The Great Wall designs start along with new information about how it will look

'Physically imposing': Here are the design specs for Trump's border wall

Can't wait! Supposed to start being built in June! Ahhhh.....even if the Anti Americans manage to take President Trump out somehow....we will ALWAYS have a great wall to fend off the democrats third world hordes of voters they want to invade the US.
Unlike China's Great Wall, we don't have mountains as bookends. We have water. You know wood and cloth don't leave a radar signature, right?


Let's not forget that shoveling through dirt is a lot easier than shoveling through rock.

Put military weapons ranges and proving / testing grounds at the border. Live fire and unexploded ordinance will up the ante for illegals.
An interesting idea. How many billions should Middle Class Americans pay for this idea? How should the land be taken from American taxpayers who've owned it for up to 170+ years? By Eminent Domain of the All-Powerful Federal Government?

Trump's border wall hinges on legal team devoted to eminent domain; Texans wary | Politics | Dallas News
...A sea-to-sea barrier of the sort promised by President Donald Trump would require control of land in a narrow strip along 2,000 miles. Not all landowners would be willing to sell. That means the project could require widespread use of "eminent domain" — the power to force owners to sell land for a public purpose.

"You're taking land that in some cases belonged to people for generations. In Texas, private property rights is a very, very important concept," said Rep. Henry Cuellar, a Laredo Democrat.

The president is asking Congress for $4.1 billion through next year to begin construction of a wall, a barrier projected to cost as much as $25 billion, plus annual repairs.

Tucked in the budget blueprint rolled out Thursday is a proposal to hire 20 attorneys to pursue federal efforts to obtain the land and holdings necessary to secure the Southwest border.

Conservatives embrace tighter border security but typically cast a wary eye at government land grabs....

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