The Grammy Awards Shows Us What Democrats Have Become

*sigh* That's all very confusing. Not only are they both Beck, but they kind of look alike too, IMO.


They look very little like each other.


Jeff Beck


not really....

Back in my day we did the watootsie to real instruments.

No one danced like they do now. Pbbbt...Music, from computers!! Who needs it
A old guys advice to me was always to remain hip even to the young folks. 1. Life is always changing...get over it and 2. Your reputation is built over a lifetime.

oh and 3. Every old guy says this since there was the first really old guy
Oh yes, everyone who you disagree with is a communist. :lol:

Mostly those who advocate for a centrally planned, authoritarian state... :thup:

For a cranky old dude, you aren't very grown up are you?

For a leftist, you're not very bright - but then leftists rarely are. :rofl:

If you think I'm a leftist, then you aren't very bright. You don't know about music or anything else for that matter apparently. :D
Do they let you listen to that and get all riled up at the nursing home? :D Hee-hee!

I love LED lighting, but one of my favorite quips is no longer useful.. :(

To point out that you're a 15 watt poster suddenly doesn't work - a 15 watt LED is actually very bright.. :dunno:

Well, let's just say you're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, shall we?

Why the Rush song was pertinent;

{All this machinery
Making modern music
Can still be open-hearted
Not so coldly charted
It's really just a question
Of your honesty

One likes to believe
In the freedom of music
But glittering prizes
And endless compromises
Shatter the illusion
Of integrity }
Can we expect that the Republicans will continue to campaign on the culture wars during the next presidential election and have no thoughtful or insightful candidates to offer, candidates that don't wring their hands over gays, immigrants, Negroes, and/or Madonna making a fool of herself?

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