The Greatest Dealmaker ever!

There is no doubt that Donald Trump is the greatest Dealmaker this country has ever seen. All you have to do is ask him

Yet, his Government Shutdown has lasted over three weeks with no end in sight

Today, our President is claiming he will go on national TV and offer an incredible deal to Democrats to end this shutdown

Republicans.......How much are you willing to offer?
Democrats.......What Deal would you accept?
Democrats today:
Trump is a genius. He took away DACA so he could give it back. If they don’t give him the wall, they screw the DACAs.

And the ongoing shutdown is their fault. He just grabbed their compassion card.

Prediction: His support among DACAs and Latinos will go up.

Well, the Democrats have made clear that they value people who haven’t crossed the border (illegally) yet more highly than people who are already in this country. Or, alternatively, that they hate Trump more than the love the “Dreamers.”

A temporary return of DACA is hardly an answer. People who have been here all their lives will be kicked out in 3 years. I don't see that as a good thing.
So you admit Trump will win next year.

You have a problem separating reality from what the voices in your head say, don't you? I never said anything like that.
So you think the Democrats will let DACA die?

Like I said, DACA folks love Trump now.
Are lefties really applauding because democrats refuse to even sit down much less make a deal? I rest my case about the anger and craziness on the left.
How is he getting rid of government workers?

he is talking about this

seems there is a little known rule that allows for federal workers that are furloughed for 30 days (22 work days) to be arbitrarily terminated without having to go through the process of firing them

there are, of course, differing opinions about whether or not that rule can be used now

many conservatives are hoping to see this happen

I'm not sure whether or not trump can actually do this (and sure, I'd love to see Trump use this as a way to "trim the fat" of many bureaucracies); but I do know that the optics of it would not be helpful for Trump or his goals

even if he could "win" this fight; he'd lose every bit goodwill he may have gained recently in the battle of public perception

it would be a suicide play that would likely blow up in his face
A temporary return of DACA is hardly an answer. People who have been here all their lives will be kicked out in 3 years. I don't see that as a good thing.
Then, Dems better make a deal that prevents more DACAs or no government for now, and the first act if government on re-start eill be to deport all DACAs.

Trump is holding all the cards. He will win.

They better get what they can.
Are lefties really applauding because democrats refuse to even sit down much less make a deal? I rest my case about the anger and craziness on the left.

Offering a list of already rejected ideas is hardly negotiating.
y'all keep saying this, but that is not exactly true, and I have a feeling that you know it

what was offered was $25 billion over 10 years - a concession that did not provide wnough funds, and had the actual funding delayed past Trump's presidency & it had the concessions from our side RIGHT NOW

we have seen this game before

Reagan got burned

Trump did the right thing, now it is time for Dems to actually compromise; sucks that we have to force them to "compromise" to ensure safety for America & Americans, but that is what we have come to

Can you give a single reason Democrats might want to compromise, or any way the right might be able to make them?
public pressure

If Trump offers something that most moderates & "swing voters" AND enough liberal minded people see as a fair trade, then public pressure may force their hand

You could be right IF Trump ever does that. Do you really think he ever will?

He did today.

Doesn't look like it.

that is because you are neither moderate, reasonable nor a swing voter.
How is he getting rid of government workers?

he is talking about this

seems there is a little known rule that allows for federal workers that are furloughed for 30 days (22 work days) to be arbitrarily terminated without having to go through the process of firing them

there are, of course, differing opinions about whether or not that rule can be used now

many conservatives are hoping to see this happen

I'm not sure whether or not trump can actually do this (and sure, I'd love to see Trump use this as a way to "trim the fat" of many bureaucracies); but I do know that the optics of it would not be helpful for Trump or his goals

even if he could "win" this fight; he'd lose every bit goodwill he may have gained recently in the battle of public perception

it would be a suicide play that would likely blow up in his face

been debunked about 100 times on this forum alone.

They have to be in a "non-pay status" and it cannot be an emergency furlough, which this is considered.

They are not in a "non-pay status" because Trump signed the bill already to pay them when it is over, thus they are just pay deferred.
A temporary return of DACA is hardly an answer. People who have been here all their lives will be kicked out in 3 years. I don't see that as a good thing.
Then, Dems better make a deal that prevents more DACAs or no government for now, and the first act if government on re-start eill be to deport all DACAs.

Trump is holding all the cards. He will win.

They better get what they can.

Trump is holding nothing but the blame for shutting down the government. Open it back up, and we'll see what happens.
Can you give a single reason Democrats might want to compromise, or any way the right might be able to make them?
public pressure

If Trump offers something that most moderates & "swing voters" AND enough liberal minded people see as a fair trade, then public pressure may force their hand

You could be right IF Trump ever does that. Do you really think he ever will?

He did today.

Doesn't look like it.

that is because you are neither moderate, reasonable nor a swing voter.

And you are?
public pressure

If Trump offers something that most moderates & "swing voters" AND enough liberal minded people see as a fair trade, then public pressure may force their hand

You could be right IF Trump ever does that. Do you really think he ever will?

He did today.

Doesn't look like it.

that is because you are neither moderate, reasonable nor a swing voter.

And you are?

yes. I am neither a Repub nor a Dem, I am neither Liberal nor Conservative. I am very well known for my dislike of Trump on this forum. But he gave them a good place to start negotiations, if they do not do so then it is 100% on the Dems now
Offering a list of already rejected ideas is hardly negotiating.
Demanding Trump give up all his leverage in exchange for NOTHING is negotiating?

No, Dems are not used to compromise. They don't know how to handle the situation. They suck.

Trump is supposed to be the king of negotiating. When will he start?

He started today, where have you been?
He made an offer, now the Dems, if they are acting in good faith, will make a counter offer.
If they refuse to do so, we know they are the problem
He made an offer, now the Dems, if they are acting in good faith, will make a counter offer.
They're not.

He is baiting them into not responding so he can pin it all on them. They are so used to Republicans caving that they don't know how to react without revealing what should be obvious-- their bad faith.

I have been getting bullshit all day telling me how hateful I am and how I should have compassion, etc. The ususal guilt trip shaming.

Good negotiations require no emotions, only reasoning and compromise.

Dems are accustomed to neither.

School is in session.
There is absolutely NOTHING that he could get in return that would justify DACA amnesty...Nothing!..
"There are a million things to trade for a wall: A higher federal minimum wage, an infrastructure bill, a solar panel bill. Trade a wall for AMNESTY, and there's no purpose to having a wall."

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