run by the Republicans in the Secretary of States office. It had the GBI and FBI involved.

Every insane claim you believers made was examined.

I posted the report. Georgia was not stolen.

The FBI cannot be trusted....and it doesn't matter which Republicans they picked to either bribe or extort.....they always fall in line.
Just the fact that a Republican was involved, doesn't mean it wasn't corrupt as hell.

Matter of fact, that argument is getting old as shit, and I'm tired of having to explain to you numbnuts that most of the right is on the take as much as the left.

The FBI cannot be trusted....and it doesn't matter which Republicans they picked to either bribe or extort.....they always fall in line.
Just the fact that a Republican was involved, doesn't mean it wasn't corrupt as hell.

Matter of fact, that argument is getting old as shit, and I'm tired of having to explain to you numbnuts that most of the right is on the take as much as the left.

I presume you know the old theory. Sometimes called Occams Razor.'s_razor

It has often been bastardized improperly to mean. The simplest explanation is usually right.

However in reality. It means the one with the fewest assumptions is usually right.

So for you to be correct. It has to involve a cast of what? Ten thousand or so? Ten thousand people who are aware of their part and probably a little of the bigger picture. The people needed to gin up tens of thousands of ballots here in Georgia. Ten people or so minimum? But what if they needed more? They would have had to prepare for that eventuality right? I mean if they created twelve thousand fake ballots, itself a felony, and they were losing by fifteen thousand, that wouldn’t make sense right?

So you would need a few dozen cranking out the fake ballots. There would be phone calls. Meetings. Coordination. So for the fake ballots you would need fifty or even a hundred in Georgia alone. Just in one county. And somehow nobody talked. Nobody made a single mistake.

If you have talked to cops or read books on how they solve crimes then you know. The cops investigating the baddies can make mistakes every day. But the crook can’t make one. If the criminal makes a single mistake they will be caught.

Now the investigation. That brings in a couple dozen more. Nobody got a whiff of criminality, or they were somehow coerced into cooperating. Unlikely. Possible, barely, but extremely unlikely.

Three agencies were involved. The GBI, FBI, and SOS for Georgia.

The SOS is run by an elected fellow here in Georgia. He would be a shoe in for Governor, Senator, and eventually President if he could uncover the conspiracy. So someone must have had some serious blackmail or a threat hanging over him.

Kemp the Governor is a Republican. He is one of those looking at a Presidential Run sometime in the future. He obviously is looking at a Senate Run when his term ends in 3 more years. Again. He would be a shoe in if he could uncover the greatest conspiracy in history in the State.

Not finding this proof means their runs are much harder. So these Politicians are willing to sacrifice their future to cover up a conspiracy.

That’s the problem. Everyone has to play along. Everyone has to agree. None of the people involved can have photographs or video in this day and age. Nobody can tell friends or family. No honest cops can get involved.

The alternative is that Trump lost because he was unpopular. That the polling that showed more than 40% of the people voting for Biden were motivated to vote against Trump.

So which is more likely? A cast of tens of thousands nationally? A cast of thousands in Georgia? Or Trump losing fair and square?

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