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The Gravest Threat to World Peace

I'm guessing you don't know how many US civilians the Taliban has killed since 2001?
If you're a US citizen, maybe you should worry more about your native evil Christian beasts?
Geez, Georgie Boy is beginning to sound more and more like a radical Muslim living here in the U.S. He never thinks about those evil Muslims who have murdered millions and millions of innocent people. He doesn't even think about the innocent people the Taliban has murdered so far. Maybe he thinks it is right for the Taliban to murder innocent people and, of course, do what they do to the females.
How many millions and millions of innocent people have the Christian beasts murdered during your lifetime?
Why did you feel it was necessary to help murder innocent people...twice?
Care to confess any crimes against females you may have committed?
You have limited credibility when it comes to making moral judgments.
Maybe that's why you support Israel?
You're being silly, Ethel.
I'm guessing you don't know how many US civilians the Taliban has killed since 2001?
If you're a US citizen, maybe you should worry more about your native evil Christian beasts?
Geez, Georgie Boy is beginning to sound more and more like a radical Muslim living here in the U.S. He never thinks about those evil Muslims who have murdered millions and millions of innocent people. He doesn't even think about the innocent people the Taliban has murdered so far. Maybe he thinks it is right for the Taliban to murder innocent people and, of course, do what they do to the females.
How many millions and millions of innocent people have the Christian beasts murdered during your lifetime?
Why did you feel it was necessary to help murder innocent people...twice?
Care to confess any crimes against females you may have committed?
You have limited credibility when it comes to making moral judgments.
Maybe that's why you support Israel?
How do we know that you never were able to get a good job because you had a jail record for crimes against women, Georgie Boy? Speak about yourself not having any moral credibility, Georgie Boy, since you don't seem to have a problem with Muslim terrorists. Maybe you think it was all honky dory for the Taliban to throw acid in young girls' faces, shoot some young girl just because she wants an education, and destroy many girl schools.. I am also beginning to wonder if Georgie Boy ran up to Canada to avoid the draft since he seems to have a very big problem with the U.S. military. He probably, being the wimp he is, did not even want to put himself out joining the National Guard to help people in his own state during natural catastrophes. It would have been too dangerous for him to hand bottled water to strangers after an earthquake. No doubt in Georgie Boy's demented mind, there should be no U.S. military so his commie pals can take us over and they will give Georgie Boy the opportunity of his lifetime in having a wonderful job that he probably feels was denied to him in the past. So tell us, Georgie Boy, since you have it against the Christians, are you a Muslim in the closet that you don't mention the millions and millions of people the Muslims have murdered in your lifetime? I know Muslims aren't supposed to say anything bad against fellow Muslims, but there certainly has to be a limit to this.
Maybe you think it was all honky dory for the Taliban to throw acid in young girls' faces, shoot some young girl just because she wants an education, and destroy many girl schools.. .
If the Taliban are so bad, why are we paying them to guard our convoys to remote outposts in Afghanistan?

How the US army protects its trucks – by paying the Taliban

Insurance, security or extortion? The US is spending millions of dollars in Afghanistan to ensure its supply convoys get through – and it's the Taliban who profit
So while your sitting there making these fuckers out to be evil pricks (which they probably are), we're paying them for security services rendered.

Report: U.S. Bribes to Protect Convoys Are Funding Taliban Insurgents

The United States military is helping fund both sides of the war in Afghanistan, knowingly financing a mafia-like collection of warlords and some of the very insurgents American troops are battling, according to Afghan and American officials and a new Congressional study released today.

The military has turned to private trucking companies to transport the vast majority of materiel it needs to fight the war -- everything from bullets to Gatorade, gas to sandbags -- and in turn, the companies are using American money to pay, among others, the Taliban to try to guarantee the trucks' safe passage, the reports charge.
I don't understand how someone can be both, an enemy and an ally, at the same time?

But what is really interesting, is the difference between you trashing the shit out of these people at every turn, then looking the other way and saying nothing about shit like this going down. Why is that? One would think you'd be outraged at us providing comfort and aid to the enemy via joint business ventures?
crotchboy you are a joke------paying the pigs and dogs is the way to go in
shariah cesspits . there is no other way it is a "cultue of BAKSHEEEESH"
crotchboy you are a joke------paying the pigs and dogs is the way to go in
shariah cesspits . there is no other way it is a "cultue of BAKSHEEEESH"
We can guard a base in a "shariah cesspit", but we can't guard a convoy to that base?

As usual, you make no sense whatsoever.
I'm guessing you don't know how many US civilians the Taliban has killed since 2001?
If you're a US citizen, maybe you should worry more about your native evil Christian beasts?

Silly comment how many US civilians are anywhere near taliban right now. Taliban is not even an international terrorist islamo nazi pig organization. It is simply a muslim
group ----generally pakistani ----intent on creating a comprehensively SHARIAH shit
hole in afghanistan ------and-----wherever it can spread more filth-----are the disgusting
dogs acitve in Kashmir?
Americans are killing Afghan and Pakistani civilians on the opposite side of the planet for money and market share. It's silly to confuse the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet with any and all Muslim crimes against humanity.[/QUOTE <<< note---sherri endorsed it------anyone surprised????

The USA in all its wars in its entire history had not come remotely close to the genocide
action comitted by the isa respecting baby throat slitting Jihadists just in the past 100
years-----to the delight of BOTH above A few million just in sudan---and a side dish
of hundreds of thousands of rapes and child enslavements just in the past 50 years.
all superimposed on a history of brutal slave trading in the MILLIONS ---over millennia
sherri is delighted----they supplied subsaharan slaves even to Iran (ok persia ----persia ----the word I know for persia is something like PAROS or PARAS ----I do not
know what the persians used to say in "FARSI) In any case the sudan is a trading post
for the arab ---add "muslim" more recently----slave business. I think they chopped
the genitalia off the males somewhere in the southern areas------the iranian buyers liked
them pre-butchered before purchase. The interesting news is the STABILITY of their
customs and how well they fit the islamic way of life
US History spans two hundred years.
Islam spans seven times that number.
Give US time.

How many Indians did the USA murder in its two hundred year history.
Millions and millions??
Why is it you only obsess about Muslim crimes in the Israel-Palestine forum?
Is the pay better?
US History spans two hundred years.
Islam spans seven times that number.
Give US time.

How many Indians did the USA murder in its two hundred year history.
Millions and millions??
Why is it you only obsess about Muslim crimes in the Israel-Palestine forum?
Is the pay better?

there were not MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of American indians in North america
to murder-----the real murder fest in the USA was a manifestation of
the IMPERIALISM OF THE SECOND REICH_---- the same organization
that organized the INQUISITION. It was brought early to the americas
by the SPANISH explorers under the aegis of WHORE ISABELLA OF SPAIN ---
the same bitch who expelled the jews from spain in 1492-----Learn some history---
her pimp CORTEZ organized a genocide

The american Indians had "HUNTER GATHERER" societies----such societies
need LOTS and LOTS of land to support relatively tiny populations----the
societies of south america were far LARGER in population because they had
developed an AGRARIAN life style------learn some history

you are right----there is no question that the REICHS are just as guilty of
genocide as are the CALIPHATES SO? Christians have repudiated
the REICHS muslims still claim that the CALIPHATE IS A UTOPIA
"Estimating the number of Native Americans living in what is today the United States of America before the arrival of the European explorers and settlers has been the subject of much debate.

"While it is difficult to determine exactly how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus,[47] estimates range from a low of 2.1 million (Ubelaker 1976) to 7 million people (Russell Thornton) to a high of 18 million (Dobyns 1983).[48]

"A low estimate of around 1 million was first posited by the anthropologist James Mooney in the 1890s, by calculating population density of each culture area based on its carrying capacity.

"In 1965, the American anthropologist Henry Dobyns published studies estimating the original population to have been 10 to 12 million. By 1983, he increased his estimates to 18 million.[49]"


Your carrying capacity seems a little on the light side.
Why do you need Isabella to excuse modern apartheid like that displayed in Israel?
Lack of imagination??
"Estimating the number of Native Americans living in what is today the United States of America before the arrival of the European explorers and settlers has been the subject of much debate.

"While it is difficult to determine exactly how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus,[47] estimates range from a low of 2.1 million (Ubelaker 1976) to 7 million people (Russell Thornton) to a high of 18 million (Dobyns 1983).[48]

"A low estimate of around 1 million was first posited by the anthropologist James Mooney in the 1890s, by calculating population density of each culture area based on its carrying capacity.

"In 1965, the American anthropologist Henry Dobyns published studies estimating the original population to have been 10 to 12 million. By 1983, he increased his estimates to 18 million.[49]"


Your carrying capacity seems a little on the light side.
Why do you need Isabella to excuse modern apartheid like that displayed in Israel?
Lack of imagination??

North america is ---continental USA and Canada (alaska included) Based on
the style of living of the people of the continent---I do believe that the population
could have easily come close to 12 million ... What point were you trying to make?
I mentioned Isabella because the GENOCIDE of Indians in the USA was
based on the same rules that generated the INQUISITION of which she
was a fan and a perpetuator There is no apartheid in israel.
There was apartheid in the USA ----based on the slavery issue--many
of the parameters of which were mediated by the SAME engine
that fueled shariah laws regarding dhimmia and slavery and the
Inquisition (that Isabella favored and which fueled CORTEZ and
his genocide in Mexico) Gee you are confused

Did you know that in accordance with Justinian law---non christian
children could be confiscated -----just as non muslim children can be
confiscated in shariah law ------the genocide of indians included
the confiscation of Indian children<<< that is justinian law/

try to make a point----such laws do not exist in Israel---in fact they
and shipped thruout europe along with christianity and to
North america along with christianity and THRUST into
islamic law-----by whatever people authored the koran
Last edited:
"Estimating the number of Native Americans living in what is today the United States of America before the arrival of the European explorers and settlers has been the subject of much debate.

"While it is difficult to determine exactly how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus,[47] estimates range from a low of 2.1 million (Ubelaker 1976) to 7 million people (Russell Thornton) to a high of 18 million (Dobyns 1983).[48]

"A low estimate of around 1 million was first posited by the anthropologist James Mooney in the 1890s, by calculating population density of each culture area based on its carrying capacity.

"In 1965, the American anthropologist Henry Dobyns published studies estimating the original population to have been 10 to 12 million. By 1983, he increased his estimates to 18 million.[49]"


Your carrying capacity seems a little on the light side.
Why do you need Isabella to excuse modern apartheid like that displayed in Israel?
Lack of imagination??
The subject of Indian population was bashed about a few months ago.

BTW, why do you need Isabella to excuse apartheid in Israel?
Does it make you feel better about supporting "creeping annexation" in Palestine?

Georgie---there is no apartheid in Israel----Apartheid in the USA is a remnant of the
Its roots are in

designated subsaharan "ABED"-----and supplied the human commodity
to most of the OLD WORLD from the Iberian penninsula all the
way THRU Persia -----and then to the "NEW WORLD" ---still designating
the human labor commodity ABED on the basis of skin color

2) The legal system adopted by the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE ---to wit
Justiinian code and the SHARIAH SYSTEM highly influenced
by the elements of the Justinian code which abridged all rights of all
"OTHERS" to wit the DHIMMIA elements of shariah and the elements
used in shariah shit holes even today to determine "LEGAL RELIGIONS"
vs----not legal

the result of both the JUSTINIAN CODE and SHARIA have been genocides
in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS----in africa, europe, asia and north and
south america so far Antarctica has been spared. The good news
is that christians of today----unlike Isabella of the past who relished
the Inquisition-----have repudiated the JUSTINIIAN CODE

Muslims still try to cling to the idea that SHARIAH SHIT IS "holy"
As usual, when it is stated that we are paying the Taliban for security services in Afghanistan, all we get from the right side of the aisle, is crickets.

We get the same reaction when it is said we are SUPPORTING AND FUNDING al Qaeda in Syria.

BTW, why do you need Isabella to excuse apartheid in Israel?
Does it make you feel better about supporting "creeping annexation" in Palestine?
Let me once again post what Rev. Heddings has said. He happens to live in Israel and fought apartheid as a young man in South Africa so he should know more than you do about apartheid, Georgie Boy. Meanwhile, of course, Georgie Boy, has no problem with the actual apartheid being practiced in Muslim countries. As long as his friends, the Muslims, do it, it is quite OK with him. And not only apartheid in Muslim countries, but the murder of people just because of their religious beliefs.

The Myth of Israeli Apartheid | ICEJ Canada
Maybe Fern's Bar has your daily newspapers.
Doubt it!

Convicts don't read newspapers unless they see their picture on the front page.
Are you really trying to tell us that all the dock workers down at Fern's Bar are convicts? Maybe you really mean the bar that you are a regular at. Since you aren't a customer at Fern's Bar, I doubt you know who is who in there.

BTW, why do you need Isabella to excuse apartheid in Israel?
Does it make you feel better about supporting "creeping annexation" in Palestine?

Georgie---there is no apartheid in Israel----Apartheid in the USA is a remnant of the
Its roots are in

designated subsaharan "ABED"-----and supplied the human commodity
to most of the OLD WORLD from the Iberian penninsula all the
way THRU Persia -----and then to the "NEW WORLD" ---still designating
the human labor commodity ABED on the basis of skin color

2) The legal system adopted by the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE ---to wit
Justiinian code and the SHARIAH SYSTEM highly influenced
by the elements of the Justinian code which abridged all rights of all
"OTHERS" to wit the DHIMMIA elements of shariah and the elements
used in shariah shit holes even today to determine "LEGAL RELIGIONS"
vs----not legal

the result of both the JUSTINIAN CODE and SHARIA have been genocides
in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS----in africa, europe, asia and north and
south america so far Antarctica has been spared. The good news
is that christians of today----unlike Isabella of the past who relished
the Inquisition-----have repudiated the JUSTINIIAN CODE

Muslims still try to cling to the idea that SHARIAH SHIT IS "holy"
Sure thing, rosie.
Just like there's no Zionism in Israel:

"Palestinian families forced to leave the village of Faluja in 1948.
The village was ethnically cleansed by Jewish forces.
On its looted lands, Israeli settlers founded Qiryat Gat in 1954. 13 (UN photo)

"Ethnic Cleansing: NOUN: The systematic elimination of an ethnic group or groups from a region or society, as by deportation, forced emigration or genocide. 19

"Apartheid: NOUN: 1. An official policy of racial segregation involving political, legal and economic discrimination. 2. A policy or practice of separating or segregating of groups. 3. The condition of being separated or segregated from others. 1

Zionism: NOUN is the international Jewish political movement that advocated for and supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine. The movement was a response by European Jews to Anti-Semitism in Europe."


Why do you cling to the code of Muslim crimes negate Jewish crimes?
Is that the best argument you can muster?

BTW, why do you need Isabella to excuse apartheid in Israel?
Does it make you feel better about supporting "creeping annexation" in Palestine?
Let me once again post what Rev. Heddings has said. He happens to live in Israel and fought apartheid as a young man in South Africa so he should know more than you do about apartheid, Georgie Boy. Meanwhile, of course, Georgie Boy, has no problem with the actual apartheid being practiced in Muslim countries. As long as his friends, the Muslims, do it, it is quite OK with him. And not only apartheid in Muslim countries, but the murder of people just because of their religious beliefs.

The Myth of Israeli Apartheid | ICEJ Canada
What did Mandela have to say about Israeli apartheid?
I'll let you research that one, Hossie.

"The prevailing attitude of all U.S. administrations was drafted by Henry Morgenthau, and was later updated by Kenneth Waltz. One line guided all of them - Dennis Ross, Martin Indyk, George Mitchell - essentially, that any possible settlement must match the positions of the stronger party.

"This is how the Americans abandoned the refugee issue, and this is why they abandoned the opposition to settlements. Netanyahu is no genius. He is simply not interested in saying good-bye to the occupation. That is all. After all, he came to power because of this. To complain about him is to complain about November rain.

"The Israeli public's choice is a different matter. The spokesmen of the dovish camp tell us horror stories about a future binational state. But the binational state is already here. It has a rigid apartheid legal system, as the High Court of Justice fades away."

As goes the legal system...

Israel's apartheid is worse than South Africa's - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

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