The Great RW myth about the Founders' meaning of 'Republic'.

We have never been a democracy. I figure you'll never learn that, but it always amuses Me to correct you when you're wrong.

We are a democracy, with some undemocratic imperfections.
Did you take your Xanax today? You know you're not supposed to skip any doses.

What's remarkable about you is, you NEVER manage to say anything intelligent. It's like batting 1.000.

One would think that at some point you might ACCIDENTLY say something intelligent, but even that doesn't happen.

You're a marvel in that sense.
You wouldn't know intelligent if it hit you on your pointy head. When you says something worthy of a thoughtful reply, I'll let you know so that you don't miss it.

^^^^ Pixelated methane. If it wasn't for cheap shots you'd have no shots at all.
Acurate assessments of the person I'm laughing at is not even close to a cheap shot. I've known the racist Carby for a long time and understand the lengths and depths he's willing to lie. Don't worry about him, he'll take a pill and tomorrow think he's actually won something and onto something worth pursuing.
Seeing as it is the rule by the majority...

NYCarbineer, you are again talking way beyond your depth. You should not attempt adult stuff, it is too complicated for you.

So the majority is incapable of passing a law that guarantees your right to own a gun, that is what you're saying.

Let's hear you prove that.

What the hell are you even talking about? Where did the gun issue appear? I understand you have to pull stuff right out of your ass, as your brain is just not smart enough to provide you with anything worthwhile.

USA is a republic, deal with it.

You say a democracy cannot protect minority rights. Gun ownership is potentially a minority right.

Tell us why a democracy cannot protect that right, by law.

A Democracy can that only own a gun and all other races can't, and it would be legal.

Slavery was legal in our REPUBLIC for 80 years or thereabouts.

"A democracy [is] the only pure republic,but impracticable beyond the limits of a town." --Thomas Jefferson to Isaac H. Tiffany, 1816. ME 15:65

Don't even try.

""I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times..."
Jefferson to H. Tompkinson (AKA Samuel Kercheval), July 12, 1816
You wouldn't know intelligent if it hit you on your pointy head. When you says something worthy of a thoughtful reply, I'll let you know so that you don't miss it.

So that's your excuse for only making thoughtless posts in this thread?

You have it all wrong. I, and the others, are the only ones making thoughtful, intelligent posts. You are trying to rewrite history as part of a temper tantrum that you can't have your way. You are seeking to subvert the Constitution for your own selfish purposes.

Now, say something intelligent or just give it up.

No, I am compiling a long list of conservatives who insist our system of government is UNDEMOCRATIC,

and they are very pleased that it is so.
You're compiling no such thing. Because the only way you could even get a first result is to rewrite what our system of government actually is. Since there are over 230+ years that prove you wrong, you go on ahead with your bad self and knock yourself out.

You yourself have said we don't have a democratic government. You yourself insist we have some sort of Republic that cannot be equated to a democracy,

therefore it must be undemocratic.

I said we are not a democracy. If you don't know the difference, then you're not worth talking to until you calm down.
And I see the brains of the RW operation has already trolled in before even reading it.

Such is the intellect of the USMB right.
Considering your past posts can you blame them?
Usually you try to take a ridiculous position and then attempt to prove it with nothing but opinion.

I posted verbatim verified quotes. In our country those are considered factual.

Out of context quotes can often be misleading, why didn't you post the complete letters, so people could understand the real meaning?

Why don't you go find the letters, and prove that they contain context that reverses the meaning of what I posted.

It's on you to prove relevance to your non-point.
Like I said, the OP can't read (with understanding), his own quotes. TRY to understand this. TJ makes it pretty clear to the rest of us:
"A democracy [is] the only pure republic, but impracticable beyond the limits of a town." --Thomas Jefferson to Isaac H. Tiffany, 1816. ME 15:65

THIS is why we have the EC.

STATES (not people) elect the President.

The People vote their choice on a state-by-state basis. This ensures the interests of the STATE be recognized rather than the MOB (pure majority).

Pleas try to think this thru. It's really not that difficult if you have an OPEN MIND.

So you're a contemporary socialist, got it. You think individuals have no rights and are just considered part of a mob. You are a total waste of time. Everyone's individual time.
Conservatives rail against 'direct democracy' constantly, EXCEPT that once in awhile when direct democracy does something they like,

and then OMG they love it!!!

Classic example, the California Prop 8 referendum. Referendums such as those in CA are in fact 'direct democracy'.

Did conservatives call that 'mob rule'? No they thought it was the best thing ever.

When a judge then ruled against it, did they cheer that as an example of 'checks and balances' to protect the minority against tyranny of the majority?

No, they threw a fit.

That's how having no principles works.
lots of liberals in cal thought prop 8 was great too,thats why it passed....
We are a democracy, with some undemocratic imperfections.
Did you take your Xanax today? You know you're not supposed to skip any doses.

What's remarkable about you is, you NEVER manage to say anything intelligent. It's like batting 1.000.

One would think that at some point you might ACCIDENTLY say something intelligent, but even that doesn't happen.

You're a marvel in that sense.
You wouldn't know intelligent if it hit you on your pointy head. When you says something worthy of a thoughtful reply, I'll let you know so that you don't miss it.

^^^^ Pixelated methane. If it wasn't for cheap shots you'd have no shots at all.
Acurate assessments of the person I'm laughing at is not even close to a cheap shot. I've known the racist Carby for a long time and understand the lengths and depths he's willing to lie. Don't worry about him, he'll take a pill and tomorrow think he's actually won something and onto something worth pursuing.

Sorry, but you prove over and over again that you don't know shit.
You wouldn't know intelligent if it hit you on your pointy head. When you says something worthy of a thoughtful reply, I'll let you know so that you don't miss it.

So that's your excuse for only making thoughtless posts in this thread?

You have it all wrong. I, and the others, are the only ones making thoughtful, intelligent posts. You are trying to rewrite history as part of a temper tantrum that you can't have your way. You are seeking to subvert the Constitution for your own selfish purposes.

Now, say something intelligent or just give it up.

No, I am compiling a long list of conservatives who insist our system of government is UNDEMOCRATIC,

and they are very pleased that it is so.
You're compiling no such thing. Because the only way you could even get a first result is to rewrite what our system of government actually is. Since there are over 230+ years that prove you wrong, you go on ahead with your bad self and knock yourself out.

You yourself have said we don't have a democratic government. You yourself insist we have some sort of Republic that cannot be equated to a democracy,

therefore it must be undemocratic.

Democracy ends at the States as the founders intended.
Good thing there were Founders, and not a Founder...huh?

But none the less, I understood what TJ said, hopefully you will try harder to...

what did he say? Did he not equate 'democracy' and 'republic'?
No. You should learn to read before lecturing those who can

Oh, wow. Just floored by your scope of knowledge.
I would think all fake Indian supporters would be....
That's a majority of dirt, ground, geographical acres. That is meaningless to a democratic system of government.

You fucking idiot, the federal government is a representative form of government, NOT A DEMOCRATIC FORM. States elect those representatives per the Constitution, deal with it fool.
Nycarb is a commie idiot.

Nah, just an ignorant fool. What can you expect, look where he lives.

So you agree that our current government is undemocratic, and that a good example of that is our undemocratic way of electing a president.

Absofuckinglutely, the federal government was never intended to be democratic as I've said multiple times, the major decisions on representation are made by the creators of that government, the States. You don't like it, get 38 of those States to change it. They are the ones you have to convince the system is broken.
The ONLY national things the states got to do was to ratify the Constitution, the amendments, and have an effect on presidential elections. The rest is done by the people, their legislatures, and the courts.
So that's your excuse for only making thoughtless posts in this thread?

You have it all wrong. I, and the others, are the only ones making thoughtful, intelligent posts. You are trying to rewrite history as part of a temper tantrum that you can't have your way. You are seeking to subvert the Constitution for your own selfish purposes.

Now, say something intelligent or just give it up.

No, I am compiling a long list of conservatives who insist our system of government is UNDEMOCRATIC,

and they are very pleased that it is so.
You're compiling no such thing. Because the only way you could even get a first result is to rewrite what our system of government actually is. Since there are over 230+ years that prove you wrong, you go on ahead with your bad self and knock yourself out.

You yourself have said we don't have a democratic government. You yourself insist we have some sort of Republic that cannot be equated to a democracy,

therefore it must be undemocratic.
Democracy ends at the States as the founders intended.
You still refuse to learn the facts, don't you. Our republic is not a democracy.
Seeing as it is the rule by the majority...

NYCarbineer, you are again talking way beyond your depth. You should not attempt adult stuff, it is too complicated for you.

So the majority is incapable of passing a law that guarantees your right to own a gun, that is what you're saying.

Let's hear you prove that.

What the hell are you even talking about? Where did the gun issue appear? I understand you have to pull stuff right out of your ass, as your brain is just not smart enough to provide you with anything worthwhile.

USA is a republic, deal with it.

You say a democracy cannot protect minority rights. Gun ownership is potentially a minority right.

Tell us why a democracy cannot protect that right, by law.

A Democracy can that only own a gun and all other races can't, and it would be legal.

Slavery was legal in our REPUBLIC for 80 years or thereabouts.
Until we republicans ended you democrats evil...
Democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.

Ronald Reagan

Read more at: Ronald Reagan Quotes

Would that be the idiot Ronald Reagan who said that? Some guy who had no clue what kind of a government we had?
Yet another quote taken out of context.......:slap:

Just stop. Stop while you're behind.

"""You all knew that some things are worth dying for. One's country is worth dying for, and democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. All of you loved liberty. All of you were willing to fight tyranny, and you knew the people of your countries were behind you."""
The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: Ronald Reagan Speech on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day
Did you take your Xanax today? You know you're not supposed to skip any doses.

What's remarkable about you is, you NEVER manage to say anything intelligent. It's like batting 1.000.

One would think that at some point you might ACCIDENTLY say something intelligent, but even that doesn't happen.

You're a marvel in that sense.
You wouldn't know intelligent if it hit you on your pointy head. When you says something worthy of a thoughtful reply, I'll let you know so that you don't miss it.

^^^^ Pixelated methane. If it wasn't for cheap shots you'd have no shots at all.
Acurate assessments of the person I'm laughing at is not even close to a cheap shot. I've known the racist Carby for a long time and understand the lengths and depths he's willing to lie. Don't worry about him, he'll take a pill and tomorrow think he's actually won something and onto something worth pursuing.

Sorry, but you prove over and over again that you don't know shit.
I'll let you know when you're qualified to judge Me.

But so that the people can see your ignorance, why don't you make the case for HOW the United Sttates is a direct democracy and not a Constitutional Representative Democracy...
Obviously it's not rule by majority or else Hillary would be the next prez. She's beating Trump by almost 2,000,000 votes now.

Trump: 62,238,425
Clinton: 64,156,255

2016 presidential election results

Of course it's the rule of the majority, Trump won 67% of the States, that's the majority that counts.
Yes, in terms of the Constitution, But HRC still got more votes for president than any white man, and that is what Trump is going to face within and without the GOP. If a great majority of the People come to believe he is illegitimate, his presidency will fail.

Only really ignorant fools such as yourself could possibly believe that. We are governed by the Constitution, not the whims of the ignorant.

The most ignorant whim just got elected POTUS.

That would be your opinion and worth about as much as mine.
Nah, waiting's almost always worth more than yours.
The ONLY national things the states got to do was to ratify the Constitution, the amendments, and have an effect on presidential elections. The rest is done by the people, their legislatures, and the courts.
The states just elected your president. Get used to it.
What's remarkable about you is, you NEVER manage to say anything intelligent. It's like batting 1.000.

One would think that at some point you might ACCIDENTLY say something intelligent, but even that doesn't happen.

You're a marvel in that sense.
You wouldn't know intelligent if it hit you on your pointy head. When you says something worthy of a thoughtful reply, I'll let you know so that you don't miss it.

^^^^ Pixelated methane. If it wasn't for cheap shots you'd have no shots at all.
Acurate assessments of the person I'm laughing at is not even close to a cheap shot. I've known the racist Carby for a long time and understand the lengths and depths he's willing to lie. Don't worry about him, he'll take a pill and tomorrow think he's actually won something and onto something worth pursuing.

Sorry, but you prove over and over again that you don't know shit.
I'll let you know when you're qualified to judge Me.

But so that the people can see your ignorance, why don't you make the case for HOW the United Sttates is a direct democracy and not a Constitutional Representative Democracy...
You are qualified to judge no, DarkFury.

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