The Great Divide: Truth vs Lies

who the hell allowed them to get 100% of the territory

I'm going with Bush the Decider. When he broke up the Iraqi State and then Bugged Out. Unforeseen consequences of his ill advised invasion and occupation of Iraq.
"Why did Obama declare ISIS 'contained' the day before Paris attack?
Washington (CNN)On Thursday, President Barack Obama declared in an interview that ISIS had been "contained," asserting that the terror cell had been stalled in Iraq and Syria.

The next day, ISIS claimed responsibility for one of the worst terror attacks in European history, shattering what had been a growing sense of momentum in the global fight against extremists and driving home the frightening ability of ISIS to inspire and possibly coordinate attacks outside their power base in Iraq and in Syria."
Obama declared ISIS 'contained' day before Paris attack -

What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq. And in Syria they'll come in, they'll leave. But you don't see this systematic march by ISIL across the terrain. What we have not yet been able to do is to completely decapitate their command and control structures. We've made some progress in trying to reduce the flow of foreign fighters."

When Obama said "we have contained them," it’s within a plainly defined scope: ISIS’s territorial ambitions in Iraq and Syria.

Now you in your LEFTY brilliance are going to tell us what the communit.......err, I mean President meant. Words mean things, but Obysmals words mean something else, and you have to have a degree in Marxist/Socialism to be able to decipher the messiahs(praise be his name and holy words) message.

Your propaganda SUCKS! Better go back to school padawan, because you couldn't convince a 5 year old, lololol. Don't feel badly, the jig is up! The whole lefty thing, guess what........besides you lefties, nobody is buying it anymore, and we are laughing!!!!!!!! Hey, want to try global warming later, lololololol.

Please tell me what these words mean to you: "What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq."

Please tell me what Senator Feinstein's words mean to you: I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding. OH SNAP!!

Senator Feinstein went on to say when asked about the threat level she said she has: Never been more concerned. They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country. And I think we have to be prepared.

She wants France to invoke article 5 of the NATO Charter so we can go to war. Her comments in no way change what the president was referring to. Ground ISIS holds and controls in it's so called Caliphate,

^^^ that's a rare form of denial, absent any base at all.
let's chew thru the fat.
1. The dems are losing white voters, especially male
2. White race is declining as a whole, so the dems are losing voters on 2 fronts.
3. The dems need new voters.
let's chew thru the fat.
1. The dems are losing white voters, especially male
2. White race is declining as a whole, so the dems are losing voters on 2 fronts.
3. The dems need new voters.

That's why they brought in 40 million illegal Mexican peasants.
DittoNazis are the stupidest people on Earth.
Illegals can't vote, except in the loony imagination of fools.
(1) Nobody writing on this message board has ever been hurt by "terrorists." In fact, nobody on this message board has even SEEN a terrorist.
(2) Everyone on this message board has been affected by our government's overreaction to terrorism. They play on your fears and insecurities to strip away your freedoms.

The OP abets this effort.

Gads, you're a fool.

Translation: reliable Democrat voter.
(1) Nobody writing on this message board has ever been hurt by "terrorists." In fact, nobody on this message board has even SEEN a terrorist.

Now see here.

We all saw what terrorists could to on 9/11; 3000 Americans died that day, and that hurt us all as a collective.

Where were you? At a liberal indoctrination camp?
let's chew thru the fat.
1. The dems are losing white voters, especially male
2. White race is declining as a whole, so the dems are losing voters on 2 fronts.
3. The dems need new voters.

That's why they brought in 40 million illegal Mexican peasants.

It's the same reason why leftists in Europe are importing migrants from everywhere. They need new voters, because the existing ones are not accepting their "truth" anymore.

The left here and abroad managed to fool themselves into believing their own lies. The leftist media and government doesn't realize how manipulative they have been of information, they have been fighting "the good fight" for so long that they have completely bought into their own bullshit. They twist and cherry pick convenient truths to the point of propaganda. It's a slippery slope. Forever.
(2) Everyone on this message board has been affected by our government's overreaction to terrorism. They play on your fears and insecurities to strip away your freedoms.


By wanting to eliminate fear and insecurity, you cause more fear and insecurity.

"Oh, there's nothing to worry about, trust us."

Well, isn't that reassuring?
let's chew thru the fat.
1. The dems are losing white voters, especially male
2. White race is declining as a whole, so the dems are losing voters on 2 fronts.
3. The dems need new voters.

That's why they brought in 40 million illegal Mexican peasants.
DittoNazis are the stupidest people on Earth.
Illegals can't vote, except in the loony imagination of fools.
Dang, I'm glad I'm not as smart as you.
"Why did Obama declare ISIS 'contained' the day before Paris attack?
Washington (CNN)On Thursday, President Barack Obama declared in an interview that ISIS had been "contained," asserting that the terror cell had been stalled in Iraq and Syria.

The next day, ISIS claimed responsibility for one of the worst terror attacks in European history, shattering what had been a growing sense of momentum in the global fight against extremists and driving home the frightening ability of ISIS to inspire and possibly coordinate attacks outside their power base in Iraq and in Syria."
Obama declared ISIS 'contained' day before Paris attack -

What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq. And in Syria they'll come in, they'll leave. But you don't see this systematic march by ISIL across the terrain. What we have not yet been able to do is to completely decapitate their command and control structures. We've made some progress in trying to reduce the flow of foreign fighters."

When Obama said "we have contained them," it’s within a plainly defined scope: ISIS’s territorial ambitions in Iraq and Syria.

Now you in your LEFTY brilliance are going to tell us what the communit.......err, I mean President meant. Words mean things, but Obysmals words mean something else, and you have to have a degree in Marxist/Socialism to be able to decipher the messiahs(praise be his name and holy words) message.

Your propaganda SUCKS! Better go back to school padawan, because you couldn't convince a 5 year old, lololol. Don't feel badly, the jig is up! The whole lefty thing, guess what........besides you lefties, nobody is buying it anymore, and we are laughing!!!!!!!! Hey, want to try global warming later, lololololol.

Please tell me what these word mean to you: "What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq."

Very good Boo, now link me where he stated what the time frame was, from when, to when. Was it from 12:00'oo1 to 12:00'002 standard time or what? He has lied repeatedly, and if you want to change what you think he meant, than show me the timeline he laid out! I can show timelines that show he lied through his pearly whites too!

By the way, it is kinda a trick answer for you, because Iraq no longer exists where ISIS is, because it is now their state, but hey, using symantics is good, just ask a lefty propagandist-)

And let's remind his lap dogs that Obama deserves all praise from the ISIS savages because without his aid and acquiescence they would not exist.

Defying all advice, he cleared the field for ISIS by withdrawing US troops.
And then he smoothed over fears by claiming that they were only 'the jayvees.'

Either stupid or a traitor.

I'll go with both and add a category. In your informative posts over the years, you have already supplied overwhelming evidence of Obama's stupidity and of his disdain for everything that is America. I also believe the man is delusional, like looney tunes, th-th-th-that's all folks, mentally incompetent.

Obama has said and done more stupid things than any other president in history\, but the one thing that should have put the country on notice that something was seriously wrong with the man was when he signed the wrong date in a guest book. On a tour of Westminster Abbey in London, President Obama signed the guest book and added May 24, 2008, as the date. Unfortunately, the correct date was May 24, 2011! One of his advisers told him the month and day but neglected to tell him the year, probably because the adviser knew every normal person is aware of what year it is.

Now I have known people to continue to use the old year for a short time after the start of the new year; however, I have never heard of a mentally healthy person getting the wrong date by 3 years. Obama's defenders on USMB said that he put down 2008 because that is the year he become president. Sadly, in order to prove the man was not delusional they proved he was ignorant. When you attend an event, you do not sign the guest book with the date you were elected president or Homecoming Queen nor the day you lost your virginity, the day your team won the Superbowl or the day you won the lottery. You input the date that you signed the book. It seems that everyone knows that but the ignorant asshole in the White House. Obama is a prime candidate for a mental institution.

Obama is the most overrated person in the history of the planet. Here is how the “Great Oratory” sounds without his ever-present teleprompter:

To all you Obama worshipers: When you sign a guest book at an event such as a funeral or wedding, do you input the date that you signed your name or do you use another date that something really important happened to you? If you selected the former, you are a hell of a lot smarter than the big O. Hell, when I was a child I knew better than that. Look, let's be honest. Even Obama can't be that stupid; therefore, it is painfully obvious he is suffering from a serious mental illness.

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