The Great Divide: Truth vs Lies

And now, for your listening and viewing enjoyment.....Republican Peter King spanking Liberal/Democrat Bzezinski

Where's his evidence? We can't take his word for it.

"( ā€“ John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations,.... ... the U.S. can refuse to allow Syrian refugees entry ā€œwithout in any way violating our humanitarian obligations.ā€

Bolton also dismissed White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodesā€™ statement Sunday that the refugees are being vetted in Iraq before they are brought to the U.S.

ā€œI donā€™t know who else believes this other than the White House,ā€ Bolton said in response to Rhodesā€™ assertion that the U.S. has ā€œvery robust vetting procedures for those refugees.ā€

The U.N.ā€™s 1951 Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, which was amended in 1967, defines a refugee as ā€œsomeone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.ā€

... the signers of the convention are not required to offer them asylum in their own countries.

ā€œThe refugee convention imposes on the country of first asylum an obligation to provide food, shelter, sanitation, and medicine in refugee campsā€ with the main goal of repatriating them back to their country of origin as soon as possible, ...."
Former Ambassador to UN: US Has ā€˜No Obligationā€™ to Accept Syrian Refugees

"...dismissed White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodesā€™ statement Sunday that the refugees are being vetted..."

Obama knows this.....yet insists on bringing them, en masse, to the US.

he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFactā€™s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

So THAT'S why you're known as the NYLiar!!!!

Prove it. Or shut up.
And now, for your listening and viewing enjoyment.....Republican Peter King spanking Liberal/Democrat Bzezinski

Where's his evidence? We can't take his word for it.

"( ā€“ John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations,.... ... the U.S. can refuse to allow Syrian refugees entry ā€œwithout in any way violating our humanitarian obligations.ā€

Bolton also dismissed White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodesā€™ statement Sunday that the refugees are being vetted in Iraq before they are brought to the U.S.

ā€œI donā€™t know who else believes this other than the White House,ā€ Bolton said in response to Rhodesā€™ assertion that the U.S. has ā€œvery robust vetting procedures for those refugees.ā€

The U.N.ā€™s 1951 Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, which was amended in 1967, defines a refugee as ā€œsomeone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.ā€

... the signers of the convention are not required to offer them asylum in their own countries.

ā€œThe refugee convention imposes on the country of first asylum an obligation to provide food, shelter, sanitation, and medicine in refugee campsā€ with the main goal of repatriating them back to their country of origin as soon as possible, ...."
Former Ambassador to UN: US Has ā€˜No Obligationā€™ to Accept Syrian Refugees

"...dismissed White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodesā€™ statement Sunday that the refugees are being vetted..."

Obama knows this.....yet insists on bringing them, en masse, to the US.


Where's Bolton's evidence? Has he ever been right about anything?
he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFactā€™s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

So THAT'S why you're known as the NYLiar!!!!

Now come on chic, be nice to carebear-) At least call him by his new nickname, which is LOL. (LOL.........Leader Of Losers)
he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFactā€™s Lie of the Year

The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

So THAT'S why you're known as the NYLiar!!!!

Now come on chic, be nice to carebear-) At least call him by his new nickname, which is LOL. (LOL.........Leader Of Losers)

You're welcome to try to prove me wrong.
And now, for your listening and viewing enjoyment.....Republican Peter King spanking Liberal/Democrat Bzezinski

Where's his evidence? We can't take his word for it.

"( ā€“ John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations,.... ... the U.S. can refuse to allow Syrian refugees entry ā€œwithout in any way violating our humanitarian obligations.ā€

Bolton also dismissed White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodesā€™ statement Sunday that the refugees are being vetted in Iraq before they are brought to the U.S.

ā€œI donā€™t know who else believes this other than the White House,ā€ Bolton said in response to Rhodesā€™ assertion that the U.S. has ā€œvery robust vetting procedures for those refugees.ā€

The U.N.ā€™s 1951 Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, which was amended in 1967, defines a refugee as ā€œsomeone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.ā€

... the signers of the convention are not required to offer them asylum in their own countries.

ā€œThe refugee convention imposes on the country of first asylum an obligation to provide food, shelter, sanitation, and medicine in refugee campsā€ with the main goal of repatriating them back to their country of origin as soon as possible, ...."
Former Ambassador to UN: US Has ā€˜No Obligationā€™ to Accept Syrian Refugees

"...dismissed White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodesā€™ statement Sunday that the refugees are being vetted..."

Obama knows this.....yet insists on bringing them, en masse, to the US.


Where's Bolton's evidence? Has he ever been right about anything?

Who cares how often Bolton has been right when the person asking the question has NEVER been correct carebear-)
There is a disturbing number of elected officials in government contradicting each other on national security. Obama says the refuges are being vetted. The FBI director and congressional representatives say oh no they are not. Obama says ISIL is contained yet a prominent Democratic party senator and national security expert says oh no they are not.

Obama, "ISIL is contained"

Senator Feinstein, "I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding." When asked about the threat level Feinstein said, "I have never been more concerned. They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country. And I think we have to be prepared."

Federal law requires Obama to consult with both the House and Senate judiciary committees on admitting refuges to the US and he must meet the burden of proof required for refugee status required by federal law. He can't just wave a wand and declare someone is a refuge.
Why is it liberals (Marxists/socialists) need to go against EVERYTHING that the majority of Americans want, or do NOT want? This has nothing to do with Americans, yet lefties throw Americans, and their opinions under the bus, for non Americans.

And they actually think they are going to win the Presidency? They are much more arrogant than even most of us think!

"Why is it liberals (Marxists/socialists) need to go against EVERYTHING that the majority of Americans want,....???" on me!!!

I know!!

Because there are two groups whose raison d'ĆŖtre is the dismantling of Western Civilization....
The Islamofascists...who do it with violence, from without

and the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats...who use the system, from within.
And now, for your listening and viewing enjoyment.....Republican Peter King spanking Liberal/Democrat Bzezinski

Where's his evidence? We can't take his word for it.

"( ā€“ John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations,.... ... the U.S. can refuse to allow Syrian refugees entry ā€œwithout in any way violating our humanitarian obligations.ā€

Bolton also dismissed White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodesā€™ statement Sunday that the refugees are being vetted in Iraq before they are brought to the U.S.

ā€œI donā€™t know who else believes this other than the White House,ā€ Bolton said in response to Rhodesā€™ assertion that the U.S. has ā€œvery robust vetting procedures for those refugees.ā€

The U.N.ā€™s 1951 Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, which was amended in 1967, defines a refugee as ā€œsomeone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.ā€

... the signers of the convention are not required to offer them asylum in their own countries.

ā€œThe refugee convention imposes on the country of first asylum an obligation to provide food, shelter, sanitation, and medicine in refugee campsā€ with the main goal of repatriating them back to their country of origin as soon as possible, ...."
Former Ambassador to UN: US Has ā€˜No Obligationā€™ to Accept Syrian Refugees

"...dismissed White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodesā€™ statement Sunday that the refugees are being vetted..."

Obama knows this.....yet insists on bringing them, en masse, to the US.


Where's Bolton's evidence? Has he ever been right about anything?

Who cares how often Bolton has been right when the person asking the question has NEVER been correct carebear-)

Where's Bolton's evidence?
There is a disturbing number of elected officials in government contradicting each other on national security. Obama says the refuges are being vetted. The FBI director and congressional representatives say oh no they are not. Obama says ISIL is contained yet a prominent Democratic party senator and national security expert says oh no they are not.

Obama, "ISIL is contained"

Senator Feinstein, "I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding." When asked about the threat level Feinstein said, "I have never been more concerned. They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country. And I think we have to be prepared."

Federal law requires Obama to consult with both the House and Senate judiciary committees on admitting refuges to the US and he must meet the burden of proof required for refugee status required by federal law. He can't just wave a wand and declare someone is a refuge.

ISIS has lost 25% of the territory it held at its peak. That is more than containment.
Nobody knows everything, most people only know some things, and community organizers know less than that!

When the FBI director; who is NOT a politician goes along with my side over a community organizer, than you lefties have got to do better than whine like panty waists!
You incompetent lefties give me a person with more law enforcement power than the FBI director that agrees with you that is NOT a politician, so forget Loretta (I am useless) Lynch!
The President's 'lie' was 97% true. Sarah Palin's death panel lie of the year was 100% false.

:bsflag: The ACA consisted of a new level of insurance - defined by Obama and the Libs - that ALL insurance plans had to have (one of the ACA mandates) and one that no insurance plan had. NO ONE was going to be able to keep the health care plan they liked...except for Obama and Congress... and their staff! Claiming that Obama's 'LIE OF THE YEAR' was 97% true is the DUMBEST thing I have read on this board all week!
There is a disturbing number of elected officials in government contradicting each other on national security. Obama says the refuges are being vetted. The FBI director and congressional representatives say oh no they are not. Obama says ISIL is contained yet a prominent Democratic party senator and national security expert says oh no they are not.

Obama, "ISIL is contained"

Senator Feinstein, "I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding." When asked about the threat level Feinstein said, "I have never been more concerned. They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country. And I think we have to be prepared."

Federal law requires Obama to consult with both the House and Senate judiciary committees on admitting refuges to the US and he must meet the burden of proof required for refugee status required by federal law. He can't just wave a wand and declare someone is a refuge.

ISIS has lost 25% of the territory it held at its peak. That is more than containment.

"Why did Obama declare ISIS 'contained' the day before Paris attack?
Washington (CNN)On Thursday, President Barack Obama declared in an interview that ISIS had been "contained," asserting that the terror cell had been stalled in Iraq and Syria.

The next day, ISIS claimed responsibility for one of the worst terror attacks in European history, shattering what had been a growing sense of momentum in the global fight against extremists and driving home the frightening ability of ISIS to inspire and possibly coordinate attacks outside their power base in Iraq and in Syria."
Obama declared ISIS 'contained' day before Paris attack -

he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFactā€™s Lie of the Year

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Boiling down the complicated health care law to a soundbite proved treacherous, even for its promoter-in-chief. Obama and his team made matters worse, suggesting they had been misunderstood all along. The stunning political uproar led to this: a rare presidential apology.

For all of these reasons, PolitiFact has named "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," the Lie of the Year for 2013. Readers in a separate online poll overwhelmingly agreed with the choice."
[VIDEO]Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

"News - Obama Admits He's a Liar, Apologizes for Lying About ObamaCare!"

Now...clarify: you erroneously claimed that I am a liar, which, as I just proved, I am not.....

....but, did you mean 'liar' as a compliment, as you clearly only vote for and support the liar, Obama?

Should I be thanking you?

You may thank me for pointing out another one of your lies, sure. You're welcome in advance.
There is a disturbing number of elected officials in government contradicting each other on national security. Obama says the refuges are being vetted. The FBI director and congressional representatives say oh no they are not. Obama says ISIL is contained yet a prominent Democratic party senator and national security expert says oh no they are not.

Obama, "ISIL is contained"

Senator Feinstein, "I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding." When asked about the threat level Feinstein said, "I have never been more concerned. They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country. And I think we have to be prepared."

Federal law requires Obama to consult with both the House and Senate judiciary committees on admitting refuges to the US and he must meet the burden of proof required for refugee status required by federal law. He can't just wave a wand and declare someone is a refuge.

ISIS has lost 25% of the territory it held at its peak. That is more than containment.

"Why did Obama declare ISIS 'contained' the day before Paris attack?
Washington (CNN)On Thursday, President Barack Obama declared in an interview that ISIS had been "contained," asserting that the terror cell had been stalled in Iraq and Syria.

The next day, ISIS claimed responsibility for one of the worst terror attacks in European history, shattering what had been a growing sense of momentum in the global fight against extremists and driving home the frightening ability of ISIS to inspire and possibly coordinate attacks outside their power base in Iraq and in Syria."
Obama declared ISIS 'contained' day before Paris attack -

Why did Obama do that?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I know, I know, ask me!

Because he knows everything, just ask the lefties on here. He is so sure of himself, and the lefties on here are sure with him.

And then, and then, and then, AND THEN, it is proven the messiah was wrong, and all the lefty followers come on here, and make excuses for him; until some people won't relent, and then play the nuclear card, they BLAME GEORGE BOOOOOOSH, lololololol.

What a bunch of dweebs, pointy headed buffoons, and incompetent propagandists. When you look at it, their attempts are actually hysterically funny!!!!!!!!!
he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFactā€™s Lie of the Year

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Boiling down the complicated health care law to a soundbite proved treacherous, even for its promoter-in-chief. Obama and his team made matters worse, suggesting they had been misunderstood all along. The stunning political uproar led to this: a rare presidential apology.

For all of these reasons, PolitiFact has named "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," the Lie of the Year for 2013. Readers in a separate online poll overwhelmingly agreed with the choice."
[VIDEO]Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

"News - Obama Admits He's a Liar, Apologizes for Lying About ObamaCare!"

Now...clarify: you erroneously claimed that I am a liar, which, as I just proved, I am not.....

....but, did you mean 'liar' as a compliment, as you clearly only vote for and support the liar, Obama?

Should I be thanking you?

You may thank me for pointing out another one of your lies, sure. You're welcome in advance.

I never lie...and I reveal truths you'd rather not be revealed.

This thread is an example of what irks you: you voted for an incompetent ideologue who is about to put all of us in danger.
There is a disturbing number of elected officials in government contradicting each other on national security. Obama says the refuges are being vetted. The FBI director and congressional representatives say oh no they are not. Obama says ISIL is contained yet a prominent Democratic party senator and national security expert says oh no they are not.

Obama, "ISIL is contained"

Senator Feinstein, "I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding." When asked about the threat level Feinstein said, "I have never been more concerned. They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country. And I think we have to be prepared."

Federal law requires Obama to consult with both the House and Senate judiciary committees on admitting refuges to the US and he must meet the burden of proof required for refugee status required by federal law. He can't just wave a wand and declare someone is a refuge.

ISIS has lost 25% of the territory it held at its peak. That is more than containment.

"Why did Obama declare ISIS 'contained' the day before Paris attack?
Washington (CNN)On Thursday, President Barack Obama declared in an interview that ISIS had been "contained," asserting that the terror cell had been stalled in Iraq and Syria.

The next day, ISIS claimed responsibility for one of the worst terror attacks in European history, shattering what had been a growing sense of momentum in the global fight against extremists and driving home the frightening ability of ISIS to inspire and possibly coordinate attacks outside their power base in Iraq and in Syria."
Obama declared ISIS 'contained' day before Paris attack -

What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq. And in Syria they'll come in, they'll leave. But you don't see this systematic march by ISIL across the terrain. What we have not yet been able to do is to completely decapitate their command and control structures. We've made some progress in trying to reduce the flow of foreign fighters."

When Obama said "we have contained them," itā€™s within a plainly defined scope: ISISā€™s territorial ambitions in Iraq and Syria.
use the same vetting process for 5,000 Syrian refugees that Bush used for 84,000 Iraqi refugees ... problem solved.
he President, who won the 'Lie of the Year' award for ObamaCare


It was the rhetoric over a specific part of the AHC law.

Btw, did the Republicans ever apologies for their lies of the year claiming it was a Government takeover(2010) or the whopper about "Death Panels" (2009)?

A look back at PolitiFactā€™s Lie of the Year

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Boiling down the complicated health care law to a soundbite proved treacherous, even for its promoter-in-chief. Obama and his team made matters worse, suggesting they had been misunderstood all along. The stunning political uproar led to this: a rare presidential apology.

For all of these reasons, PolitiFact has named "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," the Lie of the Year for 2013. Readers in a separate online poll overwhelmingly agreed with the choice."
[VIDEO]Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

"News - Obama Admits He's a Liar, Apologizes for Lying About ObamaCare!"

Now...clarify: you erroneously claimed that I am a liar, which, as I just proved, I am not.....

....but, did you mean 'liar' as a compliment, as you clearly only vote for and support the liar, Obama?

Should I be thanking you?

You may thank me for pointing out another one of your lies, sure. You're welcome in advance.

I never lie...and I reveal truths you'd rather not be revealed.

This thread is an example of what irks you: you voted for an incompetent ideologue who is about to put all of us in danger.

You always lie and use half truths to embellish the GOP propaganda and talking points. You are a reactionary who does a disservice to our country. Nothing you say irks me. You do however, make me laugh.

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