The Greatest Dealmaker ever!


Donnie Dealmaker has played his hand and it went over like a fart in church

What does he do now?

What more should he do....he threw out an opening offer and the Dems said...fuck you. Not just to Trump but to the 800,000 people going without pay. They would not, could not even give a counter offer. I have been on the Dems side since this started, that has now changed.

Trump still has a choice, State of Emergency. What do Democrats have?

If they come back now to "negotiate", Trump should ask for full $25B for the wall, just to cause leftist meltdown.

Donnie Dealmaker has played his hand and it went over like a fart in church

What does he do now?

What more should he do....he threw out an opening offer and the Dems said...fuck you. Not just to Trump but to the 800,000 people going without pay. They would not, could not even give a counter offer. I have been on the Dems side since this started, that has now changed.
Dems passed legislation to reopen government

Trump said fuk you

Unless they have enough votes to override veto, legislation is worth nothing without passing in the Senate and Trump's signature.

Donnie Dealmaker has played his hand and it went over like a fart in church

What does he do now?

What more should he do....he threw out an opening offer and the Dems said...fuck you. Not just to Trump but to the 800,000 people going without pay. They would not, could not even give a counter offer. I have been on the Dems side since this started, that has now changed.
Dems passed legislation to reopen government

Trump said fuk you

They did so without any comprise at all, it was there way or the highway...just like you are accusing Trump of.

Why will they not even negotiate?

Why did they not make a counter offer?

Why are you ok with them being that way but then whine like a 3 year old when Trump is that way?

They have made a counter offer: open the government and we'll negotiate. But Trump won't do that, and McConnell won't bring their solutions for a vote.

They did that to Reagan. Give us amnesty and we'll handle border security. How did it end?

Donnie Dealmaker has played his hand and it went over like a fart in church

What does he do now?

What more should he do....he threw out an opening offer and the Dems said...fuck you. Not just to Trump but to the 800,000 people going without pay. They would not, could not even give a counter offer. I have been on the Dems side since this started, that has now changed.
Dems passed legislation to reopen government

Trump said fuk you

They did so without any comprise at all, it was there way or the highway...just like you are accusing Trump of.

Why will they not even negotiate?

Why did they not make a counter offer?

Why are you ok with them being that way but then whine like a 3 year old when Trump is that way?

They have made a counter offer: open the government and we'll negotiate. But Trump won't do that, and McConnell won't bring their solutions for a vote.

They did that to Reagan. Give us amnesty and we'll handle border security. How did it end?
Face it that blackmailing pig isn't getting shit and in 2020 mcconnell the other scumbag will be minority leader
What more should he do....he threw out an opening offer and the Dems said...fuck you. Not just to Trump but to the 800,000 people going without pay. They would not, could not even give a counter offer. I have been on the Dems side since this started, that has now changed.
Dems passed legislation to reopen government

Trump said fuk you

They did so without any comprise at all, it was there way or the highway...just like you are accusing Trump of.

Why will they not even negotiate?

Why did they not make a counter offer?

Why are you ok with them being that way but then whine like a 3 year old when Trump is that way?

They have made a counter offer: open the government and we'll negotiate. But Trump won't do that, and McConnell won't bring their solutions for a vote.

They did that to Reagan. Give us amnesty and we'll handle border security. How did it end?
Face it that blackmailing pig isn't getting shit and in 2020 mcconnell the other scumbag will be minority leader

Funny you said that, since he got elected, he's been accused, threatened, blackmailed, you name it... and suddenly, "blackmailing" somehow bothers you?
Dems passed legislation to reopen government

Trump said fuk you

They did so without any comprise at all, it was there way or the highway...just like you are accusing Trump of.

Why will they not even negotiate?

Why did they not make a counter offer?

Why are you ok with them being that way but then whine like a 3 year old when Trump is that way?

They have made a counter offer: open the government and we'll negotiate. But Trump won't do that, and McConnell won't bring their solutions for a vote.

They did that to Reagan. Give us amnesty and we'll handle border security. How did it end?
Face it that blackmailing pig isn't getting shit and in 2020 mcconnell the other scumbag will be minority leader

Funny you said that, since he got elected, he's been accused, threatened, blackmailed, you name it... and suddenly, "blackmailing" somehow bothers you?
Come on think! The guy has been a piece of shit his whole life NOW you embrace him?
Come on think! The guy has been a piece of shit his whole life NOW you embrace him?

Well, let's talk about it. For you he's been "piece of shit", and you probably call that everyone you're jealous of and can't touch. Was he "piece of shit" when he was donating to Democrats, and Republicans and before he announced his run? Nah, you probably just didn't like him, and neither did I, because he was a jerk. And still is.

Now, that jerk is a President of USofA. and he's shaking the three, he's not letting the leftist autopilot drag the country in, per his opinion, wrong direction. Well, it happens that many of us share his opinion, and we support him. We need that jerk to turn this thing around, and for that being jerk is the best possible option.

Now, let me ask you a question... Democrats have been party of slavery, Jim Crow, lyncking, segregation, KKK since there are Democrats, and with history like that, NOW you embrace them?

Donnie Dealmaker has played his hand and it went over like a fart in church

What does he do now?

What more should he do....he threw out an opening offer and the Dems said...fuck you. Not just to Trump but to the 800,000 people going without pay. They would not, could not even give a counter offer. I have been on the Dems side since this started, that has now changed.
Dems passed legislation to reopen government

Trump said fuk you

Unless they have enough votes to override veto, legislation is worth nothing without passing in the Senate and Trump's signature.
And Trumps signature is worth nothing without legislation passing the House and Senate

Something he lacks now
Before Trump does anything, he needs Ann Coulter’s support
Something he hasn’t gotten so far

Donnie Dealmaker has played his hand and it went over like a fart in church

What does he do now?

What more should he do....he threw out an opening offer and the Dems said...fuck you. Not just to Trump but to the 800,000 people going without pay. They would not, could not even give a counter offer. I have been on the Dems side since this started, that has now changed.
Dems passed legislation to reopen government

Trump said fuk you

Unless they have enough votes to override veto, legislation is worth nothing without passing in the Senate and Trump's signature.
And Trumps signature is worth nothing without legislation passing the House and Senate

Something he lacks now

Are you retard or something? Read the post I replied to, than say something.

Donnie Dealmaker has played his hand and it went over like a fart in church

What does he do now?

What more should he do....he threw out an opening offer and the Dems said...fuck you. Not just to Trump but to the 800,000 people going without pay. They would not, could not even give a counter offer. I have been on the Dems side since this started, that has now changed.
Dems passed legislation to reopen government

Trump said fuk you

Unless they have enough votes to override veto, legislation is worth nothing without passing in the Senate and Trump's signature.
And Trumps signature is worth nothing without legislation passing the House and Senate

Something he lacks now

Are you retard or something? Read the post I replied to, than say something.

I’m NOT a retard
Mother had me tested

The man said I was Special
What more should he do....he threw out an opening offer and the Dems said...fuck you. Not just to Trump but to the 800,000 people going without pay. They would not, could not even give a counter offer. I have been on the Dems side since this started, that has now changed.
Dems passed legislation to reopen government

Trump said fuk you

Unless they have enough votes to override veto, legislation is worth nothing without passing in the Senate and Trump's signature.
And Trumps signature is worth nothing without legislation passing the House and Senate

Something he lacks now

Are you retard or something? Read the post I replied to, than say something.

I’m NOT a retard
Mother had me tested

The man said I was Special

Good one.

Who knows, maybe we're cousins.
How do you negotiate with people who reject your offer even before they've heard the details? Both Schumer and Pelosi announced, before Trump's speech, that they would not accept his offer. How do you deal with people like that? We're talking about 0.0998% of the federal budget, the equivalent of $57 out of $44,000.
Come on think! The guy has been a piece of shit his whole life NOW you embrace him?

Well, let's talk about it. For you he's been "piece of shit", and you probably call that everyone you're jealous of and can't touch. Was he "piece of shit" when he was donating to Democrats, and Republicans and before he announced his run? Nah, you probably just didn't like him, and neither did I, because he was a jerk. And still is.

Now, that jerk is a President of USofA. and he's shaking the three, he's not letting the leftist autopilot drag the country in, per his opinion, wrong direction. Well, it happens that many of us share his opinion, and we support him. We need that jerk to turn this thing around, and for that being jerk is the best possible option.

Now, let me ask you a question... Democrats have been party of slavery, Jim Crow, lyncking, segregation, KKK since there are Democrats, and with history like that, NOW you embrace them?

Donald Trump has been a piece of shit his whole life. I started following this guy in the 1980's and by 1995 I had dismissed him as a lying conman who bilked and fleeced everyone he ever did business with. American banks won't lend him money, because they've lost billions. While Trump skated away from his "deals" with millions in his pockets, and everyone around him lost everything.

Yes, there was ample evidence of Trump's criminality, his racism, and his utter incompetence as a businessman, but America refused to listen. Trump told them everything they wanted to hear, and the Republican Party, knowing his involvement with the Russians, and that he was lying about it, backed him anyway, such was their desperation to cling to power.

What Democrats were 150 years ago is pointless. It's not what they are today. 150 years ago, Lincoln freed the slaves. With their "for profit prisons", the Republican Party has brought back black slavery. 60 years ago, Republicans were the party of fiscal responsibility, and regime change in left wing countries. We're not talking about what the parties were in the past, we're talking about the party leadership TODAY.

Today, a corrupt, treasonous racist occupies the White House. Focus on that.
How do you negotiate with people who reject your offer even before they've heard the details? Both Schumer and Pelosi announced, before Trump's speech, that they would not accept his offer. How do you deal with people like that? We're talking about 0.0998% of the federal budget, the equivalent of $57 out of $44,000.
Sometimes No is your negotiation

Donnie Dealmaker has played his hand and it went over like a fart in church

What does he do now?

What more should he do....he threw out an opening offer and the Dems said...fuck you. Not just to Trump but to the 800,000 people going without pay. They would not, could not even give a counter offer. I have been on the Dems side since this started, that has now changed.

Trump still has a choice, State of Emergency. What do Democrats have?

If they come back now to "negotiate", Trump should ask for full $25B for the wall, just to cause leftist meltdown.

Trump blew it when he walked out on Pelosi and the Democrats in their first "negotiating session". As someone who has worked with some of the top negotiators in the world, I cannot stress what a STUPID move this was.

1. First and foremost, he didn't even wait to find out what Pelosi was prepared to offer, so he has no idea what their wants and desires are. How can he come up with a deal that Pelosi and the Democrats will accept, when he doesn't even know what they want, or even what they're interest in.

2. Once you walk out of the negotiations, you have to wait for the other side to come to you. If you go back to them, and try to restart negotiations, you're admitting that you were wrong to walk away. It reeks of desperation. THEY MUST COME TO YOU in order for you to retain the upper hand.

3. If you present the other side with an alternative proposal after walking out of your first meeting, you make a fool of yourself. Firstly: you have no idea if the other side is even interested in what you're now offering because you didn't stick around long enough at your first meeting to find out what they wanted, or what they were prepared to give, so you have no idea where to begin with them; and Secondly: In making the offer, they find out what you're prepared to give up to get what you want.

So by walking out of their first meeting, Trump surrendered the upper hand to Nancy Pelosi. By make a public offer without first attempting to negotiate, Trump looks weak and desperate. Furthermore, he's revealed his own hand and what he's prepared to give up while Nancy Pelosi has revealed nothing - other than she will not negotiate with Trump about border security until he re-opens the government.

The ball has been in Trump's court since the moment he walked out of the first meeting. Going on TV to make an offer isn't negotiating. In fact, Trump's failure to telephone or meet with Nancy Pelosi since he walked out of that meeting actually makes him look frightened to negotiate with her face to face.

More and more, Trump is being cut down to size by the tiny woman in the Barbie pink dress.
Sometimes No is your negotiation
And, sometimes it's: fine go fuck yourself. No government EVER.


Keep that gov shut the fuck down for decades.

We don't fucking need a motherfucking piece of useless shit FedZilla government.

Shutdowns give me great joy. More please.


Isn't it special that every poster with a 10,000 a year post count is all in favour of the shutdown.
“We can talk about anything you want, as long as it’s what I want.” - Trump to Pelosi
There is no doubt that Donald Trump is the greatest Dealmaker this country has ever seen. All you have to do is ask him

Yet, his Government Shutdown has lasted over three weeks with no end in sight

Today, our President is claiming he will go on national TV and offer an incredible deal to Democrats to end this shutdown

Republicans.......How much are you willing to offer?
Democrats.......What Deal would you accept?

I have experience dealing with dimwits everytime I post on the USMB..

I can only wish Trump good luck dealing with petulant Pelosi and her castrated puppy dog Chuck.

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