The Great Global Pushback

Not un-vetted you dumb OX. There are no recources to vet 4 million per year, house and feed. You pay for it Mr. Rockefeller.
There's plenty of resources that's why it continues to happen, moron. Imagine telling someone that something that is ongoing is impossible..... :laugh:

All of you are fucking stupid. :lmao:
A step toward a return to normalcy.

To todays left wing “Far right” means rejecting the ideas that a man can get pregnant or that a homeless white is privileged.

Also working people in the USA and elsewhere enjoyed a much much better economy under Trump.
Oh horse shit, if you are doing bad it's yer own fault.
The minute Mac gets over his TDS and returns to the rational poster he once was I'll stop whining.

I do note your red herrings and ad hominems though

What will it take for you to return to being the rational poster you once were?
You loved Trump and his record setting debt accumulation.

I despise the Stain for killing the Country late 2019 by launching, spreading and using Fauchi virus to cheat 2020 Election. Nothing you criminals wont stoop to.
Why is it all the folks I know are doing fine but not you?

I'm doing great because we bought our house 20 years ago. My kids, both with professional, degreed jobs and in their 20s, cannot even look at buying a house. They can barely afford rent (and no, they don't live with us).

No one in their generation is able to get close to the "American dream". If you want to argue with that, go find 10 Gen Z people and argue with them. Whatever you're doing, it's not working.
I'm doing great because we bought our house 20 years ago. My kids, both with professional, degreed jobs and in their 20s, cannot even look at buying a house. They can barely afford rent (and no, they don't live with us).

No one in their generation is able to get close to the "American dream". If you want to argue with that, go find 10 Gen Z people and argue with them. Whatever you're doing, it's not working.
My gen z kids all have homes all the way to my gen x kids. My home burned down in February and I am finding all kinds of affordable homes to buy along with land.
It would be (very) wrong to look at other important parts of the world right now, and not draw some possible parallels.

Seems (to me) that those parallels are pretty clear: A pushback against what is perceived as anti-nationalism (or, the dilution of nations by immigration and cultural norms). And to get more specific, it's immigration without expectation/requirements of assimilation. There are other issues as well, mostly centering around cultural topics.

We can pretend this isn't happening, or we can consider the possibility that there is a significant number of people who feel this way. To ignore it would be a mistake. To mock it would be a mistake. To attack and punish it would CONTINUE to be a mistake.

Seems to me the concerns are reasonable, even if they are advanced in (very) counterproductive ways. THIS is REAL.


Europe only knows two things, Nazism and communism

That is their only choices.

So, which is worse? Nazism is hated universally, mainly because they lost the war and obviously evil, but communism helped defeat Nazism, therefore, it is far more popular even though Marxism has murdered hundreds of millions more over the last century than Nazism.

Choices, choices, choices.

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