The Great Gibson Guitar Raid. Months Later and STILL No Charges Filed

It's expropriation of private property, you fucking moron.

Have you ever heard of something called "a fair trial?" Ever hear of the 5th Amendment?

Why is it that libturds never have a problem with bureaucrats behaving like Nazis and utterly trashing the Constitution?

No, there's a whole list of trade agreements and regulations that Gibson obviously didn't comply with. Shame on them.

Not working up a whole lot of sympathy here.

What's "obvious" about it? The evidence indicates they didn't violate jack. Furthermore, that doesn't change the fact that the government can't take your property without due process, but you don't give a damn about trivialities like the Bill of Rights, do you, moron?

You're the kind of despicable idiot who lived in Germany before the war and had no problem with the government hauling Jews off to the concentration camp because they made more money than you did.
Stalin butchered between 65 and 130 million - what would your goal be, of your fellow Americans to murder?

Fuking right wing whack jobs. Going from a guitar company that violated a law they were aware of to Stalin killing millions.

Fuking stupid right wing wackers. No wonder people think you all are crazy. You are.
As someone who purchases material for manufacturing for a living, if the issue here was the wood didn't meet standards, just buy some wood that does until the status of the material is resolved.

Are you saying that Gibson Guitars is so under-capitalized they can't take a loss on material? Most companies have to do that all the time.

This is the second time they've been cited for this. The first time, they should have changed their procedures to keep this from ever happening again.

It's not about wood meeting standards. It's about who performs the labor. Obama wants Gibson to manufacture in India and Madagascar. Gibson says they are an American company and they manufacture in America.

I take it you don't play the guitar. I do and I own several Gibsons, Fenders, Ibanez and Taylor. The sound of the instrument starts in the wood. Who puts it together is crucial.

Federal employees at gunpoint made Gibson employees leave factories. Really? THAT was needed.

If you own a Taylor, then you would have been reading Wood and Steel. And Bob Taylor has no problem at all with following the guidelines that have been established for tone woods coming from around the world.

I love Gibsons and have a couple. That still does not mean they shouldn't have been following the law that, evidently they were aware of, having problems with this issue previously.

But drawn guns was a bit much. And not charging them or dropping the case is wrong.

But it is not the end of US manufacturing of Gibson guitars. You can still buy Gibsons.
I hate to break it to you, but Gibson has been building some of their guitars outside of the US for a long time. Most US guitar builders have a manufacturing facility somewhere besides the USA.

But you knew that. You just wanted a shot at Obama.
As someone who purchases material for manufacturing for a living, if the issue here was the wood didn't meet standards, just buy some wood that does until the status of the material is resolved.

Are you saying that Gibson Guitars is so under-capitalized they can't take a loss on material? Most companies have to do that all the time.

This is the second time they've been cited for this. The first time, they should have changed their procedures to keep this from ever happening again.

It's not about wood meeting standards. It's about who performs the labor. Obama wants Gibson to manufacture in India and Madagascar. Gibson says they are an American company and they manufacture in America.

I take it you don't play the guitar. I do and I own several Gibsons, Fenders, Ibanez and Taylor. The sound of the instrument starts in the wood. Who puts it together is crucial.

Federal employees at gunpoint made Gibson employees leave factories. Really? THAT was needed.


The Department of Justice came out and told Gibson that all their problems would be over if they left the country.

DOJ Advises Gibson Guitar to Export Labor to Madagascar | RedState

In an interview with KMJ AM’s “The Chris Daniel Show,” Juszkiewicz revealed some startling information.

CHRIS DANIEL: Mr. Juszkiewicz, did an agent of the US government suggest to you that your problems would go away if you used Madagascar labor instead of American labor?

HENRY JUSZKIEWICZ: They actually wrote that in a pleading.

CHRIS DANIEL: Excuse me?

HENRY JUSKIEWICZ: They actually wrote that it a pleading.

CHRIS DANIEL: That your problems would go away if you used Madagascar labor instead of our labor?

So Obama invented incomprehensible government bueracracies? Or is he just the first president who hasn't been able to wipe them all out?
There are plenty of REAL issues to address - you simply destroy your credibility when you try to claim this as a partisan issue.
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CHRIS DANIEL: Mr. Juszkiewicz, did an agent of the US government suggest to you that your problems would go away if you used Madagascar labor instead of American labor?

HENRY JUSZKIEWICZ: They actually wrote that in a pleading.

CHRIS DANIEL: Excuse me?

HENRY JUSKIEWICZ: They actually wrote that it a pleading.

CHRIS DANIEL: That your problems would go away if you used Madagascar labor instead of our labor?


I am sure he retained a copy of that document. Or his lawyer did. Why does he not produce it?
Gibson Guitar



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they sure do seem to fuck with companies they don't lie.. wassamatter? Gibson ain't union?

Remember these names when you go to the polls.
If obama can force more companies out of the country, then he can claim republican companies are leaving the country to make a profit elsewhere.
Good God some of you people are fucking stupid. How did you get this stupid? Pills?

Gibson has been building their low line guitars out of the country for a long time. Gibson still exists. They still build their high end guitars here. Gibson still exists. They have a CEO that wanted to play in the political arena and is getting his ass kicked. His mistake.
Fuking right wing whack jobs. Going from a guitar company that violated a law they were aware of to Stalin killing millions.

Fuking stupid right wing wackers. No wonder people think you all are crazy. You are.

Fucking leftists, so dedicated to making America a third world country that you attack any American made product, even Gibson.

Why don't you just outlaw business and be done with it?

If you own a Taylor, then you would have been reading Wood and Steel. And Bob Taylor has no problem at all with following the guidelines that have been established for tone woods coming from around the world.

I love Gibsons and have a couple. That still does not mean they shouldn't have been following the law that, evidently they were aware of, having problems with this issue previously.

But drawn guns was a bit much. And not charging them or dropping the case is wrong.

But it is not the end of US manufacturing of Gibson guitars. You can still buy Gibsons.

Do you agree with Obama that no product should be made in America, and the if anyone tries to make a product here, he will send his goons to shut them down?
So Obama invented incomprehensible government bueracracies? Or is he just the first president who hasn't been able to wipe them all out?
There are plenty of REAL issues to address - you simply destroy your credibility when you try to claim this as a partisan issue.

Obama is on a "Seek and Destroy" mission against any and all American manufacturing.
Good God some of you people are fucking stupid. How did you get this stupid? Pills?

Gibson has been building their low line guitars out of the country for a long time. Gibson still exists. They still build their high end guitars here.

And your little tin god is doing everything within and outside the law to put an end to that.

Obama, dedicated to putting Americans out of work.

Gibson still exists.

Obama is working hard to change that.

Obama, crushing the American dream - one business at a time.

They have a CEO that wanted to play in the political arena and is getting his ass kicked. His mistake.

They have a CEO who wants to runs a profitable, American company. Obama and the left will have none of that.

Obama, putting America out of work since 2009.
It's a well known fact that Obama is a Communist.

What's not so well known is that he's also an undercover agent for Fender.
Obama is in the business of putting America out of business.

Outsource, or go to prison - the Obama economic plan.
It's a well known fact that Obama is a Communist.

What's not so well known is that he's also an undercover agent for Fender.

Fender still makes some guitars in America - Obama will be raiding them soon, too.

Obama is in the business of putting America out of business.

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