The Great Imam that was a blind orphan !

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Many years ago in Uzbekistan, a baby boy was born
had lost his sight in his days as a youth,
and his mother used to pray to Allah vigorously for the return of her son’s sight.
One night in her dream, she saw the Prophet Ibrahim, upon whom be peace, who told her that Allah had accepted her prayers because of her tears in them in front of Allah and her son’s sight would be return’.

When the child awoke in the morning, his eyesight had returned.

[Tahrikh Ibn Kathir, under biography of Imam Bukhari, and Muqadimah Fath al Bari, biography of Imam Bukhari]

He traveled to distant villages in search of the most authentic sayings of Rasul Allah (pbuh). He would pray two raka’at before accepting a hadith. His mother named him: Muhammad ibn Isma’il. And many of us know him today by the book he compiled, the book that stands after the Quran in authenticity: Saheeh Al-Imam Al-Bukhari!

His name, ‘Abu Abdillah Muhammad Ibn Ismail Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Al-Mughirah Ibn Bardizbah Al-Bukhari.’ He was born on 13 Shawwal 194 AH / 810 CE after the Jumuah Salaah in Bukhara in the territory of Khurasan (West Turkistan).

Ismail, the father of Imam Bukhari, died during the Imam’s childhood leaving him along with a brother and sister in the care of his mother, where he was nourished with love and care.

On many occasions al-Bukhari’s learning was put to severe tests, of a kind often favoured by rigorous scholars of the time, and he seems always to have emerged with credit.

At Baghdad, ten hadeeth scholars changed the chains of narration and contents of a hundred ahaadeeth, recited them to al-Bukhari at a public meeting, and asked him questions about them. Al-Bukhari confessed his ignorance of the ahaadeeth that they had recited. But then he recited the correct versions of all the ahaadeeth concerned, and said that probably his questioners had inadvertently recited them wrongly.

At Samarqand, four hundred students tested al-Bukhari’s knowledge in the same way, and he succeeded in exposing their interpolations. At Neesaaboor, Muslim, the author of another famous Saheeh, together with others, asked al-Bukhari questions about certain ahaadeeth, and found his answers completely satisfactory. In many scholarly gatherings he successfully identified some of the obscurer early hadeeth narrators in a way which had eluded the other scholars present.

These repeated trials and triumphs won him recognition as the greatest hadeeth scholar of his time by all the major authorities with whom he came in contact, including Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, ‘Alee Ibn al-Madeenee, Abu Bakar Ibn Abee Shaybah, Ishaaq Ibn Raahawayh, and others.
More about Bukhari:
Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah)
Blind Orphan to Imam
You do realize that his mother was alive, thus he wasnt an orphan.... right?
Yateem (يَتِيم): Someone who is under the age of puberty and who’s father has passed away. Even if their mother is still alive, they’re yateem if their father is not; and once they hit puberty, they’re not yateem anymore, and all the rulings etc. change. Merely translated as orphan. If he lost his mother too, we specify: Yateem father and mother.

The word Yateem was mentioned in Surat Alduhah ,Allah says:
فَأَمَّا الْيَتِيمَ فَلَا تَقْهَرْ
وَأَمَّا السَّائِلَ فَلَا تَنْهَرْ
وَأَمَّا بِنِعْمَةِ رَبِّكَ فَحَدِّثْ
Translation: So as for the orphan, do not oppress [him]. And as for the asker, do not repel [him]. And as for the favor of your Lord, report [it].
I recently realized that
اليتيم هو الذي يموت أبوه والعجي الذي تموت أمه واللطيم الذي يموت أبواه.
Yateem--lost father
Lateem--lost both parents
3agi--lost mother

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