The Great Awakening- Do you believe in it & what does it mean to you?

biff said:
Does that mean you will refuse to receive Social Security and Medicare now?
yes...when Joe gives me back my money he stole from me for it... with interest.
Where do these leftiest come up with their new analysis of american history, religion and morality??
Biden's ministry of disinformation would cancel the "great awakening" before it got off the ground and democrats would brand it a terrorist organization.
No great awakening. The last two years have demonstrated more of a big sleep.
Where do these leftiest come up with their new analysis of american history, religion and morality??
no one reinterpreted the Great Awakening(s) besides the OP, and that was bordering (at least) on replacement theory.
There have been at least three Great Awakenings, in the 18th and 19th centuries. I'm not seeing a whole lot of evidence for another one; if anything, church attendance and the number of people who identify as "Christian" are both dropping.
bendog said:
oh yah, you posted something about end of times, which has nothing to do with the Great Awakening(s)

no. it's about the times of revival in this country. 3 pages of it. starting with Edwards' Great Awakening in the 1700s.

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