
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
I’m watching “The Great Hack” documentary and am simply amazed at the entire mindset of the left. It is flawed from start to finish.

For starters, it's painfully obvious right from the beginning that the people involved with the movie are outraged that Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton when they felt it was "her turn" to be President. As such, they feel a deep commitment to figure out what happened and how to prevent it from ever happening again.

And that is where their first problem begins. The "cause" of the Republican victory was the way the Trump campaign (led by Brad Parscale) insightfully and brilliantly leveraged data analytics to reach key voters in key states. Which is, of course, 100% legal and 100% ethical. And yet, the documentary is all about the left fighting to eliminate leveraging information/data (you can't make this stuff up).

From there though, it only gets more bizarre. Next they claim that our personal data was "stolen". Except they do so immediately after stating how people have placed all of their private information, views, thoughts, etc. online to the world for free in social media. So first they accidentally admit nothing was "stolen", then they try to convince you that President Trump won because data was "stolen". :eusa_doh:

Its at this point they read a newspaper article which states how social media had the best intentions but that it was now being "used for harm". You get that? A Republican (who would create record-low unemployment, record market highs, restore constitutional government, and not have a single war on his watch) winning an election is "harm" according to this "documentary" (ie propaganda).

The entire propaganda piece is a peak behind the curtain into the mind of the fascist left. If they lose, they will try to legislate whatever they attribute the loss to, out of existence. And they will build volumes of propaganda in a desperate attempt to to garner support for their unconstitutional/unethical legislation.

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