The Government Wastes Billions of Tax Dollars on Pork Projects,


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

but Can’t Seem to Scrape Up $5 Billion for Border Security

This shouldn’t surprise anyone!

The $14.7 billion in FY 2018 earmarks is more than half of the record $29 billion in FY 2006. At the rate of increase over FY 2017, earmarks could exceed the FY 2006 figure in two years.

Here’s a brief:

……$10,000,000 for high energy cost grants within the Rural Utilities Service (RUS).

……$65,000,000 for Pacific coastal salmon recovery, a 333.3 percent increase from the $15 million last earmarked in FY 2015, and the largest earmark ever for this purpose.

……$57,500,000 for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program, which provides grants, training, and technical assistance to local law enforcement.

……$2,674,600,000 for 20 additional F-35 JSF aircraft, including 10 for the Air Force, eight for the Navy, and two for the Marine Corps, a 434.9 percent increase in cost from the $500 million earmarked for JSFs in FY 2017, and the most ever earmarked for the JSF in one year. The money earmarked for the F-35 represents 18.2 percent of the $14.7 billion in earmarks for FY 2018

……$593,000,000 for two earmarks funding the continued upgrade of the M1 Abrams tank to the M1A2SEP variant, an astounding 1,382.5 percent increase over the $40 million earmarked in FY 2016, and the largest earmark ever for this program.

……$544,075,000 for three earmarks funding the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), the largest amount ever earmarked for the vessel.

……$25,000,000 for alternative energy research, a 66.7 percent increase from the $15 million earmarked in FY 2017.

……$17,000,000 for the Asia Foundation, which is “committed to improving lives across a dynamic and developing Asia.”

There’s a ton of obscene waste, pork, and earmarks they could cut, but instead they pander to special interests and the usual bunch of outstretched hands. When military leaders tell you to stop wasting money on equipment and weapons they don’t need and don’t work, you know it’s gotten out of control.

More @ The Government Wastes Billions of Tax Dollars on Pork Projects, but Can’t Seem to Scrape Up $5 Billion for Border Security

but Can’t Seem to Scrape Up $5 Billion for Border Security

This shouldn’t surprise anyone!

The $14.7 billion in FY 2018 earmarks is more than half of the record $29 billion in FY 2006. At the rate of increase over FY 2017, earmarks could exceed the FY 2006 figure in two years.

Here’s a brief:

……$10,000,000 for high energy cost grants within the Rural Utilities Service (RUS).

……$65,000,000 for Pacific coastal salmon recovery, a 333.3 percent increase from the $15 million last earmarked in FY 2015, and the largest earmark ever for this purpose.

……$57,500,000 for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program, which provides grants, training, and technical assistance to local law enforcement.

……$2,674,600,000 for 20 additional F-35 JSF aircraft, including 10 for the Air Force, eight for the Navy, and two for the Marine Corps, a 434.9 percent increase in cost from the $500 million earmarked for JSFs in FY 2017, and the most ever earmarked for the JSF in one year. The money earmarked for the F-35 represents 18.2 percent of the $14.7 billion in earmarks for FY 2018

……$593,000,000 for two earmarks funding the continued upgrade of the M1 Abrams tank to the M1A2SEP variant, an astounding 1,382.5 percent increase over the $40 million earmarked in FY 2016, and the largest earmark ever for this program.

……$544,075,000 for three earmarks funding the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), the largest amount ever earmarked for the vessel.

……$25,000,000 for alternative energy research, a 66.7 percent increase from the $15 million earmarked in FY 2017.

……$17,000,000 for the Asia Foundation, which is “committed to improving lives across a dynamic and developing Asia.”

There’s a ton of obscene waste, pork, and earmarks they could cut, but instead they pander to special interests and the usual bunch of outstretched hands. When military leaders tell you to stop wasting money on equipment and weapons they don’t need and don’t work, you know it’s gotten out of control.

More @ The Government Wastes Billions of Tax Dollars on Pork Projects, but Can’t Seem to Scrape Up $5 Billion for Border Security
The biggest waste of the Government is its War on Poverty. It is a war that can never be won. If we stopped funding that war, in 15 years we would have no national debt, everyone working, or else they would be shot for trying to steal other peoples property. Win, win situation.

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion

The National Debt is 22 Trillion dollars. See anything that jumps out at ya?

but Can’t Seem to Scrape Up $5 Billion for Border Security

This shouldn’t surprise anyone!

The $14.7 billion in FY 2018 earmarks is more than half of the record $29 billion in FY 2006. At the rate of increase over FY 2017, earmarks could exceed the FY 2006 figure in two years.

Here’s a brief:

……$10,000,000 for high energy cost grants within the Rural Utilities Service (RUS).

……$65,000,000 for Pacific coastal salmon recovery, a 333.3 percent increase from the $15 million last earmarked in FY 2015, and the largest earmark ever for this purpose.

……$57,500,000 for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program, which provides grants, training, and technical assistance to local law enforcement.

……$2,674,600,000 for 20 additional F-35 JSF aircraft, including 10 for the Air Force, eight for the Navy, and two for the Marine Corps, a 434.9 percent increase in cost from the $500 million earmarked for JSFs in FY 2017, and the most ever earmarked for the JSF in one year. The money earmarked for the F-35 represents 18.2 percent of the $14.7 billion in earmarks for FY 2018

……$593,000,000 for two earmarks funding the continued upgrade of the M1 Abrams tank to the M1A2SEP variant, an astounding 1,382.5 percent increase over the $40 million earmarked in FY 2016, and the largest earmark ever for this program.

……$544,075,000 for three earmarks funding the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), the largest amount ever earmarked for the vessel.

……$25,000,000 for alternative energy research, a 66.7 percent increase from the $15 million earmarked in FY 2017.

……$17,000,000 for the Asia Foundation, which is “committed to improving lives across a dynamic and developing Asia.”

There’s a ton of obscene waste, pork, and earmarks they could cut, but instead they pander to special interests and the usual bunch of outstretched hands. When military leaders tell you to stop wasting money on equipment and weapons they don’t need and don’t work, you know it’s gotten out of control.

More @ The Government Wastes Billions of Tax Dollars on Pork Projects, but Can’t Seem to Scrape Up $5 Billion for Border Security
The biggest waste of the Government is its War on Poverty. It is a war that can never be won. If we stopped funding that war, in 15 years we would have no national debt, everyone working, or else they would be shot for trying to steal other peoples property. Win, win situation.

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion

The National Debt is 22 Trillion dollars. See anything that jumps out at ya?
To think that prior to FDR, there was ZERO government welfare. You either made it on your own or heaven help you because it wasn't coming from the gubmint. That was the American way until FDR flipped the script. Then 30 years later LBJ finished the job.
U.S. Taxpayers Billed $115M to Study Quails on Cocaine, Donkey Hunting


And there’s a whole lot more! Damn pols keeping promises to cut the pork and they never do. Never.

American taxpayers this year have also been forced to subsidize:

$76 million to provide stipends to Somali National Army

$18 million to promote tourism in Egypt

$2.4 million to study daydreaming

$1 million to support “legislative priorities” in Libya

$875,000 to study the sexual habits of quails on cocaine

$635,000 to develop a Pashto-language TV drama series for Afghanistan

$400,000 to support asset seizure programs in Paraguay

$360,000 to study horse and donkey hunting on the ancient Anatolian Peninsula

$250,000 to teach Rwandan special interest groups how to lobby elected officials

$75,000 to make videos marketing U.S. colleges to Indian students

$75,000 to blow leaf blowers at lizards

$35,000 to encourage people in the Republic of the Congo to use local resources

$15,000 to fund a fictionalized opera about Prince Harry, called “Stone Prince”

$50,000 to create conceptualized games in India

$50,000 to teach female entrepreneurs in India how to “vlog”

$50,000 to fund museum trips in Bosnia & Herzegovina

American taxpayers have paid nearly $30 million since 2014 to fund “reintegration” gift bags for illegal aliens and their children who were deported from the U.S. to their home countries, Breitbart News reported.

More @ U.S. Taxpayers Billed $115M to Study Quails on Cocaine, Donkey Hunting
That's the thing with basic science. It is all about the unknown. The money that you put into it you will never get back. But it determines your country's future. This is why democratic societies can never do basic science for long.

but Can’t Seem to Scrape Up $5 Billion for Border Security

This shouldn’t surprise anyone!

The $14.7 billion in FY 2018 earmarks is more than half of the record $29 billion in FY 2006. At the rate of increase over FY 2017, earmarks could exceed the FY 2006 figure in two years.

Here’s a brief:

……$10,000,000 for high energy cost grants within the Rural Utilities Service (RUS).

……$65,000,000 for Pacific coastal salmon recovery, a 333.3 percent increase from the $15 million last earmarked in FY 2015, and the largest earmark ever for this purpose.

……$57,500,000 for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program, which provides grants, training, and technical assistance to local law enforcement.

……$2,674,600,000 for 20 additional F-35 JSF aircraft, including 10 for the Air Force, eight for the Navy, and two for the Marine Corps, a 434.9 percent increase in cost from the $500 million earmarked for JSFs in FY 2017, and the most ever earmarked for the JSF in one year. The money earmarked for the F-35 represents 18.2 percent of the $14.7 billion in earmarks for FY 2018

……$593,000,000 for two earmarks funding the continued upgrade of the M1 Abrams tank to the M1A2SEP variant, an astounding 1,382.5 percent increase over the $40 million earmarked in FY 2016, and the largest earmark ever for this program.

……$544,075,000 for three earmarks funding the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), the largest amount ever earmarked for the vessel.

……$25,000,000 for alternative energy research, a 66.7 percent increase from the $15 million earmarked in FY 2017.

……$17,000,000 for the Asia Foundation, which is “committed to improving lives across a dynamic and developing Asia.”

There’s a ton of obscene waste, pork, and earmarks they could cut, but instead they pander to special interests and the usual bunch of outstretched hands. When military leaders tell you to stop wasting money on equipment and weapons they don’t need and don’t work, you know it’s gotten out of control.

More @ The Government Wastes Billions of Tax Dollars on Pork Projects, but Can’t Seem to Scrape Up $5 Billion for Border Security

We should spend more on alternative energy research.
The government is rife with wasteful spending, but seeing how the electorate never really punishes them for it don’t expect much to change.

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