The Great Divide

We are basking in the afterglow of a once great is being destroyed by the Left.
Here's the proof:

1.It is pointless to debate the conflicting elements of the Left versus the Right because the shock troops of the Left, the government school grads are incapable of such an intellectual endeavor. I guarantee that beyond ā€˜is not,ā€™ or ā€˜sez youā€™ or vulgarity, they cannot defend or even explain what they are supporting.

They donā€™t read books, they donā€™t think, and they are fearful of everā€¦.EVERā€¦questioning, much less confronting, their elites.

Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion.

Manichean as I am, I see no grounds for compromise. Think of this cartoon:

View attachment 351788

2. Can we abide with a regime that only allows words that they endorse? That no longer views the Constitution as the instruction manual for America and Americans? Insists that we no longer live by significant elements of the religion that was instrumental in founding this nation?

No, I canā€™t either.

3. If there is one single example that proves that there is no way for Left and Right to coexist, it is their demand that the concept of family be jettisoned in favor of government.

ā€œLeftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

'The time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it'

For example, the total elimination of "the family."

"We deserve better than the family. And the time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it," wrote radical-feminist activist Sophie Lewis on the website open Democracyā€
Leftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family' - WND

America may have a few decades, possibly a few generations, but they own the schools and the media, and they are the poison pills for society.
Not to forget disbanding the police. Will they send Burn Loot Murder to respond to a school shooting?
It worked in Camden. You right wingers are really uninformed.
We are basking in the afterglow of a once great is being destroyed by the Left.
Here's the proof:

1.It is pointless to debate the conflicting elements of the Left versus the Right because the shock troops of the Left, the government school grads are incapable of such an intellectual endeavor. I guarantee that beyond ā€˜is not,ā€™ or ā€˜sez youā€™ or vulgarity, they cannot defend or even explain what they are supporting.

They donā€™t read books, they donā€™t think, and they are fearful of everā€¦.EVERā€¦questioning, much less confronting, their elites.

Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion.

Manichean as I am, I see no grounds for compromise. Think of this cartoon:

View attachment 351788

2. Can we abide with a regime that only allows words that they endorse? That no longer views the Constitution as the instruction manual for America and Americans? Insists that we no longer live by significant elements of the religion that was instrumental in founding this nation?

No, I canā€™t either.

3. If there is one single example that proves that there is no way for Left and Right to coexist, it is their demand that the concept of family be jettisoned in favor of government.

ā€œLeftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

'The time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it'

For example, the total elimination of "the family."

"We deserve better than the family. And the time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it," wrote radical-feminist activist Sophie Lewis on the website open Democracyā€
Leftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family' - WND

America may have a few decades, possibly a few generations, but they own the schools and the media, and they are the poison pills for society.
Not to forget disbanding the police. Will they send Burn Loot Murder to respond to a school shooting?
It worked in Camden. You right wingers are really uninformed.

We are basking in the afterglow of a once great is being destroyed by the Left.
Here's the proof:

1.It is pointless to debate the conflicting elements of the Left versus the Right because the shock troops of the Left, the government school grads are incapable of such an intellectual endeavor. I guarantee that beyond ā€˜is not,ā€™ or ā€˜sez youā€™ or vulgarity, they cannot defend or even explain what they are supporting.

They donā€™t read books, they donā€™t think, and they are fearful of everā€¦.EVERā€¦questioning, much less confronting, their elites.

Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion.

Manichean as I am, I see no grounds for compromise. Think of this cartoon:

View attachment 351788

2. Can we abide with a regime that only allows words that they endorse? That no longer views the Constitution as the instruction manual for America and Americans? Insists that we no longer live by significant elements of the religion that was instrumental in founding this nation?

No, I canā€™t either.

3. If there is one single example that proves that there is no way for Left and Right to coexist, it is their demand that the concept of family be jettisoned in favor of government.

ā€œLeftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

'The time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it'

For example, the total elimination of "the family."

"We deserve better than the family. And the time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it," wrote radical-feminist activist Sophie Lewis on the website open Democracyā€
Leftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family' - WND

America may have a few decades, possibly a few generations, but they own the schools and the media, and they are the poison pills for society.
Not to forget disbanding the police. Will they send Burn Loot Murder to respond to a school shooting?
It worked in Camden. You right wingers are really uninformed.

"It worked in Camden. You right wingers are really uninformed."

I love it when you put your hoof in your mouth.

"Camden Didnā€™t ā€˜Defund the Policeā€™

"...Camden did not ā€œabolish police,ā€ as some of the more radical voices in the current debate claim, but actually employed more police ā€” and more law enforcement. As the now-retired chief who led the transition explained, understaffing had made his city force a ā€œtriage unit going from emergency to emergency.ā€ Staffing up enabled more proactive policing (including the use of some surveillance tools that civil libertarians consider problematic)."

"....Camdenā€™s force exceeded 400 ā€” a little over 50 cops per 10,000 residents, about triple the national average for similarly sized cities."

Tell does it feel to be an imbecile???

....I have no experience in that area.......but it appears to be your area of expertise....I suppose practice makes perfect.
Pick any element that is representative of America's values, traditions, and heritage......and the Democrat Party/Leftists/Liberals are opposed to it.

They revile religion, and of course, marriage and family are corollary to religion.

ā€œBarrā€™s recent speech attacking secular liberals is a somewhat different case: Edsall is right that it represents a more simplistic and partisan take, a view from 1980 that blames social liberalism for family breakdown without much nuance and doesnā€™t take enough account of social, economic and religious trends since. And Barr speaks for plenty of Republicans, which is why Rubio and Hawley have taken a lot of fire for their attempt at a new pro-family synthesis, in previews of post-Trump debates to come.

ā€¦the rightā€™s why-marriage-declined story is presently contested, complicated, interesting and possibly getting closer to the necessarily complex truth.
Are liberals against marriage? | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

To be a Progressive in good standing, one must oppose all of the values, attitudes and beliefs that made Western Civilization the shining ā€˜city on the hill.ā€™

Like marriage and family.
For those on the Left, the intellectually blind, who scoff at the idea of neo-Marxism dictating these items:
Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie." Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...

After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.Read more: The Abolition of the Family
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With this:
Leftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

'The time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it'

They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.
While you have stated your case to vote against a party you have not built a case to vote for a party.
While you have stated your case to vote against a party you have not built a case to vote for a party.

Vote for whom so ever you wish.

That't the reason to vote Republican.

Compare it to this:

"Biden: 'If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black'"
We are basking in the afterglow of a once great is being destroyed by the Left.
Here's the proof:

1.It is pointless to debate the conflicting elements of the Left versus the Right because the shock troops of the Left, the government school grads are incapable of such an intellectual endeavor. I guarantee that beyond ā€˜is not,ā€™ or ā€˜sez youā€™ or vulgarity, they cannot defend or even explain what they are supporting.

They donā€™t read books, they donā€™t think, and they are fearful of everā€¦.EVERā€¦questioning, much less confronting, their elites.

Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion.

Manichean as I am, I see no grounds for compromise. Think of this cartoon:

View attachment 351788

2. Can we abide with a regime that only allows words that they endorse? That no longer views the Constitution as the instruction manual for America and Americans? Insists that we no longer live by significant elements of the religion that was instrumental in founding this nation?

No, I canā€™t either.

3. If there is one single example that proves that there is no way for Left and Right to coexist, it is their demand that the concept of family be jettisoned in favor of government.

ā€œLeftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

'The time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it'

For example, the total elimination of "the family."

"We deserve better than the family. And the time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it," wrote radical-feminist activist Sophie Lewis on the website open Democracyā€
Leftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family' - WND

America may have a few decades, possibly a few generations, but they own the schools and the media, and they are the poison pills for society.

"The Real Story of Black Lives Matter -- Marxist, Anti-Family Radicals

ā€œTwo of three Black Lives Matter founders identify as queer,ā€ according to ABC News. The BLM positions reflect that, claiming to ā€œfoster a queerā€affirming networkā€ and opposing ā€œthe tight grip of heteronormative thinking.ā€ The organization vows to ā€œdo the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege.ā€ Thatā€™s all leftist code for an anti-family agenda.

But the organization gets more specific: ā€œWe disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.ā€ They want ā€œextended families and ā€˜villagesā€™ā€ to raise your children. It takes a village, not parents."
We are basking in the afterglow of a once great is being destroyed by the Left.
Here's the proof:

1.It is pointless to debate the conflicting elements of the Left versus the Right because the shock troops of the Left, the government school grads are incapable of such an intellectual endeavor. I guarantee that beyond ā€˜is not,ā€™ or ā€˜sez youā€™ or vulgarity, they cannot defend or even explain what they are supporting.

They donā€™t read books, they donā€™t think, and they are fearful of everā€¦.EVERā€¦questioning, much less confronting, their elites.

Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion.

Manichean as I am, I see no grounds for compromise. Think of this cartoon:

View attachment 351788

2. Can we abide with a regime that only allows words that they endorse? That no longer views the Constitution as the instruction manual for America and Americans? Insists that we no longer live by significant elements of the religion that was instrumental in founding this nation?

No, I canā€™t either.

3. If there is one single example that proves that there is no way for Left and Right to coexist, it is their demand that the concept of family be jettisoned in favor of government.

ā€œLeftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

'The time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it'

For example, the total elimination of "the family."

"We deserve better than the family. And the time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it," wrote radical-feminist activist Sophie Lewis on the website open Democracyā€
Leftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family' - WND

America may have a few decades, possibly a few generations, but they own the schools and the media, and they are the poison pills for society.

"Former NFL star Marcellus Wiley .... a graduate of Columbia University, said he believes most people havenā€™t read Black Lives Matterā€™s stated positions.

ā€œTwo things: My family structure is so vital[ly] important to me,ā€ Wiley said. ā€œNot only the one I grew up in but the one I am trying to create right now. Being a father and a husband ā€” that's my mission in life right now. How do I reconcile that with this mission statement that says, ā€˜We dismantle the patriarchal practice. We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.ā€™ā€

Wiley said there were statistics showing that children from two-parent homes are more likely to succeed and less likely to commit crimes.

ā€œChildren from single-parent homes versus two-parent homes: The children from the single-parent homes ā ā€” this was in 1995 I was reading this. Five times more likely to commit suicide. Six times more likely to be in poverty. Nine times more likely to drop out of high school. Ten times more likely to abuse chemical substances. Fourteen times more likely to commit rape. Twenty times more likely to end up in prison, and 32 times more likely to run away from home," he said."
"We are proud of the factā€” that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, and we understand ā€”ā€” that these values have dramatically advanced the cause of peace and justice throughout the world.

We know that the American family is the bedrock of American life.

We recognize the solemn right and moral duty of every nation to secure its borders. And we are building the wall.

We remember that governments exist to protect the safety and happiness of their own people. A nation must care for its own citizens first. We must take care of America first. Itā€™s time.

We believe in equal opportunity, equal justice, and equal treatment for citizens of every race, background, religion, and creed. Every child, of every color ā€” born and unborn ā€” is made in the holy image of God. We want free and open debate, not speech codes and cancel culture.

We embrace tolerance, not prejudice.

We support the courageous men and women of law enforcement. We will never abolish our police or our great Second Amendment, which gives us the right to keep and bear arms.

We believe that our children should be taught to love their country, honor our history, and respect our great American flag.

We stand tall, we stand proud, and we only kneel to Almighty God.

This is who we are. This is what we believe."
We are basking in the afterglow of a once great is being destroyed by the Left.
Here's the proof:

1.It is pointless to debate the conflicting elements of the Left versus the Right because the shock troops of the Left, the government school grads are incapable of such an intellectual endeavor. I guarantee that beyond ā€˜is not,ā€™ or ā€˜sez youā€™ or vulgarity, they cannot defend or even explain what they are supporting.

They donā€™t read books, they donā€™t think, and they are fearful of everā€¦.EVERā€¦questioning, much less confronting, their elites.

Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion.

Manichean as I am, I see no grounds for compromise. Think of this cartoon:

View attachment 351788

2. Can we abide with a regime that only allows words that they endorse? That no longer views the Constitution as the instruction manual for America and Americans? Insists that we no longer live by significant elements of the religion that was instrumental in founding this nation?

No, I canā€™t either.

3. If there is one single example that proves that there is no way for Left and Right to coexist, it is their demand that the concept of family be jettisoned in favor of government.

ā€œLeftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

'The time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it'

For example, the total elimination of "the family."

"We deserve better than the family. And the time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it," wrote radical-feminist activist Sophie Lewis on the website open Democracyā€
Leftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family' - WND

America may have a few decades, possibly a few generations, but they own the schools and the media, and they are the poison pills for society.
You are truly screwed up. Did white people make that much fun of you growing up to make you hate yourself so badly?

We are basking in the afterglow of a once great is being destroyed by the Left.
Here's the proof:

1.It is pointless to debate the conflicting elements of the Left versus the Right because the shock troops of the Left, the government school grads are incapable of such an intellectual endeavor. I guarantee that beyond ā€˜is not,ā€™ or ā€˜sez youā€™ or vulgarity, they cannot defend or even explain what they are supporting.

They donā€™t read books, they donā€™t think, and they are fearful of everā€¦.EVERā€¦questioning, much less confronting, their elites.

Succinctly put, we can no longer look to shared American values with a party opposes free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one's religion.

Manichean as I am, I see no grounds for compromise. Think of this cartoon:

View attachment 351788

2. Can we abide with a regime that only allows words that they endorse? That no longer views the Constitution as the instruction manual for America and Americans? Insists that we no longer live by significant elements of the religion that was instrumental in founding this nation?

No, I canā€™t either.

3. If there is one single example that proves that there is no way for Left and Right to coexist, it is their demand that the concept of family be jettisoned in favor of government.

ā€œLeftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

'The time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it'

For example, the total elimination of "the family."

"We deserve better than the family. And the time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it," wrote radical-feminist activist Sophie Lewis on the website open Democracyā€
Leftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family' - WND

America may have a few decades, possibly a few generations, but they own the schools and the media, and they are the poison pills for society.

"Smithsonian Pushes Racist Material Claiming ā€˜White Cultureā€™ Is ā€˜Nuclear Family,ā€™ ā€˜Self-Reliance,ā€™ Being ā€˜Politeā€™

JULY 15, 2020 By Jordan Davidson
The National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC) is promoting material about ā€œwhitenessā€ and ā€œwhite cultureā€ on its website in an effort to ā€œdiscuss race, equity, and inclusion.ā€

ā€œWhiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color.

...ā€œcommon characteristics of most U.S. White people most of the time.ā€

Some of these ā€œcommon characteristicsā€ include ā€œmaster and control nature,ā€ ā€œaggressiveness and extroversion,ā€ ā€œheavy value on ownership of goods, space, property,ā€ ā€œsteak and potatoes; ā€˜bland is bestā€™,ā€ ā€œanything other than Judeo ā€“ Christian tradition is foreign,ā€ and ā€œno tolerance for deviation from single god concept.ā€

How long will normal people put up with this outrage???????
ā€œLeftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

Yes, elliminate the family by making schoolchilren attend lessons from their own homes. Brilliant! :laughing0301:

Let's reveal even more of the insanity and destruction of Western Civilization that you support.

ā€˜Nuclear Family,ā€™ ā€˜Self-Reliance,ā€™ Being ā€˜Politeā€™

JULY 15, 2020 By Jordan Davidson
The National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC) is promoting material about ā€œwhitenessā€ and ā€œwhite cultureā€ on its website in an effort to ā€œdiscuss race, equity, and inclusion.ā€

ā€œWhiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color.

...ā€œcommon characteristics of most U.S. White people most of the time.ā€

Some of these ā€œcommon characteristicsā€ include ā€œmaster and control nature,ā€ ā€œaggressiveness and extroversion,ā€ ā€œheavy value on ownership of goods, space, property,ā€ ā€œsteak and potatoes; ā€˜bland is bestā€™,ā€ ā€œanything other than Judeo ā€“ Christian tradition is foreign,ā€ and ā€œno tolerance for deviation from single god concept.ā€

How long will normal people put up with this outrage???????
ā€œLeftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

Yes, elliminate the family by making schoolchilren attend lessons from their own homes. Brilliant! :laughing0301:

Let's reveal even more of the insanity and destruction of Western Civilization that you support.

ā€˜Nuclear Family,ā€™ ā€˜Self-Reliance,ā€™ Being ā€˜Politeā€™

JULY 15, 2020 By Jordan Davidson
The National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC) is promoting material about ā€œwhitenessā€ and ā€œwhite cultureā€ on its website in an effort to ā€œdiscuss race, equity, and inclusion.ā€

ā€œWhiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color.

...ā€œcommon characteristics of most U.S. White people most of the time.ā€

Some of these ā€œcommon characteristicsā€ include ā€œmaster and control nature,ā€ ā€œaggressiveness and extroversion,ā€ ā€œheavy value on ownership of goods, space, property,ā€ ā€œsteak and potatoes; ā€˜bland is bestā€™,ā€ ā€œanything other than Judeo ā€“ Christian tradition is foreign,ā€ and ā€œno tolerance for deviation from single god concept.ā€

How long will normal people put up with this outrage???????

It seems that you are just trying to distract from the fact thar you just...

ā€œLeftist: Let's use coronavirus to eliminate 'the family'

Yes, elliminate the family by making schoolchilren attend lessons from their own homes. Brilliant! :laughing0301:

Let's reveal even more of the insanity and destruction of Western Civilization that you support.

ā€˜Nuclear Family,ā€™ ā€˜Self-Reliance,ā€™ Being ā€˜Politeā€™

JULY 15, 2020 By Jordan Davidson
The National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC) is promoting material about ā€œwhitenessā€ and ā€œwhite cultureā€ on its website in an effort to ā€œdiscuss race, equity, and inclusion.ā€

ā€œWhiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color.

...ā€œcommon characteristics of most U.S. White people most of the time.ā€

Some of these ā€œcommon characteristicsā€ include ā€œmaster and control nature,ā€ ā€œaggressiveness and extroversion,ā€ ā€œheavy value on ownership of goods, space, property,ā€ ā€œsteak and potatoes; ā€˜bland is bestā€™,ā€ ā€œanything other than Judeo ā€“ Christian tradition is foreign,ā€ and ā€œno tolerance for deviation from single god concept.ā€

How long will normal people put up with this outrage???????

It seems that you are just trying to distract from the fact thar you just...

View attachment 363825

ā€˜supercomputer ā€˜will have human-level artificial intelligenceā€™ in just 5 yearsā€

you can hold on for a few more yearsā€¦.

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