The Greatest Dealmaker ever!

He made an offer, now the Dems, if they are acting in good faith, will make a counter offer.
They're not.

He is baiting them into not responding so he can pin it all on them. They are so used to Republicans caving that they don't know how to react without revealing what should be obvious-- their bad faith.

I have been getting bullshit all day telling me how hateful I am and how I should have compassion, etc. The ususal guilt trip shaming.

Good negotiations require no emotions, only reasoning and compromise.

Dems are accustomed to neither.

School is in session.

You were hateful, wishing for people to go years without a paycheck

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You could be right IF Trump ever does that. Do you really think he ever will?

He did today.

Doesn't look like it.

that is because you are neither moderate, reasonable nor a swing voter.

And you are?

yes. I am neither a Repub nor a Dem, I am neither Liberal nor Conservative. I am very well known for my dislike of Trump on this forum. But he gave them a good place to start negotiations, if they do not do so then it is 100% on the Dems now

This wasn't an offer to start negotiations Gator. This was another take it or leave it proposition. McConnell is bringing the legislation to the floor of the Senate this week. There's been no negotiations, and no meetings. This is just another Trump ultimatum.
He made an offer, now the Dems, if they are acting in good faith, will make a counter offer.
They're not.

He is baiting them into not responding so he can pin it all on them. They are so used to Republicans caving that they don't know how to react without revealing what should be obvious-- their bad faith.

I have been getting bullshit all day telling me how hateful I am and how I should have compassion, etc. The ususal guilt trip shaming.

Good negotiations require no emotions, only reasoning and compromise.

Dems are accustomed to neither.

School is in session.

You were hateful, wishing for people to go years without a paycheck

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No one is forced to work for the government. Even the military now you just tell them you want out and they initiate the paperwork.
He did today.

Doesn't look like it.

that is because you are neither moderate, reasonable nor a swing voter.

And you are?

yes. I am neither a Repub nor a Dem, I am neither Liberal nor Conservative. I am very well known for my dislike of Trump on this forum. But he gave them a good place to start negotiations, if they do not do so then it is 100% on the Dems now

This wasn't an offer to start negotiations Gator. This was another take it or leave it proposition. McConnell is bringing the legislation to the floor of the Senate this week. There's been no negotiations, and no meetings. This is just another Trump ultimatum.
What’s Democrats offer?
Oh yeah, an ultimatum he break a campaign promise.
Doesn't look like it.

that is because you are neither moderate, reasonable nor a swing voter.

And you are?

yes. I am neither a Repub nor a Dem, I am neither Liberal nor Conservative. I am very well known for my dislike of Trump on this forum. But he gave them a good place to start negotiations, if they do not do so then it is 100% on the Dems now

This wasn't an offer to start negotiations Gator. This was another take it or leave it proposition. McConnell is bringing the legislation to the floor of the Senate this week. There's been no negotiations, and no meetings. This is just another Trump ultimatum.
What’s Democrats offer?
Oh yeah, an ultimatum he break a campaign promise.

He promised Mexico would pay for his wall. Why does he want my money now?
Trump is supposed to be the king of negotiating. When will he start?
I am confident that you have never negotiated once in your life if you think he is not negotiating by his actions right now.
Doesn't look like it.

that is because you are neither moderate, reasonable nor a swing voter.

And you are?

yes. I am neither a Repub nor a Dem, I am neither Liberal nor Conservative. I am very well known for my dislike of Trump on this forum. But he gave them a good place to start negotiations, if they do not do so then it is 100% on the Dems now

This wasn't an offer to start negotiations Gator. This was another take it or leave it proposition. McConnell is bringing the legislation to the floor of the Senate this week. There's been no negotiations, and no meetings. This is just another Trump ultimatum.
What’s Democrats offer?
Oh yeah, an ultimatum he break a campaign promise.

He's broken all of his other promises. What's one more?
Trump is supposed to be the king of negotiating. When will he start?
I am confident that you have never negotiated once in your life if you think he is not negotiating by his actions right now.
that is because you are neither moderate, reasonable nor a swing voter.

And you are?

yes. I am neither a Repub nor a Dem, I am neither Liberal nor Conservative. I am very well known for my dislike of Trump on this forum. But he gave them a good place to start negotiations, if they do not do so then it is 100% on the Dems now

This wasn't an offer to start negotiations Gator. This was another take it or leave it proposition. McConnell is bringing the legislation to the floor of the Senate this week. There's been no negotiations, and no meetings. This is just another Trump ultimatum.
What’s Democrats offer?
Oh yeah, an ultimatum he break a campaign promise.

He's broken all of his other promises. What's one more?
He’s kept the most campaign promises of every President in history.
There is no doubt that Donald Trump is the greatest Dealmaker this country has ever seen. All you have to do is ask him

Yet, his Government Shutdown has lasted over three weeks with no end in sight

Today, our President is claiming he will go on national TV and offer an incredible deal to Democrats to end this shutdown

Republicans.......How much are you willing to offer?
Democrats.......What Deal would you accept?

Let's see:
Democrats refuse to negotiate with Trump
Trump has no incentive to cave
He extended the olive branch, made them a sweet deal, they refused

Pelosi own the shut down now
Pelosi own refusing 700k precious PoC a big win with a 3 year extension
Pelosi own Federal employees going without pay
Pelosi own EBT system going offline in February
Pelosi own this because they refused to budge on only paying for a small portion of the wall

Oh, this is going to be glorious. All Trump has to do is wait two weeks. EBT will go offline, and the blacks will be out in force rioting all across the country destroying their own neighborhoods demanding gibs during Black History Month, and Trump will come out and make another announcement that he's settling this once and for all to end the stalemate, by declaring a national emergency. Military will be deployed to the border to build the wall, and the National Guard will be Federalized and sent to the cities to quell the unrest. Wall will get built, Trump will exert his authority, and then Ruth Bader Ginsburg (who just got her own action figure in Lego 2 movie) will keel over and die giving us a solid 6-3 Supreme Court. DACA will be declared unconstitutional, and the deportations will begin.

Trump is a genius. He took away DACA so he could give it back. If they don’t give him the wall, they screw the DACAs.

And the ongoing shutdown is their fault. He just grabbed their compassion card.

Prediction: His support among DACAs and Latinos will go up.

Well, the Democrats have made clear that they value people who haven’t crossed the border (illegally) yet more highly than people who are already in this country. Or, alternatively, that they hate Trump more than the love the “Dreamers.”

Sounds like a psychopath
There is no doubt that Donald Trump is the greatest Dealmaker this country has ever seen. All you have to do is ask him

Yet, his Government Shutdown has lasted over three weeks with no end in sight

Today, our President is claiming he will go on national TV and offer an incredible deal to Democrats to end this shutdown

Republicans.......How much are you willing to offer?
Democrats.......What Deal would you accept?

Let's see:
Democrats refuse to negotiate with Trump
Trump has no incentive to cave
He extended the olive branch, made them a sweet deal, they refused

Pelosi own the shut down now
Pelosi own refusing 700k precious PoC a big win with a 3 year extension
Pelosi own Federal employees going without pay
Pelosi own EBT system going offline in February
Pelosi own this because they refused to budge on only paying for a small portion of the wall

Oh, this is going to be glorious. All Trump has to do is wait two weeks. EBT will go offline, and the blacks will be out in force rioting all across the country destroying their own neighborhoods demanding gibs during Black History Month, and Trump will come out and make another announcement that he's settling this once and for all to end the stalemate, by declaring a national emergency. Military will be deployed to the border to build the wall, and the National Guard will be Federalized and sent to the cities to quell the unrest. Wall will get built, Trump will exert his authority, and then Ruth Bader Ginsburg (who just got her own action figure in Lego 2 movie) will keel over and die giving us a solid 6-3 Supreme Court. DACA will be declared unconstitutional, and the deportations will begin.

Word salad
A temporary reprieve for DACA kids is not a fair trade

Everything Trump offered were things he should have been doing anyway
There is no doubt that Donald Trump is the greatest Dealmaker this country has ever seen. All you have to do is ask him

Yet, his Government Shutdown has lasted over three weeks with no end in sight

Today, our President is claiming he will go on national TV and offer an incredible deal to Democrats to end this shutdown

Republicans.......How much are you willing to offer?
Democrats.......What Deal would you accept?

Let's see:
Democrats refuse to negotiate with Trump
Trump has no incentive to cave
He extended the olive branch, made them a sweet deal, they refused

Pelosi own the shut down now
Pelosi own refusing 700k precious PoC a big win with a 3 year extension
Pelosi own Federal employees going without pay
Pelosi own EBT system going offline in February
Pelosi own this because they refused to budge on only paying for a small portion of the wall

Oh, this is going to be glorious. All Trump has to do is wait two weeks. EBT will go offline, and the blacks will be out in force rioting all across the country destroying their own neighborhoods demanding gibs during Black History Month, and Trump will come out and make another announcement that he's settling this once and for all to end the stalemate, by declaring a national emergency. Military will be deployed to the border to build the wall, and the National Guard will be Federalized and sent to the cities to quell the unrest. Wall will get built, Trump will exert his authority, and then Ruth Bader Ginsburg (who just got her own action figure in Lego 2 movie) will keel over and die giving us a solid 6-3 Supreme Court. DACA will be declared unconstitutional, and the deportations will begin.

Word salad

Happy National Popcorn Day, fagot.
There is no doubt that Donald Trump is the greatest Dealmaker this country has ever seen. All you have to do is ask him

Yet, his Government Shutdown has lasted over three weeks with no end in sight

Today, our President is claiming he will go on national TV and offer an incredible deal to Democrats to end this shutdown

Republicans.......How much are you willing to offer?
Democrats.......What Deal would you accept?

Let's see:
Democrats refuse to negotiate with Trump
Trump has no incentive to cave
He extended the olive branch, made them a sweet deal, they refused

Pelosi own the shut down now
Pelosi own refusing 700k precious PoC a big win with a 3 year extension
Pelosi own Federal employees going without pay
Pelosi own EBT system going offline in February
Pelosi own this because they refused to budge on only paying for a small portion of the wall

Oh, this is going to be glorious. All Trump has to do is wait two weeks. EBT will go offline, and the blacks will be out in force rioting all across the country destroying their own neighborhoods demanding gibs during Black History Month, and Trump will come out and make another announcement that he's settling this once and for all to end the stalemate, by declaring a national emergency. Military will be deployed to the border to build the wall, and the National Guard will be Federalized and sent to the cities to quell the unrest. Wall will get built, Trump will exert his authority, and then Ruth Bader Ginsburg (who just got her own action figure in Lego 2 movie) will keel over and die giving us a solid 6-3 Supreme Court. DACA will be declared unconstitutional, and the deportations will begin.

Trump did fuck all. He went on TV and gave Democrats an ultimatum. Trump offered to extend DACA protections, and protections for the disaster visas he cancelled, many of which involved people who have lived in the US for more than 20 years, have married and built lives there.

I guess Dumb Donald forgot that he was the one who ended those programs in the first place so he's really offering nothing because both of these matters are before the courts and Trump has lost all challenges so far. So really, Trump offered nothing.

As for his ideas for border security, again, it's Trump's way or the highway. And he lied, endlessly. Trump especially lies about illegals bringing violent crime. There isn't a single study or statistic that supports the idea that illegal immigrants are criminals, or that they bring crime.

Last but not least, this is was and always shall be Trump's shut down. The bills to end it are sitting on Mitch McConnell's desk. Time for McConnell to put them to a vote.
Doesn't look like it.

that is because you are neither moderate, reasonable nor a swing voter.

And you are?

yes. I am neither a Repub nor a Dem, I am neither Liberal nor Conservative. I am very well known for my dislike of Trump on this forum. But he gave them a good place to start negotiations, if they do not do so then it is 100% on the Dems now

This wasn't an offer to start negotiations Gator. This was another take it or leave it proposition. McConnell is bringing the legislation to the floor of the Senate this week. There's been no negotiations, and no meetings. This is just another Trump ultimatum.
What’s Democrats offer?
Oh yeah, an ultimatum he break a campaign promise.

A goofy campaign promise that everyone knew was bullshit. The country doesn't want his campaign promise.
There is no doubt that Donald Trump is the greatest Dealmaker this country has ever seen. All you have to do is ask him

Yet, his Government Shutdown has lasted over three weeks with no end in sight

Today, our President is claiming he will go on national TV and offer an incredible deal to Democrats to end this shutdown

Republicans.......How much are you willing to offer?
Democrats.......What Deal would you accept?

Let's see:
Democrats refuse to negotiate with Trump
Trump has no incentive to cave
He extended the olive branch, made them a sweet deal, they refused

Pelosi own the shut down now
Pelosi own refusing 700k precious PoC a big win with a 3 year extension
Pelosi own Federal employees going without pay
Pelosi own EBT system going offline in February
Pelosi own this because they refused to budge on only paying for a small portion of the wall

Oh, this is going to be glorious. All Trump has to do is wait two weeks. EBT will go offline, and the blacks will be out in force rioting all across the country destroying their own neighborhoods demanding gibs during Black History Month, and Trump will come out and make another announcement that he's settling this once and for all to end the stalemate, by declaring a national emergency. Military will be deployed to the border to build the wall, and the National Guard will be Federalized and sent to the cities to quell the unrest. Wall will get built, Trump will exert his authority, and then Ruth Bader Ginsburg (who just got her own action figure in Lego 2 movie) will keel over and die giving us a solid 6-3 Supreme Court. DACA will be declared unconstitutional, and the deportations will begin.

Trump did fuck all. He went on TV and gave Democrats an ultimatum. Trump offered to extend DACA protections, and protections for the disaster visas he cancelled, many of which involved people who have lived in the US for more than 20 years, have married and built lives there.

I guess Dumb Donald forgot that he was the one who ended those programs in the first place so he's really offering nothing because both of these matters are before the courts and Trump has lost all challenges so far. So really, Trump offered nothing.

As for his ideas for border security, again, it's Trump's way or the highway. And he lied, endlessly. Trump especially lies about illegals bringing violent crime. There isn't a single study or statistic that supports the idea that illegal immigrants are criminals, or that they bring crime.

Last but not least, this is was and always shall be Trump's shut down. The bills to end it are sitting on Mitch McConnell's desk. Time for McConnell to put them to a vote.
Trump is offering to undo some of the damage he has done........temporarily
There is no doubt that Donald Trump is the greatest Dealmaker this country has ever seen. All you have to do is ask him

Yet, his Government Shutdown has lasted over three weeks with no end in sight

Today, our President is claiming he will go on national TV and offer an incredible deal to Democrats to end this shutdown

Republicans.......How much are you willing to offer?
Democrats.......What Deal would you accept?

The imbecile turned down $25,000,000,000 last year to shutdown for $5,700,000,000 now. That is Art of the Deal stuff right there! You just can't make this shit up!

What was on the table was $26 billion border funding in return for DACA
Trump couldn’t accept it

Well he did until he didn't!
There is no doubt that Donald Trump is the greatest Dealmaker this country has ever seen. All you have to do is ask him

Yet, his Government Shutdown has lasted over three weeks with no end in sight

Today, our President is claiming he will go on national TV and offer an incredible deal to Democrats to end this shutdown

Republicans.......How much are you willing to offer?
Democrats.......What Deal would you accept?

The imbecile turned down $25,000,000,000 last year to shutdown for $5,700,000,000 now. That is Art of the Deal stuff right there! You just can't make this shit up!

What was on the table was $26 billion border funding in return for DACA
Trump couldn’t accept it

Was that $26B for the wall on the table back then as immoral as is $5.7B he's asking for a wall today?

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