the government's conviction association policy


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
it appears the government has adopted a conviction association policy.

I made a post a few months ago after the Boston bombings.
I noticed that after they realized the bombers were the typical nutzo Muslims , they had to run out and arrest an American.
they arrested some skinhead in a trailer park and said he had gasoline in bottles.
"but he didn't bomb anyone"
"yeah, ...well yeah...he was thinking it though."

I made the post because I started to realize that every time they arrest some radical islamist they're going to pick up some degenerate American so you won't start thinking that these people should be allowed here.
they're trying extremism is equal opportunity.

well anyways,

did you notice they convicted that Fort Hood Muslim and they felt the need to convict that American soldier on the same day?

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