The Great Negotiator


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
In the middle of a negotiation for Tax cuts and Tax Reform Trump tweets that the talk about cuts to 401K's will not be part of the plan. Did he just take away some leverage from the Republicans negotiating position? Can anybody explain how the great negotiator is helping his party get this thing done with these public tweets? Is this another 4am "emotion over intellect" Twitter outburst?

Donald J. Trump


There will be NO change to your 401(k). This has always been a great and popular middle class tax break that works, and it stays!

4:42 AM - Oct 23, 2017
In the middle of a negotiation for Tax cuts and Tax Reform Trump tweets that the talk about cuts to 401K's will not be part of the plan. Did he just take away some leverage from the Republicans negotiating position? Can anybody explain how the great negotiator is helping his party get this thing done with these public tweets? Is this another 4am "emotion over intellect" Twitter outburst?

Donald J. Trump


There will be NO change to your 401(k). This has always been a great and popular middle class tax break that works, and it stays!

4:42 AM - Oct 23, 2017
Or maybe he already used that leverage? Who knows
So Trump wants to tax contributions to 401's now?
No, he said they wouldn't be touched... Which is great and obviously a good idea... I"m just bringing up the negotiating strategy. He apparently undercut a bargaining chip that his party had in the negotiations
Protecting people's 401k. That Bastage!
Im not talking about the act of protecting the 401k's... i'm talking about the negotiating strategy. Do you think the public tweet helped, hurt, or had no impact on the negotiations that his party is undertaking in their tax reform efforts?
So Trump wants to tax contributions to 401's now?
No, he said they wouldn't be touched... Which is great and obviously a good idea... I"m just bringing up the negotiating strategy. He apparently undercut a bargaining chip that his party had in the negotiations
It's already tax deferred....What else could go wrong? Oh yeah, no FDIC on the funds...
So Trump wants to tax contributions to 401's now?

Actually, part of the GOP tax plan was to reduce the non taxable cap on 401 contributions for retirement accounts from 18,000/year to 2,400/year. If they did that, people would not save as much for retirement and the stock markets would really hate it as well.

Trump had to tweet that out because that part of the tax plan leaked out and he is trying to save face.

However..................I'll bet the GOP puts it in the tax plan anyway, it generates too much tax revenue they can then use to give tax breaks to the wealthy.
So Trump wants to tax contributions to 401's now?

Actually, part of the GOP tax plan was to reduce the non taxable cap on 401 contributions for retirement accounts from 18,000/year to 2,400/year. If they did that, people would not save as much for retirement and the stock markets would really hate it as well.

Trump had to tweet that out because that part of the tax plan leaked out and he is trying to save face.

However..................I'll bet the GOP puts it in the tax plan anyway, it generates too much tax revenue they can then use to give tax breaks to the wealthy.
Congress also screwed with our pay for working jobs that pay prevailing wage......Sorry dipshats..
So Trump wants to tax contributions to 401's now?
No, he said they wouldn't be touched... Which is great and obviously a good idea... I"m just bringing up the negotiating strategy. He apparently undercut a bargaining chip that his party had in the negotiations
It's already tax deferred....What else could go wrong? Oh yeah, no FDIC on the funds...
Again, i'm talking about the negotiation tactic...
You know Slade, I think this is gonna hurt his getting the tax plan done by the end of the year. Now that the GOP knows Trump is against their main way of generating revenue so that they could give tax breaks to the wealthy, they will probably try to figure out how to end run around him, which will result in a lengthy delay in getting the tax plan through.
He didn't get where he is today by negotiating poorly....

His style of bullying and name calling may have worked for his business deals, but his style does NOT work very well when it comes to running the country.

How many bills has he signed into law again?

And..............although the prototypes for the border wall are almost completed, there is no funding for it.

The ACA is still in effect.

Yeah, he got a SCOTUS in office, but that is about it.
He didn't get where he is today by negotiating poorly....
Business is very different that public service. When you have millions of dollars and a lawyer joined at your hip you can get a long way through brute force tactics.
In the middle of a negotiation for Tax cuts and Tax Reform Trump tweets that the talk about cuts to 401K's will not be part of the plan. Did he just take away some leverage from the Republicans negotiating position? Can anybody explain how the great negotiator is helping his party get this thing done with these public tweets? Is this another 4am "emotion over intellect" Twitter outburst?

Donald J. Trump


There will be NO change to your 401(k). This has always been a great and popular middle class tax break that works, and it stays!

4:42 AM - Oct 23, 2017
Non negotiable.

Fantastic communication.
He didn't get where he is today by negotiating poorly....
Business is very different that public service. When you have millions of dollars and a lawyer joined at your hip you can get a long way through brute force tactics.

Yep, when you own your own business, you can fire or hire people as you see fit, do business with other companies or not, as you see fit.

Only problem is, you can't fire congress people as president, and, you have to figure out how to work with other countries, even those you don't like.
In the middle of a negotiation for Tax cuts and Tax Reform Trump tweets that the talk about cuts to 401K's will not be part of the plan. Did he just take away some leverage from the Republicans negotiating position? Can anybody explain how the great negotiator is helping his party get this thing done with these public tweets? Is this another 4am "emotion over intellect" Twitter outburst?

Donald J. Trump


There will be NO change to your 401(k). This has always been a great and popular middle class tax break that works, and it stays!

4:42 AM - Oct 23, 2017

Too bad The Hag didn't win huh?



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