The GOP's unhealthy fixation on Hillary Clinton.

Yes, Obama doubling the National debt, paying off freeloaders to vote for Democrats and putting America much closer to bankruptcy and ruin is a great thing for America...:cuckoo:

I guess you don't remember what it was like when he left office, the bail outs and the housing market or lack of it.
What a disaster. Proves trickle down does not work.

Dems were warned about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack.
If you'd like I can post up the vid of barney fag ignoring that warning.
That is so fucking ignorant. Let me tell you something. Republican go on endlessly about how come Obama hasn't fixed Bush's mess in over 7 years. He must be inept.

So, during the time Barney Frank had all this power, the GOP held both the Senate and the House and were able to use reconcilliation THREE TIMES. So you are saying that one old fat gay Jew had more power than the entire Republican Party, which, by the way, controlled every branch of Government?

Even you don't believe something so nonsensical.

Were you born stupid or did it require years of practice?

I'd keep going but my fingers are getting tired.

So you are saying that Barney Frank was more powerful than the entire Republican Party. We should make him president.

Didnt watch a single one of those videos did you....
You forget your history.. The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, torture and submission of the Black race, Uncle Tom..It continues to this day in every major city controlled by the Democratic Party. Basically, you're a traitor to your own race.
Don't be a fuckwad you ignorant troll. You know better than that.

:laugh: .. I see that you're in denial ..
OK. So tell us. If the GOP was the Northern Party of Lincoln, then how did the majority of it's members end up in the deep south?

This should be good. :popcorn:

Eh, read some of my old threads on the subject if you're that interested...okay, Democratic Party official Uncle Tom... :wink_2:
Oh, that's your ignorant answer? That's just ignorant. Try it again:
If the GOP was the Northern Party of Lincoln, then how did the majority of it's members end up in the deep south?

And, was Lincoln a Confederate? Because the South identifies with Confederates.

It's pretty obvious you're the ignoramus here and proud of it, your questions alone make that quite clear, Uncle Tom.
Here's a clue. It is thoughtless clueless voters like you who drive us batty most of all. Obama and Hildebeest are merely the byproducts.

We really do feel quite hopeless and very moribund.
You should feel hopeless. Your party cannot win a general election. It's not the voters, it's your party and their lack of policies that do anything at all to make the lives of voters better. The Republicans in Congress, for the entirety of Obama's tenure, have done nothing but try and diminish him and Clinton.
They've had the majority in both houses since Jan '15. What have they proposed or fought for on behalf of the average voter?

Yes. On that point they have done nothing, we agree.

I did not notice how the republican congress spent all that much effort trying to diminish barack and hillary. But I have noticed how they have done nothing. It neither makes me any more delighted, but nor does it take away from what I said earlier about those untold millions who are cluelessly bound to a democrat party ideology and nightmare.

That's the point you see. If the Republicans would just be honest brokers for voters, they may well vote Republican.

Just curious, democrats have been trying to buy your votes for years. ..

So why you think they are honest?
That's easy. Republicans are 90% white. They are led by people who scare them and prey on GOP racism and ignorance.

Democrats are everyone else. A coalition of minorities. And that means within the party, there has to be a consensus to agree to a party platform.

the GOP party platform has been wackadoodle for the last 30 years. Crazy things. Even worse if you go state by state. You know I've posted them many, many times. I can do it again.
Same shit from dean, republicans are white, blah blah blah, but hey when blacks vote republicans, liberals are incredulous and call them names, much worse that what I say, and talk about looney, the DNC is a freakshow on display every 4 years.
Actually working on behalf of your voters is not "buying" votes. It's doing your job.
Because they identify a problem, propose a solution to a problem and then fight to implement it.

Then the Republicans set to work trying to dismantle it rather than propose their own fixes.

It's nothing more than vote buying.

The Democrats have realized years ago that if you keep people dependent on government, those people will keep or put you in power.

And who else made more new government dependents than DumBama? By the White House admission, over 14 million new government dependents on Commie Care alone. Another 20 some million with the expansion of the food stamp program. And I won't even get into Medicaid or college loans.

The only way to get those goodies is to surrender your power to the government. That makes government larger and the citizen smaller.

Yours is nothing more than a dopey RW media narrative. A few minutes of critical thought would make that apparent. The fact that you're using it here shows you either don't care about looking dumb or truly are.

For your narrative to be true, the entirety of Dem voters would have to be beneficiaries of those programs. Obviously most aren't.
Those using social programs aren't even all Dems. No doubt half or more are Repubs. Are they bought as well?

You can be as cynical as you would like but don't suspend reality for the sake of argument. Working on behalf of your voters is not buying votes, it's doing what you're elected to do. The Repubs would do well to adopt some policies and accomplish some of their own rather than trying to destroy the
accomplishments of their rivals.
Yours is nothing more than a dopey RW media narrative. A few minutes of critical thought would make that apparent. The fact that you're using it here shows you either don't care about looking dumb or truly are.

For your narrative to be true, the entirety of Dem voters would have to be beneficiaries of those programs. Obviously most aren't.
Those using social programs aren't even all Dems. No doubt half or more are Repubs. Are they bought as well?

You can be as cynical as you would like but don't suspend reality for the sake of argument. Working on behalf of your voters is not buying votes, it's doing what you're elected to do. The Repubs would do well to adopt some policies and accomplish some of their own rather than trying to destroy the
accomplishments of their rivals.

Ill just wait until you provide a link that half of the welfare users in this country are Republicans. That makes so much sense. You know, all those inner-city folks that use the most welfare vote Democrat.....Hmmm. In the meantime, those wonderful safe suburbs that have few welfare recipients usually vote Republican.

Or you are trying to make the case that the reason Democrats push government dependency is because they like us Republicans so much? How thoughtful of Democrats. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients
Just curious, democrats have been trying to buy your votes for years. ..

So why you think they are honest?
That's easy. Republicans are 90% white. They are led by people who scare them and prey on GOP racism and ignorance.

Democrats are everyone else. A coalition of minorities. And that means within the party, there has to be a consensus to agree to a party platform.

the GOP party platform has been wackadoodle for the last 30 years. Crazy things. Even worse if you go state by state. You know I've posted them many, many times. I can do it again.

You forget your history.. The Democratic Party was founded on slavery, torture and submission of the Black race, Uncle Tom..It continues to this day in every major city controlled by the Democratic Party. Basically, you're a traitor to your own race.
Don't be a fuckwad you ignorant troll. You know better than that.

:laugh: .. I see that you're in denial ..
OK. So tell us. If the GOP was the Northern Party of Lincoln, then how did the majority of it's members end up in the deep south?

This should be good. :popcorn:
Because the Union reformed?
He was making fun of college dunce. There is no way around it.

Worse, he was lying about Obama. At the time, Obama talked about technical schools and Jr. Colleges. Obama's very point was that you can make a good living at being a plumber or an electrician or a carpenter. If you actually wanted the truth, there are speeches of Obama before and after Santorum's comments. I've posted them before but I get tired of trying to teach ignorant right wingers who just don't want to know the truth.

Really? Then why don't you watch the video again and show me where he was "making fun" of people that went to college? The exact quote if you will............
I guess you don't remember what it was like when he left office, the bail outs and the housing market or lack of it.
What a disaster. Proves trickle down does not work.

Dems were warned about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack.
If you'd like I can post up the vid of barney fag ignoring that warning.
That is so fucking ignorant. Let me tell you something. Republican go on endlessly about how come Obama hasn't fixed Bush's mess in over 7 years. He must be inept.

So, during the time Barney Frank had all this power, the GOP held both the Senate and the House and were able to use reconcilliation THREE TIMES. So you are saying that one old fat gay Jew had more power than the entire Republican Party, which, by the way, controlled every branch of Government?

Even you don't believe something so nonsensical.

Were you born stupid or did it require years of practice?

I'd keep going but my fingers are getting tired.

So you are saying that Barney Frank was more powerful than the entire Republican Party. We should make him president.

Didnt watch a single one of those videos did you....

I tried, but like I said:

So, during the time Barney Frank had all this power, the GOP held both the Senate and the House and were able to use reconcilliation THREE TIMES. So you are saying that one old fat gay Jew had more power than the entire Republican Party, which, by the way, controlled every branch of Government?

So how did one house member get so much power over the GOP?
Dems were warned about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack.
If you'd like I can post up the vid of barney fag ignoring that warning.
That is so fucking ignorant. Let me tell you something. Republican go on endlessly about how come Obama hasn't fixed Bush's mess in over 7 years. He must be inept.

So, during the time Barney Frank had all this power, the GOP held both the Senate and the House and were able to use reconcilliation THREE TIMES. So you are saying that one old fat gay Jew had more power than the entire Republican Party, which, by the way, controlled every branch of Government?

Even you don't believe something so nonsensical.

Were you born stupid or did it require years of practice?

I'd keep going but my fingers are getting tired.

So you are saying that Barney Frank was more powerful than the entire Republican Party. We should make him president.

Didnt watch a single one of those videos did you....

I tried, but like I said:

So, during the time Barney Frank had all this power, the GOP held both the Senate and the House and were able to use reconcilliation THREE TIMES. So you are saying that one old fat gay Jew had more power than the entire Republican Party, which, by the way, controlled every branch of Government?

So how did one house member get so much power over the GOP?

STFU and watch the vids.....
You almost gotta laugh, after almost eight years of the abject failure of "Hope and Change" politics, the IRS spying on political enemies, the new race war, the lies and stagnant economy and the incoherent foreign policy the left thinks republicans are, sob , sob unfairly picking on Barry Hussein's heir to the throne, Hillary Clinton.
My first post here ... I just happened to see the topic and thought I'd wade in with this enlightenment (smile). FYI

It's not that Republicans haven't held hearings on potential Obama administration scandals, they have: one after another, and they all came to nothing in the end: Republicans thought they had unearthed something big, an event that would prove the true wickedness of Obama and his underlings, but upon deep investigation, there just wasn't much there. Perhaps a regrettable series of events, some bad bureaucratic decisions, but no criminality and nothing that got anywhere near the Oval Office. So the non-scandals faded away, to live on only in more fundraising appeals for more obscure conservative groups to investigate.

However, we have one huge exception: Benghazi. Yes, that Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, spoken like a mantra and invoked to represent all that is dark and twisted and heartless about ... well, not about President Obama, actually, but about Hillary Clinton.

One word describes the GOP fixation on HILL: overreach. Get her anyway possible and if not, just keep sling the crap until it sticks, or not; and if not keep slinging.

A lot more taken from this Super Article from
The Week, here: The entire article – check it out.

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