The Great Divide: Truth vs Lies

let's chew thru the fat.
1. The dems are losing white voters, especially male
2. White race is declining as a whole, so the dems are losing voters on 2 fronts.
3. The dems need new voters.

That's why they brought in 40 million illegal Mexican peasants.
DittoNazis are the stupidest people on Earth.
Illegals can't vote, except in the loony imagination of fools.

You're lying again....

Example here:

"On Saturday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1461, the New Motor Voter Act, which will automatically register people to vote through the DMV, and could result in illegal aliens voting.
Any person who renewed or secured a driver’s license through the DMV may now register to vote, or choose to opt out of doing so. Because illegal immigrants are now eligible for obtaining driver’s licenses, they could be allowed to vote in elections if the Secretary of State’s office fails to verify their eligibility properly.

Brown and the California Democratic party know exactly what they are doing; as a Public Policy Institute survey showed, among unregistered adults, 49% lean toward the Democratic Party and 22% toward the Republican Party. Any bill permitting illegal immigrants to vote would cement the Democratic Party’s hold on California." Jerry Brown Signs Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote

Now....somehow you've conflated Nazis with those on the other side.
You couldn't be more wrong.

Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....
...all belong in the same political classification:
All are based on big government, command and control economic principles, collectivism, dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives.

Get it now?

How about pointing out which of them are defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society?
Right....none of 'em.
Only right wing philosophies...i.e., conservatism.
he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

The President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare, is now the front runner in a far more dangerous category: "Vetting Syrian, Refugees.'

This morning the battle between truth and dishonesty was played out between proxies for the two side:
Representatve Peter King, and Mika Brzezinski....

It was dynomite:

"Rep. King To MSNBC’s Brzezinski: ‘You Are 1,000 Percent Wrong’ On Refugee Vetting Process

1. ....a heated debate over the viability and quality of the vetting process that would allow Syrian refugees into America.

2. ....King explained, “I’m extremely concerned because what the president is telling us is not true. We cannot vet the refugees from Syria.”

PETER KING: I’m extremely concerned because what the president is telling us is not true. We cannot vet the refugees from Syria. There are no databases to work against. There are no government records. And when I talk to people involved in the vetting, they have no confidence at all in the people that are being allowed in. There’s no way. People talk about thorough vetting, there is no vetting as a practical matter. That is the reality.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Hold on a second. There is vetting.

KING: There is not. Mika —

BRZEZINSKI: “There are face-to-face interviews, there’s health screenings. Often it takes two years for a family to get here.

KING: Mika, you’re entirely wrong. You are wrong, you are wrong.

BRZEZINSKI: Actually, sir, I think you’re wrong.

KING: I met with the people doing the interviews. I’m talking to the people involved in the highest levels of government. They tell us that they have no confidence at all. This is not proper vetting. I’m telling you that.

BRZEZINSKI: But the vetting is happening whether you like it or not.

KING: No, it is not a real vetting. You can’t vet if you have nothing to base it against. You are wrong, Mika. You are 1,000 percent wrong, W-R-O-N-G.

BRZEZINSKI: So meeting face-to-face and screening them and interviewing them and often making them wait months and years — that is not a vetting process?

KING: That is not vetting. That is not vetting. No, it is not. You cannot vet unless you have material to base it —

BRZEZINSKI: So should we say, ‘Syrians, stay out of America, you’re not welcome here?’

KING: Mika, we’re not saying Syrians. We’re saying these refugees. Unless we know who the refugees are, we cannot be allowing them in. My job is to protect Americans, not to feel good about myself, not to say that I’m doing something humanitarian. If Americans get killed because we are letting people in because they are not properly vetted — they cannot be properly vetted. How many times am I supposed to tell you this, Mika? You are wrong. They cannot, and it puts American lives at risk."
Rep. King To MSNBC’s Brzezinski: ‘You Are 1,000 Percent Wrong’ On Refugee Vetting Process [VIDEO]

We can blindly accept proven liar Peter King's say-so?

Peter King says Senate CIA report found detainees were not killed, did not suffer 'lasting injuries'

You have that backwards: you are the proven liar, known, in fact, as the NYLiar.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.
he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

The President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare, is now the front runner in a far more dangerous category: "Vetting Syrian, Refugees.'

This morning the battle between truth and dishonesty was played out between proxies for the two side:
Representatve Peter King, and Mika Brzezinski....

It was dynomite:

"Rep. King To MSNBC’s Brzezinski: ‘You Are 1,000 Percent Wrong’ On Refugee Vetting Process

1. ....a heated debate over the viability and quality of the vetting process that would allow Syrian refugees into America.

2. ....King explained, “I’m extremely concerned because what the president is telling us is not true. We cannot vet the refugees from Syria.”

PETER KING: I’m extremely concerned because what the president is telling us is not true. We cannot vet the refugees from Syria. There are no databases to work against. There are no government records. And when I talk to people involved in the vetting, they have no confidence at all in the people that are being allowed in. There’s no way. People talk about thorough vetting, there is no vetting as a practical matter. That is the reality.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Hold on a second. There is vetting.

KING: There is not. Mika —

BRZEZINSKI: “There are face-to-face interviews, there’s health screenings. Often it takes two years for a family to get here.

KING: Mika, you’re entirely wrong. You are wrong, you are wrong.

BRZEZINSKI: Actually, sir, I think you’re wrong.

KING: I met with the people doing the interviews. I’m talking to the people involved in the highest levels of government. They tell us that they have no confidence at all. This is not proper vetting. I’m telling you that.

BRZEZINSKI: But the vetting is happening whether you like it or not.

KING: No, it is not a real vetting. You can’t vet if you have nothing to base it against. You are wrong, Mika. You are 1,000 percent wrong, W-R-O-N-G.

BRZEZINSKI: So meeting face-to-face and screening them and interviewing them and often making them wait months and years — that is not a vetting process?

KING: That is not vetting. That is not vetting. No, it is not. You cannot vet unless you have material to base it —

BRZEZINSKI: So should we say, ‘Syrians, stay out of America, you’re not welcome here?’

KING: Mika, we’re not saying Syrians. We’re saying these refugees. Unless we know who the refugees are, we cannot be allowing them in. My job is to protect Americans, not to feel good about myself, not to say that I’m doing something humanitarian. If Americans get killed because we are letting people in because they are not properly vetted — they cannot be properly vetted. How many times am I supposed to tell you this, Mika? You are wrong. They cannot, and it puts American lives at risk."
Rep. King To MSNBC’s Brzezinski: ‘You Are 1,000 Percent Wrong’ On Refugee Vetting Process [VIDEO]

We can blindly accept proven liar Peter King's say-so?

Peter King says Senate CIA report found detainees were not killed, did not suffer 'lasting injuries'

You have that backwards: you are the proven liar, known, in fact, as the NYLiar.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

"...the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact..."

I have to compliment you, willy.....very few are aware of that!
he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

The President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare, is now the front runner in a far more dangerous category: "Vetting Syrian, Refugees.'

This morning the battle between truth and dishonesty was played out between proxies for the two side:
Representatve Peter King, and Mika Brzezinski....

It was dynomite:

"Rep. King To MSNBC’s Brzezinski: ‘You Are 1,000 Percent Wrong’ On Refugee Vetting Process

1. ....a heated debate over the viability and quality of the vetting process that would allow Syrian refugees into America.

2. ....King explained, “I’m extremely concerned because what the president is telling us is not true. We cannot vet the refugees from Syria.”

PETER KING: I’m extremely concerned because what the president is telling us is not true. We cannot vet the refugees from Syria. There are no databases to work against. There are no government records. And when I talk to people involved in the vetting, they have no confidence at all in the people that are being allowed in. There’s no way. People talk about thorough vetting, there is no vetting as a practical matter. That is the reality.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Hold on a second. There is vetting.

KING: There is not. Mika —

BRZEZINSKI: “There are face-to-face interviews, there’s health screenings. Often it takes two years for a family to get here.

KING: Mika, you’re entirely wrong. You are wrong, you are wrong.

BRZEZINSKI: Actually, sir, I think you’re wrong.

KING: I met with the people doing the interviews. I’m talking to the people involved in the highest levels of government. They tell us that they have no confidence at all. This is not proper vetting. I’m telling you that.

BRZEZINSKI: But the vetting is happening whether you like it or not.

KING: No, it is not a real vetting. You can’t vet if you have nothing to base it against. You are wrong, Mika. You are 1,000 percent wrong, W-R-O-N-G.

BRZEZINSKI: So meeting face-to-face and screening them and interviewing them and often making them wait months and years — that is not a vetting process?

KING: That is not vetting. That is not vetting. No, it is not. You cannot vet unless you have material to base it —

BRZEZINSKI: So should we say, ‘Syrians, stay out of America, you’re not welcome here?’

KING: Mika, we’re not saying Syrians. We’re saying these refugees. Unless we know who the refugees are, we cannot be allowing them in. My job is to protect Americans, not to feel good about myself, not to say that I’m doing something humanitarian. If Americans get killed because we are letting people in because they are not properly vetted — they cannot be properly vetted. How many times am I supposed to tell you this, Mika? You are wrong. They cannot, and it puts American lives at risk."
Rep. King To MSNBC’s Brzezinski: ‘You Are 1,000 Percent Wrong’ On Refugee Vetting Process [VIDEO]

We can blindly accept proven liar Peter King's say-so?

Peter King says Senate CIA report found detainees were not killed, did not suffer 'lasting injuries'

You have that backwards: you are the proven liar, known, in fact, as the NYLiar.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

"...the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact..."

I have to compliment you, willy.....very few are aware of that!

The site that gave a mostly true statement by Obama lie of the year is left leaning?

You're retarded.
he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

You have that backwards: you are the proven liar, known, in fact, as the NYLiar.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

"...the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact..."

I have to compliment you, willy.....very few are aware of that!

The site that gave a mostly true statement by Obama lie of the year is left leaning?

You're retarded.

It was just too big.
This thread about lying starts off with the OP using a lie to make her point. King gets caught lying and resorts to denying his lie by redefining the definition of lying. The point the OP seems to be attempting to make is that only the definition of a newly defined made up definition of vetting is correct, which of course, is a lie.
he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

The President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare, is now the front runner in a far more dangerous category: "Vetting Syrian, Refugees.'

This morning the battle between truth and dishonesty was played out between proxies for the two side:
Representatve Peter King, and Mika Brzezinski....

It was dynomite:

"Rep. King To MSNBC’s Brzezinski: ‘You Are 1,000 Percent Wrong’ On Refugee Vetting Process

1. ....a heated debate over the viability and quality of the vetting process that would allow Syrian refugees into America.

2. ....King explained, “I’m extremely concerned because what the president is telling us is not true. We cannot vet the refugees from Syria.”

PETER KING: I’m extremely concerned because what the president is telling us is not true. We cannot vet the refugees from Syria. There are no databases to work against. There are no government records. And when I talk to people involved in the vetting, they have no confidence at all in the people that are being allowed in. There’s no way. People talk about thorough vetting, there is no vetting as a practical matter. That is the reality.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Hold on a second. There is vetting.

KING: There is not. Mika —

BRZEZINSKI: “There are face-to-face interviews, there’s health screenings. Often it takes two years for a family to get here.

KING: Mika, you’re entirely wrong. You are wrong, you are wrong.

BRZEZINSKI: Actually, sir, I think you’re wrong.

KING: I met with the people doing the interviews. I’m talking to the people involved in the highest levels of government. They tell us that they have no confidence at all. This is not proper vetting. I’m telling you that.

BRZEZINSKI: But the vetting is happening whether you like it or not.

KING: No, it is not a real vetting. You can’t vet if you have nothing to base it against. You are wrong, Mika. You are 1,000 percent wrong, W-R-O-N-G.

BRZEZINSKI: So meeting face-to-face and screening them and interviewing them and often making them wait months and years — that is not a vetting process?

KING: That is not vetting. That is not vetting. No, it is not. You cannot vet unless you have material to base it —

BRZEZINSKI: So should we say, ‘Syrians, stay out of America, you’re not welcome here?’

KING: Mika, we’re not saying Syrians. We’re saying these refugees. Unless we know who the refugees are, we cannot be allowing them in. My job is to protect Americans, not to feel good about myself, not to say that I’m doing something humanitarian. If Americans get killed because we are letting people in because they are not properly vetted — they cannot be properly vetted. How many times am I supposed to tell you this, Mika? You are wrong. They cannot, and it puts American lives at risk."
Rep. King To MSNBC’s Brzezinski: ‘You Are 1,000 Percent Wrong’ On Refugee Vetting Process [VIDEO]

We can blindly accept proven liar Peter King's say-so?

Peter King says Senate CIA report found detainees were not killed, did not suffer 'lasting injuries'

You have that backwards: you are the proven liar, known, in fact, as the NYLiar.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

I don't trust anyone's word on anything that isn't backed up by evidence.

That's why I asked PC for evidence supporting King's claims. Evidence she couldn't provide, which means she expected people to take King's word for what he claimed. He's lied before, so why would anyone take his word for it.
This is the usual problem with PC's thread, lots of garbage claims unsupported by factual evidence.
he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

You have that backwards: you are the proven liar, known, in fact, as the NYLiar.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

"...the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact..."

I have to compliment you, willy.....very few are aware of that!

The site that gave a mostly true statement by Obama lie of the year is left leaning?

You're retarded.

While I never use the pejorative term that you used, I have found that it usually applies to those using it.

Now, then....let's continue with our daily pattern, where you help prove that I am never......never.....wrong.

"Now comes a study from the George Mason University Center for Media and Public Affairs that demonstrates empirically that, one of the nation's leading "fact checkers," finds that Republicans are dishonest in their claims three times as often as Democrats. " has rated Republican claims as false three times as often as Democratic claims during President Obama's second term," the Center said in a release, "despite controversies over Obama administration statements on Benghazi, the IRS and the AP."

The fact that, as the Lichter study shows, "A majority of Democratic statements (54 percent) were rated as mostly or entirely true, compared to only 18 percent of Republican statements," probably has more to do with how the statements were picked and the subjective bias of the fact checker involved than anything remotely empirical. Likewise, the fact that "a majority of Republican statements (52 percent) were rated as mostly or entirely false, compared to only 24 percent of Democratic statements" probably has more to do with spinning stories than it does with evaluating statements.

There is a "truth gap" in Washington, but it doesn't exist along the lines the fact checkers would have you think. It was Obama who said you could keep the health care you had if you liked it, even if Obamacare became law. It was Obama who said the Citizens United decision would open the floodgates of foreign money into U.S. campaigns. It was Obama who said Benghazi happened because of a YouTube video. It was Obama's IRS that denied conservative political groups had been singled out for special scrutiny. And it was Obama who promised that taxes would not go up for any American making less than $250,000 per year.

All of these statements and plenty more are demonstrably false..."
Who’s Checking the Fact Checkers?

Having served your purpose, you may now retreat back under your rock.

It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

You have that backwards: you are the proven liar, known, in fact, as the NYLiar.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

"...the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact..."

I have to compliment you, willy.....very few are aware of that!

The site that gave a mostly true statement by Obama lie of the year is left leaning?

You're retarded.

It was just too big.

Approximately 3% of Americans were unable to keep their health insurance 'if they liked it'. That makes Obama's statement 97% true.
Politifact's normal policy is to rate a statement that is mostly true but not absolutely true as 'Mostly True'.
he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

The President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare, is now the front runner in a far more dangerous category: "Vetting Syrian, Refugees.'

This morning the battle between truth and dishonesty was played out between proxies for the two side:
Representatve Peter King, and Mika Brzezinski....

It was dynomite:

"Rep. King To MSNBC’s Brzezinski: ‘You Are 1,000 Percent Wrong’ On Refugee Vetting Process

1. ....a heated debate over the viability and quality of the vetting process that would allow Syrian refugees into America.

2. ....King explained, “I’m extremely concerned because what the president is telling us is not true. We cannot vet the refugees from Syria.”

PETER KING: I’m extremely concerned because what the president is telling us is not true. We cannot vet the refugees from Syria. There are no databases to work against. There are no government records. And when I talk to people involved in the vetting, they have no confidence at all in the people that are being allowed in. There’s no way. People talk about thorough vetting, there is no vetting as a practical matter. That is the reality.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Hold on a second. There is vetting.

KING: There is not. Mika —

BRZEZINSKI: “There are face-to-face interviews, there’s health screenings. Often it takes two years for a family to get here.

KING: Mika, you’re entirely wrong. You are wrong, you are wrong.

BRZEZINSKI: Actually, sir, I think you’re wrong.

KING: I met with the people doing the interviews. I’m talking to the people involved in the highest levels of government. They tell us that they have no confidence at all. This is not proper vetting. I’m telling you that.

BRZEZINSKI: But the vetting is happening whether you like it or not.

KING: No, it is not a real vetting. You can’t vet if you have nothing to base it against. You are wrong, Mika. You are 1,000 percent wrong, W-R-O-N-G.

BRZEZINSKI: So meeting face-to-face and screening them and interviewing them and often making them wait months and years — that is not a vetting process?

KING: That is not vetting. That is not vetting. No, it is not. You cannot vet unless you have material to base it —

BRZEZINSKI: So should we say, ‘Syrians, stay out of America, you’re not welcome here?’

KING: Mika, we’re not saying Syrians. We’re saying these refugees. Unless we know who the refugees are, we cannot be allowing them in. My job is to protect Americans, not to feel good about myself, not to say that I’m doing something humanitarian. If Americans get killed because we are letting people in because they are not properly vetted — they cannot be properly vetted. How many times am I supposed to tell you this, Mika? You are wrong. They cannot, and it puts American lives at risk."
Rep. King To MSNBC’s Brzezinski: ‘You Are 1,000 Percent Wrong’ On Refugee Vetting Process [VIDEO]

We can blindly accept proven liar Peter King's say-so?

Peter King says Senate CIA report found detainees were not killed, did not suffer 'lasting injuries'

You have that backwards: you are the proven liar, known, in fact, as the NYLiar.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

I don't trust anyone's word on anything that isn't backed up by evidence.

That's why I asked PC for evidence supporting King's claims. Evidence she couldn't provide, which means she expected people to take King's word for what he claimed. He's lied before, so why would anyone take his word for it.
This is the usual problem with PC's thread, lots of garbage claims unsupported by factual evidence.

"That's why I asked PC for evidence supporting King's claims. Evidence she couldn't provide, blah blah blah..."
Actually, I did provide it, NYLiar.


"FBI director James Comey said during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on Wednesday that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the U.S."
FBI Director Admits US Can’t Vet All Syrian Refugees For Terror Ties

"This is the usual problem with PC's thread, lots of garbage claims unsupported by factual evidence."

You look like a fool now, huh?
This thread about lying starts off with the OP using a lie to make her point. King gets caught lying and resorts to denying his lie by redefining the definition of lying. The point the OP seems to be attempting to make is that only the definition of a newly defined made up definition of vetting is correct, which of course, is a lie.

"FBI director James Comey said during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on Wednesday that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the U.S."
FBI Director Admits US Can’t Vet All Syrian Refugees For Terror Ties

So....turns out King was correct, and the Democrat boot-licker, you, turn out to be the liar, huh?

The pattern continues.

It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

You have that backwards: you are the proven liar, known, in fact, as the NYLiar.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

"...the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact..."

I have to compliment you, willy.....very few are aware of that!

The site that gave a mostly true statement by Obama lie of the year is left leaning?

You're retarded.

While I never use the pejorative term that you used, I have found that it usually applies to those using it.

Now, then....let's continue with our daily pattern, where you help prove that I am never......never.....wrong.

"Now comes a study from the George Mason University Center for Media and Public Affairs that demonstrates empirically that, one of the nation's leading "fact checkers," finds that Republicans are dishonest in their claims three times as often as Democrats. " has rated Republican claims as false three times as often as Democratic claims during President Obama's second term," the Center said in a release, "despite controversies over Obama administration statements on Benghazi, the IRS and the AP."

The fact that, as the Lichter study shows, "A majority of Democratic statements (54 percent) were rated as mostly or entirely true, compared to only 18 percent of Republican statements," probably has more to do with how the statements were picked and the subjective bias of the fact checker involved than anything remotely empirical. Likewise, the fact that "a majority of Republican statements (52 percent) were rated as mostly or entirely false, compared to only 24 percent of Democratic statements" probably has more to do with spinning stories than it does with evaluating statements.

There is a "truth gap" in Washington, but it doesn't exist along the lines the fact checkers would have you think. It was Obama who said you could keep the health care you had if you liked it, even if Obamacare became law. It was Obama who said the Citizens United decision would open the floodgates of foreign money into U.S. campaigns. It was Obama who said Benghazi happened because of a YouTube video. It was Obama's IRS that denied conservative political groups had been singled out for special scrutiny. And it was Obama who promised that taxes would not go up for any American making less than $250,000 per year.

All of these statements and plenty more are demonstrably false..."
Who’s Checking the Fact Checkers?

Having served your purpose, you may now retreat back under your rock.

Nothing you posted proves bias, or even makes a good case for it.

Comically, your examples support Politifact as NON-BIASED:

1. Obama you can keep insurance - politifact ruled it pants on fire lie
2. Obama Citizens United - politifact ruled it mostly false

Where did Politifact give Obama a true rating where it should have been false?

And btw, where's your proof that the Peter King lie I posted from politifact was actually the truth. You seemed to have scrupulously dodged that challenge.
The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

"...the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact..."

I have to compliment you, willy.....very few are aware of that!

The site that gave a mostly true statement by Obama lie of the year is left leaning?

You're retarded.

It was just too big.

Approximately 3% of Americans were unable to keep their health insurance 'if they liked it'. That makes Obama's statement 97% true.
Politifact's normal policy is to rate a statement that is mostly true but not absolutely true as 'Mostly True'.

So for them to rate Obama's lie as the "lie of the year" they had to have some basis.

One, they must judge the intention of the lie, Obama's intention was clear, lie to the American people.

Two, they must judge how often and how much credit the liar repeats and gives the lie. And we all know Obama doubled down many times.

Three they much judge by how the statement can't be anything but a lie. Obama SAID something that just wasn't true for everyone and HE should have known better. Me and the wife lost her doctor so i know what he said wasn't true.

Your example of Palin an death panels. Obviously there are no "death panels" but there are end of life counseling which is not a real big stretch to claim are "death panels." Which would be more of hyperbole then a lie.
he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

You have that backwards: you are the proven liar, known, in fact, as the NYLiar.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

I don't trust anyone's word on anything that isn't backed up by evidence.

That's why I asked PC for evidence supporting King's claims. Evidence she couldn't provide, which means she expected people to take King's word for what he claimed. He's lied before, so why would anyone take his word for it.
This is the usual problem with PC's thread, lots of garbage claims unsupported by factual evidence.

"That's why I asked PC for evidence supporting King's claims. Evidence she couldn't provide, blah blah blah..."
Actually, I did provide it, NYLiar.


"FBI director James Comey said during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on Wednesday that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the U.S."
FBI Director Admits US Can’t Vet All Syrian Refugees For Terror Ties

"This is the usual problem with PC's thread, lots of garbage claims unsupported by factual evidence."

You look like a fool now, huh?

He said they can't find information that doesn't exist. Duh.
The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

"...the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact..."

I have to compliment you, willy.....very few are aware of that!

The site that gave a mostly true statement by Obama lie of the year is left leaning?

You're retarded.

While I never use the pejorative term that you used, I have found that it usually applies to those using it.

Now, then....let's continue with our daily pattern, where you help prove that I am never......never.....wrong.

"Now comes a study from the George Mason University Center for Media and Public Affairs that demonstrates empirically that, one of the nation's leading "fact checkers," finds that Republicans are dishonest in their claims three times as often as Democrats. " has rated Republican claims as false three times as often as Democratic claims during President Obama's second term," the Center said in a release, "despite controversies over Obama administration statements on Benghazi, the IRS and the AP."

The fact that, as the Lichter study shows, "A majority of Democratic statements (54 percent) were rated as mostly or entirely true, compared to only 18 percent of Republican statements," probably has more to do with how the statements were picked and the subjective bias of the fact checker involved than anything remotely empirical. Likewise, the fact that "a majority of Republican statements (52 percent) were rated as mostly or entirely false, compared to only 24 percent of Democratic statements" probably has more to do with spinning stories than it does with evaluating statements.

There is a "truth gap" in Washington, but it doesn't exist along the lines the fact checkers would have you think. It was Obama who said you could keep the health care you had if you liked it, even if Obamacare became law. It was Obama who said the Citizens United decision would open the floodgates of foreign money into U.S. campaigns. It was Obama who said Benghazi happened because of a YouTube video. It was Obama's IRS that denied conservative political groups had been singled out for special scrutiny. And it was Obama who promised that taxes would not go up for any American making less than $250,000 per year.

All of these statements and plenty more are demonstrably false..."
Who’s Checking the Fact Checkers?

Having served your purpose, you may now retreat back under your rock.

Nothing you posted proves bias, or even makes a good case for it.

Comically, your examples support Politifact as NON-BIASED:

1. Obama you can keep insurance - politifact ruled it pants on fire lie
2. Obama Citizens United - politifact ruled it mostly false

Where did Politifact give Obama a true rating where it should have been false?

And btw, where's your proof that the Peter King lie I posted from politifact was actually the truth. You seemed to have scrupulously dodged that challenge.


You don't have enough egg on your kisser???


"On a national level, most people now know PolitiFact is nothing but another Obama-shilling mainstream media joke -- an entity so in the tank for the White House it ruled as mostly true that "Barack Obama has lowest spending record of any recent president:"
sing inflation-adjusted dollars, Obama had the second-lowest increase -- in fact, he actually presided over a decrease once inflation is taken into account.

Yes, you read that correctly. According to PolitiFact, when indexed for inflation, Obamareducedspending.

PolitiFact's motto appears to be:The bigger the lie the more people will believe it.Hm.Sounds familiar. But how else can you palace guard for a failed president?

But PolitiFact isn't just a national cancer on all of us. This reprehensible outfit also "fact-checks" in a number of individual states, including the crucial swing states of Florida, Wisconsin, Ohio, New Hampshire, and Virginia."
VA Pushes Back Against PolitiFact, Shows Other States the Way - Breitbart

It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

You have that backwards: you are the proven liar, known, in fact, as the NYLiar.

Can you refute politifact's assessment of Peter King a liar? If you can, proceed. If you can't, shut up.

Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

I don't trust anyone's word on anything that isn't backed up by evidence.

That's why I asked PC for evidence supporting King's claims. Evidence she couldn't provide, which means she expected people to take King's word for what he claimed. He's lied before, so why would anyone take his word for it.
This is the usual problem with PC's thread, lots of garbage claims unsupported by factual evidence.

"That's why I asked PC for evidence supporting King's claims. Evidence she couldn't provide, blah blah blah..."
Actually, I did provide it, NYLiar.


"FBI director James Comey said during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on Wednesday that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the U.S."
FBI Director Admits US Can’t Vet All Syrian Refugees For Terror Ties

"This is the usual problem with PC's thread, lots of garbage claims unsupported by factual evidence."

You look like a fool now, huh?

He said they can't find information that doesn't exist. Duh.

You don't recognize that you just admitted that there is no "vetting"???

You should only open your mouth to change feet.
Interesting, since the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact rated Obama's lie number one does that mean you do not trust a word that is uttered by him? If so then you are one of the smart ones on the left.

"...the left leaning, very left leaning, politifact..."

I have to compliment you, willy.....very few are aware of that!

The site that gave a mostly true statement by Obama lie of the year is left leaning?

You're retarded.

It was just too big.

Approximately 3% of Americans were unable to keep their health insurance 'if they liked it'. That makes Obama's statement 97% true.
Politifact's normal policy is to rate a statement that is mostly true but not absolutely true as 'Mostly True'.

So for them to rate Obama's lie as the "lie of the year" they had to have some basis.

One, they must judge the intention of the lie, Obama's intention was clear, lie to the American people.

Two, they must judge how often and how much credit the liar repeats and gives the lie. And we all know Obama doubled down many times.

Three they much judge by how the statement can't be anything but a lie. Obama SAID something that just wasn't true for everyone and HE should have known better. Me and the wife lost her doctor so i know what he said wasn't true.

Your example of Palin an death panels. Obviously there are no "death panels" but there are end of life counseling which is not a real big stretch to claim are "death panels." Which would be more of hyperbole then a lie.

You're wrong on both counts. Since Politifact has a mostly true category, it must apply to something.

What? To a statement that is more true than false. That is what Obama's statement was.

As to Palin's lie of the year, I suggest you go actually read what she said, because you're arguing from ignorance.

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